985 resultados para Cassava genotypes


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The Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique is powerful for DNA polymorphism determinations and is widely used in research involving different organisms, but it is known that RAPD can be affected by many factors that may result in false positive bands and non-reproducible assays. In this study, we analyzed the effect of several factors such as DNA template, primer and Taq DNA polymerase concentrations to optimize and standardize the RAPD technique for further genetic studies with Citrulus lanattus and Sesamum indicum L. The best combination of DNA, Taq DNA polymerase enzyme and primer concentrations in RAPD amplification procedures for sesame and watermelon genotypes was established.


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Introduction. Breeding studies for acerola (Malpighia glabra) improvement aim at obtaining plants that produce fruits with uniform chemical and physical attributes, including high levels of vitamin C, which can provision the market with fresh fruit and frozen pulp. High variability in fruit quality is observed in Brazilian acerola crops, especially those propagated by seeds. In this context, the objective of our research was to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of Brazilian acerola genotype fruits. Materials and methods. Sixteen acerola genotypes were studied in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil. A completely randomized design with sixteen treatments and six replications was adopted. Each treatment was represented by one genotype. Several parameters related to fruit quality, such as width, length, weight, pulp percentage, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), [SS / TA] ratio and vitamin C content, were evaluated in fruits of the acerola genotypes. The results were submitted to variance analyses, the Tukey test and cluster analysis. Results and discussion. There was a statistical difference between the acerola genotypes studied. Three of them stood out as natural sources of vitamin C. In spite of fruit size, two acerola genotypes were found to have potential for fresh fruit production. In a general form, genotypes that presented a high [SS / TA] ratio had low vitamin C content. Conclusion. The acerola genotypes studied in Jaboticabal presented high variability, forming eleven groups in relation to fruit quality parameters. © 2007 Cirad/EDP Sciences All rights reserved.


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The aim of the study was to determine the percentage of crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether extract) of 25 genotypes of kale from the Germplasm Bank of Instituto Agronômico de Campinas and of one genotype grown in the region of Jaboticabal-SP. The plants were cultivated in the field, and the leaves after collection were pre-dried in a convection oven at 65°C for 72 h. Afterward, the leaves were analyzed for crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether-soluble materials). Significant differences were detected among the different genotypes for all the characteristics examined. Of the genotypes studied, six showed more than 30% crude protein: HS-20 (32.56%), Comum (31.70%), Couve de Arthur Nogueira 2 (31.16%), Pires 2 de Campinas (30.63%), Manteiga I-916 (30.36%), and Manteiga de Ribeirao Pires I-2446 (30.03%). In relation to crude fiber, the highest percentage was seen in the genotype Manteiga de Mococa (10.92%), differing significantly from the other genotypes studied. With regard to crude fat, the highest percentage was found in the genotype HS-20 (3.72%), and Pires 1 de Campinas (3.34%). Of the genotypes tested, HS-20 stood out among the others, showing both the highest percentage of protein and fat.


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The study was conducted in the field, in the experimental area of the Section of Crop Production and Aromatic Medicinal Plants, belonging to the Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, Jaboticabal Campus-SP. The aim of the study was to assess the performance of seven genotypes of vegetable soybeans in Jaboticabal-SP. The experiment was carried out in a complete randomized block design with seven treatments (genotypes) and four replications. The genotypes examined were: CNPSOI, JLM003, JLM010, JLM018, JLM019, JLM024 and BRS216. The seeds were obtained from EMBRAPA-Soja and EMBRAPA- Hortaliças, and planted in Styrofoam trays with 128 cells containing Plantmax Hortaliças® as substrate. Transplanting occurred 10 d after seeding when the seedlings showed 2 or 3 definitive leaves and about 12 cm in height, demonstrating that the soil had been properly prepared according to the recommendations for this crop. Pests and diseases were adequately controlled in the event of their occurrence in the experimental area and in accordance with technical recommendations for the chemical products utilized. Collections were carried out based on the maturation of the pods, according to the scale of Fehr and Caviness (1977) adapted by Costa and Marchezan (1982), when the pods reached the reproductive stage R6. The parameters determined were mean precocity, height of the first pod, mean number of pods per plant, mean number of seeds per pod, fresh weight of 100 seeds and total yield of immature grains. Based on the results obtained, the genotypes JLM003 and JLM010 were found to be most indicated for growing vegetable soybeans, because of their capacity to produce immature grains of 1090 and 848 g·m-2, respectively, and fresh weights for 100 seeds of 62.20 and 68.19 g, respectively.


