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This paper analyzes reaction and thermal front development in porous reservoirs with reacting flows, such as those encountered in shale oil extraction. A set of dimensionless parameters and a 3D code are developed in order to investigate the important physical and chemical variables of such reservoirs when heated by in situ methods. This contribution builds on a 1D model developed for the precursor study to this work. Theory necessary for this study is presented, namely shale decomposition chemical mechanisms, governing equations for multiphase flow in porous media and necessary closure models. Plotting the ratio of the thermal wave speed to the fluid speed allows one to infer that the reaction wave front ends where this ratio is at a minimum. The reaction front follows the thermal front closely, thus allowing assumptions to be made about the extent of decomposition solely by looking at thermal wave progression. Furthermore, this sensitivity analysis showed that a certain minimum permeability is required in order to ensure the formation of a traveling thermal wave. It was found that by studying the non-dimensional governing parameters of the system one can ascribe characteristic values for these parameters for given initial and boundary conditions. This allows one to roughly predict the performance of a particular method on a particular reservoir given approximate values for initial and boundary conditions. Channelling and flow blockage due to carbon residue buildup impeded each method's performance. Blockage was found to be a result of imbalanced heating. Copyright 2012, Society of Petroleum Engineers.


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An increasin g interest in biofuel applications in modern engines requires a better understanding of biodiesel combustion behaviour. Many numerical studies have been carried out on unsteady combustion of biodiesel in situations similar to diesel engines, but very few studies have been done on the steady combustion of biodiesel in situations similar to a gas turbine combustor environment. The study of biodiesel spray combustion in gas turbine applications is of special interest due to the possible use of biodiesel in the power generation and aviation industries. In modelling spray combustion, an accurate representation of the physical properties of the fuel is a first important step, since spray formation is largely influenced by fuel properties such as viscosity, density, surface tension and vapour pressure. In the present work, a calculated biodiesel properties database based on the measured composition of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) has been implemented in a multi-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) spray simulation code. Simulations of non-reacting and reacting atmospheric-pressure sprays of both diesel and biodiesel have been carried out using a spray burner configuration for which experimental data is available. A pre-defined droplet size probability density function (pdf) has been implemented together with droplet dynamics based on phase Doppler anemometry (PDA) measurements in the near-nozzle region. The gas phase boundary condition for the reacting spray cases is similar to that of the experiment which employs a plain air-blast atomiser and a straight-vane axial swirler for flame stabilisation. A reaction mechanism for heptane has been used to represent the chemistry for both diesel and biodiesel. Simulated flame heights, spray characteristics and gas phase velocities have been found to compare well with the experimental results. In the reacting spray cases, biodiesel shows a smaller mean droplet size compared to that of diesel at a constant fuel mass flow rate. A lack of sensitivity towards different fuel properties has been observed based on the non-reacting spray simulations, which indicates a need for improved models of secondary breakup. By comparing the results of the non-reacting and reacting spray simulations, an improvement in the complexity of the physical modelling is achieved which is necessary in the understanding of the complex physical processes involved in spray combustion simulation. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.


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Laminated glass units are traditionally used to provide a degree of post-fracture strength, but the residual strength is often limited to relatively low levels suffi cient for holding the glass fragments together for a predetermined amount of time. It is possible to achieve a higher level of residual strength, but this requires specific boundary conditions and/or opaque reinforcing materials. This paper describes the experimental investigations on laminated glass units that can provide a signifi cant degree of post-fracture resistance, without the need of boundary restraints or opaque reinforcing materials. The glass units are composed entirely of combinations of conventional transparent interlayers and commercially available glass (annealed, heat treated and chemically strengthened). The paper also describes an empirical energy based interpretation of the mechanical response of the laminated units.


