735 resultados para Clavel, Martial
Poetics and Politics. AugustoBoal and the Theatre of the Oppressed deals with the ideas and methods of the Brazilian author, director and theatre theorist Augusto Boal. The main purpose of the thesis is to give a description of what can be characterized as the poetics of Augusto Boal. What is the specific nature of his theatre methods and in what way do they differ from traditional theatre? How do these methods actually work? What is the overall intention of the Theatre of the Oppressed? As objects for my research I have selected Forum Theatre and Rainbow of Desire. The reason for this choice is partly that the two methods mentioned have become the most widespread among Boal's theatre forms, partly that they complement each other, the former being a method that works with problems of the material world, in realistic action-based narratives; the latter being an expressionistic analytical method, designed to deal with psychological problems and internalized oppression. Going from a micro- to a macro-level, I first examine the theatrical text of both forms, which in this case includes not only the verbal narrative, but also the performance itself and the setting of it, and even the implied conditions of the whole theatrical situation. Secondly, I turn to the encounter between the text and its actual recipient in the theatrical space. What happens, psychologically, when the observing, but passive spectator is turned into the actor of the play? Thirdly, I discuss the ideological and political implications of the Theatre ofthe Oppressed in real life. The way I interpret Boal's poetics, this is of vital importance. The purpose of the Theatre of the Oppressed is not anything resembling l'art pour l'art. In the contrary, its intention is to teach the oppressed the use of theatre as a martial art, so that they can fight and break the oppression in a social context of the real world. Thus the title Poetics and Politics.
In ship and offshore terminal construction, welded cross sections are thick and the number of welds very high. Consequently, there are two aspects of great importance; cost and heat input. Reduction in the welding operation time decreases the costs of the work force and avoids excessive heat, preventing distortion and other weld defects. The need to increase productivity while using a single wire in the GMAW process has led to the use of a high current and voltage to improve the melting rate. Unfortunately, this also increases the heat input. Innovative GMAW processes, mostly implemented for sheet plate sections, have shown significant reduction in heat input (Q), low distortion and increase in welding speed. The aim of this study is to investigate adaptive pulsed GMAW processes and assess relevant applications in the high power range, considering possible benefits when welding thicker sections and high yield strength steel. The study experimentally tests the usability of adaptive welding processes and evaluates their effects on weld properties, penetration and shapes of the weld bead.The study first briefly reviews adaptive GMAW to evaluate different approaches and their applications and to identify benefits in adaptive pulsed. Experiments are then performed using Synergic Pulsed GMAW, WiseFusionTM and Synergic GMAW processes to weld a T-joint in a horizontal position (PB). The air gap between the parts ranges from 0 to 2.5 mm. The base materials are structural steel grade S355MC and filler material G3Si1. The experiment investigates heat input, mechanical properties and microstructure of the welded joint. Analysis of the literature reveals that different approaches have been suggested using advanced digital power sources with accurate waveform, current, voltage, and feedback control. In addition, studies have clearly indicated the efficiency of lower energy welding processes. Interest in the high power range is growing and a number of different approaches have been suggested. The welding experiments in this study reveal a significant reduction of heat input and a weld microstructure with the presence of acicular ferrite (AF) beneficial for resistance to crack propagation. The WiseFusion bead had higher dilution, due to the weld bead shape, and low defects. Adaptive pulse GMAW processes can be a favoured choice when welding structures with many welded joints. The total heat reduction mitigates residual stresses and the bead shape allows a higher amperage limit. The stability of the arc during the process is virtually spatter free and allows an increase in welding speed.
Temporal et sanctoral mêlés : — ste Valière (13v) ; — Mardi saint (144v). Incomplet de la fin (Ms. Fg de Walpole, Early lat. hymns, 1922). Cf. Sepet, dans Bibl. Éc. Ch., XXIX (1868), 109 (édit. f. 34). F. 10 Fragment de chronique de Saint-Martial (édit. Duplès-Agier, LXI et 196).
F. I Fragments des messes de Noël. F. 1 Kyriale. F. 4 Chants pour la procession des Rameaux et l'adoration de la Croix, et chants gallicans de communion pour Noël et Pâques. F. 8-46v Tropaire : — s. Martial (32). F. 47 et 57v Kyrie, avec et sans tropes F. 59v Credo, avec le chant gallican, et Credimus. F. 61v Sanctus. F. 65v Agnus. F. 68v Ite missa est. F. 69v « Laudes de circulo anni. » F. 87 Alleluias avec les séquences. F. 96-155 Prosier : — ste Valière (112) ; — s. Martial (127). F. 155 Pièces de chant diverses. (Édit. partielle par Frere, Winchester Troper, 1894, 156-217). Cf. L. Gautier, Tropes, 111 ; Bannister, dans Rassegna gregoriana, 1906, 27.
