975 resultados para Cities and towns, Medieval.


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On 7 January 2011, a six year-old child living in a Roma community near Seville, southern Spain, was hospitalised with measles. Contact tracing identified a probable index case with onset of symptoms on 20 December 2011 and several unreported cases among children under the age of 15 years in the same town. The outbreak initially spread in districts in the city of Seville with a high proportion of Roma residents, and later to other cities and towns in Andalusia. While some towns experienced wide spread of the disease with significant clusters of cases, most of the affected locations saw non-clustered cases or very few secondary cases. The outbreak resulted in 1,759 confirmed or probable cases of which 393 (19%) required hospitalisation. Measles virus of genotype D4 was diagnosed in more than half of the cases. Significant differences (p<0.0001) by age group were found between clustered and non-clustered cases. The highest proportion of clustered cases occurred in the age group of 5-14 yearolds, while the highest proportion of non-clustered cases was seen in those older than 29 years. The last confirmed case related to this outbreak was reported on 20 August 2011.


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Descripció i anàlisi de l’evolució del paisatge de l’Alt Empordà relacionada amb l’evolució de la carretera C-260 de Figueres a Roses, ara convertida en autovia


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A century ago, the majority of workers were employed near their homes—on farms or in cities and towns. As industrialization increased and suburbs surrounded central cities, commuting meant going from homes in suburbs to jobs in cities. Today, there is a growing trend of workers commuting between suburbs. On any given day, 61,775 workers commute to jobs in Iowa counties other than the one in which they live. The most important reason for increased commuting has been employment growth. Rising incomes and the growth of suburbs have also been factors. In the past, the increased employment of women added to the number of commuters. Commuting patterns are a key consideration in transportation planning. In more urban states than Iowa, there is concern that the use of mass transit continues to decline. In Iowa, where so much of our commuting is between counties, private vehicles are often the only practical means of getting to and from work. On any given day, 1,155,008 single-occupancy vehicles are driven to and from jobs somewhere in Iowa. At the same time, an additional158,699 workers share rides by participating in carpools.


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This Executive Order expects the State of Iowa executive agencies and Regent Institutions own, purchase, build and lease property, including office space, worth billions of dollars for educational, correctional, recreational, conservation, transportation, communication, public health, workforce and related public functions and the placement of state offices in historic central business districts "downtown" can strengthen and revitalize Iowa's cities and towns.


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Research project HR-234A was sponsored by the Iowa Highway Research Board and the Iowa Department of Transportation. In the preparation of this compilation of highway and street laws of Iowa, an attempt has been made to include those sections of the Iowa Code Annotated and Iowa Digest to which reference is frequently required by the Department of Transportation, counties, cities and towns in their conduct of highway and street administration, construction and maintenance. This publication is offered with the hope and belief that it will prove to be of value and assistance to those concerned with the problems of establishing, maintaining and administering a highway and street program. Because of the broad scope of highway and street work and the many interrelated provisions of Iowa law, and usable size, some Code provision which are insignificant to the principal subject were omitted out of necessity; others were omitted to avoid repetition. A general index is provided at the end of the text of this volume. Each major topic is divided into subtopics and is accompanied by appropriate Code sections. Specific section numbers as they appear in the Code are in.


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La ciudad de Ceuta hace su aparición en las fuentes literarias históricas como 'statio' antes de ser citada, en la Antigüedad tardía, como un fuerte vándalo, y después como ciudad bizantina capital de la Mauretania Secunda. Ni las fuentes escritas, ni las fuentes arqueológicas ofrecen datos concluyentes sobre la adopción de un estatuto jurídico romano antes de su etapa bizantina.


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Transportation map of Iowa, updated march 1, 2014. map focuses on interstate highways, primary and secondary state roads, county roads, and scenic byways. Also includes railroad lines, airports, waterways, and locks and dams. All 99 counties are represented, as well as approximately 1,000 cities and towns. Points of interest are also marked.


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Research project HR-234 was sponsored by the Iowa Highway Research Board and the Iowa Department of Transportation. In the preparation of this compilation of highway and street laws of Iowa, an attempt has been made to include those sections of the Code to which reference is frequently required by the Department of Transportation, counties, cities and towns in their conduct of highway and street administration, construction and maintenance. Because of the broad scope of highway and street work and the many interrelated provisions of Iowa law, and in the interests of keeping this volume in a convenient and usable size, some Code provisions which have some bearing on the principal subject were of necessity omitted. The volume has been compiled in loose leaf form with the expectation that periodic updates will keep the reader informed regarding changes in the law and/or new laws. A general index is provided at the end of the text of this volume. Each major topic is divided into relevant subtopics and are accompanied by appropriate Code sections. This publication is offered with the hope and belief that it will prove to be of value and assistance to those concerned with the problems of establishing, maintaining and administering a highway and street system. The reader is cautioned to consult legal counsel on all matters beyond the scope of this text.


