836 resultados para Contapassi mHealth Android Smartwatch Smartphone SensorFusion Range_Articolari
In this paper, a musical learning application for mobile devices is presented. The main objective is to design and develop an application capable of offering exercises to practice and improve a selection of music skills, to users interested in music learning and training. The selected music skills are rhythm, melodic dictation and singing. The application includes an audio signal analysis system implemented making use of the Goertzel algorithm which is employed in singing exercises to check if the user sings the right musical note. This application also includes a graphical interface to represent musical symbols. A set of tests were conducted to check the usefulness of the application as musical learning tool. A group of users with different music knowledge have tested the system and reported to have found it effective, easy and accessible.
Attualmente, la maggior parte dei dati che transitano sulla rete appartiene a contenuti multimediali. Pi nello specifico, lo Streaming Video ad avere la predominanza nella condivisione di Internet; vista la crescita che tale servizio ha subto negli ultimi anni, si sono susseguiti diversi studi volti allo sviluppo di tecniche e metodologie che potessero migliorarlo. Una di queste sicuramente l'Adaptive Video Streaming, tecnica utilizzata per garantire all'utente una buona Quality of Experience (QoE) mediante l'utilizzo dei cosiddetti "algoritmi di rate adaptation". Il lavoro svolto in questi studi si voluto concentrare su due filoni distinti, ma allo stesso tempo confrontabili: la prima parte della tesi riguarda lo sviluppo e l'analisi di alcuni algoritmi di rate adaptation per DASH, mentre la seconda relativa all'implementazione di un nuovo algoritmo che li possa affiancare, migliorando la QoE nel monitorare lo stato della connessione. Si quindi dovuta implementare un'applicazione Android per lo streaming video, che fosse conforme allo standard MPEG-DASH e potesse fornire le informazioni di testing da utilizzare per le analisi. La tesi suddivisa in quattro capitoli: il primo introduce l'argomento e definisce la terminologia necessaria alla comprensione degli studi; il secondo descrive alcuni dei lavori correlati allo streaming adattivo e introduce i due filoni principali della tesi, ovvero gli algoritmi di rate adaptation e la proposta di algoritmo per la selezione dinamica del segmento; il terzo presenta l'app SSDash, utilizzata come mezzo per le analisi sperimentali; infine, il quarto ed ultimo capitolo mostra i risultati delle analisi e le corrispondenti valutazioni.
Purpose - Chronic consumption practice has been greatly accelerated by mobile, interactive and smartphone gaming technology devices. This study explores how chronic consumption of smartphone gaming produces positive coping practice. Design/methodology/approach - Underpinned by cognitive framing theory, empirical insights from eleven focus groups (n=62) reveal how smartphone gaming enhances positive coping amongst gamers and non-gamers. Findings - The findings reveal how the chronic consumption of games allows technology to act with privileged agency that resolves tensions between individuals and collectives. Consumption narratives of smartphone games, even when play is limited, lead to the identification of three cognitive frames through which positive coping processes operate: (a) the market generated frame, (b) the social being frame, and (c) the citizen frame. Research limitations/implications This paper adds to previous research by providing an understanding of positive coping practice in the smartphone chronic gaming consumption. Originality/value - In smartphone chronic gaming consumption, cognitive frames enable positive coping by fostering appraisal capacities in which individuals confront, hegemony, culture and alterity-morality concerns.
Despite their generally increasing use, the adoption of mobile shopping applications often differs across purchase contexts. In order to advance our understanding of smartphone-based mobile shopping acceptance, this study integrates and extends existing approaches from technology acceptance literature by examining two previously underexplored aspects. Firstly, the study examines the impact of different mobile and personal benefits (instant connectivity, contextual value and hedonic motivation), customer characteristics (habit) and risk facets (financial, performance, and security risk) as antecedents of mobile shopping acceptance. Secondly, it is assumed that several acceptance drivers differ in relevance subject to the perception of three mobile shopping characteristics (location sensitivity, time criticality, and extent of control), while other drivers are assumed to matter independent of the context. Based on a dataset of 410 smartphone shoppers, empirical results demonstrate that several acceptance predictors are associated with ease of use and usefulness, which in turn affect intentional and behavioral outcomes. Furthermore, the extent to which risks and benefits impact ease of use and usefulness is influenced by the three contextual characteristics. From a managerial perspective, results show which factors to consider in the development of mobile shopping applications and in which different application contexts they matter.
