671 resultados para Capsicum annum
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Published by the authority of the lords commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the master of the rolls.
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Added t. p. in English.
Color information is widely used in non-destructive quality assessment of perishable horticultural produces. The presented work investigated color changes of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) samples received from retail system. The effect of storage temperature (10±2°C and 24±4°C) on surface color and firmness was analyzed. Hue spectra was calculated using sum of saturations. A ColorLite sph850 (400-700nm) spectrophotometer was used as reference instrument. Dynamic firmness was measured on three locations of the surface: tip cap, middle and shoulder. Significant effects of storage conditions and surface location on both color and firmness were observed. Hue spectra responded sensitively to color development of pepper. Prediction model (PLS) was used to estimate dynamic firmess based on hue spectra. Accuracy was very different depending on the location. Firmness of the tip cap was predicted with the highest accuracy (RMSEP=0.0335). On the other hand, middle region cannot be used for such purpose. Due to the simplicity and rapid processing, analysis of hue spectra is a promising tool for evaluation of color in postharvest and food industry.
Tämän kirjan kirjoitukset on omistettu professori Olli Koistiselle hänen 60-vuotissyntymäpäivänään 11.5.2016. Kirjoittajat ovat professori Koistisen kollegoita, työtovereita, väitöskirjaohjattavia ja opiskelijoita, entisiä tai nykyisiä. Kirjoituksista osa on suomeksi, osa englanniksi. Siksi päätimme antaa kirjalle latinankielisen nimen. De natura rerum viittaa moneen, mukaan lukien samannimiset vanhat luonnonfilosofiset tekstit, joista varmaankin kuuluisin, Lucretiuksen De rerum natura, on käännetty suomeksi Maailmankaikkeudesta. Sikäli kuin yhtään professori Koistista tunnemme, tämä, yhtä hyvin kuin Lucretiuksen teoksen mahdollinen kirjaimellisempi käännös Asioiden luonnosta, kuvaisi hyvin hänen filosofiakäsitystään. Filosofiassa tutkitaan ihan oikeita, isoja asioita. Filosofi kysyy, millaisia erilaiset oliot ja ilmiöt ovat luonteeltaan – mikä on asioiden luonto. Kirjan kirjoituksissa tarkastelun kohteena on muun muassa muutos, kausaliteetti, hyvä elämä, tekstien tulkitseminen, inhimillinen toiminta, tunteet, ajattelu, tietoisuus, aika, todellisuus ja maailma. Kuten sopii odottaa, useissa kirjoituksissa viitataan filosofian klassikoihin, varsinkin Descartesiin, Spinozaan ja Kantiin, jotka ovat olleet Ollin omia rakkaita tutkimuskohteita. Klassikkoteksteihin viitataan filosofian historian tutkimuksessa vakiintuneiden käytäntöjen mukaisesti. Tarkempia selityksiä löytyy kirjoitusten alaviitteistä ja kirjallisuusluetteloista.
Con el objetivo de evaluar cinco productos botánicos para el manejo del ácaro blanco de la chiltoma, se realizó un estudio en el Municipio de Tisma, Masaya en el período comprendido de Septiembre a Noviembre del año 2014. Las alternativas evaluadas fueron: Eucalipto, Neem, Crisantemo, Madero Negro y Chile+Ajo+Jabon en comparación con el testigo que fue solamente aplicación de agua. Las variables evaluadas fueron: Número de ácaro blanco por planta, porcentaje de severidad del daño de ácaro blanco por planta, además de algunas variables económicas como el rendimiento en kg/ha por tratamiento evaluado, análisis de presupuesto parcial, análisis de dominancia y tasa de retorno marginal. Los resultados obtenidos en el estudio determinan que los tratamientos Madero Negro y chile+ajo+jabon fueron los que presentaron el mejor efecto de control del ácaro blanco, los mejores rendimientos comerciales lo obtuvieron los tratamientos madero negro y chile+ajo+jabon, las mejores tasas de retorno marginal fueron obtenidas en los tratamientos madero negro seguido del chile+ajo+jabon.