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The effect of blanching on the β-carotene stability during drying and storage of cassava and sweet potato was evaluated. The orange-fleshed sweet potato showed good retention of β-carotene during the blanching and drying (100% and 96%, respectively), but lower retention (84% and 91%) was observed in cassava. Cassava also showed lower β-carotene stability than sweet potato during the storage of unblanched dried samples. β-Carotene content of dried cassava was reduced from 8.6 μg/g to traces in 20 days of storage while the initial amount of dried sweet potato (463 μg/g) was reduced by about 45% (210 μg/g). Blanching did not affect the β-carotene retention during the drying, but enhanced the stability of this carotenoid during the storage of dried samples at room temperature, especially in cassava. The initial levels of blanched-dried cassava and sweet potato (7.8 and 513 μg/g, respectively) took 70 days to fall by around 50%.


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The physiological response of four commercial sugarcane genotypes to water stress was evaluated by measuring the photochemical efficiency of the photosystem II (chlorophyll a fluorescence ratio, F v/F m), estimated chlorophyll content (SPAD unit), leaf temperature (LT) and leaf relative water content (RWC). A field trial was established in the subtropical area with well-watered and water-stressed genotypes, in completely randomized blocks with four replicates in a 4 × 2 × 3 factorial design (genotype × irrigation × evaluation date). Physiological measurements were done during a 90 day-period of formative stage of plants. The analysis of variance showed that the interaction of genotype × irrigation × evaluation date had a significant effect for three physiological markers tested, F v/F m, SPAD unit and RWC. Under non-stressed conditions, all genotypes showed similar responses for the four markers. Under water deficiency stress, two drought-tolerant genotypes, HOCP01-523 and TCP89-3505 displayed higher values for F v/F m, SPAD unit and RWC, and lower values for LT, and could be classified as tolerant. It is therefore possible to use these physiological water stress associated traits as scorable marker traits for selecting drought-tolerant sugarcane genotypes in future breeding programs. © 2011 Society for Sugar Research & Promotion.


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In this work, cassava starch was modified by treatment with sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) at different concentrations (0.8, 2.0 and 5.0 % of active chlorine) and selected physicochemical properties of the oxidized starches were investigated. The native and modified samples were evaluated considering moisture, carboxyl content, apparent viscosity, susceptibility to syneresis, mid-infrared spectroscopy and crystallinity index. The treatment with NaClO resulted in alterations in carboxyl content of the oxidized starches that increased with increasing concentration of the oxidant. Oxidized starches also showed higher susceptibility to syneresis, as assessed by the release of liquid during freezing and thawing. Apparent viscosity analysis showed decrease in peak viscosity of the oxidized starches. X-ray diffractograms showed that the oxidation influenced the extent of cassava starch relative crystallinity found to lie between 34.4 % (native) and 39.9 % (2.0 % active chlorine). The infrared spectra are sensitive to structural changes on starch macromolecules and presented characteristic peaks as C-O-C of the six carbon glucose ring absorbs at 1,150-1,085 cm -1 and due to axial deformation these bands changed with the crystal structure of the starch samples. © 2012 Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India).


