854 resultados para Cause-related marketing
The selling environment has undergone tremendous transformation over the past 2 decades. Perhaps the greatest change has centered on changes and advancements in technology. The latest dramatic change has been the rapidly increasing use of social media and other related technologies in the business-to-business realm. The sales world began the use of technology through the use of Web 1.0, which was primarily webpage oriented; now we see the world of social media as the paradigm of how firms should implement technology. Although there has been some recent emphasis on how marketing might implement social media into their strategies and how the individual salesperson might implement social media into his or her daily selling routine, no substantive discussion on how social media is affecting the role of the sales manager has appeared in the literature. This article systematically examines how social media is impacting the sales management function and, in fact, may be dramatically revolutionizing the position. To help the marketing and sales organization better understand the changing sales world, we present eight lessons that every sales manager needs to embrace.
This book presents current research on boundary spanning elements. The editors bring together extant knowledge in the field and present a uniform narrative. Previous studies have often been disseminated across several academic disciplines like services marketing, personal selling and sales management etc. and this monograph aggregates studies dealing with boundary spanning elements or has boundary spanning elements related to the marketing function as the main empirical platform under a uniform theoretical perspective. Each chapter in the book deals with an important research theme and synthesizes studies in relation to boundary spanning elements.
Background and Aims: Consumption of antioxidant nutrients can reduce the risk of progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) - the leading cause of visual impairment in adults over the age of 50 years in the UK. Lutein and zeaxanthin (L&Z) are of particular interest because they are selectively absorbed by the central retina. The objectives of this study were to analyse the dietary intake of a group of AMD patients, assess their ability to prepare and cook healthy food, and to make comparisons with people not affected by AMD. Methods: 158 participants with AMD were recruited via the UK charity The Macular Society, and fifty participants without AMD were recruited from optometric practice. A telephone interview was conducted by trained workers where participants completed a 24 hour food diary, and answered questions about cooking and shopping capabilities. Results: In the AMD group, the average L&Z intake was low in for both males and females. Those able to cook a hot meal consumed significantly more L&Z than those who were not able. Most participants were not consuming the recommended dietary allowance of fibre, calcium, vitamin D and E, and calorific intake was also lower than recommendations for their age-group. The non-AMD group consumed more kilocalories and more nutrients than the AMD group, but the L&Z intake was similar to those with AMD. The main factor that influenced participant’s food choices was personal preference. Conclusion: For an ‘informed’ population, many AMD participants were under-consuming nutrients considered to be useful for their condition. Participants without AMD were more likely to reach recommended daily allowance values for energy and a range of nutrients. It is therefore essential to design more effective dietary education and dissemination methods for people with, and at risk of, AMD.
In the UK, 20 per cent of people aged 75 years and over are living with sight loss; this percentage is expected to increase as the population ages (RNIB, 2011). Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the UK’s leading cause of severe visual impairment amongst the elderly. It accounts for 16,000 blind/partial sight registrations per year and is the leading cause of blindness among people aged 55 years and older in western countries (Bressler, 2004). Our ultimate goal is to develop an assistive mobile application to support accurate and convenient diet data collection on which basis to then provide customised dietary advice and recommendations in order to help support individuals with AMD to mitigate their ongoing risk and retard the progression of the disease. In this paper, we focus on our knowledge elicitation activities conducted to help us achieve a deep and relevant understanding of our target user group. We report on qualitative findings from focus groups and observational studies with persons with AMD and interviews with domain experts which enable us to fully appreciate the impact that technology may have on our intended users as well as to inform the design and structure of our proposed mobile assistive application.
Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in individuals older than 65 years of age. It is a multifactorial disorder and identification of risk factors enables individuals to make life style choices that may reduce the risk of disease. This review discusses the role of genetics, sunlight, diet, cardiovascular factors, smoking, and alcohol as possible risk factors for AMD. Genetics plays a more significant role in AMD than previously thought, especially in younger patients, histocompatibility locus antigen (HLA) and complement system genes being the most significant. Whether the risk of AMD is increased by exposure to sunlight, cardiovascular risk factors, and diet is more controversial. Smoking is the risk factor most consistently associated with AMD. Current smokers are exposed to a two to three times higher risk of AMD than non-smokers and the risk increases with intensity of smoking. Moderate alcohol consumption is unlikely to increase the risk of AMD. Optometrists as front-line informers and educators of ocular health play a significant role in increasing public awareness of the risks of AMD. Cessation of smoking, the use of eye protection in high light conditions, dietary changes, and regular use of dietary supplements should all be considered to reduce the lifetime risk of AMD.
Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in individuals older than 65 years of age. It is a multifactorial disorder and identification of risk factors enables individuals to make life style choices that may reduce the risk of disease. This review discusses the role of genetics, sunlight, diet, cardiovascular factors, smoking, and alcohol as possible risk factors for AMD. Genetics plays a more significant role in AMD than previously thought, especially in younger patients, histocompatibility locus antigen (HLA) and complement system genes being the most significant. Whether the risk of AMD is increased by exposure to sunlight, cardiovascular risk factors, and diet is more controversial. Smoking is the risk factor most consistently associated with AMD. Current smokers are exposed to a two to three times higher risk of AMD than non-smokers and the risk increases with intensity of smoking. Moderate alcohol consumption is unlikely to increase the risk of AMD. Optometrists as front-line informers and educators of ocular health play a significant role in increasing public awareness of the risks of AMD. Cessation of smoking, the use of eye protection in high light conditions, dietary changes, and regular use of dietary supplements should all be considered to reduce the lifetime risk of AMD.
Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in individuals older than 65 years of age. It is a multifactorial disorder and identification of risk factors enables individuals to make life style choices that may reduce the risk of disease. This review discusses the role of genetics, sunlight, diet, cardiovascular factors, smoking, and alcohol as possible risk factors for AMD. Genetics plays a more significant role in AMD than previously thought, especially in younger patients, histocompatibility locus antigen (HLA) and complement system genes being the most significant. Whether the risk of AMD is increased by exposure to sunlight, cardiovascular risk factors, and diet is more controversial. Smoking is the risk factor most consistently associated with AMD. Current smokers are exposed to a two to three times higher risk of AMD than non-smokers and the risk increases with intensity of smoking. Moderate alcohol consumption is unlikely to increase the risk of AMD. Optometrists as front-line informers and educators of ocular health play a significant role in increasing public awareness of the risks of AMD. Cessation of smoking, the use of eye protection in high light conditions, dietary changes, and regular use of dietary supplements should all be considered to reduce the lifetime risk of AMD.
This article provides an overview of the various eye-related causes of photophobia and the likely mechanisms responsible. Photophobia is an experience of discomfort affecting the eyes due to exposure to light. It has a variety of causes including the result of eye or brain disease, or it can be a side effect of various drugs or laser surgery. Photophobia can also be a symptom of a more serious disorder such as meningitis and therefore, requires appropriate investigation, diagnosis, and treatment. Trauma or disease affecting several structures of the eye are a common cause of photophobia and can be associated with: (1) the ocular adnexia, such as blepharitis and blepharospasm, (2) the cornea, including abrasion, ulcerative keratitis, and corneal dystrophy, (3) problems in eye development, such as aniridia, buphthalmos, coloboma, and aphakia, (4) various eye inflammations, including uveitis, and (5) retinal disorders, such as achromatopsia, retinal detachment, and retinal dystrophy. There may be two main explanations for eye-related photophobia: (1) direct stimulation of the trigeminal nerve due to damage, disease, or excessive light entering the eye and (2) overstimulation of the retina including a specific population of light-sensitive ganglion cells.
Background: Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is a major cause of irreversible visual loss in the elderly and a significant threat to their quality of life. Although low vision services often improve the functional outcomes of individuals with macular disease, it remains unclear whether or not they have any impact on quality of life. The principal aim of this study was to determine the effect of a hospital-based low vision clinic on the quality of life of individuals with ARMD. Methods: Forty patients with ARMD attended the low vision clinic at Milton Keynes University Hospital. Quality of life was measured with the vision-specific Low Vision Quality of Life (LVQOL) questionnaire and the general health EuroQol (EQ-5D-5L) questionnaire. Measures were completed at baseline (time zero, T0), and at three- (T3) and six-month (T6) follow-up visits. Results: The near visual acuity of individuals attending the low vision clinic for the first time improved significantly between visits T0 and T3 (p=0.005), reflecting the practiced use of their newly-dispensed low vision aids. As expected, there was no significant change in near acuity over this time period for existing patients. For both new and existing patients, a significant increase in LVQOL score was evident between visits T0 and T3, with a further significant improvement between T3 and T6. Similarly, there was a significant decrease in EQ-5D-5L questionnaire scores between visits T0 and T6. Conclusions: The higher LVQOL scores obtained at the end of the study period (T6) provide evidence that low vision services at Milton Keynes University Hospital served to improve patient quality of life. The reduction in EQ-5D-5L scores over the same time period suggests that low vision services also provide for an improvement in general health-related quality of life. Impact: The findings support the cause of low vision services to improve not only the vision and functional outcomes of individuals with macular disease but also their quality of life. Moreover, the findings suggest that a more efficient allocation of resources at low vision clinics may be possible through the standardisation of patient follow-up frequency.
