995 resultados para Colonial view
Introducción El presente trabajo trata especialmente dos grandes temas. Primero discutiré los problemas de subsistencias que enfrentaron los conquistadores desde que pusieron sus pies en tierras panameñas. El segundo tema se refiere al desarrollo de las actividades agropecuarias en Panamá durante los siglos XVI XVII: primero me ocupare del establecimiento de los españoles en la vertiente pacifica del Istmo entre Panamá y el norte de la península Azuero; luego tratare la consolidación de las actividades productivas de la campiña ya a finales del siglo XVI, cuando quedaron mas o menos definidas sus características; y concluiré en le momento en que ya empezaban a anunciarse cambios estructurales en las actividades agrícolas y ganaderas y concomitantemente en los sistemas de apropiación del suelo, como resultado del agotamiento de los suelos, y la mayor presión demográfica sobre los mismos, fenómenos estos que tienen lugar entre fines del siglo XVII y principios del siguiente.
Introducción El estudio de la dinámica social de los cacicazgos costarricenses y su desestructuración como consecuencia de la conquista española se ve muchas veces obstaculizado por la escasa información disponible. Las fuentes escritas primarias son relativamente pocas y se encuentran en su mayoría publicadas en colecciones de documentos, lo que ha representado una valiosa ayuda a los estudiosos del periodo. Sin embargo, siempre quedan lagunas de información sobre temas específicos que son esenciales para el investigador. Por eso el descubrimiento de datos que nos e conocían ni se habían publicado constituye un feliz y afortunado acontecimiento. Tal es la situación que hoy nos motiva a incluir en estas páginas algunos fragmentos inéditos de un documento fundamental par el estudio de las sociedades indígenas costarricenses del Valle Central a finales del siglo XV.
Introducción"La sociedad colonial en Guatemala: Esutidos regionales y locales" es el título de un libro recientemente publicado y editado por el Dr. Stephen Webre, con apoyo financiero del Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica (Cirma) y del Fondo "Garnie W. Mc Gintry de la Louisiana Tech."...
ResumenEstudio sobre los patrones de matrimonio en la ciudad de Cartago, Costa Rica, en el período 1738-1821. El análisis de los matrimonios endogámicos y exogámicos permite explicar el proceso de mestizaje y el crecimiento diferencial de diferentes grupos étnicos que habitaban en la capital colonial.AbstractA study on marriage patterns in the city of Cartago, Costa Rica, from 1738 to 1821. The discussion of endodagamous and exogamus marriages helps explain the process of racial mixture and the differential growth of ethnic groups inhabiting of colonial capital.
IntroducciónEn éste, el cuarto de dieciseis volúmenes de la serie patrocianda por el Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Molina intenta al menos resumir los resultados de una gran variedad de investigaciones históricas recientes. El autor se destaca tanto por una prosa atractiva, como por un enfoque que no se reduce al esquema "café-capitalismo-sociedad" característico de anteriores estudios suyos. Es más, si hay una sorpresa agradable en esta obra, está en el evidente interés y desarrollo de los estudios de "mentalité", siguiendo tanto a los modelos franco-ingleses como lo poco hecho en el ámbito local...
ResumenEstudia el proceso de reestructuración de la oferta de alimentos a la ciudad de Guatemala, con el fin de evaluar el impacto del auge añilero en el hinterland de la ciudad de Guatemala. También analiza la diferenciación social del campesino indígena al interior de los pueblos a finales del periodo colonial.AbstractThe purpose of this study of the restructuring of food supply to Guatemala City is to asses the impact of the indigo boom on the hinterland of that city. The author also discusses social differentiation of Indian peasant within their town toward the end to the colonial period.
ResumenEn 1994, los estudiantes del Seminario de Graduación Vida Cotidiana en la colonia 1680-1821, se encontraban realizando la investigación en fuentes primarias. La estudiante Eva María Guevara Salazar encontró en el Archivo Nacional de Costa Rica, Serie Municipal Cartago 336, 12-6-1809, la obra de teatro que fue presentada en Cartago, ese mismo año, con motivo de la Jura de Fernando VII. Este es un valioso documento no sólo para los historiadores sino también para los filólogos.
La modernidad se ha promocionado a sí misma como la dadora de la razón y la libertad. No obstante, si revisamos la historia de América Latina después de la Conquista, nos daremos cuenta de que si algo faltó fue libertad. Por ello, al releer el Discurso del método podemos encontramos varias pistas con las cuales ayudarnos a explicar el origen de la colonialidad en las Tierras de Américo. ResumoPromocionao modernidade temse como um doador de razao e liberdade. No entanto, ao rever a história da América Latina, depois da Conquista, é claro que, se algo estava faltando era a liberdade. Relendo o Discurso do Método, encontramos várias faixas que ajudam a explicar a origem da colonialidade en terras da América.
A partir de los estudios sobre la poscolonialidad sabemos que la colonización de lo que ahora denominamos América Latina es intrínseca al desarrollo de la modernidad en Europa y, nos atrevemos a decir que, en esta transculturación, las categorías filosóficas que adoptamos para pensarnos a nosotros mismos en escenarios como la política, la cultura y la historia tienen rasgos de la colonialidad. En un segundo apartado, se analizan los jóvenes y cómo estos, en sus resistencias, construyen diferentes maneras de nombrar las identidades, construir narrativas, y resignificar utopías como formas otras de resistencia a la colonización.