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Fourty-two White Leghorns laying hens, from the commercial Cuban hybrid L-33, were used for eight weeks during the laying peak (36 to 43 weeks of age), to assess the substitution of corn by cassava root meal (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and the crude soybean oil by crude oil of African palm tree (Elaeis guineensis J.) in the diets of laying hens. Analysis of variance was conducted, according to simple classification design, with three treatments and 14 repetitions (a cage with a hen). The treatments consisted of three diets (1- corn meal + soybean oil; 2- 25 % cassava meal + African palm tree oil; 3- 53 % cassava meal + African palm tree oil), with 15.71 % CP; 3.83 % Ca and 0.36 % P available. The viability was of 100 % in all treatments. No differences were found for laying (92.21, 92.09 and 91.59 %), which surpassed the potential of this hybrid during the laying peak (90 %), conversion (118g feedstuff/egg in the three treatments), egg mass produced (3066, 3114 and 3071 g/bird) and mass conversion (1.99, 1.95 y 1.98 feed consumed/egg mass). The pigmentation of the egg yolk was reduced as the level of cassava meal increased in the diets (6, 4 and 3 at Roche's scale), as well as the cost of the feed consumed in 56 d per hen (2.56, 2.15 and 1.83 USD/bird). The possibility of substituting, totally, corn meal by that of cassava and soybean oil by that of the African palm tree in the diets of laying hens during the laying peak was determined, with positive economic effect and without damaging the productive performance of birds.


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Twenty-eight White Leghorn laying hens, of the Cuban commercial hybrid L-33, were used for eight weeks within the laying peak (36 to 43 weeks of age), to evaluate the meal of root of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and the crude oil of African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis J.) as pigments of the egg yolks, out of their incorporation to the diet of laying hens during the laying peak. The birds were allocated in individual cages, with 108 g of feed/bird/d, water ad libitum, and 16 h of light. Analysis of variance was performed, according to one-way design with two treatments and fourteen repetitions (one cage with one hen). The treatments consisted of two diets (I- cassava meal + African palm oil, II- cassava meal + African oil palm + 2.5 % of cassava foliage meal). The viability was of 100 % in all the treatments. No differences were found for laying (91.59 and 90.10 %), which surpassed the potential of this hybrid during the laying peak (90 %), feed conversion/egg (118 and 120 g of feed/egg), mass of egg produced (3071 and 3027 g/bird) and mass conversion (1.98 and 2.00). The pigmentation of the egg yolk was doubled, by adding 2.5 % of meal of cassava foliage to the diets (3 and 6 in the scale of Roche). It was likeable to enhance the pigmentation of the egg yolk and reduce the feeding costs of the laying hens, when including 2.5 % of meal of cassava foliage to diets where the cassava meal and the oil of the African oil palm are basic sources of starch and lipids for the laying hens.


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Starch is arguably one of the most actively investigated biopolymer in the world. In this study, the native (untreated) cassava starch granules (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) were hydrolyzed by standard hydrochloric acid solution at different temperatures (30 °C and 50 °C) and the hydrolytic transformations were investigated by the following techniques: simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), as well as non-contact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) powder patterns, and rapid viscoamylographic analysis (RVA). After the treatment with hydrochloric acid at different temperatures, the thermal stability, a gradual loss of pasting properties (viscosity), alterations in the gelatinization enthalpy (ΔHgel), were observed. The use of NC-AFM and XRD allowed the observation of the surface morphology and topography of the starch granules and changes in crystallinity of the granules, respectively. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The use of chemically modified starches is widely accepted in various industries, with several applications. In this research, natural cassava starch granules were treated with standard sodium hypochlorite solution at 0.8, 2.0, and 5.0 g Cl/100 g starch. The native and modified starch samples were investigated by means of the following techniques: simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis, which allowed us to verify the thermal decomposition associated with endothermic or exothermic phenomena; and differential scanning calorimetry that was used to determine gelatinization enthalpy as well as the rapid viscoamylographic analysis that provided the pasting temperature and viscosity. By means of non-contact-atomic force microscopy method and X-ray powder patterns diffractometry, it was possible to observe the surface morphology, topography of starch granules, and alterations in the granules' crystallinity. © 2012 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fatores de transcrição desempenham importantes funções em vários processos fisiológicos. Nos últimos anos, muitos fatores de transcrição têm sido isolados de plantas, emergindo como poderosas ferramentas na manipulação de características agronômicas. No presente trabalho, iniciamos estudos para isolar fatores de transcrição de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), importante cultura tropical e subtropical. Nossos resultados revelaram três tipos de proteínas diferencialmente expressas na raiz de reserva de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz):e imunologicamente relacionadas com o fator de transcrição opaco-2 de milho. Experimentos de Southwestern mostraram duas proteínas capazes de interagir in vitro com uma seqüência de DNA do gene be2S1 de castanha-do-brasil.


