938 resultados para Corallium bathyrubrum sp nov.
记述采自广西西江水系河池地区的条鳅亚科鱼类二新种。后鳍岭鳅。(Oreonetes retrodorsalis) sp. nov同属种的区别主要表现在其背鳍起点的位置较后, 背鳍和臀鳍分枝鳍条数目较少、尾鳍后缘凹入、头较小和尾柄较短等方面; 南丹高原鳅(Triplophysa nandanensis) sp. nov.则以头较大、吻较短、眼间距较狭、尾柄较短且高、背鳍分枝鳍条较多、尾鳍深叉形等易于与相近种相区别。
The loach genus Oreonectes is reviewed in this study. Six valid species are recognized, including two new species. Oreonectes polystigmus sp. nov., and Oreonectes microphthalmus sp. nov. are described from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Amon
A new species of the genus Glyptothorax, Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus sp. nov. is described from the Xiaohei River, a tributary of the Nanting River, Salween drainage, in southwestern Yunnan province, China. This new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characteristics: unculiferous ridges of the thoracic adhesive apparatus extending anteriorly onto the gular region; body with irregular dark blotches scattered along lateral surface (blotches mostly oblique); skin smooth on head and body; dorsal spine smooth without serrations on its posterior margin; lips smooth; posterior margin of pectoral spine with 7-8 serrations; dorsal-fin base 11.0-13.2% SL; pectoral-fin length 15.6-19.6% SL; depth of caudal peduncle 8.6-9.8% SL; head width 19.1-24.0% SL; nasal barbel length 23.3-33.3% HL.
记述采自中国云南卷叶象甲科狭额卷象属Euops 1 新种:福贡狭额象(Euopsfugongensis Liang et Wang,sp.nov.).它与近缘种九寨狭额象E.jiuzhaiensis的区别在于九寨狭额象的体色黑褐,有金属光泽,前胸背部无皱纹.正模:♂,云南福贡,1 300 m,1990-Ⅵ-18,梁醒财采.模式标本保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所.
记述果蝇属拱背果蝇亚属在中国的分布, 包括七新种: 等枝拱背果蝇D. (Lordiphosa sp. nov., 不对称拱背果蝇D. (L. acongruens sp. nov.,突弓拱背果蝇D. (L.) protrusa sp. nov., 多枝拱背果蝇D. (L.) ramosissima sp. nov., 双突拱背果蝇D. (L.) biconvexa sp. nov., 黑拱背果蝇D. (L.) picea sp. nov.和黄拱背果蝇D. (L.) flava sp. nov.。模式标本存于作者单位。图29参5
记述了采自云南的云南鳅属1新种: 异色云南鳅Y. discoloris sp. nov., 与Y. pleurotaenia及Y. nigromaculatus比较, 新种体矮小, 裸露无鳞片, 侧线不完全, 背鳍起于体中点, 口下位, 尾鳍分叉, 背鳍分枝鳍条8—9, 尾鳍分枝鳍条14, 腹鳍分枝鳍条7。图1表1参3
记述了采自新疆及四川的逍遥蛛属(Philodromus)及长蟹蛛属(Tibellus)各1新种:(1)新疆逍遥蛛P. xinjiangensis sp. nov.,与P. mysticus最为近似,但外雌器中隔和触肢器细微结构不同。(2)朱氏长蟹株T. zhui sp. nov.,其外雌器形态特别,而易与T. tenellus等种区别。模式标本新种(1)存中国科学院动物研究所,新种(2)存白求恩医科大学生物教研室。图7参2
1987年在滇金丝猴胃中获得一批线虫标本。经鉴定, 属于毛首线虫科(Trichuride Railliet, 1915), 毛首线虫属的一新种, 定名为T. rhinopithecus sp. nov.。 全部标本收藏在中国科学院昆明动物研究所灵长类生物学研究室。图版11表1参 9
描述了采自云南西部高黎贡山和碧罗雪山的麂属新种—贡山麂(M. gongshanensis sp. nov.)。新种体型中等,体背与尾背暗褐色,额腺不显,无冠毛,颏腺小,蹄大,其染色体2n=9♂、8♀。而与近似种有别。模式标本藏中科院昆明动物所。图 1表3参7
记述了分布于云南、西藏高寒草甸区的蝠蛾属3新种: 云南蝠蛾Hepialus Yunnanensis sp. nov.、芒康蝠蛾H. markamensis sp. nov.和草地蝠蛾H. Pratensis sp. nov.。模式标本存作者单位。图3参6
描述了采自四川秀山和贵州梵净山的蝗虫一新属二新种。命名为: 异翅蝗属Heferopterus gen. nov.新属和贵州扁角蚱Flatocerus guizhouensis sp. nov.新种。模式标本存作者单位。图2表1参7
该文报道了云南西北部分布的蝠蛾属二新种: 白纹蝠蛾 Hepialus albipictus sp. nov., 金沙蝠蛾 Hepialus jinshaensis sp. nov., 两新种采自雪山高寒草甸之中, 是冬虫夏草真菌的寄主昆虫。
该文记述果蝇属拱背果蝇亚属黑色拱背果蝇种组三新种: 锚形拱背果蝇 Drosophila (Lordiphosa) archoroides sp. nov, 毛拱背果蝇 Drosophila (Lordiphosa) penicilla sp. nov. 和钳拱背果蝇 Drosophila (Lordiphosa) forcipata sp. nov.. 附中国10个种的检索表。
报道了采自云南片马的鼠兔属1新种,以其体色在鼠兔属中最为深黑为其主要特征而命名为片马黑鼠兔Ochotona nigritia sp. nov.。正模标本保存在中国科学院昆明动物研究所,副模标本保存在云南省流行病防治研究所。