1000 resultados para Clerical studies


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The last few years have brought an increasing interest in the chemistry of rite interstellar and circumstellar environs. Many of the molecular species discovered in remote galactic regions have been dubbed 'non-terrestrial' because of their unique structures (Thaddeus et al, 1993). These findings have provided a challenge to chemists in many differing fields to attempt to generate these unusual species in the laboratory of particular recent interest have been the unsaturated hydrocarbon families, CnH and CnH2, which have been pursued by a number of diverse methodologies. A wine range of heterocumulenes, including CnO, HCnO, CnN, HCnN, CnS, HCnS, CnSi and HCnSi have also provided intriguing targets for laboratory experiments. Strictly the term cumulene refers to a class of compounds that possess a series of adjacent double bonds, with allene representing the simplest example (H2C=C=CH2). However for many of the non-terrestrial molecules presented here, the carbon chain cannot be described in terms of a single simple valence structure, and so we use the terms cumulene and heterocumulene in a more general sense: to describe molecular species that contain an unsaturated polycarbon chain. Mass spectrometry has proved an invaluable tool in the quest for interstellar cumulenes and heterocumulenes in the laboratory it has the ability in its many forms, to (i) generate charged analogs of these species in the gas phase, (ii) probe their connectivity, ion chemistry, and thermochemistry, and (iii) in some cases, elucidate the neutrals themselves. Here, we will discuss the progress of these studies to this time. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The anion radicals CnOn-. (n = 3-6) can be generated by ionization of cyclic carbonyl compounds in the negative ion mode. The ions as well as the corresponding neutral counterparts are probed by means of different mass spectrometric techniques. The results suggest that oxocarbons, i.e. cyclic polyketones, are formed under conservation of the skeletons of the precursor molecules. At least for n = 3, however, the experimental findings indicate partial rearrangement of the expected cyclopropanetrione structure to an oxycarboxylate for the anion, i.e. O-.-C=C-CO2-. For n = 4 and 6 almost complete dissociation of the neutral polyones into carbon monoxide is found, whereas for n = 5 a distinct recovery signal indicates the generation of genuine cyclopentanepentaone.


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We present a determination of Delta(f)H(298)(HOO) based upon a negative. ion thermodynamic cycle. The photoelectron spectra of HOO- and DOO- were used to measure the molecular electron affinities (EAs). In a separate experiment, a tandem flowing afterglow-selected ion flow tube (FA-SIFT) was used to measure the forward and reverse rate constants for HOO- + HCdropCH reversible arrow HOOH + HCdropC(-) at 298 K, which gave a value for Delta(acid)H(298)(HOO-H). The experiments yield the following values: EA(HOO) = 1.078 +/- 0.006 eV; T-0((X) over tilde HOO - (A) over tilde HOO) = 0.872 +/- 0.007 eV; EA(DOO) = 1.077 +/- 0.005 eV; T-0((X) over tilde DOO - (A) over tilde DOO) = 0.874 +/- 0.007 eV; Delta(acid)G(298)(HOO-H) = 369.5 +/- 0.4 kcal mol(-1); and Delta(acid)H(298)(HOO-H) = 376.5 +/- 0.4 kcal mol(-1). The acidity/EA thermochemical cycle yields values for the bond enthalpies of DH298(HOO-H) = 87.8 +/- 0.5 kcal mol(-1) and Do(HOO-H) = 86.6 +/- 0.5 kcal mol(-1). We recommend the following values for the heats of formation of the hydroperoxyl radical: Delta(f)H(298)(HOO) = 3.2 +/- 0.5 kcal mol(-1) and Delta(f)H(0)(HOO) = 3.9 +/- 0.5 kcal mol(-1); we recommend that these values supersede those listed in the current NIST-JANAF thermochemical tables.