Memoria del Proyecto de Innovacin Educativa PIMCD2015-78
The present work aims to allow developers to implement small features on a certain Android application in a fast and easy manner, as well as provide their users to install them ondemand, i.e., they can install the ones they are interested in. These small packages of features are called plugins, and the chosen development language to develop these in was JavaScript. In order to achieve that, an Android framework was developed that enables the host application to install, manage and run these plugins at runtime. This framework was designed to have a very clean and almost readable API, which allowed for better code organization and maintainability. The implementation used the Googles engine V8 to interpret the JavaScript code and through a set of JNI calls made that code call certain Android methods previously registered in the runtime. In order to test the framework, it was integrated with the clients communication application RCS+ using two plugins developed alongside the framework. Although these plugins had only the more common requirements, they were proven to work successfully as intended. Concluding, the framework although successful made it clear that this kind of development through a non-native API has its set of difficulties especially regarding the implementation of complex features.
La gran cantidad de personas interesadas actualmente en cuidar de su salud por medio de la Bicicleta, es una tendencia que cada vez toma mas fuerza y por esto, se tomara como ventaja que la ciudad de Bogota con sus ultimos alcaldes han decidio apoyar el uso de esta. Aplicacion para realizar grupos de ciclistas y poder salir cualquier dia de la semana acompanado de mas personas por un tema de transporte pero tambien de ocio. El objetivo es que las personas que no utilizan la bicicleta por miedo a salir solos, puedan unirse a diferentes grupos y hacer bici paseos por la ciudad, tambien contemplamos el hecho de que existen personas que quieren montar bicicleta como aficionados, es decir que salen por la carreteras aledanas a la capital pero muchas veces no tienen grupo con quien rodar. Queremos para el ano 2020, lograr ser una de las aplicaciones de Bicicletas mas exitosa de la ciudadania de Bogota, siendo una de las aplicaciones que mas apoya el uso diario y deportivo de la bicicleta. Nuestra aplicacion ofrece el servicio principalmente de reunir gente y hacer paseos con diferentes personas haciendo uso de las bicicletas, dentro de la ciudad como ocio y transporte se realizarian en la manana y noches, pero asi mismo realizar grupos para hacer uso de la bicicleta por carreteras, es decir mas como modo profesional o aficionado. Nuestra aplicacion cuenta con una interface para seleccionar el tipo de bici usuario y segundo por donde o a donde quiere dirigirse para asi mismo mostrarle las rutas cercanas a el. Nuestra caracteristica principal es la union de diferentes grupos, personas y entidades para hacer uso de la Bicicleta, tenemos una plataforma interactiva y facil de usar, tan facil que cualquier persona que no este inmersa en el mundo de los Smartphone o aplicaciones pueda aprender a usarla. Unas de las ventajas con las que cuento es que desde muy joven me ha gustado montar en bicicletas y es asi como decido crear una aplicacion ya que companeros, familiares y conocidos no salian a montar bicicleta solo conmigo, preferian que fuese un grupo mas grande. Asi mismo cuento con 3 companeros de la universidad Javeriana que son programadores y ellos me van a brindar apoyo con la programacion de la aplicacion, y una companera cercana a mi que estudio diseno industrial y me brindara apoyo con el diseno e imagen corporativa de la aplicacion. Cuento con planta fisica para ubicar la oficina de nuestra empresa. Esta aplicacion va dirigida principalmente a los habitantes de la ciudad de Bogota, interesados en el cuidado de su salud combinado con medio de transporte, y personas correspondientes al estrato 2 en adelante, ya que son las personas que normalmente hacen uso de la bicicleta o que son personas potenciales para empezar hacer uso de la bicicleta. . La ciudad de Bogota cuenta con 8037.732 habitantes y este proyecto va ser desarrollado en toda la ciudad, toca tener en