964 resultados para Computations Driven Systems


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Understanding complex social-ecological systems, and anticipating how they may respond to rapid change, requires an approach that incorporates environmental, social, economic, and policy factors, usually in a context of fragmented data availability. We employed fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) to integrate these factors in the assessment of future wildfire risk in the Chiquitania region, Bolivia. In this region, dealing with wildfires is becoming increasingly challenging because of reinforcing feedbacks between multiple drivers. We conducted semistructured interviews and constructed different FCMs in focus groups to understand the regional dynamics of wildfire from diverse perspectives. We used FCM modelling to evaluate possible adaptation scenarios in the context of future drier climatic conditions. Scenarios also considered possible failure to respond in time to the emergent risk. This approach proved of great potential to support decision making for risk management. It helped identify key forcing variables and generate insights into potential risks and trade-offs of different strategies. The “Hands-off” scenario resulted in amplified impacts driven by intensifying trends, affecting particularly the agricultural production under drought conditions. The “Fire management” scenario, which adopted a bottom-up approach to improve controlled burning, showed less trade-offs between wildfire risk reduction and production compared with the “Fire suppression” scenario. Findings highlighted the importance of considering strategies that involve all actors who use fire, and the need to nest these strategies for a more systemic approach to manage wildfire risk. The FCM model could be used as a decision-support tool and serve as a “boundary object” to facilitate collaboration and integration of different perceptions of fire in the region. This approach also has the potential to inform decisions in other dynamic frontier landscapes around the world that are facing increased risk of large wildfires.


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Heterogeneity has to be taken into account when integrating a set of existing information sources into a distributed information system that are nowadays often based on Service- Oriented Architectures (SOA). This is also particularly applicable to distributed services such as event monitoring, which are useful in the context of Event Driven Architectures (EDA) and Complex Event Processing (CEP). Web services deal with this heterogeneity at a technical level, also providing little support for event processing. Our central thesis is that such a fully generic solution cannot provide complete support for event monitoring; instead, source specific semantics such as certain event types or support for certain event monitoring techniques have to be taken into account. Our core result is the design of a configurable event monitoring (Web) service that allows us to trade genericity for the exploitation of source specific characteristics. It thus delivers results for the areas of SOA, Web services, CEP and EDA.


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There are hundreds of millions of songs available to the public, necessitating the use of music recommendation systems to discover new music. Currently, such systems account for only the quantitative musical elements of songs, failing to consider aspects of human perception of music and alienating the listener’s individual preferences from recommendations. Our research investigated the relationships between perceptual elements of music, represented by the MUSIC model, with computational musical features generated through The Echo Nest, to determine how a psychological representation of music preference can be incorporated into recommendation systems to embody an individual’s music preferences. Our resultant model facilitates computation of MUSIC factors using The Echo Nest features, and can potentially be integrated into recommendation systems for improved performance.


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We present new methodologies to generate rational function approximations of broadband electromagnetic responses of linear and passive networks of high-speed interconnects, and to construct SPICE-compatible, equivalent circuit representations of the generated rational functions. These new methodologies are driven by the desire to improve the computational efficiency of the rational function fitting process, and to ensure enhanced accuracy of the generated rational function interpolation and its equivalent circuit representation. Toward this goal, we propose two new methodologies for rational function approximation of high-speed interconnect network responses. The first one relies on the use of both time-domain and frequency-domain data, obtained either through measurement or numerical simulation, to generate a rational function representation that extrapolates the input, early-time transient response data to late-time response while at the same time providing a means to both interpolate and extrapolate the used frequency-domain data. The aforementioned hybrid methodology can be considered as a generalization of the frequency-domain rational function fitting utilizing frequency-domain response data only, and the time-domain rational function fitting utilizing transient response data only. In this context, a guideline is proposed for estimating the order of the rational function approximation from transient data. The availability of such an estimate expedites the time-domain rational function fitting process. The second approach relies on the extraction of the delay associated with causal electromagnetic responses of interconnect systems to provide for a more stable rational function process utilizing a lower-order rational function interpolation. A distinctive feature of the proposed methodology is its utilization of scattering parameters. For both methodologies, the approach of fitting the electromagnetic network matrix one element at a time is applied. It is shown that, with regard to the computational cost of the rational function fitting process, such an element-by-element rational function fitting is more advantageous than full matrix fitting for systems with a large number of ports. Despite the disadvantage that different sets of poles are used in the rational function of different elements in the network matrix, such an approach provides for improved accuracy in the fitting of network matrices of systems characterized by both strongly coupled and weakly coupled ports. Finally, in order to provide a means for enforcing passivity in the adopted element-by-element rational function fitting approach, the methodology for passivity enforcement via quadratic programming is modified appropriately for this purpose and demonstrated in the context of element-by-element rational function fitting of the admittance matrix of an electromagnetic multiport.