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We have established and characterized a series of variant cell lines in which to identify the critical factors associated with E2-induced malignant progression, and the acquisition to tamoxifen resistance in human breast cancer. Sublines of the hormone-dependent MCF-7 cell line (MCF7/MIII and MCF7/LCC1) form stable, invasive, estrogen independent tumors in the mammary fat pads of ovariectomized athymic nude mice. These cells retain expression of both estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptors (PGR), but retain sensitivity to each of the major structural classes of antiestrogens. The tamoxifen-resistant MCF7/LCC2 cells retain sensitivity to the inhibitory effects of the steroidal antiestrogen ICI 182780. By comparing the parental hormone-dependent and variant hormone-independent cells, we have demonstrated an altered expression of some estrogen regulated genes (PGR, pS2, cathepsin D) in the hormone-independent variants. Other genes remain normally estrogen regulated (ER, laminin receptor, EGF-receptor). These data strongly implicate the altered regulation of a specific subset or network of estrogen regulated genes in the malignant progression of human breast cancer. Some of the primary response genes in this network may exhibit dose-response and induction kinetics similar to pS2, which is constitutively upregulated in the MCF7/MIII, MCF7/LCC1 and MCF7/LCC2 cells.


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The prime aim of this research project is to evaluate the performance of confined masonry walls under in-plane shear with a view to contributing to the national masonry design standard through a set of design clauses. This aim stems from the criticisms of the current provisions of the in-plane shear capacity equations in the Australian Masonry Standard AS3700 (2011) being highly non-conservative. This PhD thesis is an attempt to address this gap in the knowledge through systematic investigation of the key parameters that affects the in-plane shear strength of the masonry walls through laboratory experiments and extensive finite element analyses.


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Natural resource management planning in the Northern Gulf region of Queensland is concerned with ‘how [natural assets] and community aspirations can be protected and enhanced to provide the Northern Gulf community with the economic, social and environmental means to meet the continuing growth of the region in an ecological and economically sustainable way’ (McDonald & Dawson 2004). In the Etheridge Shire, located in the tropical savanna of the Northern Gulf region, two of the activities that influence the balance between economic growth and long-term sustainable development are: 1. the land-use decisions people in the Shire make with regards to their own enterprises. 2. their decisions to engage in civically-minded activities aimed at improving conditions in the region. Land-use decision and engagement in community development activities were chosen for detailed analysis because they are activities for which policies can be devised to improve economic and sustainable development outcomes. Changing the formal and informal rules that guide and govern these two different kinds of decisions that people can make in the Etheridge Shire – the decision to improve one’s own situation and the decision to improve the situation for others in the community – may expand the set of available options for people in the Shire to achieve their goals and aspirations. Identifying appropriate and effective changes in rules requires, first, an understanding of the ‘action arena’, in this case comprised of a diversity of ‘participants’ from both within and outside the Etheridge Shire, and secondly knowledge of ‘action situations’ (land-use decisions and engagement in community development activities) in which stakeholders are involved and/or have a stake. These discussions are presented in sections and


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The concept of ‘sustainability’ has been pushed to the forefront of policy-making and politics as the world wakes up to the impacts of climate change and the effects of the rapid urbanisation and modern urban lifestyles (Yigitcanlar and Teriman 2014). Climate change and fossil fuel-based energy policy have emerged as the biggest challenges for our planet, threatening both built and natural systems with long-term consequences. However, the threats are not limited to the impacts of climate change and unsustainable energy system only – e.g., impacts of rapid urbanisation, socioeconomic crises and governance hiccups are just to name a few (Yigitcanlar 2010a). Along with these challenges, successfully coping with the enormous transformations that our cities, societies and the environment have been going through during the last few decades, and their...


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Competency research in the rehabilitation profession and that of rehabilitation counseling in particular has an extensive pedigree. This article reviews the significant research in the field and details several of the instruments used in competency research to dat. Issues concerning the current use of competency research and the future role of such research is discussed.


