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Le diagnostic de lymphome représente 4% de tous les cancers et a une incidence particulièrement élevée dans les pays industrialisés. La proportion de lymphomes T, évaluée en Europe et aux Etats Unis, représente environ 5 à 10% des lymphomes. Alors que des progrès très sensibles ont été apportés dans la prise en charge et le pronostic des lymphomes B agressifs durant ces dernières décennies et en particulier depuis le début des années 2000 avec l'utilisation des anticorps anti-CD20 associés à la chimiothérapie, le pronostic des lymphomes T reste très décevant. La survie globale des lymphomes T à 5 ans est estimée entre 28% et 38%. Le bénéfice réel d'une chimiothérapie intensive suivie d'une autogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques périphériques au terme d'un traitement de chimiothérapie d'induction dans le lymphome T périphérique reste débattu. Les résultats des rares études prospectives et des études rétrospectives à disposition sont discordants. Nous avons donc analysé rétrospectivement 43 patients successifs de mars 2000 à mars 2011, atteints de lymphome T, issus de notre base de données du programme autogreffe lausannois. Nos analyses statistiques permettent, sur la base d'un suivi médian de 63 mois, une estimation à 12 ans, de la survie globale de nos patients à 40%, de la survie sans progression à 34% et de la survie sans événement à 30%. Ces chiffres s'inscrivent parfaitement dans les résultats des études prospectives qui montrent un bénéfice de l'autogreffe dans le lymphome T. Parmi les différents paramètres pronostiques habituellement évalués, l'âge et l'absence de symptômes B au diagnostic sont les seuls paramètres statistiquement significatifs en analyse univariée dans notre cohorte. En effet, Les patients de moins de 50 ans et ceux qui ne présentent pas de symptômes B au diagnostic ont un meilleur pronostic. Nous concluons de cette analyse que les patients traités par chimiothérapie intensive et autogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques périphériques ont une survie moyenne supérieure aux résultats rapportés dans la littérature avec des traitements de chimiothérapie conventionnelle de type CHOP. En effet, on estime à environ 50% les patients répondant à une chimiothérapie conventionnelle de type CHOP.
Patients receiving immunosuppression are at higher risk for gastrointestinal complications: mortality is high if they are not diagnosed and treated rapidly. Systematic screening for cholelithiasis or diverticular disease, and prophylactic surgery, are not recommended systematically anymore. Patients awaiting a transplant with abdominal symptoms should be investigated without delay and surgery, if indicated and whenever possible based on the anaesthetic evaluation, should be performed. In the transplant population, a high degree of suspicion must be raised in case of any abdominal symptom. Radiological investigations and surgery without delay are often the only ways to preserve the function of the graft and optimize the patient's survival.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is generally considered the most significant pathogen to infect patients following organ transplantation. Significant improvements have been achieved in the management of CMV disease over recent years, especially since the introduction of oral drugs such as oral ganciclovir followed by valganciclovir (VGC), a prodrug of ganciclovir with enhanced bioavailability. Several randomized controlled trials have shown that VGC is an efficacious and convenient oral drug to prevent or treat CMV disease in solid-organ transplant recipients. In this article, we discuss the clinical and pharmacological experience with the use of VGC for the management of CMV in solid-organ transplant recipients. Finally, novel strategies to further reduce the incidence of CMV disease after transplantation are also reviewed.
MBLdeficiency is thought to be a risk factor for the development of viral infection, such as genital herpes and HSV-2 meningitis. However, there is limited data on the possible interaction between MBL and CMV, especially after organ transplantation. Between 2003 and 2005, we measured MBL levels in 16 kidney transplant recipients with high-risk CMV serostatus (donor positive/recipient negative, D+/R−). All patients receivedCMV prophylaxis of valganciclovir 450 mg/day for 3 months after transplantation. After stopping valganciclovir, CMV-DNA was measured in whole blood by real time PCR every 2 weeks for 3 months. CMV infections were diagnosed according to the recommendations of the AST. MBL levels were measured in stored pre-transplantation sera by an investigator blinded to the CMV complications. MBL levels below 500 ng/ml were considered as being functionally deficient. After a follow-up of at least 10 months, seven patients out of 16 developed CMV disease (three CMV syndrome, and four probable invasive disease, i.e. two colitis and two hepatitis), four patients developed asymptomatic CMV infection, and five patients never developed any sign of CMV replication. Peak CMV-DNA was higher in patients with CMV disease than in those with asymptomatic infection (4.64 versus 2.72 mean log copy CMV-DNA/106 leukocytes, p < 0.05). Overall, 9/16 patients (56%) had MBL deficiency: 5/7 (71%) of patients with CMV disease, 4/4 (100%) of patients with asymptomatic CMVinfection, and 0/5 (0%) of patients withoutCMVinfection (p < 0.005, between CMV infection/disease versus no infection or control blood donors). There were no significant differences in age, gender or immunosuppressive regimens between the groups. MBL deficiency may be a significant risk factor for the development of post-prophylaxisCMVinfection in D+/R−kidney recipients, suggesting a new role of innate immunity in the control of CMV infection after organ transplantation.
