990 resultados para Canada. 1993 Sept. 14.


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Se presentan varias situaciones de riesgo con ni??os de siete a catorce a??os: cruzar la calle, subir a un ??rbol, juegos deportivos, laboratorio, animales de compa????a, playa, bicicleta, etc. Se comenta y analiza la manera de evitar los accidentes.


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Pretende describir la genesis del sistema nervioso y la evolución de los concimientos de los estudiantes relativos al sistema nervioso humano. Estudiantes desde preescolar hasta octavo de EGB. Estudia si las ideas sobre el sistema nervioso que posee cada sujeto se pueden interpretar desde la perspectiva de los modelos mentales. La importancia de esta interpretación radica en la escasez de estudios que aborden la dimensión interpretativa desde la coherencia interna del pensamiento de los sujetos. Los instrumentos básicos de recogida de datos son las entrevistas sobre situaciones y en trevistas sobre ejemplos, junto a los dibujos realizados por los estudiantes. Para el análisis cualitativo de los conocimientos se utiliza el método de análisis conocido como redes sistémicas. Los resultados del trabajo describen la evolución de los principales conceptos sobre el sistema nervioso en la muestra y la evolución de los modelos mentales de los sujetos.


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Esta unidad didáctica pretende ofrecer una tecnología directamente relacionada con los seres vivos, salir del espacio del taller y trabajar las plantas. Consiste en analizar, organizar y cultivar por equipos, pequeñas parcelas de terreno. Los cultivos propuestos son hortícolas y de ciclo primaveral. Durante el cultivo los alumnos desarrollan individualmente un ensayo sobre alguno de los aspectos que se exponen. El trabajo está dividido en 7 fases. Las 4 primeras se dedican a la preparación del cultivo, la quinta a la puesta en marcha, la sexta al mantenimiento y durante la séptima se realiza una valoración económica y un trabajo final.


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Unidad didáctica diseñada para el bachillerato general. Versa sobre la construcción de relojes de sol. La duración aproximada de este proyecto estaría alrededor de las cuatro semanas, unificando los horarios de Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnología, a razón de 6 horas por semana. Con esta unidad didáctica se pretende desarrollar el método de Proyectos Tecnológicos interrelacionándolo con la metodología científica, siendo soporte la una de la otra y viceversa. Puede utilizarla el profesor como inicio a la experimentación en el Aula-Taller, bajo el planteamiento de integrar el área Tecnológica y Científica durante el tiempo que dura ésta actividad.


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Existe un ejemplar en lengua valenciana con el título: Construcció de rellotges de sol : tecnologia, segon cicle : alumnat. ISBN: 84-482-0387-9m


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Existe un ejemplar en lengua valenciana con el título: Cultius de primavera : tecnología, segon cicle : alumnat. ISBN: 84-482-0384-4


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Contiene: Semana de las niñas y los niños del mundo : una propuesta de trabajo globalizado para la enseñanza primaria y para el primer ciclo de la secundaria obligatoria (12-14 años) : guía didáctica - El derecho a ser niño, paz para la infancia, ya - Beto quiere crecer : alimentación y salud - La escuela de Beto : educación y desarrollo - El barrio de Beto : los niños de la calle - Semana de las niñas y los niños del mundo : actividades de solidaridad y cooperación para todo el centro - Intermón : (dossier) - Mozambique : el país de Beto y sus amigos (vídeo) - También quieren ser niños y niñas (vídeo). El proyecto también incluye una unidad didáctica para el primer ciclo de la ESO, titulada 'La infancia en el mundo : trabajadores de 10 años'


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The UK and Canada recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at allowing the two countries to optimise their respective diplomatic resources by sharing embassy and consulate sites, the joint acquisition, supply and use of services, as well as collaboration on crisis response, consular services, security, diplomatic mail, information management and IT. This CEPS Commentary argues that the MoU on Mutual Support of Missions Abroad runs counter to the spirit of loyal cooperation, in particular in the realm of EU foreign policy. It also raises challenges to coherence, consistency and effectiveness of EU action in policy areas concerning visas, trade and consular protection. Moreover, the agreement may throw a spanner in the works of EU solidarity and the creation of a stronger EU identity, both internally and externally


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Individual behavior that reduces vulnerability to predation can affect population dynamics of animals. Temperate-nesting Canada Geese (Branta canadensis maxima) have increased steadily throughout the Atlantic flyway and have become a nuisance in some parts of their range. The objective of our study was to describe movements and habitat use during the postbreeding period of Canada Geese recently established in southern Québec. More specifically, we wanted to determine whether geese were using areas where hunting was allowed to assess the potential of harvest to control the number of geese. We tracked a sample of geese fitted with radio or conventional alphanumeric collars throughout the fall in three zones characterized by different habitats and hunting pressure. Before the hunting season, geese left the breeding area where hunting was allowed to reach suburban areas where firearm discharge was prohibited or hunters’ numbers were low. These postbreeding movements occurred when juveniles were approximately three months old. We observed few local movements among zones once migrant geese from northern breeding populations reached the study area. Radio-collared geese used mainly natural habitats (75.4 ± 2.6%), followed by urban (14.4 ± 2.7%), and agricultural habitats (10.3 ± 0.8%). They were located 73.8 ± 6.2% of the time in areas where hunting was prohibited. Geese that attended their juveniles during brood rearing were more prone to use areas where firearm discharge was restricted than geese that had abandoned or lost their brood. This study shows that under the prevailing regulations, the potential of hunting to manage the increasing breeding population of Canada Geese in southern Québec is limited.