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This thesis focuses on digital equalization of nonlinear fiber impairments for coherent optical transmission systems. Building from well-known physical models of signal propagation in single-mode optical fibers, novel nonlinear equalization techniques are proposed, numerically assessed and experimentally demonstrated. The structure of the proposed algorithms is strongly driven by the optimization of the performance versus complexity tradeoff, envisioning the near-future practical application in commercial real-time transceivers. The work is initially focused on the mitigation of intra-channel nonlinear impairments relying on the concept of digital backpropagation (DBP) associated with Volterra-based filtering. After a comprehensive analysis of the third-order Volterra kernel, a set of critical simplifications are identified, culminating in the development of reduced complexity nonlinear equalization algorithms formulated both in time and frequency domains. The implementation complexity of the proposed techniques is analytically described in terms of computational effort and processing latency, by determining the number of real multiplications per processed sample and the number of serial multiplications, respectively. The equalization performance is numerically and experimentally assessed through bit error rate (BER) measurements. Finally, the problem of inter-channel nonlinear compensation is addressed within the context of 400 Gb/s (400G) superchannels for long-haul and ultra-long-haul transmission. Different superchannel configurations and nonlinear equalization strategies are experimentally assessed, demonstrating that inter-subcarrier nonlinear equalization can provide an enhanced signal reach while requiring only marginal added complexity.


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The electrical conductivity of solid-state matter is a fundamental physical property and can be precisely derived from the resistance measured via the four-point probe technique excluding contributions from parasitic contact resistances. Over time, this method has become an interdisciplinary characterization tool in materials science, semiconductor industries, geology, physics, etc, and is employed for both fundamental and application-driven research. However, the correct derivation of the conductivity is a demanding task which faces several difficulties, e.g. the homogeneity of the sample or the isotropy of the phases. In addition, these sample-specific characteristics are intimately related to technical constraints such as the probe geometry and size of the sample. In particular, the latter is of importance for nanostructures which can now be probed technically on very small length scales. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the four-point probe technique, introduced by Frank Wenner, in this review we revisit and discuss various correction factors which are mandatory for an accurate derivation of the resistivity from the measured resistance. Among others, sample thickness, dimensionality, anisotropy, and the relative size and geometry of the sample with respect to the contact assembly are considered. We are also able to derive the correction factors for 2D anisotropic systems on circular finite areas with variable probe spacings. All these aspects are illustrated by state-of-the-art experiments carried out using a four-tip STM/SEM system. We are aware that this review article can only cover some of the most important topics. Regarding further aspects, e.g. technical realizations, the influence of inhomogeneities or different transport regimes, etc, we refer to other review articles in this field.


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Caspian Sea with its unique characteristics is a significant source to supply required heat and moisture for passing weather systems over the north of Iran. Investigation of heat and moisture fluxes in the region and their effects on these systems that could lead to floods and major financial and human losses is essential in weather forecasting. Nowadays by improvement of numerical weather and climate prediction models and the increasing need to more accurate forecasting of heavy rainfall, the evaluation and verification of these models has been become much more important. In this study we have used the WRF model as a research-practical one with many valuable characteristics and flexibilities. In this research, the effects of heat and moisture fluxes of Caspian Sea on the synoptic and dynamical structure of 20 selective systems associated with heavy rainfall in the southern shores of Caspian Sea are investigated. These systems are selected based on the rainfall data gathered by three local stations named: Rasht, Babolsar and Gorgan in different seasons during a five-year period (2005-2010) with maximum amount of rainfall through the 24 hours of a day. In addition to synoptic analyses of these systems, the WRF model with and without surface flues was run using the two nested grids with the horizontal resolutions of 12 and 36 km. The results show that there are good consistencies between the predicted distribution of rainfall field, time of beginning and end of rainfall by the model and the observations. But the model underestimates the amounts of rainfall and the maximum difference with the observation is about 69%. Also, no significant changes in the results are seen when the domain and the resolution of computations are changed. The other noticeable point is that the systems are severely weakened by removing heat and moisture fluxes and thereby the amounts of large scale rainfall are decreased up to 77% and the convective rainfalls tend to zero.