Objective: The treatment of choice in end-stage renal disease is¦transplantation.¦Hemodynamic disturbances can evoke graft loss, while early ultrasound¦identification of vascular problems improves outcome. The primary endpoint¦of this study was to identify differences in post-op complications with and¦without systematic, intraoperative Doppler ultrasound use. A secondary aim¦was to find a predictive resistance index limit which would show where surgical¦reintervention was necessary.¦Methods: Between Jan 2000 and Dec 2010, 108 renal transplants were¦performed from living donors at our institution. In group 1 (n = 67),¦intra-operative duplex ultrasound and intra-parenchymatous resistance index¦measurements assessed patients, while in group 2 (n = 41), no ultrasound was¦performed.¦Results. There were no inter-group differences in the overall post-op¦complication rate or in benefit to graft or patient survival with Doppler use,¦however, significantly more vascular complications (10% vs. 0%, p = 0·02) and¦more acute rejections (37% vs. 10%) occurred in group 2 than in group 1,¦respectively. When the resistance index was <0·5 intra-operatively, immediate¦surgical revision was undertaken to raise the index >0·6.¦Results: There were no inter-group differences in the overall post-op¦complication rate or in benefit to graft or patient survival with Doppler use,¦however, significantly more vascular complications (10% vs. 0%, p = 0·02) and¦more acute rejections (37% vs. 10%) occurred in group 2 than in group 1,¦respectively. When the resistance index was <0·5 intra-operatively, immediate¦surgical revision was undertaken to raise the index >0·6.¦Conclusion: This is the first report demonstrating benefits of systematic¦intraoperative Doppler ultrasound on post-operative complications in renal¦transplantation from living donors. Our results support surgical revision with a¦resistance index <0·5.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the primary indication for lung transplantation (LTx), but survival benefit is still under debate. We analysed the survival impact of LTx in COPD with a new approach, using the BODE (body mass index, airway obstruction, dyspnoea, exercise capacity) index. We retrospectively reviewed 54 consecutive lung transplants performed for COPD. The pre-transplant BODE score was calculated for each patient and a predicted survival was derived from the survival functions of the original BODE index validation cohort. Predicted and observed post-transplant survival was then compared. In the subgroups with a BODE score >or=7 and <7, a majority of patients (66% and 69%, respectively) lived for longer after LTx than predicted by their individual BODE index. The median survival was significantly improved in the entire cohort and in the subgroup with a BODE score >or=7. 4 yrs after LTx a survival benefit was only apparent in patients with a pre-transplant BODE score of >or=7. In conclusion, while a majority of COPD patients had an individual survival benefit from LTx regardless of their pre-transplant BODE score, a global survival benefit was seen only in patients with more severe disease. This supports the use of the BODE index as a selection criteria for LTx candidates.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Donor cytomegalovirus seropositivity was reported to improve leukemia outcomes in HLA-A2 identical hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) recipients, due to a possible cross-reactivity of donor HLA-A2-restricted CMV-specific T cells with minor histocompatibility (H) antigen of recipient cells. This study analyzed the role of donor CMV serostatus and HLA-A2 status on leukemia outcomes in a large population of HLA-identical HCT recipients. DESIGN AND METHODS: Leukemia patients transplanted between 1992 and 2003 at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center were categorized as standard risk [leukemia first remission, chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP)] and high risk (advanced disease) patients. Time-to-event analysis was used to evaluate the risk of relapse and death associated with HLA-A2 status and donor CMV serostatus. RESULTS: In standard risk patients, acute leukemia (p<0.001) and sex mismatch (female to male, p=0.004)) independently increased the risk of death, while acute leukemia increased the risk of relapse (p<0.001). In high risk patients acute leukemia (p=0.01), recipient age > or = 40 (p=0.005) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) seropositivity (p<0.001) significantly increased the risk death; HSV seropositivity (p=0.006) increased the risk of relapse. Donor CMV serostatus had no significant effect on mortality or relapse in any HLA group. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION: This epidemiological study did not confirm the previously reported effect of donor CMV serostatus on the outcomes of leukemia in HLA-A2-identical HCT recipients. Addressing the question of cross-reactivity of HLA-A2-restricted CMV-specific T cells with minor H antigens in a clinical study would require knowledge of the patient's minor H antigen genotype. However, because of the unbalanced distribution of HLA-A2-restricted minor H antigens in the population and their incomplete identification, this question might be more appropriately evaluated in in vitro experiments than in a clinical study.