Consumer policy approaches regarding green products and solutions can be differentiated by their main focus. “Green positioning” is basically targeted at environmentally aware consumers, while “efficiency-focused positioning” concentrates on the efficiency gain of the product or solution, targeting the whole society, regardless of consumers' environmental awareness. The paper argues that the scope and total environmental benefit can be increased if green products or solutions are promoted in different ways, not only as “green” but also based on other arguments (like cost-efficiency, return on investment, etc.). The paper suggests a model for improving the efficiency of greenhouse gas (GHG)-related consumer policy. Based on the marginal social cost curve and the marginal private cost curve, different (green, yellow, and red) zones of action are identified. GHG mitigation options chosen from those zones are then evaluated with the help of profiling method, addressing the barriers to implementation. Profiling may help design an implementation strategy for the selected options and make consumer policy more effective and acceptable for mass market. Case study results show three different ways of positioning of GHG-related consumer policy in Hungary from 2000 and give practical examples of profiling, based on the latest marginal social cost curve and the contemporary energy saving policy of the state regarding the residential sector.
Consumer policy approaches regarding green products and solutions can be differentiated by their main focus. “Green positioning” is basically targeted at environmentally aware consumers, while “efficiency-focused positioning” concentrates on the efficiency gain of the product or solution, targeting the whole society, regardless of consumers' environmental awareness. The paper argues that the scope and total environmental benefit can be increased if green products or solutions are promoted in different ways, not only as “green” but also based on other arguments (like cost-efficiency, return on investment, etc.). The paper suggests a model for improving the efficiency of greenhouse gas (GHG)-related consumer policy. Based on the marginal social cost curve and the marginal private cost curve, different (green, yellow, and red) zones of action are identified. GHG mitigation options chosen from those zones are then evaluated with the help of profiling method, addressing the barriers to implementation. Profiling may help design an implementation strategy for the selected options and make consumer policy more effective and acceptable for mass market. Case study results show three different ways of positioning of GHG-related consumer policy in Hungary from 2000 and give practical examples of profiling, based on the latest marginal social cost curve and the contemporary energy saving policy of the state regarding the residential sector.
A tanulmány a marketing-erőforrások és a vállalatok versenyképessége közötti összefüggéseket elemzi és hasonlítja össze az öt évvel korábbi felmérés eredményeivel. A háromszáz hazai vállalatra kiterjedő kutatás során a szerzők azt állapították meg, hogy a vizsgált marketing-erőforrások mindegyike hatással van a vállalati teljesítményre. Ez annyiban jelent változást az öt évvel korábbi eredményekhez képest, hogy akkor a marketingképességek szerepe még nem volt egyértelmű. Az elemzés során kimutatták, hogy a vállalatok által birtokolt marketing-erőforrások hasonló struktúrát mutatnak, mint korábban. Ezek közül kiemelkedik a marketingfunkcióhoz leginkább köthető piacszervezési dimenzió, amely a legszorosabb összefüggést mutatja a versenyképességgel. A vizsgált vállalatok egy kis csoportjának (12%) sikerült a versenyképes termékkínálat és árak fenntartása mellett e képesség kifejlesztésében és birtoklásában előre lépniük. Körükben a sikeres vállalatok aránya kiemelkedő. / === / The study aimed to analyse the association between marketing resources and corporate competitiveness and it compared the results to the ones of a similar research conducted five years before. Based on the survey of 300 domestic organisations the authors found that all the marketing resources investigated have a significant effect on marketing performance. These results differ from the previous ones only in terms of marketing capabilities, as their role was ambiguous at that time. They revealed the same structure of marketing resources owned by the companies as last time. Among them the most marketing related resource-dimension called market management excels regarding the strength of the association with competitiveness. A small group of the companies investigated (12%) managed to advance in development and possession of this dimension of marketing resources whilst maintaining competitive product supply and price. The proportion of successful companies among them is highly significant
