982 resultados para Calvo, Laín


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[ES] Este trabajo analiza la sostenibilidad de la Planificación Territorial de Bizkaia en relación al parámetro consumo de suelo. Para ello se estudian las propuestas realizadas por los Planes Territoriales Parciales en materia de nuevo suelo residencial destinado a acoger las necesidades de vivienda de los municipios incluidos en sus respectivas Áreas Funcionales.


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[ES]La tesis doctoral analiza las experiencias amorosas de pareja de mujeres encarceladas, con el doble objetivo de visibilizar a las mujeres presas en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales y de introducir las especificidades de las mujeres encarceladas en los debates sociológicos y feministas acerca del amor. Las escasas aproximaciones al amor entre las mujeres presas han tendido a explicar sus relaciones de pareja desde el concepto de “dependencia emocional”, que, como se muestra en la tesis, presenta dos debilidades básicas, de un lado la tendencia a la psicologización y patologización de cuestiones de claro sustrato social; de otro la homogeneización de experiencias que presentan gran diversidad. Otra debilidad de ciertos análisis sobre las mujeres presas y aquellas excluidas socialmente, es que se han basado en concepciones sexistas acerca de las mujeres transgresoras como “malas mujeres”, por considerar que no cumplen con las expectativas culturales y sociales asociadas a los supuestos atributos de género. Esta tesis doctoral adopta una epistemología basada en la crítica feminista que busca modelos analíticos alejados de los estereotipos y la estigmatización de las mujeres transgresoras. Desde una perspectiva metodológica cualitativa, el trabajo de campo fue desarrollado en la cárcel de Nanclares de Oca (País Vasco) durante el 2008. Desarrollé un trabajo etnográfico de observación participante y entrevistas en profundidad semiestructuradas que elaboraban información sobre aspectos relativos a sus trayectorias de vida (familia de origen, vivienda, empleo, nivel educativo, situación penal y penitenciaria, estado de salud, etc.) y sus experiencias amorosas de pareja. En mi análisis, he rastreado la diversidad y variabilidad de las experiencias amorosas de las mujeres presas, el impacto del encarcelamiento en sus trayectorias amorosas y en la configuración de su intimidad, los elementos que hacen para estas mujeres del amor un “cautiverio”, y al mismo tiempo, las estrategias “liberadoras” que despliegan en sus desarrollos afectivos. El amor puede constituir un cautiverio para las mujeres ya que favorece la acomodación a unos roles de género que definen a las mujeres como dependientes y carentes de libertad. Al mismo tiempo, el amor se puede entender como una “estrategia emocional”, una forma de superar las consecuencias del encierro y de lograr ciertos estándares de “normalización” social, en un contexto en que se encuentran excluidas socialmente y fuertemente estigmatizadas.


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There is an increasing number of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems that are time-sensitive and resource-aware. From healthcare to building and even home/office automation, it is now common to find systems combining interactive and sensing multimedia traffic with relatively simple sensors and actuators (door locks, presence detectors, RFIDs, HVAC, information panels, etc.). Many of these are today known as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Quite frequently, these systems must be capable of (1) prioritizing different traffic flows (process data, alarms, non-critical data, etc.), (2) synchronizing actions in several distributed devices and, to certain degree, (3) easing resource management (e.g., detecting faulty nodes, managing battery levels, handling overloads, etc.). This work presents FTT-MA, a high-level middleware architecture aimed at easing the design, deployment and operation of such AmI systems. FTT-MA ensures that both functional and non-functional aspects of the applications are met even during reconfiguration stages. The paper also proposes a methodology, together with a design tool, to create this kind of systems. Finally, a sample case study is presented that illustrates the use of the middleware and the methodology proposed in the paper.


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Lan honetan, gure artean gutxi ezagutzen diren “Jardueran Oinarritutako Komunitateek” (JOK) enpresa txiki eta ertainetan izan dezaketen eragina aztertzen da. Zehazki, ikergaia hauxe da: organizazio barruan komunikazioa eta ezagutzaren jarioa areagotzea helburu duen tresna hori Gipuzkoako bederatzi enpresa eta erakundetan nola txertatu den eta txertaketa horren ondorioak zeintzuk izan diren erakustea. Bereziki, puntu hauei begiratu zaie: JOKetan aritu diren pertsonen espektatiben asebetetze-mailari, lan taldeen emaitzei, lan taldeen jarduera ahalbideratzen duten faktoreei eta egon diren oztopoei. Jasotako ebidentzia enpirikoa (galdetegia, elkarrizketak) aztertu eta gero, esan daiteke orokorrean emaitzak nahiko positiboak izan direla, efekturik nabarmenenak arlo hauetan lortu direlarik: JOK-ak osatzen dituzten pertsonen parte hartzea areagotzea; Komunikazioa hobetzea (parte-hartzaileen artean eta horien eta zuzendaritzen artean); Pertsona arteko harremanak sendotzea; Ezagutza elkarri zabaltzea; Enpresarekiko asebetetasun handiagotzea. Aitzitik, aurkitu diren oztopo handienak hauexek izan dira: JOK-a behar bezala garatzeko denbora falta eta hasierako inplikazio falta (top-down ezarritako JOK-etan).


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Lan honetan Gipuzkoako udaletxeetan krisialdi ekonomikoak izan duen eragina aztertuko da. Horretarako adierazle ekonomiko-finantzario nagusiak aztertuko dira. Analisia sakonagoa izan dadin, azalduko diren zenbait irizpideren baitan aukeratutako 12 udaletxeetan zentratuko da. Honela arazo ezberdinei aurre egiteko irtenbide ezberdinak aukeratu direla ikusi ahal izango dugu, bakoitzak zuen ahalmenaren arabera. Era berean Gipuzkoako sektore publikoaren egitura eta funtzionamendu azalduko da. Bertan, konpetentzien banaketa eta bakoitzaren autonomiaren mugak aztertuko dira. Halaber, azken urteotan erregulazioan eman diren zenbait aldaketa ere komentatuko dira. Aldaketa horiek udaletxeen aurrekontuetan izan duten eragina ere ikusiko dugu.