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Although mortality of birds from collisions with vehicles is estimated to be in the millions in the USA, Europe, and the UK, to date, no estimates exist for Canada. To address this, we calculated an estimate of annual avian mortality attributed to vehicular collisions during the breeding and fledging season, in Canadian ecozones, by applying North American literature values for avian mortality to Canadian road networks. Because owls are particularly susceptible to collisions with vehicles, we also estimated the number of roadkilled Barn owls (Tyto alba) in its last remaining range within Canada. (This species is on the IUCN red list and is also listed federally as threatened; Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada 2010, International Union for the Conservation of Nature 2012). Through seven Canadian studies in existence, 80 species and 2,834 specimens have been found dead on roads representing species from 14 orders of birds. On Canadian 1 and 2-lane paved roads outside of major urban centers, the unadjusted number of bird mortalities/yr during an estimated 4-mo (122-d) breeding and fledging season for most birds in Canada was 4,650,137 on roads traversing through deciduous, coniferous, cropland, wetlands and nonagricultural landscapes with less than 10% treed area. On average, this represents 1,167 birds killed/100 km in Canada. Adjusted for scavenging, this estimate was 13,810,906 (3,462 dead birds/100 km). For barn owls, the unadjusted number of birds killed annually on 4-lane roads during the breeding and fledging season, within the species geographic range in southern British Columbia, was estimated as 244 owls and, when adjusted for scavenging and observer bias (3.6 factor), the total was 851 owls.


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The extent to which species are plastic in the timing of their reproductive events relative to phenology suggests how climate change might affect their demography. An ecological mismatch between the timing of hatch for avian species and the peak availability in quality and quantity of forage for rapidly growing offspring might ultimately affect recruitment to the breeding population unless individuals can adjust the timing of breeding to adapt to changing phenology. We evaluated effects of goose density, hatch timing relative to forage plant phenology, and weather indices on annual growth of pre-fledging Canada geese (Branta canadensis) from 1993-2010 at Akimiski Island, Nunavut. We found effects of both density and hatch timing relative to forage plant phenology; the earlier that eggs hatched relative to forage plant phenology, the larger the mean gosling size near fledging. Goslings were smallest in years when hatch was latest relative to forage plant phenology, and when local abundance of breeding adults was highest. We found no evidence for a trend in relative hatch timing, but it was apparent that in early springs, Canada geese tended to hatch later relative to vegetation phenology, suggesting that geese were not always able to adjust the timing of nesting as rapidly as vegetation phenology was advanced. Analyses using forage biomass information revealed a positive relationship between gosling size and per capita biomass availability, suggesting a causal mechanism for the density effect. The effects of weather parameters explained additional variation in mean annual gosling size, although total June and July rainfall had a small additive effect on gosling size. Modelling of annual first-year survival probability using mean annual gosling size as an annual covariate revealed a positive relationship, suggesting that reduced gosling growth negatively impacts recruitment.


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We analyze ionospheric convection patterns over the polar regions during the passage of an interplanetary magnetic cloud on January 14, 1988, when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) rotated slowly in direction and had a large amplitude. Using the assimilative mapping of ionospheric electrodynamics (AMIE) procedure, we combine simultaneous observations of ionospheric drifts and magnetic perturbations from many different instruments into consistent patterns of high-latitude electrodynamics, focusing on the period of northward IMF. By combining satellite data with ground-based observations, we have generated one of the most comprehensive data sets yet assembled and used it to produce convection maps for both hemispheres. We present evidence that a lobe convection cell was embedded within normal merging convection during a period when the IMF By and Bz components were large and positive. As the IMF became predominantly northward, a strong reversed convection pattern (afternoon-to-morning potential drop of around 100 kV) appeared in the southern (summer) polar cap, while convection in the northern (winter) hemisphere became weak and disordered with a dawn-to-dusk potential drop of the order of 30 kV. These patterns persisted for about 3 hours, until the IMF rotated significantly toward the west. We interpret this behavior in terms of a recently proposed merging model for northward IMF under solstice conditions, for which lobe field lines from the hemisphere tilted toward the Sun (summer hemisphere) drape over the dayside magnetosphere, producing reverse convection in the summer hemisphere and impeding direct contact between the solar wind and field lines connected to the winter polar cap. The positive IMF Bx component present at this time could have contributed to the observed hemispheric asymmetry. Reverse convection in the summer hemisphere broke down rapidly after the ratio |By/Bz| exceeded unity, while convection in the winter hemisphere strengthened. A dominant dawn-to-dusk potential drop was established in both hemispheres when the magnitude of By exceeded that of Bz, with potential drops of the order of 100 kV, even while Bz remained northward. The later transition to southward Bz produced a gradual intensification of the convection, but a greater qualitative change occurred at the transition through |By/Bz| = 1 than at the transition through Bz = 0. The various convection patterns we derive under northward IMF conditions illustrate all possibilities previously discussed in the literature: nearly single-cell and multicell, distorted and symmetric, ordered and unordered, and sunward and antisunward.


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Participation as observer at the meeting of Task 14 of IEA's Solar Heating and Cooling Projects held in Hameln, Germany has led to greater understanding of interesting developments underway in several countries. This will be of use during the development of small scale systems suitable for Swedish conditions. A summary of the work carried out by the working groups within Task 14 is given, with emphasis on the Domestic Hot Water group. Experiences of low-flow systems from several countries are related, and the conclusion is drawn that the maximum theoretical possible increase in performance of 20% has not been achieved due to poor heat exchangers and poor stratification in the storage tanks. Positive developments in connecting tubes and pumps is noted. Further participation as observer in Task 14 meetings is desired, and is looked on favourably by the members of the group. Another conclusion is that SERC should carry on with work on Swedish storage tanks, with emphasis on better stratification and heat exchangers, and possible modelling of system components. Finally a German Do-it-Vourself kit is described and judged in comparison with prefabricated models and Swedish Do-it-Yourself kits.