980 resultados para Clark, Josiah, 1814-1878
In 1846, the governments of Upper Canada and the State of New York initiated the creation of two companies that would be authorized to build a bridge over the Niagara River. The bridge was to be owned by both companies, respectively known as the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company (Canadian) and the International Bridge Company (American). A suspension bridge was completed in 1848. This bridge was later replaced by a second suspension bridge that accommodated railways, built in 1853-54. However, the increasing weight of trains made it necessary for the bridge to be redesigned, and a third bridge was completed in 1886. Eventually, this bridge was replaced by a steel arch bridge, which was completed in 1897.
Colley Lyons Lucas Foster (1778-1843) was a militia officer who served in England, Ireland, Jamaica and Upper Canada. He served as aide-de-camp to Lieutenant-General Gordon Drummond in Ireland, and in 1813 accompanied Drummond to his new post in Upper Canada. In February of 1814, Foster was appointed Adjutant General of the Upper Canadian militia. After the war, Foster resigned from his position and moved to Quebec. In 1816, he became Assistant Adjutant General to the regular forces in Upper Canada and remained in this position until his death in 1843. During the rebellion in Upper Canada in 1837, Foster was instrumental in organizing a guard composed of citizens of Toronto. When Sir Francis Bond Head, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, resigned his post in January 1838, Foster commanded both the militia and regular forces in Upper Canada until the arrival of Major-General Sir George Arthur in March of 1838.
Transcription: Encampment Plattsburgh My Dear Uncle Nov. 11th 1812 We are making every possible preparation to invade Canada. I have no doubt but we march in six days. From the best information I can get it is not contemplated to attack the Isle aux Noix – We shall take into the field 2500 infantry between 3 & 4 hundred cavalry 25 light artillery & 150 artillerists; of the malitia I have no accurate knowledge there is more than 1000 of them, the number of regular troops is mentioned you may rely on as being nearly correct I cannot state to a man as I have not had an opportunity of being the consolidated returns of the different corps. It is said that a [corps formed?] of volunteers are to join us from Vermont. I think it doubtful I believe that we shall have no great difficulty in going to Montreal as to the ultimate policy of the [act it is?] not my duty to judge. Confidential our troops are raw particularly in loading and firing they are much deficient. The 6th and 15th will be able to act with some considerable ... of precision and accuracy the remaining infantry—badly disciplined. Should any thing [occur?] with me my fate be unfortunate the [little?] property willed me by my grandfather will secure you the amount I owe you. General Dearborn I understand is at Burlington on his way here. Some of the prisoners that were taken at Queenstown have [arrived?] at Montreal probably. [Ensign Rich?] is among them. Several officers here became acquainted with him soon after he received his [two illegible words] & speak highly of him. [Always?] affectionately yours J. E. A. Masters P.S. I shall write you again before we march excuse this [scrawl?] my hand are too cold to write a fair hand we shall have here near [400?] sick that are not able to march J. E. A. Masters The [Hon.?] Josiah Masters [Schaghticoke?] N.Y. N. B. Nov. 13th We have orders to be prepared to march on the 15th at 12 oclock. Our baggage will be contained as much as possible. The officers carry no baggage except what they carry in their knapsacks. I am in fine health and am able [Hand?] most any [illegible word] My love to all affectionately Your nephew J. E. A. Masters
Jacob Hindman (1789-1827) was an American military officer who was a captain of the Second U.S. Artillery during the War of 1812. He commanded troops at the battles at Fort George and Stony Creek in 1813, and in June of that year became the major of the Second Artillery. He remained in this position until May of 1814 when the regiment was merged with the Corps of Artillery. During the Niagara campaign in 1814, Hindman’s company commanders included Nathan Towson, Thomas Biddle, John Ritchie, and Alexander Williams. During the British attack on Fort Erie in August 1814, Hindman led an assault for which he later received a brevet promotion to lieutenant colonel for “gallant conduct in the defense of Fort Erie”. In 1815, he received an additional brevet for “meritorious services”. He is generally regarded as one of the most successful artillerists of the War of 1812. James Hall (1793-1868) served with the U.S. military as a second lieutenant in the Second Artillery during the War of 1812. He fought in the Battle of Lundy’s Lane and was General Brown’s messenger during the attack on Fort Erie. He left the military in 1818 and became a newspaper editor and author. His experiences during the War of 1812 provided material for two stories, The Bearer of Despatches and Empty Pockets. Much of his work sought to popularize the West and promote western authors.
Grant of Permission for lease of military lands from Sir Robert Prescott to Thomas Clark, 1798-1801.
