431 resultados para Corante reativo


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Brazilian textile industry has been a highlight in the global economy. Connected with this high economic performance there is the water consumption and the generation of great volumes of wastewater which present high concentrations of dyes and chemical substances. One of the main techniques used in the treatment of textile effluents is adsorption, which has the activated carbon as the main adsorbent. Recently, studies have been developed to find alternative materials to activated carbon and exhibiting good adsorption capacity of dyes. The aim of this work is to study the potential of sawdust as adsorbent of low cost to remove the dye Direct Green 26. The results of this type of dye removal were obtained through the study of adsorption isotherms obtained by spectrophotometry in the UV-visible region analyzed by the Langmuir model. Finally, a comparison was made of these results with those of other adsorbents. Results showed that the average removal of dye, using sawdust, was 78.8% for an initial concentration of 500mg / L and the maximum adsorption capacity of 119mg / g. These results demonstrate the great potential of sawdust as an adsorbent for the dye Direct Green 26.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Asian rust currently is the main disease of soybean culture, having as characteristics the difficult control, by start at the bottom of plants where penetration of the droplets is harder. The fine droplets has been used with the intention of improve the penetration and increase efficiency of agrochemicals, but that are losses by drift easily. New products have been developed to increase deposition of the drops at targets. The aim of this work was evaluate the TA- 35 capacity to improving the deposition of fungicides spray solution with or without mineral oil by aerial and ground applications. Was used a factorial 3x2, three spray solutions composed by Priori Xtra (concentrated suspension of azoxystrobin 200 g L-1 + cyproconazole 80 g L-1 ) mixed with adjuvants, Nimbus (emulsifiable concentrate containing aliphatic hydrocarbons 428 g L-1 ) and TA-35 (soluble concentrate containing sodium lauryl ether sulfate, surfactants, sequestering agents and emulsifiers), in aerial and ground applications. In ground applications was used 50 L ha-1 , TXA 8002 VS spray nozzles and on aerials was used 15 L ha-1 , Turboaero atomizer, both applying fine droplets. Was utilized the Brilliant Blue (FD & C n. 1) tracer to determine the deposits. There were used glass slides as targets to collect spray droplets. After to extract the tracer of the targets using distilled water, the samples were analyzed by spectrophotometry, thereby was possible quantify the tracer deposited on each glass slide. A study to evaluate possible losses of the tracer by degradation or retention also was done. The comparative analysis of treatments was done by statistical method "Confidence Interval for Differences Between the Averages" with 95% of confidence degree (IC95%). There was degradation or retention of the tracer between the processes of application of the droplets and the processing of the samples. The deposition averages with the presence of TA-35 were greatest for both sprayers however, there were not significant differences among the treatments. The viability of TA-35 use may consider other parameters or complementary studies.


