887 resultados para Carbon fiber reinforced polymers
Neste artigo, formulações analíticas são desenvolvidas para calcular a resistência à punção de lajes lisas de concreto reforçado com fibras de aço (CRFA) e que também são reforçadas à flexão por barras de aço (reforço convencional). A partir de análises estatísticas sobre um banco de dados que reúne resultados experimentais de caracterização do comportamento pós-fissuração do CRFA, equações são estabelecidas para avaliar parâmetros da resistência residual à tração na flexão (fRi) a partir de informações fundamentais que caracterizam a fibra de aço. O parâmetro de resistência fRi, proposto pelo ModelCode10 foi usado para definir a lei tensão-abertura da fissura (σ-w) que simula o mecanismo de reforço da fibra em um material cimentício. A segunda parte do artigo descreve uma formulação analítica baseada nos conceitos propostos por Muttoni e Ruiz, onde a lei σ-w é convenientemente integrada para simular a contribuição da fibra de aço na resistência à punção de lajes em CRFA. A partir de um banco de dados, composto de 154 ensaios de punção, o bom desempenho da proposta apresentada é demonstrado. O desempenho do modelo também é evidenciado comparando-se os seus resultados a outros modelos.
The effectiveness of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) as a seismic retrofitting solution for damaged interior RC beam-column joints is experimentally studied. HCP is composed of a thin plate made of strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) reinforced with CFRP sheets/laminates. Two full-scale severely damaged interior beam-column joints are retrofitted using two different configurations of HCPs. The effectiveness of these retrofitting solutions mainly in terms of hysteretic response, dissipated energy, degradation of secant stiffness, displacement ductility and failure modes are compared to their virgin states. According to these criteria, both solutions resulted in superior responses regarding the ones registered in their virgin states.
Hybrid Composite Plate (HCP) is a reliable recently proposed retrofitting solution for concrete structures, which is composed of a strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) plate reinforced with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP). This system benefits from the synergetic advantages of these two composites, namely the high ductility of SHCC and the high tensile strength of CFRPs. In the materialstructural of HCP, the ultra-ductile SHCC plate acts as a suitable medium for stress transfer between CFRP laminates (bonded into the pre-sawn grooves executed on the SHCC plate) and the concrete substrate by means of a connection system made by either chemical anchors, adhesive, or a combination thereof. In comparison with traditional applications of FRP systems, HCP is a retrofitting solution that (i) is less susceptible to the detrimental effect of the lack of strength and soundness of the concrete cover in the strengthening effectiveness; (ii) assures higher durability for the strengthened elements and higher protection to the FRP component in terms of high temperatures and vandalism; and (iii) delays, or even, prevents detachment of concrete substrate. This paper describes the experimental program carried out, and presents and discusses the relevant results obtained on the assessment of the performance of HCP strengthened reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to flexural loading. Moreover, an analytical approach to estimate the ultimate flexural capacity of these beams is presented, which was complemented with a numerical strategy for predicting their load-deflection behaviour. By attaching HCP to the beams’ soffit, a significant increase in the flexural capacity at service, at yield initiation of the tension steel bars and at failure of the beams can be achieved, while satisfactory deflection ductility is assured and a high tensile capacity of the CFRP laminates is mobilized. Both analytical and numerical approaches have predicted with satisfactory agreement, the load-deflection response of the reference beam and the strengthened ones tested experimentally.
Recent durability studies have shown the susceptibility of bond in fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthened masonry components to hygrothermal exposures. However, it is not clear how this local material degradation affects the global behavior of FRP-strengthened masonry structures. This study addresses this issue by numerically investigating the nonlinear behavior of FRP-masonry walls after aging in two different environmental conditions. A numerical modeling strategy is adopted and validated with existing experimental tests on FRP-strengthened masonry panels. The model, once validated, is used for modeling of four hypothetical FRP-strengthened masonry walls with different boundary conditions, strengthening schemes, and reinforcement ratios. The nonlinear behavior of the walls is then simulated before and after aging in two different environmental conditions. The degradation data are taken from previous accelerated aging tests. The changes in the failure mode and nonlinear response of the walls after aging are presented and discussed.
