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The non-covalent incorporation of responsive luminescent lanthanide, Ln(iii), complexes with orthogonal outputs from Eu(iii) and Tb(iii) in a gel matrix allows for in situ logic operation with colorimetric outputs. Herein, we report an exemplar system with two inputs ([H(+)] and [F(-)]) within a p(HEMA-co-MMA) polymer organogel acting as a dual-responsive device and identify future potential for such systems.


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A suite of lipid biomarkers were investigated from surface sediments and particulate matter across hydrographically distinct zones associated with the western Irish Sea gyre and the seasonal bloom. The aim was to assess the variation of organic matter (OM) composition, production, distribution and fate associated with coastal and southern mixed regions and also the summer stratified region. Based on the distribution of a suite of diagnostic biomarkers, including phospholipid fatty acids, source-specific sterols, wax esters and C25 highly branched isoprenoids, diatoms, dinoflagellates and green algae were identified as major contributors of marine organic matter (MOM) in this setting. The distribution of cholesterol, wax esters and C20 and C22 polyunsaturated fatty acids indicate that copepod grazing represents an important process for mineralising this primary production. Net tow data from 2010 revealed much greater phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass in well-mixed waters compared to stratified waters. This appears to be largely reflected in MOM input to surface sediments. Terrestrial organic matter (TOM), derived from higher plants, was identified as a major source of OM regionally, but was concentrated in proximity to major riverine input at the Boyne Estuary and Dundalk Bay. Near-bottom residual circulation and the seasonal gyre also likely play a role in the fate of TOM in the western Irish Sea.


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In fluvial ecosystems mineral erosion, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fluxes are linked via organo-mineral complexation, where dissolved organic molecules bind to mineral surfaces. Biofilms and suspended aggregates represent major aquatic microbial lifestyles whose relative importance changes predictably through fluvial networks. We tested how organo-mineral sorption affects aquatic microbial metabolism, using organo-mineral particles containing a mix of 13C, 15N-labelled amino acids. We traced 13C and 15N retention within biofilm and suspended aggregate biomass and its mineralisation. Organo-mineral complexation restricted C and N retention within biofilms and aggregates and also their mineralisation. This reduced the efficiency with which biofilms mineralise C and N by 30 % and 6 %. By contrast, organo-minerals reduced the C and N mineralisation efficiency of suspended aggregates by 41 % and 93 %. Our findings show how organo-mineral complexation affects microbial C:N stoichiometry, potentially altering the biogeochemical fate of C and N within fluvial ecosystems.


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A new electrochemical methodology to study labile trace metal/natural organic matter complexation at low concentration levels in natural waters is presented. This methodology consists of three steps: (i) an estimation of the complex diffusion coefficient (DML), (ii) determination at low pH of the total metal concentration initially present in the sample, (iii) a metal titration at the desired pH. The free and bound metal concentrations are determined for each point of the titration and modeled with the non-ideal competitive adsorption (NICA-Donnan) model in order to obtain the binding parameters. In this methodology, it is recommended to determine the hydrodynamic transport parameter, α, for each set of hydrodynamic conditions used in the voltammetric measurements. The methodology was tested using two fractions of natural organic matter (NOM) isolated from the Loire river, namely the hydrophobic organic matter (HPO) and the transphilic organic matter (TPI), and a well characterized fulvic acid (Laurentian fulvic acid, LFA). The complex diffusion coefficients obtained at pH 5 were 0.4 ± 0.2 for Pb and Cu/HPO, 1.8 ± 0.2 for Pb/TPI and (0.612 ± 0.009) × 10−10 m2 s−1 for Pb/LFA. NICA-Donnan parameters for lead binding were obtained for the HPO and TPI fractions. The new lead/LFA results were successfully predicted using parameters derived in our previous work.


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This document contains an account of the proceedings pertaining to the impeachment of Judge William Dobein James. The document contains the arguments for and against the impeachment as well as the voting tallies.