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The aim of this study was to build and validate a low cost reduced-scale wind tunnel for drift evaluation on pesticide application technology. The work was carried out at the NEMPA - Núcleo de Ensaio de Máquinas e Pneus Agroflorestais (NEMPA), FCA/UNESP, Departamento de Engenharia Rural, Botucatu/SP, Brazil. The wind tunnel main characteristics were an open circuit and a closed working section with a fan blowing air into the tunnel. Screens were fitted downstream after the fan in order to stabilize the air flow on the working section. The tunnel was built with 3.0 mm eucalyptus hardboard, with a total length of 4.8 m and a squared section of 0.56 m. The air flow was provided by a 180 W axial fan. The system was adjusted and calibrated to provide a laminar and stable flow at 2.0 m s-1. Validation studies were carried out by using a Teejet XR 8003 flat fan nozzle at 200 kPa (medium droplets) to apply a spray solutions containing water plus a food dye (Blue FDC) at 0,6% m v-1 mixed with two adjuvants: a polymer based anti drift formulation at 0,06% m v-1 and a sodium lauryl ether sulfate based surfactant at 0,2% v v-1. After a 10-second application the drift was collected on nylon strips transversally fixed along the tunnel at different distances from the nozzle and different high from the bottom part of the tunnel. Drift deposits were evaluated by spectrophotometry. The wind tunnel had low levels of turbulence and high repeatability of the data, which means that the flow was uniform and able to be used for carrying out measures to estimate drift. The validation results showed that the tunnel was effective to enable comparative drift measurements on the spray solution used in this work making possible the evaluation of drift risk potential under those spray technologies. The use of an adjuvant based on a polymer reduced the amount of drift from the nozzle compared to the surfactant.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the addition of different surfactants in physical and chemical properties of spray solutions, droplets spectra and drift potential on agricultural spraying. The surfactants and concentrations (v v-1) were: Haiten (0.1%), Antideriva and Intec (0.05% and 0.1%). The following characteristics were analyzed: surface tension, viscosity, density and electric conductivity. The droplet size spectrum was determined by a laser particle analyzer (Mastersizer S®, version 2.15) including measurements of volume medium diameter (VMD), the percent of droplets below 50 and 100 μm (V50 e V100) and index span. In order to estimate the drift potential, a series of wind tunnel tests were performed with a Teejet XR 8003 flat fan nozzle at 200 kPa (medium droplets) used to apply the spray solutions containing water, the adjuvants and a food color dye (Brilliant blue FD & C no 1) at 0,6% m v-1. The drift was collected on nylon strips transversally fixed along the tunnel at different distances from the nozzle and different high from the bottom part of the tunnel. Drift deposits were evaluated by spectrophotometry. The results showed that the addition of adjuvants changed physical and chemical properties of spray solutions in different magnitudes according to the surfactant. Surfactants changed the droplet spectrum and drift potential, indicating that higher VMD and smaller V100 induced higher percentage of drift.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the relationship between phenolic compounds and alcoholic fermentation efficiency. The yield of sugarcanebyproducts (glycerol, acidity, and biomass) was determined in a continuous process at SaoManoel Sugarcane Mill, (Sao Paulo, Brazil) during the 2011/2012 harvest period. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain used as inoculum was the CAT-1. During the harvest, the endogenous yeast outcompeted the selected strain, hence eliminating it from the process. This research consists of a case of study on the ethanol production facility. FolinCiocauteau and methylene blue method was used to assess phenolic compounds. The efficiencyof the byproducts generated during the fermentation processwas calculated. Statistics analyses were carried out using Pearson correlation and its significance, by thet-test. We concluded that the phenolic compounds within the must could not be correlated to the byproducts’fermentation efficiency calculated during a continuous fermentation process.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diferentes pontas e taxas de pulverização na deposição de calda na cultura do milho e nas plantas daninhas Euphorbia heterophylla e Brachiaria plantaginea, localizadas nas linhas e nas entrelinhas da cultura. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (2 pontas de pulverização DG 11002 VS (jato plano e gotas médias) e TXVK08 (jato cônico e gotas muito finas) x 2 taxas de aplicação, 100 e 200 L ha-1) com quatro repetições. As aplicações ocorreram aos 13 dias após a germinação do milho (3 a 5 folhas expandidas), as plantas de E. heterophylla apresentavam de 2 a 4 folhas e as plantas de B. plantaginea de 2 a 3 folhas. Utilizou-se como marcador o corante Azul Brilhante (FD&C-1) na concentração de 3000 ppm. Conclui-se que os maiores depósitos médios nas plantas de milho foram proporcionados pela ponta TXVK08, independente da taxa utilizada e que os depósitos mais uniformes ocorreram quando utilizou-se a taxa de 200 L ha-1. Para as plantas daninhas localizadas na linha da cultura, as pontas de pulverização promoveram depósitos de calda mais uniformes na B. plantaginea do que na E. heterophylla, em ambas as taxas de aplicação. Para a B. plantaginea localizadas na entrelinha da cultura a ponta DG 11002VS foi a que proporcionou depósitos de gotas mais uniformes, sendo que para E. heterophylla a ponta mais eficiente em depositar gotas foi a TXVK08.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Com o grande crescimento da população e consequentemente o aumento significativo do consumo de produtos de origem industrial, quantidades enormes de efluentes são geradas, e muitas vezes descartadas de forma imprópria. Esses resíduos industriais comumente são eliminados em mananciais hídricos, afetando lençóis freáticos, córregos, rios e oceanos. Uma das maiores evidências da poluição da água é a alteração de sua cor original. Despejo de efluentes têxteis, por exemplo, alem de alterar drasticamente a cor dos mananciais, geram produtos e subprodutos tóxicos, nocivos tanto para a flora como para a fauna aquática. Essas substâncias possuem alta persistência em meio aquático devido a sua natureza química, conferindo a estes efluentes um lento processo de biodegradação e podendo ter efeito bioacumulativo na cadeia alimentar. Assim veem sendo desenvolvidas diversas maneiras de se controlar a quantidade e a qualidade de efluentes industriais, dentre eles os de corantes têxteis. As técnicas mais utilizadas são a cloração, filtração, tratamentos floculantes e adsorção por Carvão Ativados. Porem, muitas vezes esses processos possuem desvantagens, como, por exemplo, o alto custo e alterações drásticas no pH. Assim tratamentos alternativos, como o uso de Moringa oleifera, veem sendo muito estudados. Este trabalho visou avaliar o potencial do uso das sementes de Moringa oleifera como adsorvente na remoção de corantes têxteis em meio aquoso. Para isso foi analisado a remoção do corante Direct Violet 51, utilizando pó das sementes. Foram realizados testes com diferentes tempos de contato nos valores de pH 2,5, 4,5 e 6,5. Posteriormente novos testes foram realizados, utilizando o sobrenadante e a biomassa das sementes, ambos na forma livre e imobilizada em alginato de calcio, bem como reutilização destes. Através da analise das amostras, notou-se que o processo de coagulação/floculação sobressaiu-se em...


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Com o grande crescimento da população e consequentemente o aumento significativo do consumo de produtos de origem industrial, quantidades enormes de efluentes são geradas, e muitas vezes descartadas de forma imprópria. Esses resíduos industriais comumente são eliminados em mananciais hídricos, afetando lençóis freáticos, córregos, rios e oceanos. Uma das maiores evidências da poluição da água é a alteração de sua cor original. Despejo de efluentes têxteis, por exemplo, alem de alterar drasticamente a cor dos mananciais, geram produtos e subprodutos tóxicos, nocivos tanto para a flora como para a fauna aquática. Essas substâncias possuem alta persistência em meio aquático devido a sua natureza química, conferindo a estes efluentes um lento processo de biodegradação e podendo ter efeito bioacumulativo na cadeia alimentar. Assim veem sendo desenvolvidas diversas maneiras de se controlar a quantidade e a qualidade de efluentes industriais, dentre eles os de corantes têxteis. As técnicas mais utilizadas são a cloração, filtração, tratamentos floculantes e adsorção por Carvão Ativados. Porem, muitas vezes esses processos possuem desvantagens, como, por exemplo, o alto custo e alterações drásticas no pH. Assim tratamentos alternativos, como o uso de Moringa oleifera, veem sendo muito estudados. Este trabalho visou avaliar o potencial do uso das sementes de Moringa oleifera como adsorvente na remoção de corantes têxteis em meio aquoso. Para isso foi analisado a remoção do corante Direct Violet 51, utilizando pó das sementes. Foram realizados testes com diferentes tempos de contato nos valores de pH 2,5, 4,5 e 6,5. Posteriormente novos testes foram realizados, utilizando o sobrenadante e a biomassa das sementes, ambos na forma livre e imobilizada em alginato de calcio, bem como reutilização destes. Através da analise das amostras, notou-se que o processo de coagulação/floculação sobressaiu-se em...