A tanulmány a marketing szerteágazó területei és a vállalatok versenyképessége közötti összefüggéseket kereste és hasonlította össze az öt évvel ezelőtti felmérés eredményeivel. Az elemzés így kitért arra, hogy a vezetők hogyan észlelik a marketing szerepét a vállalati eredményesség szempontjából, hogyan hatnak a teljesítményre a termék- és márkázási döntések, a szolgáltatások menedzselése, valamint a reklámtevékenység. A kutatás érinti a marketing szervezeti megjelenését és a többi vállalati funkciókkal megfigyelhető kapcsolatát, majd az erőforrás-elmélet megközelítését felhasználva elemezte a marketing eszközök és képességek versenyképességre gyakorolt hatását. Az eredmények alapján azt állapíthatjuk meg, hogy a marketing gyakorlata számos ponton kapcsolódik a vállalati teljesítményhez, azonban előtérbe kerülnek azok a marketing jellegű képességek, amely a vállalat marketing rendszerének működtetéséhez, nyomon követéséhez és megújításához szükségesek. ____ The study aimed to reveal the association between the widespread functions of marketing and corporate competitiveness and it compared the results to the ones of the similar survey research conducted five years before. The analysis concerns the perceived role of marketing in the success companies and how product and brand decisions, the management of services or advertising practices can influence the performance of companies. The organisational representation of marketing and the relationship with other corporate functions were also investigated. Finally, the study implemented the approach of resource-based theory to determine the effects of marketing assets and capabilities on competitiveness. Based on the results we can conclude that several connections can be determined between marketing and corporate performance but the role of marketing related capabilities that are necessary for managing, tracing and developing marketing systems is increasing.
Ez a tanulmány a projektvezetési szakirodalomban kialakult ismeretanyagot szem előtt tartva (noha tételesen nem hivatkozva arra) tárja fel azt a sajátos és tipikusnak nevezhető kontextust, amelyben a projektalapú szervezetek projektmarketing tevékenysége megnyilvánul. A tanulmány célja tehát nem magának a projektmarketingnek a kérdéskörére irányul, hanem elsősorban annak projektspecifikus kontextusára. Jellegét illetően a tanulmány spekulatív jellegű, vagyis lényegét tekintve nem empirikus kutatási eredményekből levont következtetésekre épül. _____ Traditional approach to project marketing focuses on process-related aspects of the marketing efforts of project- based organisations. This paper is different. Unlike to the traditional approach it highlights the decisive contextual features of project marketing, bearing in mind the typical project business from the point of view of project-based organisations. These features include: a) instead of physically existing products project-based organisations need to sell their ability to create the project outcome physically; b) the project outcome and the conditions of implementation are defined by the project client; c) project clients are involved in creating the project outcome; d) project implementation strategy applied in a client organisation may vary project by project. These determining contextual features shape to a great extent the actual competitive position of the project-based organisations which may vary project by project even in relation to the very same project client.
In the new social media context, it is gradually more common to say that each party can itself be considered a media content provider, firms included (through their brand pages). This tendency is reflected in a rising professional field called “content marketing”. This study incorporates the perspective of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into the scope of social media (SM) as a marketing communications and media content distribution system. In an exploratory content analysis of 20 official SM brand pages with 1281 analyzed posts the authors study how SMEs respond to the advent of a new paradigm of marketing communications with special attention to their usage of media-specific contents. SM impels companies to eventually rethink the traditional one-way communication flow of their marketing messages and to incorporate a new, two-way communication into their marketing strategy, where (their engaged and involved) users can create, modify, share and discuss content related to the firm’s activity. This study’s preliminary results show that diffusing content generally acts for SMEs as a facilitator to involve fans by offering a thematized space for them to manifest themselves in company-related topics. Therefore, content adds to the firms’ possibilities of brand positioning by offering a reflection of fans’ company- and contentrelated behavior, which is a supplementary source of information.