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In recent years there has been a burgeoning amount of research comparing journalistic practices in a wide range of countries around the world. Much of this literature has tended to focus on identifying what the similarities and differences between these different journalistic cultures are. Most importantly, research has focused on answering the question of whether, particularly in the age of globalisation, ‘a journalistic culture’ may exist. While there has been some evidence that there may indeed be a convergence of journalistic cultures, studies have at the same time found that important differences still persist. However, most of the literature has so far still tended to concentrate purely on the differences and similarities, without examining in detail why these exist. In this context, the author argues that employing a cross-cultural approach rooted in anthropology can at least partially trace the development of particularly the differences by linking them to the wider concept of cultural differences between countries. Specifically the paper here evaluates the usefulness of applying the value systems appraoch, as designed by Dutch anthropologist Geert Hofstede, to journalism research. By examining some of the few studies that have employed Hofstede’s approach, the paper argues that value systems can provide a classification on a conceptual level for investigating how journalism is practiced around the world. In the light of complaints in the Asia-Pacific region that the imported Western models of journalism are not in line with cultural values, this approach can also provide some basis from which to develop future approaches to journalism education.


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This paper outlines the progress by the JoMeC (Journalism, Media & Communication) Network in developing TLO (Threshold Learning Outcome) statements for Bachelor-level university programs in the disciplines of Journalism, Public Relations and Media & Communications Studies. The paper presents the finalised TLO statement for Journalism, and outlines moves to engage discipline-based groups to further develop preliminary TLOs for Public Relations and Media & Communication Studies. The JoMeC Network was formed in 2011, in response to requirements that from 2014 all degrees and qualifications at Australian universities would be able to demonstrate that they comply with the threshold learning standards set by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). The AQF’s threshold standards define the minimum types and levels of knowledge, skills and capabilities that a student must demonstrate in order to graduate. The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) will use the AQF’s threshold standards as a key tool in recording and assessing the performance of higher educational institutions, and determining whether they should be registered as Australian Higher Education Providers under the Higher Education Standards Framework. The Office of Learning & Teaching (OLT) places the onus on discipline communities to collaborate in order to develop and ‘own’ the threshold learning standards that can be considered the minimum learning outcomes of university-level programs in that field. With the support of an OLT Grant, the JoMeC Network’s prime goal has been to develop three sets of discipline-specific TLOs – one each for the Journalism, Public Relations, and Media & Communications Studies disciplines. This paper describes the processes of research, consultation, drafting and ongoing revision of the TLO for Journalism. It outlines the processes that the JoMeC Network has taken in developing a preliminary TLO draft to initiate discussion of Public Relations and Media & Communication Studies. The JoMeC Network plans to hand management of further development of these TLOs to scholars within the discipline who will engage with academics and other stakeholders to develop statements that the respective disciplines can embrace and ‘own’.


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Superhydrophobicity is directly related to the wettability of the surfaces. Cassie-Baxter state relating to geometrical configuration of solid surfaces is vital to achieving the Superhydrophobicity and to achieve Cassie-Baxter state the following two criteria need to be met: 1) Contact line forces overcome body forces of unsupported droplet weight and 2) The microstructures are tall enough to prevent the liquid that bridges microstructures from touching the base of the microstructures [1]. In this paper we discuss different measurements used to characterise/determine the superhydrophobic surfaces.


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Monitoring therapeutic efficacy of antimalarial drugs is important because treatment failure rates are the primary basis for changing antimalarial treatment policy. An important aspect of efficacy studies is the use of PCR genotyping to distinguish recrudescent from new infections. The conclusions reached using this technique might be misleading if there is insufficient parasite diversity or a non-uniform haplotype frequency distribution in the study area. Statistical techniques can be used to overcome this problem, but only when data describing the haplotype frequency distribution are available. Therefore, assessing haplotype frequency and distribution should form an integral part of all studies investigating the therapeutic efficacy of antimalarial treatment regimes.


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As part of YANQ's decentralisation across the state, YANQ have set up 10 Networks across Queensland, with Facilitators based in each of the regions. We encourage you to get in contact with your local Facilitator if you would like to have input on Workforce Development or youth policy issues. CPLANs aim to create an ongoing and sustainable structure across ten regions in Queensland to support a consistent focus on: ⋅ Policy issues relevant to young people; and ⋅ Workforce development strategies for the youth sector from a local, regional and state perspective. The ten CPLANs fall under the existing structure of YANQ and utlise and lever off the comprehensive network of youth inter-­‐agencies and networks across the state. The ten CPLANs are made up of representatives from the youth sector in each region who have an interest in contributing to policy development and workforce issues.