The venture of socialist Eastern Europe in assisting the development efforts of the post-colonial countries opened up official migratory channels to the Global South for a specific labour group engaged under international technical cooperation programmes. By taking post-colonial Algeria as a space of East-South interactions and intense inter-socialist competition, the thesis studies labour mobility from socialist Yugoslavia of a heterogeneous group labelled “technical cooperation experts” in the period from 1962 to 1990. While CMEA members dispatched to the country personnel in great numbers, after 1965, Yugoslavia failed to do so. Tracing them beyond the institutional level, the thesis aims at detecting and exposing factors which inhibited the attempts to increase the presence of Yugoslav technical experts in Algeria. It argues that instead of building an alternative, solidarity-based aid model, Yugoslav technical cooperation with the developing countries was reduced to mediation in the employment of highly-skilled labour abroad. The cooperation scheme, which differed from one of its Eastern European counterparts, manifested in the employment and legal status as well as everyday life and work experiences of Yugoslav citizens. Relying on the methodological approach of global microhistory, which strongly favours the micro-historical analysis of primary sources in studying global processes, the thesis provides a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of Yugoslav globalization endeavours. By shifting the focus to the experiences of ordinary people who were under the strong influence of globalization forces of the Cold War era, the thesis adds a “human” dimension to the history of East-South relations.
Carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles in savannas are strongly regulated by the seasonal distribution of precipitation and pulses of nutrients released during the wetting of the dry soil and are critical to the dynamics of microorganisms and vegetation. The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of C and N isotope ratios as indicators of the cycling of these elements in a cerrado sensu stricto area, within a protected area in a State Park in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The foliar δ13C and δ15N values varied from -33.6 to -24.4 ‰ and -2.5 to 4.5 ‰, respectively. The δ13C values showed a consistent relationship with canopy height, revealing the importance of structure of the canopy over the C isotopic signature of the vegetation. Carbon isotopic variations associated with the length of the dry season indicated the importance of recent fixed C to the integrated isotopic signature of the leaf organic C. The studied Cerrado species showed a depleted foliar δ15N, but a wide range of foliar Nitrogen with no difference among canopy heights. However, seasonal variability was observed, with foliar δ15N values being higher in the transition period between dry and rainy seasons. The variation of the foliar C and N isotope ratios presented here was consistent with highly diverse vegetation with high energy available but low availability of water and N.
Este artigo apresenta o projeto museográfico da exposição Cartografia de uma história, inaugurada no Museu Paulista da Universidade de São Paulo em março de 2005. O projeto museográfico foi concebido e elaborado a partir do diálogo entre as propostas da equipe de pesquisa e os dados do perfil dos visitantes do Museu, constituindo-se assim um trabalho integrado, que buscava tratar de forma lúdica o ato de descobrir.
Enfocando os tópicos namoro e noivado, idade ao casar e diferenças de idade entre os cônjuges, este artigo caminha por três grandes períodos históricos: o período colonial; o século XIX até finais do XX; e o início do século XXI. Trata-se de uma análise transdisciplinar dos pontos de vista histórico, social, demográfico, legal e jurídico, focalizando o desenrolar dessas situações seja por persistências e/ou mudanças; quem e quais são os atores envolvidos e sua importância nas escolhas dos futuros nubentes. No início, a seleção era fundada no parentesco e no território, privilegiando a grande rede familiar solidária no enfrentamento das dificuldades de sobrevivência. Com os avanços da industrialização, da urbanização, da tecnologia e de comunicação, além do crescimento da importância das pessoas, as escolhas foram se transformando, diminuindo a dependência da estrutura familiar e aumentando a escolha pessoal e afetiva, influenciadas pelas variadas formas de mudança social, demográfica, jurídica.
OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the relation between overweight and calcium intake in adults living in the municipality of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional population-based study on a sample of 1459 adults that was obtained by multistage cluster sampling. Dietary intake was measured by the 24-h recall method. Poisson's and linear regression analyses were performed to evaluate the relation between overweight and quartiles of calcium intake adjusted for energy. RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight was 43.1% and the average adjusted calcium intake was 448.6 mg. In the linear regression analyses, the regression coefficient for adjusted calcium was significant and negative (P = 0.019, beta(1) = -0.0001). Although evaluated by quartiles, the prevalence ratio for overweight in the first quartile of calcium intake was 1.24 (95% confidence interval 1.00-1.54) and that in the second quartile was 1.24 (95% confidence interval 1.03-1.49). CONCLUSION: In the present study, calcium intake showed a significant negative association with body mass index
Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevention and self-inspection behavior of diabetic subjects with foot at ulcer risk, no previous episode, who participated in the routine visits and standardized education provided by the service and who received prescribed footwear. This evaluation was carried out using a questionnaire scoring from 0-10 (high scores reflect worse practice compliance). Results: 60 patients were studied (30 of each sex); mean age was 62 years, mean duration of the disease was 17 years. As for compliance, 90% showed a total score <= 5, only 8.7% regularly wore the footwear supplied; self foot inspection 65%, 28,3% with additional familiar inspection; creaming 77%; proper washing and drying 88%; proper cutting of toe nails 83%; no cuticle cutting 83%; routine shoe inspection 77%; no use of pumice stones or similar abrasive 70%; no barefoot walking 95%. Conclusion: the planned and multidisciplinary educational approach enabled high compliance of the ulcer prevention care needed in diabetic patients at risk for complications. In contrast, compliance observed for the use of footwear provided was extremely low, demonstrating that the issue of its acceptability should be further and carefully addressed. In countries of such vast dimensions as Brazil multidisciplinary educational approaches can and should be performed by the services providing care for patients with foot at risk for complications according to the reality of local scenarios. Furthermore, every educational program should assess the learning, results obtained and efficacy in the target population by use of an adequate evaluation system.