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A mandioca é cultivada como "mandioca mansa" para consumo in natura e "mandioca para indústria" como fonte de amidos e farinhas. Raças locais foram utilizadas para descoberta de "mutações espontâneas" e desenvolvimento de abordagem evolutiva e de melhoramento para estudos de função gênica. Recursos de Genômica e Proteômica foram obtidos. Análises de expressão gênica por blot de RNA e microarranjos foram desenvolvidos para identificação de expressão diferencial. "Mandioca açucarada" foi identificada, sendo relacionada com falta de expressão do gene da BEI e de uma mutação "nonsence" na sequência do gene GBSSI causando a formação do amido serose. "Mandioca avermelhada" apresentou falta de expressão do gene CasLYB, e a "amarela" uma regulação de repressão do gene CasHYb. Análise Proteômica do complexo carotenóide-proteína, juntamente com a análise de expressão de gene da CAP4, revelaram uma dupla fita de cDNA associada ao elevado acúmulo de carotenóide. Sequenciamento do gene da GBSSI identificou 22 haplótipos e grande diversidade de nucleotídios. Populações segregantes de cruzamentos de fenótipos bioquímicos diferenciados com cultivares elites dos Cerrados foram obtidas.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos epidemiológicos sobre a distribuição genotípica do HCV na Amazônia Brasileira são escassos. Baseado nisto, determinamos o padrão de distribuição genotípica do HCV em diferentes categorias de exposição no Estado do Pará, Amazônia Brasileira. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal foi realizado com 312 indivíduos infectados pelo HCV, pertencentes a diferentes categorias de exposição atendidas pelo HEMOPA, CENPREN e uma clínica privada de hemodiálise em Belém. Eles foram testados quanto à presença de anticorpos anti-HCV por teste imunoenzimático, RNA-HCV utilizando PCR em tempo real e genotipados através de análise filogenética da 5' UTR. Os grupos de populações foram caracterizados epidemiologicamente de acordo com dados coletados em breve entrevista ou consulta de prontuários médicos. RESULTADOS: Em todas as diferentes categorias de exposição ao HCV, foram encontrados predomínio do genótipo 1. A distribuição genotípica do HCV em doadores de sangue (BD) foi constituída pelos genótipos 1 (94%) e 3 (6%). Todos os pacientes com doenças hematológicas crônicas (PCHD) possuíam genótipo 1. A distribuição genotípica em usuários de drogas ilícitas (DU) foi constituída pelos genótipos 1 (59,6%) e 3 (40,4%). Em pacientes em hemodiálise (PUH) foram detectados os genótipos 1 (90,1%), 2 (3,3%) e 3 (6,6%). Finalmente, a frequência entre os genótipos 1 e 3 foi significativamente diferente entre os grupos: BD e DU, PUH e DU, PUH e PCHD, e PCHD e DU. CONCLUSÕES: A frequência genotípica e distribuição de HCV em diferentes categorias de exposição no Estado do Pará mostraram predominância do genótipo 1, independentemente do possível risco de infecção.