cuenta que la ciudad esta mesclada entre la diferente estratificacion, no dirigimos a los estratos 2 y 3 que tenga la posibilidad de tener su Bicicleta y un celular tipo Smartphone, para los estratos 4, 5 y 6 sabemos que tiene la facilidad de obtener una bicicleta y ellos son nuestro usuario potencial el cual generariamos un cambio y tomarian su bicicleta para hacer ejercicio como ocio y como medio de transporte. En cuanto a la proyeccion financiera para la aplicacion, como se menciono anteriormente, contamos con una gran ventaja, ya que la inversion requerida sera menor debido a la propiedad con la que cuento para llevar a cabo el proyecto. Una propiedad de 60 metros cuadrados para empezar, la cual cuenta con salas de reunion y auditorio, un parqueaderos exteriores. Al hacer la calculacion se va tener en cuenta el pago de un arriendo sin importan que sea de nuestra propiedad y asi poder evidenciar realmente como es el estado financiero y no subsidiarla. Por otro lado, la inversion en efectivo que se necesitara sera aproximadamente de $100.000.000 que seran $50.000.000 de mis padres y el restante saldran de mis ahorros, Javier Amortegui Babativa, los cuales seran distribuidos para adecuacion de planta, equipos y sistemas $17.616.880, para publicidad y mercadeo: $30.000.000, creacion de la aplicacion $34.000.000, sistemas IOS + Android $421.600, Gastos de composicion empresarial y bancarios $11.000.000 y por ultimo se va tener un provision para imprevistos por el restante $6.961.520. Nuestras proyecciones de ventas han sido basadas en aplicaciones similares con un mismo formato de lucro con el tema de bicicletas pero no con la misma idea de negocio, nuestras proyecciones de ventas estimadas seran de $20.000.000 a $25.000.000 los primeros 3 meses, mientras tomamos fuerza en el mercado.
RESUMO - Com a popularizao de tablets e smartphones e as peculiaridades do desenvolvimento de aplicativos para esses dispositivos, surge a necessidade de adaptar os mtodos de avaliao de usabilidade para resultados mais precisos. Este trabalho prope o mtodo Coldemob para validao de interfaces de aplicativos mveis com a participao de representantes do usurio final, com uma etapa presencial e uma etapa remota aps o lanamento do aplicativo, detalhando a aplicao da segunda etapa. O mtodo foi testado com um aplicativo do domnio agrcola e os resultados mostraram que ao incluir o usurio no processo de construo do aplicativo, a compreenso dos desenvolvedores acerca do domnio aumentou. A etapa remota se mostrou complementar presencial, possibilitando um maior nmero de problemas identificados.
The objective was to compare ethnic differences in anthropometry, including size, proportions and fat distribution, and body composition in a cohort of seventy Caucasian (forty-four boys, twenty-six girls) and seventy-four urban Indigenous (thirty-six boys, thirty-eight girls) children (aged 915 years). Anthropometric measures (stature, body mass, eight skinfolds, thirteen girths, six bone lengths and five bone breadths) and body composition assessment using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry were conducted. Body composition variables including total body fat percentage and percentage abdominal fat were determined and together with anthropometric indices, including BMI (kg/m2), abdominal:height ratio (AHtR) and sum of skinfolds, ethnic differences were compared for each sex. After adjustment for age, Indigenous girls showed significantly (P < 005) greater trunk circumferences and proportion of overweight and obesity than their Caucasian counterparts. In addition, Indigenous children had a significantly greater proportion (P < 005) of trunk fat. The best model for total and android fat prediction included sum of skinfolds and age in both sexes (>93 % of variation). Ethnicity was only important in girls where abdominal circumference and AHtR were included and Indigenous girls showed significantly (P < 005) smaller total/android fat deposition than Caucasian girls at the given abdominal circumference or AHtR values. Differences in anthropometric and fat distribution patterns in Caucasian and Indigenous children may justify the need for more appropriate screening criteria for obesity in Australian children relevant to ethnic origin.