F. 1-8v Pièces diverses : — l'une en l'honneur de s. Martin (3-4) ; — « Versus de sancto martirio » (5). F. 9-61v et 86-109v Tropaire des principales fêtes du temporal, du sanctoral et du commun : — De s. Martiale (42) ; — De sa Valeria (57v) ; — De s. Austricliniano (59). F. 61v-85v, 110-125v et 198-205v Alleluias, séquences, offices divers, office, messe et proses pour la fête de s. Martial : — Dédicace de Saint-Étienne de Limoges (77v). F. 126 Traits. F. 140 « Trium puerorum benedictio. » F. 142-149v et 166-197v Versets alléluiatiques, antiennes de procession. Le début est au f. 190 (nombreux feuillets intervertis). F. 150-165v et 246-248 « Processionales per circulum anni » (le texte se lit : ff. 158-165v et 150-157v). F. 206-245v Offertoires. F. 248 « In veneratione se Marie ». F. 251 Tonaire. F. 258 Fragm. d'un antiphonaire ; antiennes pour les « bénédictions » des laudes et les cantiques évangéliques. F. 270 Office de la Trinité et additions.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60399
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60403
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60405
Collection : Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France
F. 3-98 Sanctoral (incompl.) : — s. Martial (15) ; — s. Yrieix (83). F. 1-3 et 99-151 Commun des saints. F. 151v Vig. des morts ; — s. Nicolas (office noté, incompl. de la fin). Vies de s. Afre (63), s. Yrieix (83), s. Julien (86) (M. G., SS. rer. merov., III, 45, 55-56. 583-584 ; I, 879-881).
Ce ms. constitue la mise au net du ms. B. n. F., lat. 17652 qui a servi de brouillon. F. 1 Titre : «Series chronologica præpositorum generalium carmelitarum discalceatorum congregationis italicae, cum singulorum effigie ad vivum nitidissime æri incisa [ce dernier membre de phrase est cancellé], necnon elogio manuscripto». F. 3-14v Notice biographique de chacun des préposés généraux des Carmes déchaux de la congrégation d'Italie de 1600 à 1787; chaque nom est précédé d'un ou plusieurs chiffres romains donnant le numéro d'ordre du préposé. Pour les derniers, seul figure le nom et le numéro d'ordre. Chaque page est divisée en deux cadres, et chaque notice en occupe un, rarement deux. «I. IV. IX. Ferdinandus a Sancta Maria. In saeculo dictus Ferdinandus Martinez...-... LIII. Hilarion ab Omnibus Sanctis» (14v); cf. A. Fortes, Acta capituli generalis O. C. D. congregationis s. Eliae, 3 vol., Rome, 1990-1992 (Monumenta historica Carmeli Teresiani 11, 13-14). À noter, parmi les références bibliographiques, celles qui concernent directement les Carmes déchaux : elles sont données ci-dessous sous une forme normalisée (entre parenthèses le feuillet où figure la première occurrence), alors que l'auteur donne en général le titre et le nom de l'auteur, sous une forme latinisée approximative, avec parfois le lieu et la date d'impression : Juan Caramuel Lobkowitz, Caramuelis Dominicus..., Vienne, 1655 (3v); Jean Chardin, Voyages de Monsieur le chevalier Chardin en Perse, Paris, 1723 (4v); Daniel a Virgine Maria, Speculum carmelitanum, Anvers, 1680 (3); Eusebius ab Omnibus Sanctis, Enchyridion chronologicum carmelitarum discalceatorum congregationis Italiae, Rome, 1737 (4), cet ouvrage est le plus fréquemment cité, on en trouve un exemplaire à la Vaticane et un microfilm à la Library of Congress; Francisco de Santa Maria, Historia general profetica de la orden de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Madrid, 1630 (3); Franciscus Joseph a Sancta Margarita, Necrologium præpositorum generalium, non identifié (5); Isidore de Saint-Joseph, Historia reformationis s. Theresiae, non identifié (4v); Isidore de Saint-Joseph et Pierre de Saint-André, Historia generalis Fratrum discalceatorum ordinis B. M. V. de Monte Carmelo congregationis s. Eliae, Rome, 1668-1671 (4v); Louis Jacob, Bibliotheca carmelitana manuscripta, non identifié (5v); Juan de Jesus Maria, Historia missionum; Vita Petri a Matre Dei (3), ces deux ouvrages n'ont pu être identifiés, ils ne figurent pas dans les Opera omnia publiées à Cologne en 1622; Aubert Le Mire, Bibliotheca ecclesiastica, 2e partie, Anvers, 1649 (3v); Louis de Sainte-Thérèse, Annales carmelitarum excalceatorum Galliae (4v), non identifié; Martial de Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Bibliotheca scriptorum utriusque congregationis et sexus carmelitarum discalceatorum, Bordeaux, 1730 (3); Paulus ab Omnibus Sanctis, Clavis aurea thesauri partheno-carmelitici..., Vienne, 1669, si ce titre correspond au «Catalogus scriptorum» du f. 3; Philippe de la Très Sainte Trinité, Decus carmelitanum, ouvrage non identifié (4v); Id., Historia carmelitani ordinis..., Lyon, 1656 (3); Id., Itinerarium orientale R.P.F. Philippi a SS. Trinitate, Lyon, 1649 (4v); Id., La Vie du vénérable père Dominique de Jésus Maria..., Lyon, 1669 (5); le P.Théophile Raynaud, Scapulare partheno-carmeliticum, Paris, 1654 (3v); [Cosme de Villiers de Saint-Étienne] «editor anonymus», Bibliotheca carmelitana, Orléans, 1752 (5).
Collection : Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France