913 resultados para Corner Rise seamounts


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This petrological study of the lower Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a) focused on the nature of the organic-rich interval as well as the tuffaceous units above and below it. The volcaniclastic debris deposited just prior to the OAE1a is consistent with reactivation of volcanic centers across the Shatsky Rise, concurrent with volcanism on the Ontong Java Plateau. This reactivation may have been responsible for the sub-OAE1a unconformity. Soon after this volcanic pulse, anomalous amounts of organic matter accumulated on the rise, forming a black shale horizon. The complex textures in the organic-rich intervals suggest a history of periodic anoxia, overprinted by bioturbation. Components include pellets, radiolarians, and fish debris. The presence of carbonate-cemented radiolarite under the OAE1a intervals suggests that there has been large-scale remobilization of carbonate in the system, which in turn may explain the absence of calcareous microfossils in the section. The volcanic debris in the overlying tuffaceous interval differs in that it is significantly epiclastic and glauconitic. It was likely derived from an emergent volcanic edifice.


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We estimate tropical Atlantic upper ocean temperatures using oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca ratios in well-preserved planktonic foraminifera extracted from Albian through Santonian black shales recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 (North Atlantic Demerara Rise). On the basis of a range of plausible assumptions regarding seawater composition at the time the data support temperatures between 33° and 42°C. In our low-resolution data set spanning ~84-100 Ma a local temperature maximum occurs in the late Turonian, and a possible minimum occurs in the mid to early late Cenomanian. The relation between single species foraminiferal d18O and Mg/Ca suggests that the ratio of magnesium to calcium in the Turonian-Coniacian ocean may have been lower than in the Albian-Cenomanian ocean, perhaps coincident with an ocean 87Sr/86Sr minimum. The carbon isotopic compositions of distinct marine algal biomarkers were measured in the same sediment samples. The d13C values of phytane, combined with foraminiferal d13C and inferred temperatures, were used to estimate atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations through this interval. Estimates of atmospheric CO2 concentrations range between 600 and 2400 ppmv. Within the uncertainty in the various proxies, there is only a weak overall correspondence between higher (lower) tropical temperatures and more (less) atmospheric CO2. The GENESIS climate model underpredicts tropical Atlantic temperatures inferred from ODP Leg 207 foraminiferal d18O and Mg/Ca when we specify approximate CO2 concentrations estimated from the biomarker isotopes in the same samples. Possible errors in the temperature and CO2 estimates and possible deficiencies in the model are discussed. The potential for and effects of substantially higher atmospheric methane during Cretaceous anoxic events, perhaps derived from high fluxes from the oxygen minimum zone, are considered in light of recent work that shows a quadratic relation between increased methane flux and atmospheric CH4 concentrations. With 50 ppm CH4, GENESIS sea surface temperatures approximate the minimum upper ocean temperatures inferred from proxy data when CO2 concentrations specified to the model are near those inferred using the phytane d13C proxy. However, atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 3500 ppm or more are still required in the model in order to reproduce inferred maximum temperatures.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 recovered thick sequences of Albian to Santonian organic-carbon-rich claystones at five drill-sites on the Demerara Rise in the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Dark-colored, finely laminated, Cenomanian-Santonian black shale sequences contain between 2% and 15% organic carbon and encompass Oceanic Anoxic Events 2 and 3. High Rock-Eval hydrogen indices signify that the bulk of the organic matter in these sequences is marine in origin. However, d13Corg values lie mostly between -30 per mil and -27 per mil, and TOC/TN ratios range from 15 to 42, which both mimic the source signatures of modern C3 land plants. The contradictions in organic matter source indicators provide important implications about the depositional conditions leading to the black shale accumulations. The low d13Corg values, which are actually common in mid-Cretaceous marine organic matter, are consequences of the greenhouse climate prevailing at that time and an associated accelerated hydrologic cycle. The elevated C/N ratios, which are also typical of black shales, indicate depressed organic matter degradation associated with low-oxygen conditions in the water column that favored preservation of carbon-rich forms of marine organic matter over nitrogen-rich components. Underlying the laminated Cenomanian-Santonian sequences are homogeneous, dark-colored, lower to middle Albian siltstones that contain between 0.2% and 9% organic carbon. The organic matter in these rocks is mostly marine in origin, but it occasionally includes large proportions of land-derived material.