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Screech is a high frequency oscillation that is usually characterized by instabilities caused by large-scale coherent flow structures in the wake of bluff-body flameholders and shear layers. Such oscillations can lead to changes in flame surface area which can cause the flame to burn unsteadily, but also couple with the acoustic modes and inherent fluid-mechanical instabilities that are present in the system. In this study, the flame response to hydrodynamic oscillations is analyzed in a controlled manner using high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with an unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach. The response of a premixed flame with and without transverse velocity forcing is analyzed. When unforced, the flame is shown to exhibit a self-excitation that is attributed to the anti-symmetric shedding of vortices in the wake of the flameholder. The flame is also forced using two different kinds of low-amplitude out-of-phase inlet velocity forcing signals. The first forcing method is harmonic forcing with a single characteristic frequency, while the second forcing method involves a broadband forcing signal with frequencies in the range of 500 - 1000 Hz. For the harmonic forcing method, the flame is perturbed only lightly about its mean position and exhibits a limit cycle oscillation that is characteristic of the forcing frequency. For the broadband forcing method, larger changes in the flame surface area and detachment of the flame sheet can be seen. Transition to a complicated trajectory in the phase space is observed. When analyzed systematically with system identification methods, the CFD results, expressed in the form of the Flame Transfer Function (FTF) are capable of elucidating the flame response to the imposed perturbation. The FTF also serves to identify, both spatially and temporally, regions where the flame responds linearly and nonlinearly. Locking-in between the flame's natural self-excited frequency and the subharmonic frequencies of the broadband forcing signal is found to alter the dynamical behaviour of the flame. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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The flame surface density approach to the modeling of premixed turbulent combustion is well established in the context of Reynolds-averaged simulations. For the future, it is necessary to consider large-eddy simulation (LES), which is likely to offer major advantages in terms of physical accuracy, particularly for unsteady combustion problems. LES relies on spatial filtering for the removal of unresolved phenomena whose characteristic length scales are smaller than the computational grid scale. Thus, there is a need for soundly based physical modeling at the subgrid scales. The aim of this paper is to explore the usefulness of the flame surface density concept as a basis for LES modeling of premixed turbulent combustion. A transport equation for the filtered flame surface density is presented, and models are proposed for unclosed terms. Comparison with Reynolds-averaged modeling is shown to reveal some interesting similarities and differences. These were exploited together with known physics and statistical results from experiment and from direct numerical stimulation in order to gain insight and refine the modeling. The model has been implemented in a combustion LES code together with standard models for scalar and momentum transport. Computational results were obtained for a simple three-dimensional flame propagation test problem, and the relative importance of contributing terms in the modeled equation for flame surface density was assessed. Straining and curvature are shown to have a major influence at both the resolved and subgrid levels.


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An important first step in spray combustion simulation is an accurate determination of the fuel properties which affects the modelling of spray formation and reaction. In a practical combustion simulation, the implementation of a multicomponent model is important in capturing the relative volatility of different fuel components. A Discrete Multicomponent (DM) model is deemed to be an appropriate candidate to model a composite fuel like biodiesel which consists of four components of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). In this paper, the DM model is compared with the traditional Continuous Thermodynamics (CTM) model for both diesel and biodiesel. The CTM model is formulated based on mixing rules that incorporate the physical and thermophysical properties of pure components into a single continuous surrogate for the composite fuel. The models are implemented within the open-source CFD code OpenFOAM, and a semi-quantitative comparison is made between the predicted spray-combustion characteristics and optical measurements of a swirl-stabilised flame of diesel and biodiesel. The DM model performs better than the CTM model in predicting a higher magnitude of heat release rate in the top flame brush region of the biodiesel flame compared to that of the diesel flame. Using both the DM and CTM models, the simulation successfully reproduces the droplet size, volume flux, and droplet density profiles of diesel and biodiesel. The DM model predicts a longer spray penetration length for biodiesel compared to that of diesel, as seen in the experimental data. Also, the DM model reproduces a segregated biodiesel fuel vapour field and spray in which the most abundant FAME component has the longest vapour penetration. In the biodiesel flame, the relative abundance of each fuel component is found to dominate over the relative volatility in terms of the vapour species distribution and vice versa in the liquid species distribution. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microcystins, one type of the cyanobacterial toxins, show a broad range of hazardous effects on other organisms. Most of the researches on the toxic effects of microcystins have involved in animals and higher plants. Little work, however, has been done on evaluating the mechanisms of microcystin toxicity on algae. In this study, the toxicological effects of microcystin-RR (MC-RR) on the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus were investigated. For this purpose, six physio-biochemical parameters (cell optical density, reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and glutathione S-transferase (GST)) were tested in algal cells when exposed to 100 mug(-1) microcystin-RR. The results showed that the growth of Synechococcus elongatus ( expressed as optical density) was significantly inhibited compared with the control. At the same time, the treated algae exhibited a pronounced increase in production of ROS and MDA after 6 days exposure to microcystin-RR. Signi. cant changes in GSH levels and GSH-Px, GSH activities were also detected in algal cells, with higher values being observed in the toxin treated algae after 6 days exposure. GST activities in the treated algae exhibited a decline after exposure and rapid augmentation on day 3, thereafter, they kept at a high level when compared to the control group. GSH contents and GSH-Px activities were also significantly raised in the toxin-treated algae cells from day 3, but they showed a sharp decrease on day 4, which was the onward of cell proliferation. These results suggested that oxidative stress manifested by elevated ROS levels and MDA contents might be responsible for the toxicity of microcystin to Synechococcus elongatus and the algal cells could improve their antioxidant ability through the enhancement of enzymatic and non-enzymatic preventive substances.