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Certain environmental conditions in animal and plant production have been associated with increased frequency in respiratory illnesses, including asthma, chronic bronchitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, in farmers occupationally exposed in swine production. The aim of this study was to characterize particulate matter (PM) contamination in seven Portuguese swine farms and determine the existence of clinical symptoms associated with asthma and other allergy diseases, utilizing the European Community Respiratory Health Survey questionnaire. Environmental assessments were performed with portable direct-reading equipment, and PM contamination including five different sizes (PM0.5, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM5.0, PM10) was determined. The distribution of particle size showed the same trend in all swine farms, with high concentrations of particles with PM5 and PM10. Results from the questionnaire indicated a trend such that subjects with diagnosis of asthma were exposed to higher concentrations of PM with larger size (PM2.5, PM5, and PM10) while subjects with sneezing, runny nose, or stuffy nose without a cold or flu were exposed to higher concentrations of PM with smaller size (PM0.5 and PM1). Data indicate that inhalation of PM in swine farm workers is associated with increased frequency of respiratory illnesses.


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This paper describes the methodology adopted to assess local air quality impact in the vicinity of a coal power plant located in the south of Portugal. Two sampling areas were selected to assess the deposition flux of dust fallout and its potential spatial heterogeneity. The sampling area was divided into two subareas: the inner, with higher sampling density and urban and suburban characteristics, inside a 6-km circle centered on the stacks, and an outer subarea, mainly rural, with lower sampling density within a radius of 20 km. Particulate matter deposition was studied in the vicinity of the coal fired power plant during three seasonal sampling campaigns. For the first one, the average annual flux of dust fallout was 22.51 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 4.20 to 65.94 g/(m2 yr); for the second one was 9.47 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 0.78 to 32.72 g/(m2 yr) and for the last one was 38.42 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 1.41 to 117.48 g/(m2 yr). The fallout during the second campaign turned out to be much lower than for others. This was in part due to meteorological local patterns but mostly due to the fact that the power plant was not working at full power during the second sampling campaign.155


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Hospitals are considered as a special and important type of indoor public place where air quality has significant impacts on potential health outcomes. Information on indoor air quality of these environments, concerning exposures to particulate matter (PM) and related toxicity, is limited though. This work aims to evaluate risks associated with inhalation exposure to ten toxic metals and chlorine (As, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, Mn, Se, Ba, Al, Si, and Cl) in coarse (PM2.5–10) and fine (PM2.5) particles in a Portuguese hospital in comparison with studies representative of other countries. Samples were collected during 1 month in one urban hospital; elemental PM characterization was determined by proton-induced X-ray emission. Noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were assessed according to the methodology provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA; Region III Risk-Based Concentration Table) for three different age categories of hospital personnel (adults, >20, and <65 years) and patients (considering nine different age groups, i.e., children of 1–3 years to seniors of >65 years). The estimated noncarcinogenic risks due to occupational inhalation exposure to PM2.5-bound metals ranged from 5.88×10−6 for Se (adults, 55–64 years) to 9.35×10−1 for As (adults, 20–24 years) with total noncarcinogenic risks (sum of all metals) above the safe level for all three age categories. As and Cl (the latter due to its high abundances) were the most important contributors (approximately 90 %) to noncarcinogenic risks. For PM2.5–10, noncarcinogenic risks of all metals were acceptable to all age groups. Concerning carcinogenic risks, for Ni and Pb, they were negligible (<1×10−6) in both PM fractions for all age groups of hospital personnel; potential risks were observed for As and Cr with values in PM2.5 exceeding (up to 62 and 5 times, respectively) USEPA guideline across all age groups; for PM2.5–10, increased excess risks of As and Cr were observed particularly for long-term exposures (adults, 55–64 years). Total carcinogenic risks highly (up to 67 times) exceeded the recommended level for all age groups, thus clearly showing that occupational exposure to metals in fine particles pose significant risks. If the extensive working hours of hospital medical staff were considered, the respective noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were increased, the latter for PM2.5 exceeding the USEPA cumulative guideline of 10−4. For adult patients, the estimated noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were approximately three times higher than for personnel, with particular concerns observed for children and adolescents.


