955 resultados para Campus planning.
Many communities in Iowa have expressed a desire to develop a plan for better accommodating pedestrians and bicyclists in their community. This desire results from the recognition that walking and bicycling are popular recreational activities and, are increasingly important as “alternative transportation modes.” Recognizing the desire on the part of communities to create better conditions for bicycling and walking, the Iowa DOT developed this handbook as part of Iowa Trails 2000. This handbook outlines the steps and resources required to create a comprehensive system of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Such a system can serve local needs and connect communities to the Iowa State Trails System and other regional attractions.
This guide was created to aid communities in the process of smart planning and is organized around the 10 Smart Planning Principles signed into Iowa law in 2010. A general description of the concept, strategies for encouraging use, policy tools for implementation, and a current Iowa example are presented for each Principle. In addition, a brief list of resources is provided to help local governments, community organizations and citizen planners find information and ideas on community involvement and incorporation of smart planning concepts in every day decisions.
The historically-reactive approach to identifying safety problems and mitigating them involves selecting black spots or hot spots by ranking locations based on crash frequency and severity. The approach focuses mainly on the corridor level without taking the exposure rate (vehicle miles traveled) and socio-demographics information of the study area, which are very important in the transportation planning process, into consideration. A larger study analysis unit at the Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ) level or the network planning level should be used to address the needs of development of the community in the future and incorporate safety into the long-range transportation planning process. In this study, existing planning tools (such as the PLANSAFE models presented in NCHRP Report 546) were evaluated for forecasting safety in small and medium-sized communities, particularly as related to changes in socio-demographics characteristics, traffic demand, road network, and countermeasures. The research also evaluated the applicability of the Empirical Bayes (EB) method to network-level analysis. In addition, application of the United States Road Assessment Program (usRAP) protocols at the local urban road network level was investigated. This research evaluated the applicability of these three methods for the City of Ames, Iowa. The outcome of this research is a systematic process and framework for considering road safety issues explicitly in the small and medium-sized community transportation planning process and for quantifying the safety impacts of new developments and policy programs. More specifically, quantitative safety may be incorporated into the planning process, through effective visualization and increased awareness of safety issues (usRAP), the identification of high-risk locations with potential for improvement, (usRAP maps and EB), countermeasures for high-risk locations (EB before and after study and PLANSAFE), and socio-economic and demographic induced changes at the planning-level (PLANSAFE).
Iowa’s Rail Environment Iowa’s rail transportation system provides both freight and passenger service. Rail serves a variety of trips, including those within Iowa and those to other states as well as to foreign markets. While rail competes with other modes, it also cooperates with those modes to provide intermodal services to Iowans. In 2009 Iowa’s rail transportation system could be described as follows: Freight Iowa’s 130,000-mile freight transportation system includes an extensive railroad network, a well-developed highway system, two bordering navigable waterways, and a pipeline network as well as air cargo facilities. While rail accounts for only 3 percent of the freight network, it carries 43 percent of Iowa’s freight tonnage. A great variety of commodities ranging from fresh fish to textiles to optical products are moved by rail. However, most of the Iowa rail shipments consist of bulk commodities, including grain, grain products, coal, ethanol, and fertilizers. The railroad network performs an important role in moving bulk commodities produced and consumed in the state to local processors, livestock feeders, river terminals and ports for foreign export. The railroad’s ability to haul large volumes, long distances at low costs will continue to be a major factor in moving freight and improving the economy of Iowa. Key 2008 Facts • 3,945 miles of track • 18 railroads • 49.5 million tons shipped • 39.7 million tons received • 2 Amtrak routes • 6 Amtrak stations • 66,286 rail passenger rides Key Rail Trends • slightly fewer miles being operated; • railroads serving Iowa has remained the same; • more rail freight traffic; • more tons hauled per car; • higher average rail rates per ton-mile since 2002; • more car and tons hauled per locomotive; and • more ton miles per gallon of fuel consumed. Iowa’s rail system and service has been evolving over time relative to its size, financial conditions, and competition from other modes.
The value of driving We as Americans - and especially as Iowans - value the independence of getting around in our own vehicles and staying connected with our families and communities. The majority of older Iowans enjoy a more active, healthy and longer life than previous generations. Freedom of mobility shapes our quality of life. With aging, driving becomes an increasing concern for older Iowans and their families. How we deal with changes in our driving ability and, eventually, choose when and how to retire from driving, will affect our safety and our quality of life.