Background and aim: Recurrent hepati tis C is a major cause of morbidity and mortality after li ver transpl ant ati on (LT), and optimal treatm ent algorithms have yet to be defined. Here, we present our experience of 22 patients with recurrent hepatitis C treated in our institution .Patients and methods: Twenty-two patients with hi stology-proven recurrent hepati tis Cafter LT were treated since 2003. Treatment was ini ti ated with pegylated interferon-a2a 135 IIg per week and ribavirin 400 mg per day in the majority of patients, and subsequent doses were adapted individllally based on on-treatment virologieal responses and c1inical and/or biochemical si de effeets.Results: On an intention-to-treat basis, ustained virological re ponse(SVR) was achieved in 12/21 (54.5%) patie nts (5/12 [41 .6%], 2/3 [67%], 4/5 [80%] and 1/2 [50%] of patients infected with genotypes 1,2,3 and 4, respectively). Two patients experieneed relap e and 6 did not respond to treatm ent (NR). Treatment duration ranged from 24 to 90 weeks. It was stopped prematurely due to adverse events in 6/22 (27.2%) patients (with SVR achieved in 2 patients, NR in 2 patients, and death of 2 patients: one patient awaiting retransplantation and a second patient with HCV-HJV co-infection and fibrosing cholestat ic hepatiti s, nine months after transplantation). Of note, SVR was achi eved in a patient \Vi th combined liver and kidney transplantation. Importantly, SVR \Vas ach ieved in some patients despite the lack ofan early virological response or HCV RNA negativity at week 24. Darbepoetin a and fil ~,'rasti m were used in 36% and 18%, respectively.Conclusion: Individually adapted treatment of recurrent hepatitis C canachieve SVR in a substantial proponion ofLT patients. Conventional stopping rules do not apply in this setting so that prolonged therapy may be useful in selected patients.
To study sensitisation to minor histocompatibility antigens (mHag) before and after BMT, we measured antidonor CTL activity in five patients who had rejected their graft, and in a control group of 10 leukemic patients who engrafted without complications. All patients were transplanted with marrow from an HLA-identical sibling. Fourteen patients were conditioned with cyclophosphamide (120 mg/kg) and TBI (1350 cGy) and received a T cell-depleted graft, while one patient with aplastic anaemia received cyclophosphamide alone and unmanipulated marrow. Before transplantation, anti-donor CTL activity was detected in two of the 15 patients. These patients rejected their grafts at days 21 and 58, respectively. In the other three patients who rejected their grafts at days 41, 60 and 250, CTL activity was found only after transplantation. In contrast, no anti-donor CTLs could be detected at any time in the 10 patients who engrafted permanently. We have identified some of the mHags recognised during graft rejection by cloning and subsequent specificity analysis of the recipient CTLs. In the patient who rejected at day 41 without detectable immunisation before BMT, the response was directed against HA-1, a minor antigen known to play a role in GVHD. In the other combinations, a significant part of the CTL activity was directed against the male antigen H-Y. In the patient who rejected the marrow of her HLA-identical brother at day 250, two clones recognised H-Y, while five others recognised at least three distinct autosomal mHags. This patient had an HLA-identical sister who expressed only one autosomal mHag that had been recognised by one single T cell clone. After re-transplantation with the marrow of this second donor, the CTL activity could no longer be detected and the patient engrafted without further complications.