Innovative composite materials made of continuous fibers embedded in mortar matrices have been recently received attention for externally bonded reinforcement of masonry structures. In this regards, application of natural fibers for strengthening of the repair mortars is attractive due to their low specific weight, sustainability and recycability. This paper presents experimental characterization of tensile and pull-out behavior of natural fibers embedded in two different mortar-based matrices. A lime-based and a geopolymeric-based mortar are used as sustainable and innovative matrices. The obtained experimental results and observations are presented and discussed.
This paper addresses the potential of polypropylene (PP) as a candidate for fused deposition modeling (FDM)-based 3D printing technique. The entire filament production chain is evaluated, starting with the PP pellets, filament production by extrusion and test samples printing. This strategy enables a true comparison between parts printed with parts manufactured by compression molding, using the same grade of raw material. Printed samples were mechanically characterized and the influence of filament orientation, layer thickness, infill degree and material was assessed. Regarding the latter, two grades of PP were evaluated: a glass-fiber reinforced and a neat, non-reinforced, one. The results showed the potential of the FDM to compete with conventional techniques, especially for the production of small series of parts/components; also, it was showed that this technique allows the production of parts with adequate mechanical performance and, therefore, does not need to be restricted to the production of mockups and prototypes.
In this study, the macro steel fiber (SF), carbon fiber (CF) and nano carbon black (NCB) as triphasic conductive materials were added into concrete, in order to improve the conductivity and ductility of concrete. The influence of NCB, SF and CF on the post crack behavior and conductivity of concrete was explored. The effect of the triphasic conductive materials on the self-diagnosing ability to the load–deflection property and crack widening of conductive concrete member subjected to bending were investigated. The relationship between the fractional change in surface impedance (FCR) and the crack opening displacement (COD) of concrete beams with conductive materials has been established. The results illustrated that there is a linear relationship between COD and FCR.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
The focus of this paper is given to investigate the effect of different fibers on the pore pressure of fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete under fire. The investigation on the pore pressure-time and temperature relationships at different depths of fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete beams was carried out. The results indicated that micro PP fiber is more effective in mitigating the pore pressure than macro PP fiber and steel fiber. The composed use of steel fiber, micro PP fiber and macro PP fiber showed clear positive hybrid effect on the pore pressure reduction near the beam bottom subjected to fire. Compared to the effect of macro PP fiber with high dosages, the effect of micro PP fiber with low fiber contents on the pore pressure reduction is much stronger. The significant factor for reduction of pore pressure depends mainly on the number of PP fibers and not only on the fiber content. An empirical formula was proposed to predict the relative maximum pore pressure of fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete exposed to fire by considering the moisture content, compressive strength and various fibers. The suggested model corresponds well with the experimental results of other research and tends to prove that the micro PP fiber can be the vital component for reduction in pore pressure, temperature as well spalling of concrete.
Aquest treball final de carrera és un estudi del reforç d’un element estructural de formigó per mitjà de fibres FRP. Podem assimilar-lo a una guia pràctica per tal que un enginyer ambconeixements de construcció, pugui reforçar un membre que ha sofert danys produïts peraguantar càrregues, oscil·lacions, etc.per les que no havia estat dissenyat. El projecte conté teoria del FRP per tal de conèixer el material que utilitzarem pel nostre reforç, les normatives i prenormatives que s’utilitzen per fer el disseny, i un exemple pràctic de càlcul del reforç d’una biga sotmesa a flexió i el confinament d’un pilar, que són les dues opcions més utilitzades per reforçar amb FRP. El reforç d’estructures de formigó és el camp de la construcció on més ràpidament i amb major èxit s’estan aplicant els reforços amb FRP, degut a les propietats tant avantatjoses que presenten, entre altres, resistència a la corrosió i lleugeresa, que es tradueix en estalvi de transport i posada en obra
Estudi experimental del comportament de bigues de formigó armades amb barres de materials compostos de matriu polimèrica (FRP)
El present treball s’emmarca dins el camp de les estructures de formigó, i mésconcretament, a les que es troben reforçades amb armadures de materials compostos amb matriu polimèrica, és a dir FRP “Fiber Reinforced Polymer”