This 2011 Annual Report further summarizes the work of the Commission during the last year and provides planning recommendations for the future of the Capitol Complex. Please note that Iowa Code Chapter 8A.373 provides that before any physical changes are made to the state capitol complex "it shall be the duty of the officers, commissions, and councils charged by law with the duty of determining such questions to call upon" the Capitol Planning Commission for advice. The Capitol Planning Commission members, as well as DAS Staff, welcome the opportunity to discuss future projects at the request of any legislator.
In Switzerland, the land management regime is characterized by a liberal attitude towards the institution of property rights, which is guaranteed by the Constitution. Under the present Swiss constitutional arrangement, authorities (municipalities) are required to take into account landowners' interests when implementing their spatial planning policy. In other words, the institution of property rights cannot be restricted easily in order to implement zoning plans and planning projects. This situation causes many problems. One of them is the gap between the way land is really used by the landowners and the way land should be used based on zoning plans. In fact, zoning plans only describe how landowners should use their property. There is no sufficient provision for handling cases where the use is not in accordance with zoning plans. In particular, landowners may not be expropriated for a non-conforming use of the land. This situation often leads to the opening of new building areas in greenfields and urban sprawl, which is in contradiction with the goals set into the Federal Law on Spatial Planning. In order to identify legal strategies of intervention to solve the problem, our paper is structured into three main parts. Firstly, we make a short description of the Swiss land management regime. Then, we focus on an innovative land management approach designed to implement zoning plans in accordance with property rights. Finally, we present a case study that shows the usefulness of the presented land management approach in practice. We develop three main results. Firstly, the land management approach brings a mechanism to involve landowners in planning projects. Coordination principle between spatial planning goals and landowners' interests is the cornerstone of all the process. Secondly, the land use is improved both in terms of space and time. Finally, the institution of property rights is not challenged, since there is no expropriation and the market stays free.
This is a three volume set of the final report on the comprehensive plan of the Urban Planning Grant for the City of Urbandale. The report also includes important maps and charts.
The Capitol Planning Commission is authorized under Chapter 8A.371—378 of the Code of Iowa. “It shall be the duty of the commission to advise upon the location of statues, fountains and monuments and the placing of any additional buildings on the capitol grounds, the type of architecture and the type of construction of any new buildings to be erected on the state capitol grounds as now encompassed or as subsequently enlarged, and repairs and restoration thereof, and it shall be the duty of the officers, commissions, and councils charged by law with the duty of determining such questions to call upon the commission for such advice. “The commission shall, in cooperation with the director of the department of administrative services, develop and implement within the limits of its appropriation, a five-year modernization program for the capitol complex. “The commission shall annually report to the general assembly its recommendations relating to its duties under this section. The report shall be submitted to the chief clerk of the house and the secretary of the senate during the month of January.” —Code of Iowa, Chapter 8A.373
The Capitol Planning Commission is authorized under Chapter 8A.371—378 of the Code of Iowa. “It shall be the duty of the commission to advise upon the location of statues, fountains and monuments and the placing of any additional buildings on the capitol grounds, the type of architecture and the type of construction of any new buildings to be erected on the state capitol grounds as now encompassed or as subsequently enlarged, and repairs and restoration thereof, and it shall be the duty of the officers, commissions, and councils charged by law with the duty of determining such questions to call upon the commission for such advice. “The commission shall, in cooperation with the director of the department of administrative services, develop and implement within the limits of its appropriation, a five-year modernization program for the capitol complex. “The commission shall annually report to the general assembly its recommendations relating to its duties under this section. The report shall be submitted to the chief clerk of the house and the secretary of the senate during the month of January.” —Code of Iowa, Chapter 8A.373
The Capitol Planning Commission is authorized under Chapter 8A.371—378 of the Code of Iowa. “It shall be the duty of the commission to advise upon the location of statues, fountains and monuments and the placing of any additional buildings on the capitol grounds, the type of architecture and the type of construction of any new buildings to be erected on the state capitol grounds as now encompassed or as subsequently enlarged, and repairs and restoration thereof, and it shall be the duty of the officers, commissions, and councils charged by law with the duty of determining such questions to call upon the commission for such advice. “The commission shall, in cooperation with the director of the department of administrative services, develop and implement within the limits of its appropriation, a five-year modernization program for the capitol complex. “The commission shall annually report to the general assembly its recommendations relating to its duties under this section. The report shall be submitted to the chief clerk of the house and the secretary of the senate during the month of January.” —Code of Iowa, Chapter 8A.373