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Stable oxygen and carbon isotope measurements (d18O and d13C) of planktonic and benthic foraminifers were conducted to assess the temperature history and circulation patterns over Shatsky Rise during the Paleocene and Eocene. A record of Mg/Ca for benthic foraminifers was also constructed in order to better determine the relative influence of temperature, salinity, and/or ice volume upon the benthic d18O record. Isotopic analyses were carried out on several planktonic taxa (Acarinina, Morozovella, Globigerinatheka, Praemurica, and Subbotina) as well as several benthic taxa (Nuttalides, Oridorsalis, Cibicidoides, Gavelinella, and Lenticulina). Elemental analyses were restricted to three benthic taxa: Nuttalides, Oridorsalis, and Gavelinella. All specimens were derived from the composite sediment section recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1209 on the Southern High of Shatsky Rise.


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Sr contents in phosphorites on shelves of the Southwest Africa, and of Chile and Peru increase with degree of their lithification, from 0.05 to 0.28% and from 0.13 to 0.16% respectively. Phosphorites from Pacific submarine seamounts have the average Sr content 0.11%, and bone phosphate from Pacific floor 0.13%. Shelf phosphorites are characterized by high correlation coefficients between Sr and P2O5 (R = +0.82) and constant Sr/P2O5 ratio (0.0084). In phosphorites from submarine sea-mounts and in bones from the ocean floor Sr/P2O5 ratio is only a little higher than a half of that in shelf phosphorites. This indicates specific and different genesis of phosphorites from submarine mountains. Ba content in recent phosphorites from the shelf of the Southwest Africa changes with increasing degree of lithification. At first their Ba contents rise from 0.031 to 0.188%, then they diminish to 0.016%, and thereafter again increase to 0.070%. This is due to successive predominance of one of the following processes going in different directions: co-precipitation with phosphate gels or formation of true separate Ba phase, loss of phosphate in crystallization and "self-purification" of concentrations, and surface adsorption. In Peru-Chile shelf phosphorites the average Ba content is 0.017%, in phosphorites from Pacific seamounts 0.192%, and in fossilized bones 0.010%.


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Recent phosphorites from the Namibian shelf are characterized by low REE contents, depletion in REE compared to host sediments and sharp deficiency of lanthanum and europium. In Late Quaternary and Pre-Quaternary phosphorites from ocean shelves REE contents and patterns in general are the same as in host sediments. Phosphorites from seamounts are enriched in REE compared to shelf phosphorites and their patterns are close to one of seawater. Behavior of REE in shelf phosphorites is determined by the fact that in early stages of phosphorite formation REE are associated not primarily with phosphate, but with organic matter and terrigenous impurities. Only in the later stages of diagenesis phosphate begins to play a leading role in concentration of REE. In metasomatic phosphorites on seamounts concentration of REE depends on age and depth of these rocks, i.e. it is determined by duration and conditions of contact with sea water.


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In this study we present a late Miocene - early Pliocene record of sixty-four zones with prominent losses in the magnetic susceptibility signal, taken on a sediment drift (ODP Site 1095) on the Pacific continental rise of the West Antarctic Peninsula. The zones are comparable in shape and magnitude and occur commonly at glacial-to-interglacial transitions. High resolution records of organic matter, magnetic susceptibility and clay mineral composition from early Pliocene intervals demonstrate that neither dilution effects nor provenance changes of the sediments have caused the magnetic susceptibility losses. Instead, reductive dissolution of magnetite under suboxic conditions seems to be the most likely explanation. We propose that during the deglaciation exceptionally high organic fluxes in combination with weak bottom water currents and prominent sediment draping diatom ooze layers produced temporary suboxic conditions in the uppermost sediments. It is remarkable that synsedimentary suboxic conditions can be observed in one of the best ventilated open ocean regions of the World.


