999 resultados para Contabilidade - Ensino e Pesquisa


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OBJECTIVE: To compare low and high MELD scores and investigate whether existing renal dysfunction has an effect on transplant outcome. METHODS: Data was prospectively collected among 237 liver transplants (216 patients) between March 2003 and March 2009. Patients with cirrhotic disease submitted to transplantation were divided into three groups: MELD > 30, MELD < 30, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Renal failure was defined as a ± 25% decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate as observed 1 week after the transplant. Median MELD scores were 35, 21, and 13 for groups MELD > 30, MELD < 30, and hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively. RESULTS: Recipients with MELD > 30 had more days in Intensive Care Unit, longer hospital stay, and received more blood product transfusions. Moreover, their renal function improved after liver transplant. All other groups presented with impairment of renal function. Mortality was similar in all groups, but renal function was the most important variable associated with morbidity and length of hospital stay. CONCLUSION: High MELD score recipients had an improvement in the glomerular filtration rate after 1 week of liver transplantation.


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A 36 year-old man after tests for assessing male infertility was diagnosed with primary infertility, bilateral cryptorchidism, non-obstructive azoospermia and discontinuous splenogonadal fusion. Carcinoma in situ was found in his left testicle, which was intra-abdominal and associated with splenogonadal fusion. To our knowledge, this is the fourth case of splenogonadal fusion associated with testicular cancer reported. One should always bear in mind the possibility of this association for the left cryptorchid testicle.


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We report a case of a child with meningoencephalitis of atypical etiology. The patient developed the disease after an infection in the upper airways with unfavorable evolution. The clinical recovery was only possible after the administration of adequate antibiotic therapy for the etiological agent. This case report describes a child with meningoencephalitis of atypical etiology. The patient developed the disease after an infection in the superior airways with negative evolution. The clinical recovery was possible only after the introduction of adequate antibiotic therapy for the etiological agent.


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The authors report a case of a 13-year old child who was submitted to a laparoscopic appendectomy and developed, during the postoperative period, an intestinal obstruction caused by small bowel volvulus in the absence of a congenital malrotation.


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OBJECTIVE: The hippocampus has an important role in the acquisition and recall of aversive memories. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship among hippocampal rhythms. METHODS: Microeletrodes arrays were implanted in the hippocampus of Wistar rats. The animals were trained and tested in a contextual fear conditioning task. The training consisted in applying shocks in the legs. The memory test was performed 1 day (recent memory) or 18 days (remote memory) after training. We proposed a measure based on the FFT power spectrum, denominated "delta-theta ratio", to characterize the different behaviors (active exploration and freezing) and the memories types. RESULTS: The delta-theta ratio was able to distinguish recent and remote memories. In this study, the ratio for the 18-day group was smaller than for the 1-day group. Moreover, this measure was useful to distinguish the different behavior states active exploration and freezing. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest delta-theta oscillations could reflect the demands on information processing during recent and remote memory recalls.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate tools for the fusion of images generated by tomography and structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS: Magnetic resonance and functional magnetic resonance imaging were performed while a volunteer who had previously undergone cranial tomography performed motor and somatosensory tasks in a 3-Tesla scanner. Image data were analyzed with different programs, and the results were compared. RESULTS: We constructed a flow chart of computational processes that allowed measurement of the spatial congruence between the methods. There was no single computational tool that contained the entire set of functions necessary to achieve the goal. CONCLUSION: The fusion of the images from the three methods proved to be feasible with the use of four free-access software programs (OsiriX, Register, MRIcro and FSL). Our results may serve as a basis for building software that will be useful as a virtual tool prior to neurosurgery.