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[EUS] Artikulu honen bidez, Arantxa Urretabizkaiak amatasuna bere narratiban nola jorratu duen agerian jarri nahi da. Horrela, Zergatik panpox (1979), Koaderno gorria (1998) eta Hiru Mariak (2010) eleberrietako, eta Aspaldian espero zaitudalako ez nago sekula bakarrik (1983) ipuin bildumako amak aztertu dira artikulu honetan. Lehenik, amatasunaren inguruan esparru teorikoa eraiki da. Hortaz, egun teoria feministak amatasunaren inguruan zedarriturikoa eta esanikoa aurkeztu da. Ondoren, kritika feminista metodologia gisa harturik, aipaturiko narrazioetako literatur protagonistak aztertu dira. Ondorio nagusi gisa esan daiteke aztertutako amatasunaren irudikapenak ez direla hegemonikoak, alternatiboak edota emergenteak baizik. Ama bakarrak, helduak, lan munduan nahiz politikan dihardutenak aurkitu ditugu literatur testu hauetan, hitz batean, harreman berriak sorrarazi dituzten literatur pertsonaiak. Harreman berri horiek, hain justu ere, genero arteko harreman berrien paradigma lirateke.


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1 p. -- [Editorial Material]


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[EUS] XX. mendearen bigarren erdian Euskal Herrikoíanda espazio atlantiarrean suertatu den paisai aldaketa bertan ustiakuntza sistema funtsezkoa den baserriak eragin du. Lan honetan aldaketa prozesu hori aztertzeko nekazal estatistikaz baliatzen da.


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[EUS] Artikulu honetan, (UPV/EHU) Geografia Lizenziaturako ikasleek burututako Landa Garapen Aurreproiektu batzuetatik ondorioztatzen diren emaitza nagusiak plazaratzen dira. Nahiz eta lan horien hasierako helburua erabat akademikoa izan, kanpo lanaren bidez lortutako datuen interesak sintesi txiki hau bultzatzen du.


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Computer vision algorithms that use color information require color constant images to operate correctly. Color constancy of the images is usually achieved in two steps: first the illuminant is detected and then image is transformed with the chromatic adaptation transform ( CAT). Existing CAT methods use a single transformation matrix for all the colors of the input image. The method proposed in this paper requires multiple corresponding color pairs between source and target illuminants given by patches of the Macbeth color checker. It uses Delaunay triangulation to divide the color gamut of the input image into small triangles. Each color of the input image is associated with the triangle containing the color point and transformed with a full linear model associated with the triangle. Full linear model is used because diagonal models are known to be inaccurate if channel color matching functions do not have narrow peaks. Objective evaluation showed that the proposed method outperforms existing CAT methods by more than 21%; that is, it performs statistically significantly better than other existing methods.


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The development of techniques for oncogenomic analyses such as array comparative genomic hybridization, messenger RNA expression arrays and mutational screens have come to the fore in modern cancer research. Studies utilizing these techniques are able to highlight panels of genes that are altered in cancer. However, these candidate cancer genes must then be scrutinized to reveal whether they contribute to oncogenesis or are coincidental and non-causative. We present a computational method for the prioritization of candidate (i) proto-oncogenes and (ii) tumour suppressor genes from oncogenomic experiments. We constructed computational classifiers using different combinations of sequence and functional data including sequence conservation, protein domains and interactions, and regulatory data. We found that these classifiers are able to distinguish between known cancer genes and other human genes. Furthermore, the classifiers also discriminate candidate cancer genes from a recent mutational screen from other human genes. We provide a web-based facility through which cancer biologists may access our results and we propose computational cancer gene classification as a useful method of prioritizing candidate cancer genes identified in oncogenomic studies.


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Background: The diagnosis of invasive candidiasis is difficult because there are no specific clinical manifestations of the disease and colonization and infection are difficult to distinguish. In the last decade, much effort has been made to develop reliable tests for rapid diagnosis of invasive candidiasis, but none of them have found widespread clinical use. Results: Antibodies against a recombinant N-terminal fragment of the Candida albicans germ tube-specific antigen hyphal wall protein 1 (Hwp1) generated in Escherichia coli were detected by both immunoblotting and ELISA tests in a group of 36 hematological or Intensive Care Unit patients with invasive candidiasis and in a group of 45 control patients at high risk for the mycosis who did not have clinical or microbiological data to document invasive candidiasis. Results were compared with an immunofluorescence test to detect antibodies to C. albicans germ tubes (CAGT). The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of a diagnostic test based on the detection of antibodies against the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by immunoblotting were 27.8 %, 95.6 %, 83.3 % and 62.3 %, respectively. Detection of antibodies to the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by ELISA increased the sensitivity (88.9 %) and the negative predictive value (90.2 %) but slightly decreased the specificity (82.6 %) and positive predictive values (80 %). The kinetics of antibody response to the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by ELISA was very similar to that observed by detecting antibodies to CAGT. Conclusion: An ELISA test to detect antibodies against a recombinant N-terminal fragment of the C. albicans germ tube cell wall antigen Hwp1 allows the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis with similar results to those obtained by detecting antibodies to CAGT but without the need of treating the sera to adsorb the antibodies against the cell wall surface of the blastospore.