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A quantitative analysis was carried out of planktonic diatoms (biogenic opal) and calcareous nannofossils (biogenic calcite) in late Quaternary sediments (MIS 1-6) from four cores along a N-S transect east of New Zealand from 39°50'S to 50°04'S across the E-W-trending submarine ridge, the Chatham Rise. This was done to trace movements of oceanic fronts and to improve calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy for the last 130 000 yr in the SW Pacific. Sites ODP 1123 and Q 858 are below present day subtropical surface waters north of Chatham Rise. Site DSDP 594 is below present-day mixed temperate-subantarctic surface water south of the rise, and site ODP 1120 is below subantarctic surface water. The more diverse and opportunistic planktonic diatoms provided marker species for subtropical surface waters (Alveus marina, Fragilariopsis doliolus, Rhizosolenia bergonii and Azpeitia nodulifer) and others for subantarctic surface waters (Nitzschia kerguelensis, Thalassiosira lentiginosa). Application of these tracers permits the following conclusions: (1) subtropical conditions persisted north of Chatham Rise throughout the past 130 000 yr, in spite of the cooling of surface waters during colder periods; (2) during warm times (MIS 5 and MIS 3, and in MIS 1), the sporadic occurrence of subtropical species south of Chatham Rise indicates occasional admixture of subtropical surface waters that far south; (3) subantarctic waters extended to the southern slopes of the Chatham Rise during MIS 5b, late MIS 5a to early MIS 4, during the warmer time intervals in early MIS 3, and during latest MIS 3 to early MIS 2; (4) subantarctic frontal conditions existed over southern Chatham Rise during early MIS 4 and late MIS 3 to early MIS 2; and (5) it is probable that during cooler times, MIS 6, MIS 5b, and in MIS 2, intensified particle transport from the Bounty Trough to the northern flank of Chatham Rise occurred by intensified boundary currents. The larger abundance fluctuations in both microfossil groups at the sites south of Chatham Rise than north of Chatham Rise reflect northward shifts of the Circumpolar Subantarctic Water (CSW) and a contemporaneous disappearance of Australasian Subantarctic Water (ASW), implying an elevated temperature gradient between the surface water masses north and south of the Chatham Rise at the times of such northward shifts of CSW. Calcareous nannofossils are less diverse than diatoms, and are less specialised. Some calcareous nannofossil species show abundance shifts at the same time at different latitudes. Two of these abundance shifts can be used for correlation between subtropical and subantarctic sediments in the SW Pacific: (1) reversal in the relative abundance of Calcidiscus leptoporus and Coccolithus pelagicus associated with the MIS 2/1 boundary; and (2) drop in abundance of Gephyrocapsa muellerae or medium-sized Gephyrocapsa at the MIS 4/3 boundary. An additional abundance shift seems to be restricted to subtropical to mixed temperate-subtropical-subantarctic surface waters: (3) increase in abundance of G. muellerae or medium-sized Gephyrocapsa at the beginning of MIS 2 below the Okareka tephra.


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Miocene to Recent species of planktic foraminifera in the Globorotalia (Globoconella) lineage evolved entirely within the thermocline. All species are most abundant within subtropical-temperate watermasses throughout their history. The near stasis in distribution within the thermocline and the subtropical convergence suggests the major morphological changes in Globorotalia (Globoconella) may have occurred through habitat subdivision rather than by vicariant shifts into new watermasses. At the Rio Grande Rise, in the South Atlantic, modern G. inflata is 0.66-0.84? more positive for delta18O than the most enriched coexisting Globigerinoides sacculifer and probably grows in the mid thermocline deeper than 325 m. All extinct globoconellid species have mean delta18O ratios 0.5-0.8? more positive than Globigerinoides trilobus and G. sacculifer and probably lived within the thermocline as well. Major events in skeletal evolution are poorly correlated with changes in delta18O in this group. These include evolutionary transitions to compressed, smooth-walled tests and acquisition of keels. In addition, morphological reversals from the umbilically-inflated G. conomiozea to biconvex G. pliozea and to unkeeled G. puncticulata occur in the absence of changes in delta18O signature. Instead, the ranges of delta18O between different species almost completely overlap once corrected for temporal changes in delta18O of sea water. Foraminifera morphologies have been widely considered to evolve in response to changes in watermasses or depth habitats. However, the variety of skeletal shapes in the globoconellid lineage apparently are not adaptations to a progressive radiation from the surface mixed layer into deeper waters.