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OBJECTIVE: To propose an automatic brain tumor segmentation system. METHODS: The system used texture characteristics as its main source of information for segmentation. RESULTS: The mean correct match was 94% of correspondence between the segmented areas and ground truth. CONCLUSION: Final results showed that the proposed system was able to find and delimit tumor areas without requiring any user interaction.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to monitor the migration of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION)-labeled C6 cells, which were used to induce glioblastoma tumor growth in an animal model, over time using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with the goal of aiding in tumor prognosis and therapy. METHODS: Two groups of male Wistar rats were used for the tumor induction model. In the first group (n=3), the tumors were induced via the injection of SPION-labeled C6 cells. In the second group (n=3), the tumors were induced via the injection of unlabeled C6 cells. Prussian Blue staining was performed to analyze the SPION distribution within the C6 cells in vitro. Tumor-inducing C6 cells were injected into the right frontal cortex, and subsequent tumor monitoring and SPION detection were performed using T2- and T2*-weighted MRI at a 2T field strength. In addition, cancerous tissue was histologically analyzed after performing the MRI studies. RESULTS: The in vitro qualitative evaluation demonstrated adequate distribution and satisfactory cell labeling of the SPIONs. At 14 or 21 days after C6 injection, a SPION-induced T2- and T2*-weighted MRI signal reduction was observed within the lesion located in the left frontal lobe on parasagittal topography. Moreover, histological staining of the tumor tissue with Prussian Blue revealed a broad distribution of SPIONs within the C6 cells. CONCLUSION: MRI analyses exhibit potential for monitoring the tumor growth of C6 cells efficiently labeled with SPIONs.


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Transcranial sonography has become a useful tool in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonian syndromes. This is a non-invasive, low cost procedure. The main finding on transcranial sonography in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease is an increased echogenicity of the mesencephalic substantia nigra region. This hyperechogenicity is present in more than 90% of cases, and reflects a dysfunction in the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway. This study discussed how the hyperechogenicity of the substantia nigra may facilitate the differential diagnosis of parkinsonian syndromes.


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As imagens de ressonância magnética são úteis no estudo de modelos experimentais de epilepsia do lobo temporal. A técnica manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) é de interesse por combinar os efeitos provocados pelo manganês no aumento do contraste de populações celulares ativadas, ao competir com o cálcio na transmissão sináptica. Assim, o propósito deste estudo foi investigar a evolução temporal do contraste provocado pelo manganês na fase aguda da epilepsia do lobo temporal induzida por pilocarpina sistêmica e compará-las à expressão da proteína c-Fos. Nessa fase, a intensidade do sinal MEMRI foi analisada em três diferentes pontos temporais (5, 15 ou 30 minutos) após o início do status epilepticus (SE). O grupo que foi mantido em status epilepticus por 30 minutos mostrou diminuição na intensidade de sinal no CA1 e giro denteado (GD). Não houve diferenças entre o Grupo Controle e os outros grupos tratados com pilocarpina. A expressão da proteína c-Fos, nos mesmos animais, mostrou que, mesmo no status epilepticus de curta duração (5 minutos) já há ativação celular máxima nas sub-regiões do hipocampo (GD, CA1 e CA3). Nas condições experimentais testadas, nossos dados sugerem que o sinal MEMRI não foi sensível para identificar variações detectáveis da ativação celular na fase aguda do modelo de pilocarpina. Nossos achados não são consistentes com a ideia que o contraste por manganês reflete primariamente alterações na atividade celular durante o SE quando outros elementos modificadores do sinal podem atuar.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar as células-tronco mesenquimais humanas obtidas de filtros de coleta reutilizáveis àquelas coletadas em filtros descartáveis e caracterizá-las utilizando os critérios da International Society for Cellular Therapy. MÉTODOS: Foram isoladas células-tronco mesenquimais humanas de kits de coleta de medula óssea reutilizáveis e descartáveis, pela lavagem dos filtros com meio de cultura. As células isoladas foram caracterizadas de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pela International Society for Cellular Therapy, por meio das técnicas de citometria de fluxo, diferenciação in vitro e citoquímica. RESULTADOS: As amostras foram obtidas de filtro descartável (n=3) e reutilizável (n=3). Todas as amostras obtidas de filtros descartáveis produziram células-tronco mesenquimais, e todas as células-tronco mesenquimais humanas derivadas de medula óssea preencheram os critérios estabelecidos pela International Society for Cellular Therapy. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo mostrou que as células-tronco mesenquimais também podem ser obtidas de kits de coleta reutilizáveis (que permanecem em uso em vários centros, no mundo inteiro), para serem empregadas em pesquisa como uma fonte alternativa e ética.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a viabilidade de aponeurose heteróloga para fechar parede abdominal de coelhos, com ênfase no processo de rejeição. MÉTODOS: Este projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Cuidados Animais da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo e realizado na Unidade Técnica e Cirurgia Experimental. Quatro coelhas vermelhas trocaram aponeurose da parede abdominal com outros quatro animais machos brancos. Em dois coelhos, foi retirada e substituída a aponeurose como controle do processo cicatricial. Eles foram avaliados 1 vez por dia e sacrificados após 7 dias. Foi realizada a imunoistoquímica com CD20 e CD79. RESULTADOS: Os animais não tiveram celulite, abscesso, hematoma, deiscência da ferida ou hérnia. O local do enxerto mostrou hiperemia intensa. A análise histológica mostrou um processo inflamatório, com a presença de miofibroblastos em amadurecimento e colágeno, que variou de incipiente a moderado. O número de vasos estava reduzido e as células inflamatórias foram, em sua maioria, células plasmáticas e macrófagos. Não havia sinais morfológicos da rejeição aguda com a agressão do endotélio vascular. O músculo adjacente mostrou sinais de degeneração, com reação inflamatória dos núcleos e condensação do citoplasma. A análise imunoistoquímica (CD20 e CD79) mostrou que o processo inflamatório não foi mediado por linfócitos. O teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney mostrou que não se pode rejeitar a hipótese de igualdade (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Não houve complicações pós-operatórias (fístulas, deiscência etc.) e a análise histológica revelou processo inflamatório inespecífico. A análise imunoistoquímica mostrou que o processo inflamatório não foi em razão de uma possível rejeição.