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If you have ever flown in an airplane over Iowa, you would see that our woodlands are scattered along the rivers and streams and areas too steep to farm. You would also see a green carpet of trees within out cities and towns. Did you know the 90% of the over 2.7 million acres of forest in Iowa is owned by over 138,000 different private owners? Or that 30% of the land cover in a typical Iowa community if covered by trees? Trees are vital for the protection of our drinking water supply, critical for wildlife habitat, and help sustain employment of over 7,000 Iowans in the wood products industry. This booklet "20 Native trees to Plant" will help you gain a greater knowledge about Iowa's trees and forests. Learn about and enjoy Iowa's trees. Consider ways that you can improve our environment by planting and caring for Iowa's trees and forests.


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Les ciutats que n’han tingut voluntat han esdevingut, en els darrers anys, ciutats educadores. L’any 1994 es formalitzà l’Associació Internacional de Ciutats Educadores, amb seu a Barcelona. A la ciutat de Girona s’inicien, des de començaments dels vuitanta, accions per consolidar el paper educatiu del municipi i l’any 1993 neix el Programa d’Educació Ambiental i Coneixement de la Ciutat. Les diferents actuacions derivades del Programa s’emmarquen en dos grans àmbits: coneixement de la ciutat i foment de la consciència ambiental dels ciutadans. Les activitats que conformen el programa són guiades, sovint, per un educador o educadora


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Iowans who travel secondary roads regard these roads as a very important part of their lives. These highways provide a means of transporting products to market and children to school. They are also links to nearby cities and towns. Nearly 3.8 billion vehicle miles of travel occur each year on Iowa's nearly 90,000 mile secondary road system. Accidents do happen. However, improvements in highways, in vehicles, in driver education, in legislation, and in enforcement have combined to make driving in Iowa very safe. If our highways are to remain safe, these efforts need to be continued. This presentation was developed to help county highway department personnel in their effort to maintain and improve highway safety. The presentation is not a standard, specification or regulation.


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La dècada de 1980 va significar un punt i a part per als governs metropolitans. Després de viure una època daurada durant els 60 i 70, la reestructuració del sistema politicoeconòmic va comportar que les estructures de govern metropolità fossin qüestionades i fins i tot suprimides. Quan tot semblava indicar que restarien només com a record, la lògica de competència entre grans ciutats i la necessitat de reinventar-se en base a un desenvolupament sostenible va suposar un inesperat renaixement de la política metropolitana. Si fins aleshores la seva necessitat s'havia justificat bàsicament des d'un punt de vista funcional, seguint pautes tecnòcrates i burocratitzades, la nova metropolítica se centra en la competitivitat i en la sostenibilitat, alhora que posa èmfasi en assajar mètodes de governança. Londres, ciutat que presenta certs paral·lelismes històrics amb Barcelona, ha estat una ciutat pionera i de la seva experiència es pot aprendre per la capital catalana


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La ciudad media o intermedia europea ha sido calificada de «OGNI» (Objeto Geográfico No Identificado) por la falta de teorizaciones propias. Esta afirmación es especialmente cierta en el campo del desarrollo local, en las particularidades que juegan en el proceso de aprovechamiento de los recursos locales para crear un desarrollo endógeno. Esta investigación pretende, en primer lugar, recoger las opiniones de varios autores e instituciones para definir las características cuantitativas y cualitativas de esta realidad urbana. En segundo lugar, se quiere contextualizar la ciudad media en el territorio europeo y en las políticas a esta escala. Finalmente, se describen tres ejemplos de desarrollo local en ciudades medias a partir de la implantación del Tren de Alta Velocidad para mostrar cuáles son los factores diferenciales del desarrollo local en este fenómeno urbano


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Transportation map of Iowa, updated march 1, 2014. map focuses on interstate highways, primary and secondary state roads, county roads, and scenic byways. Also includes railroad lines, airports, waterways, and locks and dams. All 99 counties are represented, as well as approximately 1,000 cities and towns. Points of interest are also marked. This record contains images of both the front and the back of the map.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es discernir, en la medida de lo posible, si la ciudad de Russadir (Melilla) obtuvo en la antigüedad un estatuto jurídico romano. Se utilizan tanto las fuentes literarias grecolatinas y árabes medievales, como la arqueología. Los autores concluyen, en base a los datos de que se dispone en la actualidad, que la ciudad disponía de un estatuto jurídico romano desde el s. I a.C., no siendo posible determinar con precisión su evolución posterior.