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Concept mapping is a technique for visualizing the relationships between different concepts, and collaborative concept mapping is used to model knowledge and transfer expert knowledge. Because of lacking some features,existing systems can’t support collaborative concept mapping effectively. In this paper, we analysis the collaborative concept mapping process according to the theory of distributed cognition, and argue the functions effective systems ought to include. A collaborative concept mapping system should have the following features: visualization of concept map, flexible collaboration style,supporting natural interaction, knowledge management and history management. Furthermore, we describe every feature in details. Finally,a prototype system has been built to fully explore the above technologies.


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Surface damage of gallium nitride films irradiated by Arq+ (6 ≤ q ≤ 16) ions at room temperature is studied by the atomic force microscopy. It is found that when charge state exceeds a threshold value, significant swelling was turned into obvious erosion in the irradiated region. The surface change of the irradiated region strongly depends on the charge state and ion fluence. On the other hand, surface change is less dependent on the kinetic energy nearly in the present experimental range (120 keV≤ Ek ≤ 220 keV). For q ≤ 14, surface of the irradiated region iscovered with an amorphous layer, rough and bulgy. A step-up appears between the irradiated and un-irradiated region. Moreover, the step height and the surface roughness are functions of the ion dose and charge state...


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In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms of apoptosis resistance and the roles of the phosphorylation of BRCA1, p21, the Bax/Bcl-2 protein ratio and cell cycle arrest in IR-induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. X-irradiation, in particular at low dose (1 Gy), but not carbon ion irradiation, had a significant antiproliferative effect on the growth of MCF-7 cells. 1 Gy X-irradiation resulted in G1 and G2 phase arrest, but 4 Gy induced a significant G1 block. In contrast, carbon ion irradiation resulted in a significant accumulation in the G2 phase. Concomitant with the phosphorylation of H2AX induced by DNA damage,carbon ion irradiation resulted in an approximately 1.9–2.8-fold increase in the phosphorylation of BRCA1 on serine residue 1524, significantly greater than that detected for X-irradiation. Carbon ion irradiation caused a dramatic increase in p21 expression and drastic decrease in Bax expression compared with X-irradiation. The data implicated that phosphorylation of BRCA1 on serine residue 1524 might,at least partially, induce p21 expression but repress Bax expression. Together, our results suggested that the phosphorylation of BRCA1 at Ser-1524 might contribute to the G2 phase arrest and might be an upstream signal involved in preventing apoptosis signal via upregulation of p21 and downregulation of the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio.


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New measurement by CELSIUS-WASA Collaboration on the pp →pnπ+ reaction reveals clear evidence for the presence of the Roper resonance N∗(1440) which has been ignored in previous theoretical calculations. In this article, based on an effective Lagrangian approach and available knowledge on the Roper resonance, we investigate the role of the Roper resonance for the pp→pnπ+ reaction. It is found that the contribution from the Roper resonance N∗(1440) becomes significant for kinetic energy above 1.1 GeV, consistent with the new experimental observation. The t -channel σ-meson exchange is dominant for the production of the Roper resonance.


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Theoretical research, laboratory test and field observation show that most of sediment rock has anisotropic features. It will produce some notable errors when applying isotropic methods such as prestack depth migration and velocity analysis to dada acquired under anisotropic condition; it also has a bad effect on geologic interpretation. Generally speaking, the vertical transverse isotropic media is a good approximation to geologic structure, thus it has an important realistic meaning for anisotropic prestack depth migration theory researching and precise complex geologic imaging if considering anisotropic effect of seismic wave propagation. There are two indispensable parts in prestack depth migration of realistic records, one is proper prestack depth migration algorithm, and the other is velocity analysis using prestack seismic data. The paper consists of the two aspects. Based on implicit finite difference research proposed by Dietrich Ristow et al (1997) about VTI media prestack depth migration, the paper proposed split-step Fourier prestack depth migration algorithm (VTISSF) and Fourier finite difference algorithm (VTIFFD) based on wave equation for VTI media, program are designed and the depth migration method are tested using synthetic model. The result shows that VTISSF is a stable algorithm, it generally gets a good result if the reflector dip is not very steep, while undermigration phenomena appeared in steep dips case; the VTIFFD algorithm bring us better result in steep dips with lower efficiency and frequency dispersion. For anisotropic prestack depth migration velocity analysis of VTI media, The paper discussed the basic hypothesis of VTI model in velocity analysis algorithm, basis of anisotropic prestack depth migration velocity analysis and travel time table calculation of VTI media in integral prestack depth migration. Then , analyzed the P-wave common imaging gather in the case of homogeneous velocity and vertically variable velocity . studied the residual correction in common imaging gather produced by media parameter error, analyzed the condition of flat event and correct depth in common imaging gather . In this case, the anisotropic model parameter vector is , is vertical velocity of a point at top surface, is vertical velocity gradient, and are anisotropic parameter. We can get vertical velocity gradient from seismic data; then the P-wave common imaging gather of VTI media whose velocity varies in vertical and horizontal direction, the relationship between media parameter and event residual time shift of common image gather are studied. We got the condition of flattening common imaging gather with correct depth. In this case the anisotropic model parameter vector is , is velocity gradient in horizontal direction. As a result, the vertical velocity grads can be decided uniquely, but horizontal velocity grads and anisotropic parameter can’t be distinguished if no priori information available, our method is to supply parameter by velocity scanning; then, as soon as is supplied we can get another four parameters of VTI media from seismic data. Based on above analysis, the paper discussed the feasibility of migration velocity analysis in vertically and horizontally varied VTI media, synthetic record of three models are used to test the velocity analysis method . Firstly, anisotropic velocity analysis test is done using a simple model with one block, then we used a model with multiple blocks, thirdly, we analyzed the anisotropic velocity using a part of Marmousi model. The model results show that this velocity analysis method is feasible and correct.