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O tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante normalmente se manifesta como uma massa indolor, de crescimento lento, que acomete tanto a maxila como a mandíbula, tendo predileção pelo segmento anterior (área dos incisivos e caninos). Geralmente, ocorre em adultos jovens, na terceira a quarta década de vida, sem preferência por gênero. Imagens de tomografia computadorizada revelaram características importantes não detectadas na radiografia panorâmica, tais como fenestração, calcificação e estruturas dentiformes. A característica microscópica típica dessa lesão é a presença de células epiteliais aberrantes anucleadas, em quantidades variáveis, denominadas "células fantasmas". Também se pode encontrar dentina displásica e, ocasionalmente, os cistos estão associados a tecido dentário duro, semelhante ao odontoma. O tratamento do tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante incluiu simples enucleação e curetagem. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mostrar duas manifestações diferentes do tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante, em que a tomografia computadorizada, associada às características clínicas, foi ferramenta importante para o diagnóstico, o planejamento cirúrgico e o acompanhamento dos pacientes.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the results of palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis treatment in males and females using low doses of oxybutynin. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted in 395 women and 170 men followed up in our service with complaint of palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis. RESULTS: A total of 70% of patients in both groups presented partial or great improvement in the level of hyperhidrosis after treatment. The best results were obtained in the female group, in which 40% classified their improvement as "great". Approximately 70% of the patients in both groups improved their quality of life after medical therapy and 30% presented no change in condition. CONCLUSION: Gender is not a factor that significantly interferes in oxybutynin treatment results. Quality of life indices and clinical improvement level were similar in men and women.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze, in people with intermittent claudication, the frequency of individuals who are in each of stages of health behavior change to practice physical activity, and analyze the association of these stages with the walking capacity. METHODS: We recruited 150 patients with intermittent claudication treated at a tertiary center, being included those >30-year-old-individuals and who had ankle-arm index <0.90. We obtained socio-demographic information, presence of comorbidities and cardiovascular risk factors and stages of health behavior change to practice physical activity through a questionnaire, they being pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Moreover, the walking capacity was measured in a treadmill test (Gardner protocol). RESULTS: Most individuals were in the maintenance stage (42.7%), however, when the stages of health behavior change were categorized into active (action and maintenance) and inactive (pre-contemplation, contemplation and preparation),51.3% of the individuals were classified as inactive behavior. There was no association between stages of health behavior change, sociodemographic factors and cardiovascular risk factors. However, patients with intermittent claudication who had lower total walking distance were three times more likely to have inactive behavior. CONCLUSION: Most patients with intermittent claudication showed an inactive behavior and, in this population, lower walking capacity was associated with this behavior.