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Background and Aims The males and females of many dioecious plant species differ from one another in important life-history traits, such as their size. If male and female reproductive functions draw on different resources, for example, one should expect males and females to display different allocation strategies as they grow. Importantly, these strategies may differ not only between the two sexes, but also between plants of different age and therefore size. Results are presented from an experiment that asks whether males and females of Mercurialis annua, an annual plant with indeterminate growth, differ over time in their allocation of two potentially limiting resources (carbon and nitrogen) to vegetative (below-and above-ground) and reproductive tissues.Methods Comparisons were made of the temporal patterns of biomass allocation to shoots, roots and reproduction and the nitrogen content in the leaves between the sexes of M. annua by harvesting plants of each sex after growth over different periods of time.Key Results and Conclusions Males and females differed in their temporal patterns of allocation. Males allocated more to reproduction than females at early stages, but this trend was reversed at later stages. Importantly, males allocated proportionally more of their biomass towards roots at later stages, but the roots of females were larger in absolute terms. The study points to the important role played by both the timing of resource deployment and the relative versus absolute sizes of the sinks and sources in sexual dimorphism of an annual plant.


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RESUME DE THESEContexte de l'étudeLe but de cette étude est de comparer le drainage percutané (DP) et la chirurgie d'urgence (CU) de la vésicule biliaire (VB) pour le traitement de la cholécystite aiguë lithiasique/alithiasique dans un groupe homogène de patients gravement malades et hospitalisés aux soins intensifs (SI).Patients et méthodeEntre les années 2001 et 2007, tous les patients successivement traités par DP ou CU pour cholécystite aiguë aux SI ont été rétrospectivement analysés. Les cas ont été collectés à partir d'une base de données prospective. Le DP était effectué par voie trans-hépatique et la chirurgie par voie ouverte ou laparoscopique. L'état général des patients et la dysfonction des organes étaient évalués par deux scores validés (SAPS Π et SOFA, respectivement). L'analyse des données s'est portée sur les complications à court terme (morbidité, mortalité hospitalière) et à long terme (récurrence des symptômes) après drainage ou chirurgie en urgence.RésultatsQuarante-deux patients (âge médian 65 ans, 32-94 ans) ont été inclus dans l'étude ; 45% ont eu une CU (10 laparoscopics, 9 voies ouvertes) et 55% un DP (n=23) de la vésicule biliaire. Le DP et la CU ont eu des taux de succès respectifs de 91 et 100% pour la résolution du sepsis lié à la cholécystite aigiie. Après drainage et chirurgie de la VB, la dysfonction des organes secondaire au sepsis s'est résolue dans les 3 jours. Malgré le drainage, deux patients ont nécessité une cholécystectomie en urgence pour cholécystite gangréneuse. Le taux de conversion de la laparoscopic à la voie ouverte était de 20%. La morbidité majeure était de 0% après drainage et 21% après chirurgie en urgence (p=0.034). Finalement, la mortalité hospitalière était similaire (13% après DP vs. 16% après CU, p=1.0) et uniquement liée aux co-morbidités des patients. La récurrence des symptômes liés à la VB n'est apparue que chez des patients initialement drainés pour cholécystite lithiasique.ConclusionsChez les patients gravement malades des soins intensifs, le drainage percutané et la chirurgie en urgence de la VB sont tous deux efficaces pour la résolution d'un sepsis lié à une cholécystite aigiie. Cependant, la chirurgie d'urgence est associée à une morbidité majeure accrue et l'approche par laparoscopic n'est pas toujours réalisable. Le drainage percutané de la VB est donc une modalité de traitement valable, mais nécessite à distance de l'épisode aigu une cholécystectomie par laparoscopic, surtout après une cholécystite lithiasique.