BACKGROUND: High-dose chemotherapy (HDC) followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is used for the treatment of hemato-oncologic malignancies. In this study, we measured the effect of HDC/ASCT on plasma concentrations of antiangiogenic soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (sVEGFR1) and of leukapheresis products (LP) and patient serum on chick chorioallantoic (CAM) angiogenesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: VEGFR1- and CD34-expressing cells of leukapheresis products were analyzed by flow cytometry. Alternatively spliced isoforms of VEGFR1 mRNA were quantified using reverse transcription PCR. RESULTS: Plasma concentrations of sVEGFR1 decreased after HDC, but significantly increased after ASCT. In the CAM assay, sera of patients elicited a proangiogenic effect before and after HDC, but a strong antiangiogenic response after ASCT, comparable to that of bevacizumab at therapeutic concentrations. LP contains high concentrations of sVEGFR1, and high density of VEGFR1(+) neutrophilic granulocytes, in which mRNA expression is shifted toward the soluble VEGFR1 isoform. CONCLUSION: Neutrophil-derived antiangiogenic sVEGFR1 within the LP may contribute to the therapeutic efficacy of ASCT.
Infectious diseases (ID) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality after SOT. Since May 2008, the STCS has registered 95% of all SOT recipients in Switzerland. The extensive data set includes pre- and post-transplant variables that are prospectively collected at transplantation, 6 months post-transplant, and yearly thereafter. All ID events are recorded using internationally validated defi nitions. We obtained data from 1101 patients (79 heart, 685 kidney, 29 kidney-pancreas, 212 liver, and 96 lung transplants). So far the median observation times were 0.8 (IQR 0.3-1.4; heart); 1.1 (0.6-1.8, kidney); 1.1 (0.6-1.9, kidney-pancreas); 1.0 (0.5-1.7, liver); and 0.9 years (0.5-1.5, lung). The highest rates of proven or probable ID events were seen in lung (76%), followed by liver (64%), heart (62%), kidney-pancreas (62%), kidney (58%). During the observation period, ID was the cause of death in 19 patients (1.7%). Rates of infections per person-years according to pathogen and type of transplantation are shown in Figure 1. The data indicate that virus infections are only second after bacteria whereas fungi occur at relatively low rates. This prospective and standardized long-term collection of all ID events will allow a comprehensive assessment of the burden of ID across all SOT types in Switzerland. Regular analysis will identify new trends, serve as a quality control and help design anti-infectious interventions aiming at increasing safety and improving overall transplantation outcome.
This article describes the new organ allocation system for liver transplantation introduced in Switzerland on July 1, 2007. In its newly adopted transplantation law, Switzerland chose the MELD score (Model for end-stage liver disease), based on three laboratory values: total bilirubin, serum creatinine and INR. Advantages and limitations of the MELD score are discussed. Finally the West Switzerland joint liver transplantation program is briefly introduced. Cet article décrit le nouveau système d'allocation des organes pour la transplantation hépatique, qui a été introduit en Suisse depuis le 1er juillet 2007. En se dotant d'une nouvelle loi sur la transplantation en 2007, la Suisse a en effet opté pour le score MELD (Model for end-stage liver disease), c'est-à-dire un score calculable à partir de trois valeurs de laboratoire : bilirubine totale, créatinine et INR. Les avantages du MELD, mais aussi quelques inconvénients potentiels, sont brièvement décrits. Afin de clarifier le parcours du patient pour lequel une évaluation prétransplantation hépatique spécialisée est indiquée, une brève description du programme romand de transplantation hépatique est présentée.
Natural Killer (NK) cells are of special interest in solid organ transplantation (SOT) because classical immunosuppressive drugs could enhance NK cells activity.We studied NK cells after kidney transplantation in three different situations. First, we analysed the peripheral repertoire reconstitution and function of NK cells after a polyclonal rabbit anti-thymocytes globulin (rATG) induction therapy, in 20 patients transplanted with living donor and with a low immunological risk. Second, we analysed the influence of KIR genes on the risk of CMV primo-infection or reactivation in 224 transplanted patients during the first year. Finally, we studied the risk of rejection and graft function during the first 5 years according to the KIR genes. Our study demonstrates that after an intial drop, NK cell reconstitution is fast with a ratio of CD56+/CD3− cells versus CD3+ cells that remains identical. The fraction of NK cells expressing the inhibitory receptor NKG2A significantly increases and the activating receptor NKG2D decreases after transplantation to retrieve the pretransplantation value after one year. The secretion of INF-f × and the cytotoxicity is maintained over time after transplantation. Then, we demonstrated that the presence of 2 KIR missing ligands and a large number of activating KIR gene protected against CMV primo-infection or reactivation during the first year post transplantation. Finally, the KIR genes and their HLA ligands do not influence the long term graft function after univariate and multivariate analysis. Our data suggest that despite the modification of the receptor repertoire, NK cell activity is preserved. NK cells are an important player of the immune response in the first year after transplantation mainly thanks to their anti-infectious activity.