The first complete genome sequence of capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) from Australia was determined using a combination of Illumina HiSeq RNA and Sanger sequencing technologies. Australian CaCV had a tripartite genome structure like other CaCV isolates. The large (L) RNA was 8913 nucleotides (nt) in length and contained a single open reading frame (ORF) of 8634 nt encoding a predicted RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) in the viral-complementary (vc) sense. The medium (M) and small (S) RNA segments were 4846 and 3944 nt in length, respectively, each containing two non-overlapping ORFs in ambisense orientation, separated by intergenic regions (IGR). The M segment contained ORFs encoding the predicted non-structural movement protein (NSm; 927 nt) and precursor of glycoproteins (GP; 3366 nt) in the viral sense (v) and vc strand, respectively, separated by a 449-nt IGR. The S segment coded for the predicted nucleocapsid (N) protein (828 nt) and non-structural suppressor of silencing protein (NSs; 1320 nt) in the vc and v strand, respectively. The S RNA contained an IGR of 1663 nt, being the largest IGR of all CaCV isolates sequenced so far. Comparison of the Australian CaCV genome with complete CaCV genome sequences from other geographic regions showed highest sequence identity with a Taiwanese isolate. Genome sequence comparisons and phylogeny of all available CaCV isolates provided evidence for at least two highly diverged groups of CaCV isolates that may warrant re-classification of AIT-Thailand and CP-China isolates as unique tospoviruses, separate from CaCV.
Background Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) is an emerging pathogen of capsicum, tomato and peanut crops in Australia and South-East Asia. Commercial capsicum cultivars with CaCV resistance are not yet available, but CaCV resistance identified in Capsicum chinense is being introgressed into commercial Bell capsicum. However, our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms leading to the resistance response to CaCV infection is limited. Therefore, transcriptome and expression profiling data provide an important resource to better understand CaCV resistance mechanisms. Methodology/Principal Findings We assembled capsicum transcriptomes and analysed gene expression using Illumina HiSeq platform combined with a tag-based digital gene expression system. Total RNA extracted from CaCV/mock inoculated CaCV resistant (R) and susceptible (S) capsicum at the time point when R line showed a strong hypersensitive response to CaCV infection was used in transcriptome assembly. Gene expression profiles of R and S capsicum in CaCV- and buffer-inoculated conditions were compared. None of the genes were differentially expressed (DE) between R and S cultivars when mock-inoculated, while 2484 genes were DE when inoculated with CaCV. Functional classification revealed that the most highly up-regulated DE genes in R capsicum included pathogenesis-related genes, cell death-associated genes, genes associated with hormone-mediated signalling pathways and genes encoding enzymes involved in synthesis of defense-related secondary metabolites. We selected 15 genes to confirm DE expression levels by real-time quantitative PCR. Conclusion/Significance DE transcript profiling data provided comprehensive gene expression information to gain an understanding of the underlying CaCV resistance mechanisms. Further, we identified candidate CaCV resistance genes in the CaCV-resistant C. annuum x C. chinense breeding line. This knowledge will be useful in future for fine mapping of the CaCV resistance locus and potential genetic engineering of resistance into CaCV-susceptible crops.
Se propone elaborar, formular un producto en barra con un extracto natural obtenido de la especie Capsicum chinense Jacq. (Chile espuela de gallo) coadyuvado con otros principios activos: mentol y salicilato de metilo, con similar acción a los antiflamatorios no esteroideos por vía tópica, que presentan como ventaja no acumular toxinas y/o químicos que a futuro puedan afectar la salud del consumidor, ya que el dolor músculo esquelético es un problema de salud muy frecuente en la población. La barra analgésica contribuirá a solventar este malestar y los pacientes con dolores crónicos consumirán menos antiflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES) siendo beneficioso para su salud ya que el uso prolongado de estos medicamentos produce efectos secundarios. las barras se consideran productos derivados de jabones transparentes; quimicamente están constituidos por un excipiente gelificado y sustancias activas. En total se preformularon tres barras analgésicas empleando extracto de chile espuela de gallo a diferentes concentraciones 10%, 15%, 20%; la recolección de la materia prima vegetal y las condiciones de secado deben ser controladas para poder conservar los atributos medicinales de calidad en el producto terminado. Posterior a las determinaciones fisicoquímicas realizadas se eligió la barra analgésica con la concentración al 20% como la fórmula con las mejores características tanto de homogeneidad, deslizabilidad, consistencia como de apariencia. Esta barra analgésica se puede aplicar directamente sobre la piel, y por el tipo de formulación proporciona una mayor absorción de los principios activos.