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After the half century exploration, previous scholar evaluating thought that there were poor Petro-Geological conditions in Chepaizi area of Zhungar basin. Recently, with the great discovery in the Well Pai2,the study on the subtle reservoir in Chepaizi area are gained great attentions by the scholars all over the world day by day. Chepaizi uplift is a inherited palaeohigh, and its structural traps are undeveloped. The sedimentary faces of Shawan Formation of Neogene have apron type of alluvial fan, alluvial plain, alluvial fan delta, salt lake, shore and shallow lake and so on. The sedimentary faces of Shawan Formation of Well Pai2 is alluvial fan delta and shore and shallow lake, the first part of Shawan Formation(N1s1) is the main target for exploration. Using the seismic forward, property analysis, spectral factorization, logging restrain inversion and so on, The spatial distribution of the sand reservoir and its hydrocarbon, predicted and 20 lithology traps in 5 substratums were carried out. The traps have a total areal of 107.13 Km2, and the geological reserves in it can reach 8703.7×104t. After comprehensive research on the trap,reservoir, cap and the condition of the hydrocarbon accumulation, it is considered that the elements of hydrocarbon in Chepaizi area are various. Because it can’t generate hydrocarbon, the oil and gas conducting and accumulation are the most important factors in this area, and the validity of the lithology traps in monoclinal is another important factor. Research indicates that the master control factor of the subtle reservoir in Chepaizi area is fault and sand. The sand of beach and sandbar provide the space for the hydrocarbon accumulation, the fault provides the migration channel for the hydrocarbon. Most faults have a characteristics of up seal and the down open, which not only can conduct hydrocarbon, but also can prevent hydrocarbon overtopping, therefore the effect trap is results of good match of fault and sand.


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Geopolymer gelatinous material was prepared by ferroalloy slag (signed with NKT in laboratory) and circulating fluidization bed slag (CFB slag, signed with NM in laboratory) produced from Heshan city, Guangxi zhuang autonomous region, China. The mechanical properties of the geopolymer made of high content ferroalloy slag can reach the standard of 42.5# portland blastfurnace-slag cement, and it’s processing technology is more simple and not need of mill and burn and will not produce harmful gas. By means of chemical and XRD analyses, it is concluded that NKT is a kind of acidity water-granulated slag with better activation and fit to be activated by alkali activators. Low-cost industrial gypsum (signed with NG in laboratory), analytic reagent oxide(signed with NH in laboratory) and sulfate(signed with NS in laboratory) were selected as alkali activation in the experiment. The results showed NH is a good alkali activator for NKT. Both NH and NG can activate ferroally slag’s activities, but NS can’t alone. The activation effect of superimposing activation of NH and NG excel by separateness. Based on those experiments, optimization compounds were carried out: (1) NKT: NH: NG = 80: 10: 10 and (2) NM: NKT: NS: NG: NH = 10: 70: 2: 8: 10。. The soundness of the test blocks is good by boiling examination. Through XRD, SEM, IR, NMR analyses of geopolymer, the reaction mechanism of geopolymer prepared by alkalescent activating in solid wastes was discussed in the thesis first. It is point out, there is difference in reaction mechanism between traditional geopolymer preparation and the preparation of alkalescent activating solid wastes because NG is a industry product. There is the similar process of depolymerization and reunion of Si-O bond. The latter preparation process generate new subtance but the former doesn’t. In the experiment, we found a performance of NKT that the water requirement of normal consistency of geopolymer reduces with increasing content of NKT. The result shows NKT has some ability to reduce water requirement. The performance is worthy of further research and utilization. Making use of solid wastes to prepare geopolymer, not only can settle environment problem caused by a great deal of dump of NKT, but also settle the shortage of natural resources. Moreover it could take economic, environmental and social benefits and settle thoroughly contradiction in the environment protection and regional economy development and promote circulation economy development.