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Vocational Education and Training (VET) is offered throughout the world to students of various educational backgrounds and career aspirations in an effort to create a skilled workforce. The structure of VET varies greatly across different fields and countries with high-growth, low-growth, and transitional economies. However, a common critique of many vocational institutions is that they focus on skills training without addressing related business systems. Thus, students may not understand the business strategies related to their field, which stifles job readiness and entrepreneurial potential. To counter this, a more context-driven and integrated entrepreneurial approach is proposed for VET. Benefits, disadvantages, and exemplars of various types of vocational and entrepreneurial programs are evaluated to determine how their strengths might be leveraged. Such integrated entrepreneurial and vocational training would more suitably address context-specific market needs via both practical and transferrable skills, thus helping to reduce unemployment, particularly among youth in sub-Saharan Africa. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC) enables a set of parties to collaboratively compute, using cryptographic protocols, a function over their private data in a way that the participants do not see each other's data, they only see the final output. Typical MPC examples include statistical computations over joint private data, private set intersection, and auctions. While these applications are examples of monolithic MPC, richer MPC applications move between "normal" (i.e., per-party local) and "secure" (i.e., joint, multi-party secure) modes repeatedly, resulting overall in mixed-mode computations. For example, we might use MPC to implement the role of the dealer in a game of mental poker -- the game will be divided into rounds of local decision-making (e.g. bidding) and joint interaction (e.g. dealing). Mixed-mode computations are also used to improve performance over monolithic secure computations. Starting with the Fairplay project, several MPC frameworks have been proposed in the last decade to help programmers write MPC applications in a high-level language, while the toolchain manages the low-level details. However, these frameworks are either not expressive enough to allow writing mixed-mode applications or lack formal specification, and reasoning capabilities, thereby diminishing the parties' trust in such tools, and the programs written using them. Furthermore, none of the frameworks provides a verified toolchain to run the MPC programs, leaving the potential of security holes that can compromise the privacy of parties' data. This dissertation presents language-based techniques to make MPC more practical and trustworthy. First, it presents the design and implementation of a new MPC Domain Specific Language, called Wysteria, for writing rich mixed-mode MPC applications. Wysteria provides several benefits over previous languages, including a conceptual single thread of control, generic support for more than two parties, high-level abstractions for secret shares, and a fully formalized type system and operational semantics. Using Wysteria, we have implemented several MPC applications, including, for the first time, a card dealing application. The dissertation next presents Wys*, an embedding of Wysteria in F*, a full-featured verification oriented programming language. Wys* improves on Wysteria along three lines: (a) It enables programmers to formally verify the correctness and security properties of their programs. As far as we know, Wys* is the first language to provide verification capabilities for MPC programs. (b) It provides a partially verified toolchain to run MPC programs, and finally (c) It enables the MPC programs to use, with no extra effort, standard language constructs from the host language F*, thereby making it more usable and scalable. Finally, the dissertation develops static analyses that help optimize monolithic MPC programs into mixed-mode MPC programs, while providing similar privacy guarantees as the monolithic versions.