Transcript (original spelling and grammar retained): By His Excellency Robert Prescott Esquire, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over His Majestys Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, General and Commander in Chief of all His Majesty’s forces in the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and their several Dependencies and in the Island of Newfoundland &ca. &ca. &ca. I do hereby authorise and permit Thomas Clark of Queenstown in the County of Lincoln in the Province of Upper Canada merchant to take possession of all that Lot, piece and parcel of Land (being part of the land reserved by his Majesty for Military purposes) situate, lying and being at Queenstown in the Township of Newark, in the Home District in the said Province of Upper Canada, bounded and abutted as follows, that is to say beginning at the Distance of two Chains and ninety links from the South East End of his Majesty’s Store House, the said distance being measured along the Bank up Stream, thence South thirty nine degrees and an half West one Chain and fifty links thence south fifty degrees and an half East one Chain and thirty links thence North thirty nine degrees and an half East to the Edge of the Bank and from thence along the Bank to the place of beginning, containing thirty one perches and one hundred and twenty five square links and to occupy and hold the said Lot, piece and parcel of Land during pleasure subject nevertheless to the provisoes and Conditions herein after contained, that is to say. First on condition that it shall and may be lawful to and for His Majesty his Heirs and Successors and to and for the Commander in Chief of His Majesty Forces for the time being and to and for the Officer commanding his Majesty’s Forces in Upper Canada for the time being and to and for either of them to determine and make void this present permission to occupy during pleasure the said Lot, Piece or Parcel of Land above described at any time hereafter whenever he or they shall see fit so to do without any compensation or indemnification to the said Thomas Clark or any other Person or Persons whosoever for any Loss Injury or Damage which he the said Thomas Clark or any other Person or Persons whosoever may thereby sustain. Secondly on this further Condition that it shall and may be lawful to and for His Majesty his Heirs and Successors and to and for his and their Officers, Soldiers and Servants at any time hereafter by order of the Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces for the time being or by order of the Officer commanding his Majesty’s forces in Upper Canada for the time being or by order of the Officer of His Majesty’s Corps of Royal Engineers commanding in the said Province of Upper Canada for the time being to enter upon the said Lot Piece and parcel of Land which the said Thomas Clark is hereby permitted to occupy during pleasure or upon any part thereof and to take down and from the said Lot piece and parcel of Land or from any part thereof to remove any dwelling House Store or other Buildings on the said Lot, piece or Parcel of Land or any part thereof erected and to remove any goods or Chattels on the said Lot piece and parcel of Land or on any part thereof or on any such dwelling House Store or other building found or being and that His Majesty his Heirs and Successors or any other Person or Persons whosoever shall not be liable or responsible to the said Thomas Clark or to any other Person or Persons whosoever for any Loss, Injury or Damage which he or they shall or may in such case sustain. Thirdly on this further Condition that the said Thomas Clark shall not erect on the said Lot Piece or Parcel of Land which the said Thomas Clark is hereby permitted to occupy during pleasure or upon any part thereof at any time or times hereafter any dwelling House store or other Building whatsoever of Stone or brick or of any other materials wood only exccepted and that if any dwelling House or Store or other building of Stone or brick or of any other materials except wood shall at any time be erected on the said Lot, piece or parcel of Land or upon any part thereof, then and in such case, this present permission and every Clause and Article thereof shall from thenceforth cease and determine and be absolutely and entirely null and void. And lastly on this further Condition that the said Thomas Clark or any other Person whosoever shall not assign this permission to occupy the said Lot, Piece or Parcel of Land above described to any Person of Persons whosoever, and if any such assignment shall be made by the said Thomas Clark or by any other Person in his right, or on his behalf, that then and in such case such assignment and this permission to occupy during pleasure the said Lot piece and parcel of Land above described, and every Clause and Article thereof shall from thenceforth cease and determine and be absolutely and entirely null and void. Given under my hand at the Castle of St. Lewis in the City of Quebec in the Province of Lower Canada this Ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight and in the thirty eighth year of His Majesty’s Reign. [Signed here by Robert Prescott] By Order of the Commander in Chief [Signed here by James Green (Illegible signature)] I the said Thomas Clark above named do hereby accept the above written Permission to occupy during pleasure the said Lot piece and parcel of Land above described upon and subject to the several Provisioes and Conditions above written and each and every of them severally and respectively. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the Sixteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight and in the thirty eighth year of His Majesty’s Reign. [Signed here by Thomas Clark] Signed in the presence of [Illegible signature – looks like J. M Donell Lt. Col.] [Illegible – looks like 2d. Battn R. C. Sm?] [Signed here by C. Anderson] Whereas Inconveniences did arise from the peculiar situation of the Ground contiguous to the above described Lot of Land and the occupation thereof, if estimated by the above Limits would prove highly disadvantageous to Mr. Thomas Clark be it known that in consideration thereof we do permit the above Lot to extend one half Chain more in length up stream so as to comprehend the space allowed for the Road between Lots Two + Three, and we do hereby appropriate the said additional space wholly to the use of the said Thomas Clark. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed this Thirteenth Day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and one. [Signed here by J. M’Donell Lt. Col] 2d. Battn. R. C. [in?] Com of Fort George + Dependencies Robt. Pilkington Captain Royal Engineers
Thomas Scott (1746-1824) was a politician and judge originally from Scotland. He came to Canada in 1800 after accepting the appointment of Attorney General of Upper Canada, and in 1806 was promoted to Chief Justice of Upper Canada. The declaration of war in 1812 brought into question the loyalty of the colony’s population, who were largely born in America. As concerns over allegiance intensified, the government sought out traitors in an attempt to make an example of them and deter others. The subsequent trials of citizens accused of treason resulted in 15 convictions, including Jacob Overholser. These trials were intended to assert the authority of the state, but also to demonstrate clemency. Only 8 of the convicts were executed, with the rest being banished from the colony. Scott supported these measures, although they were largely initiated by Attorney General John Beverly Robinson. Thomas Scott retired in 1816 and died in 1824.
Wakeman Burritt (1785-1847) was a merchant and ship owner who conducted his business in New York, New Orleans, LA, Charleston, SC, and the West Indies. Despite the difficulties that the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812 posed to trade and commerce, Burritt managed to run a successful business, dealing in commodities such as foodstuffs, cloth, cotton, and soap. He owned three ships, the Brig Cannon, Brig Eunice and Brig Sampson. In 1809, he married Grace Burr (1787-1874). Together they had at least one child, Francis Burritt (1811-1861).
A finding aid for collection RG 86. This archive contains materials relating to Niagara Falls and its development during the late 19th and early 20th century, with particular focus on power operations.
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812. Issue for July 16, 1814 includes a long report on the capture of Fort Erie on the Canadian-U.S. frontier, also a prominent front page headline and a very long and detailed report of the capture of the U.S. frigate USS Essex.
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812.
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812.
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812.
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812.
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812.
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812.