The progression of spinal deformity is traditionally monitored by spinal surgeons using the Cobb method on hardcopy radiographs with a protractor and pencil. The rotation of the spine and ribcage (rib hump) in scoliosis is measured with a simple hand-held inclinometer (Scoliometer). The iPhone and other smart phones have the capability to accurately sense inclination, and can therefore be used to measure Cobb angles and rib hump angulation. The purpose of this study was to quantify the performance of the iPhone compared to a standard protractor for measuring Cobb angles and the Scoliometer for measuring rib humps. The study concluded that the iPhone is a clinically equivalent measuring tool to the traditional protractor and Scoliometer
Purpose: The Cobb technique is the universally accepted method for measuring the severity of spinal deformities. Traditionally, Cobb angles have been measured using protractor and pencil on hardcopy radiographic films. The new generation of mobile phones make accurate angle measurement possible using an integrated accelerometer, providing a potentially useful clinical tool for assessing Cobb angles. The purpose of this study was to compare Cobb angle measurements performed using an Apple iPhone and traditional protractor in a series of twenty Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis patients. Methods: Seven observers measured major Cobb angles on twenty pre-operative postero-anterior radiographs of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis patients with both a standard protractor and using an Apple iPhone. Five of the observers repeated the measurements at least a week after the original measurements. Results: The mean absolute difference between pairs of iPhone/protractor measurements was 2.1, with a small (1) bias toward lower Cobb angles with the iPhone. 95% confidence intervals for intra-observer variability were 3.3 for the protractor and 3.9 for the iPhone. 95% confidence intervals for inter-observer variability were 8.3 for the iPhone and 7.1 for the protractor. Both of these confidence intervals were within the range of previously published Cobb measurement studies. Conclusions: We conclude that the iPhone is an equivalent Cobb measurement tool to the manual protractor, and measurement times are about 15% less. The widespread availability of inclinometer-equipped mobile phones and the ability to store measurements in later versions of the angle measurement software may make these new technologies attractive for clinical measurement applications.
Background. Vertebral rotation found in structural scoliosis contributes to trunkal asymmetry which is commonly measured with a simple Scoliometer device on a patient's thorax in the forward flexed position. The new generation of mobile 'smartphones' have an integrated accelerometer, making accurate angle measurement possible, which provides a potentially useful clinical tool for assessing rib hump deformity. This study aimed to compare rib hump angle measurements performed using a Smartphone and traditional Scoliometer on a set of plaster torsos representing the range of torsional deformities seen in clinical practice. Methods. Nine observers measured the rib hump found on eight plaster torsos moulded from scoliosis patients with both a Scoliometer and an Apple iPhone on separate occasions. Each observer repeated the measurements at least a week after the original measurements, and were blinded to previous results. Intra-observer reliability and inter-observer reliability were analysed using the method of Bland and Altman and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. The Intra-Class Correlation Coefficients (ICC) were calculated for repeated measurements of each of the eight plaster torso moulds by the nine observers. Results. Mean absolute difference between pairs of iPhone/Scoliometer measurements was 2.1 degrees, with a small (1 degrees) bias toward higher rib hump angles with the iPhone. 95% confidence intervals for intra-observer variability were +/- 1.8 degrees (Scoliometer) and +/- 3.2 degrees (iPhone). 95% confidence intervals for inter-observer variability were +/- 4.9 degrees (iPhone) and +/- 3.8 degrees (Scoliometer). The measurement errors and confidence intervals found were similar to or better than the range of previously published thoracic rib hump measurement studies. Conclusions. The iPhone is a clinically equivalent rib hump measurement tool to the Scoliometer in spinal deformity patients. The novel use of plaster torsos as rib hump models avoids the variables of patient fatigue and discomfort, inconsistent positioning and deformity progression using human subjects in a single or multiple measurement sessions.
This paper presents Secret SLQ, a pervasive mobile game that aims to encourage eight to fourteen year olds to engage with the State Library of Queensland. The game sets out to encourage people to visit and explore the library, as well as educate a generation of young people and parents who may visit the library but have no idea of the treasures that it holds. The research explores how smartphone technology can be used to deliver an engaging and educational experience. The game aims to provide a fun and interactive way to guide participants through a multi-leveled library building, to search for unique QR codes to unlock clues, answer quiz questions and progress further up a leaderboard. This paper outlines the design and initial deployment of the game, reporting on results from a usability study and discussing initial observations made by librarians. Findings indicate that the mobile platform is suitable for delivering such experiences but consideration is needed when embedding games in such large environments so as not to confuse players as they play.
The term gamification describes the addition of game elements to non-game contexts as a means to motivate and engage users. This study investigates the design, delivery and pilot evaluation of a gamified, smartphone application built to introduce new students to the campus, services and people at university during their first few weeks. This paper describes changes to the application made after an initial field study was undertaken and provides an evaluation of the impact of the redesign. Survey responses were collected from thirteen students and usage data was captured from 105 students. Results indicate three levels of user engagement and suggest that there is value in adding game elements to the experience in this way. A number of issues are identified and discussed based on game challenges, input, and facilitating game elements in an event setting such as university orientation.