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Dynamically reconfigurable hardware is a promising technology that combines in the same device both the high performance and the flexibility that many recent applications demand. However, one of its main drawbacks is the reconfiguration overhead, which involves important delays in the task execution, usually in the order of hundreds of milliseconds, as well as high energy consumption. One of the most powerful ways to tackle this problem is configuration reuse, since reusing a task does not involve any reconfiguration overhead. In this paper we propose a configuration replacement policy for reconfigurable systems that maximizes task reuse in highly dynamic environments. We have integrated this policy in an external taskgraph execution manager that applies task prefetch by loading and executing the tasks as soon as possible (ASAP). However, we have also modified this ASAP technique in order to make the replacements more flexible, by taking into account the mobility of the tasks and delaying some of the reconfigurations. In addition, this replacement policy is a hybrid design-time/run-time approach, which performs the bulk of the computations at design time in order to save run-time computations. Our results illustrate that the proposed strategy outperforms other state-ofthe-art replacement policies in terms of reuse rates and achieves near-optimal reconfiguration overhead reductions. In addition, by performing the bulk of the computations at design time, we reduce the execution time of the replacement technique by 10 times with respect to an equivalent purely run-time one.


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New generation embedded systems demand high performance, efficiency and flexibility. Reconfigurable hardware can provide all these features. However the costly reconfiguration process and the lack of management support have prevented a broader use of these resources. To solve these issues we have developed a scheduler that deals with task-graphs at run-time, steering its execution in the reconfigurable resources while carrying out both prefetch and replacement techniques that cooperate to hide most of the reconfiguration delays. In our scheduling environment task-graphs are analyzed at design-time to extract useful information. This information is used at run-time to obtain near-optimal schedules, escaping from local-optimum decisions, while only carrying out simple computations. Moreover, we have developed a hardware implementation of the scheduler that applies all the optimization techniques while introducing a delay of only a few clock cycles. In the experiments our scheduler clearly outperforms conventional run-time schedulers based on As-Soon-As-Possible techniques. In addition, our replacement policy, specially designed for reconfigurable systems, achieves almost optimal results both regarding reuse and performance.


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Reconfigurable HW can be used to build a hardware multitasking system where tasks can be assigned to the reconfigurable HW at run-time according to the requirements of the running applications. Normally the execution in this kind of systems is controlled by an embedded processor. In these systems tasks are frequently represented as subtask graphs, where a subtask is the basic scheduling unit that can be assigned to a reconfigurable HW. In order to control the execution of these tasks, the processor must manage at run-time complex data structures, like graphs or linked list, which may generate significant execution-time penalties. In addition, HW/SW communications are frequently a system bottleneck. Hence, it is very interesting to find a way to reduce the run-time SW computations and the HW/SW communications. To this end we have developed a HW execution manager that controls the execution of subtask graphs over a set of reconfigurable units. This manager receives as input a subtask graph coupled to a subtask schedule, and guarantees its proper execution. In addition it includes support to reduce the execution-time overhead due to reconfigurations. With this HW support the execution of task graphs can be managed efficiently generating only very small run-time penalties.


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Reconfigurable hardware can be used to build a multitasking system where tasks are assigned to HW resources at run-time according to the requirements of the running applications. These tasks are frequently represented as direct acyclic graphs and their execution is typically controlled by an embedded processor that schedules the graph execution. In order to improve the efficiency of the system, the scheduler can apply prefetch and reuse techniques that can greatly reduce the reconfiguration latencies. For an embedded processor all these computations represent a heavy computational load that can significantly reduce the system performance. To overcome this problem we have implemented a HW scheduler using reconfigurable resources. In addition we have implemented both prefetch and replacement techniques that obtain as good results as previous complex SW approaches, while demanding just a few clock cycles to carry out the computations. We consider that the HW cost of the system (in our experiments 3% of a Virtex-II PRO xc2vp30 FPGA) is affordable taking into account the great efficiency of the techniques applied to hide the reconfiguration latency and the negligible run-time penalty introduced by the scheduler computations.


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Reconfigurable hardware can be used to build multi tasking systems that dynamically adapt themselves to the requirements of the running applications. This is especially useful in embedded systems, since the available resources are very limited and the reconfigurable hardware can be reused for different applications. In these systems computations are frequently represented as task graphs that are executed taking into account their internal dependencies and the task schedule. The management of the task graph execution is critical for the system performance. In this regard, we have developed two dif erent versions, a software module and a hardware architecture, of a generic task-graph execution manager for reconfigurable multi-tasking systems. The second version reduces the run-time management overheads by almost two orders of magnitude. Hence it is especially suitable for systems with exigent timing constraints. Both versions include specific support to optimize the reconfiguration process.