987 resultados para CT ANGIOGRAPHY


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RESUMOO objetivo neste trabalho é analisar se os Fundos Setoriais redefiniram o modelo de promoção de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CT&I), mudando de ofertista-linear para o modelo sistêmico, como previsto em sua concepção. Para a consolidação desse modelo, o setor produtivo precisa estar inserido no processo inovativo. Dessa forma, apoiou-se na análise da presença ou não da empresa em dois objetos dos Fundos Sociais. Os resultados apontam que nem as agências de fomento, nem os projetos aprovados têm buscado estimular a cooperação universidade-empresa. Assim, o que se verifica é que não houve uma redefinição para o modelo sistêmico de inovação, e sim que a política de promoção de CT&I continua a seguir um modelo linear, mas agora induzido pela demanda.


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Echocardiography is the preferred initial test to assess cardiac morphology and ventricular function. Cardiac MRI enables an optimal visualisation of heart muscle without contrast injection, and precise measurement of the ventricular volumes and systolic function. It is therefore an ideal test for patients with poor echocardiographic windows or for the specific evaluation of right heart chambers. Heart CT also remarkably images heart muscle and precisely measures ventricular systolic function after intravenous injection of iodinated contrast. Coronary CT may also, in selected cases, avoid the need for diagnostic coronary angiography. Although very accurate, these imaging modalities are expensive and may be contra-indicated for a particular patient. Their use in clinical practice has to follow the accepted guidelines.


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La tomodensitométrie (CT) est une technique d'imagerie dont l'intérêt n'a cessé de croître depuis son apparition dans le début des années 70. Dans le domaine médical, son utilisation est incontournable à tel point que ce système d'imagerie pourrait être amené à devenir victime de son succès si son impact au niveau de l'exposition de la population ne fait pas l'objet d'une attention particulière. Bien évidemment, l'augmentation du nombre d'examens CT a permis d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients ou a rendu certaines procédures moins invasives. Toutefois, pour assurer que le compromis risque - bénéfice soit toujours en faveur du patient, il est nécessaire d'éviter de délivrer des doses non utiles au diagnostic.¦Si cette action est importante chez l'adulte elle doit être une priorité lorsque les examens se font chez l'enfant, en particulier lorsque l'on suit des pathologies qui nécessitent plusieurs examens CT au cours de la vie du patient. En effet, les enfants et jeunes adultes sont plus radiosensibles. De plus, leur espérance de vie étant supérieure à celle de l'adulte, ils présentent un risque accru de développer un cancer radio-induit dont la phase de latence peut être supérieure à vingt ans. Partant du principe que chaque examen radiologique est justifié, il devient dès lors nécessaire d'optimiser les protocoles d'acquisitions pour s'assurer que le patient ne soit pas irradié inutilement. L'avancée technologique au niveau du CT est très rapide et depuis 2009, de nouvelles techniques de reconstructions d'images, dites itératives, ont été introduites afin de réduire la dose et améliorer la qualité d'image.¦Le présent travail a pour objectif de déterminer le potentiel des reconstructions itératives statistiques pour réduire au minimum les doses délivrées lors d'examens CT chez l'enfant et le jeune adulte tout en conservant une qualité d'image permettant le diagnostic, ceci afin de proposer des protocoles optimisés.¦L'optimisation d'un protocole d'examen CT nécessite de pouvoir évaluer la dose délivrée et la qualité d'image utile au diagnostic. Alors que la dose est estimée au moyen d'indices CT (CTDIV0| et DLP), ce travail a la particularité d'utiliser deux approches radicalement différentes pour évaluer la qualité d'image. La première approche dite « physique », se base sur le calcul de métriques physiques (SD, MTF, NPS, etc.) mesurées dans des conditions bien définies, le plus souvent sur fantômes. Bien que cette démarche soit limitée car elle n'intègre pas la perception des radiologues, elle permet de caractériser de manière rapide et simple certaines propriétés d'une image. La seconde approche, dite « clinique », est basée sur l'évaluation de structures anatomiques (critères diagnostiques) présentes sur les images de patients. Des radiologues, impliqués dans l'étape d'évaluation, doivent qualifier la qualité des structures d'un point de vue diagnostique en utilisant une échelle de notation simple. Cette approche, lourde à mettre en place, a l'avantage d'être proche du travail du radiologue et peut être considérée comme méthode de référence.¦Parmi les principaux résultats de ce travail, il a été montré que les algorithmes itératifs statistiques étudiés en clinique (ASIR?, VEO?) ont un important potentiel pour réduire la dose au CT (jusqu'à-90%). Cependant, par leur fonctionnement, ils modifient l'apparence de l'image en entraînant un changement de texture qui pourrait affecter la qualité du diagnostic. En comparant les résultats fournis par les approches « clinique » et « physique », il a été montré que ce changement de texture se traduit par une modification du spectre fréquentiel du bruit dont l'analyse permet d'anticiper ou d'éviter une perte diagnostique. Ce travail montre également que l'intégration de ces nouvelles techniques de reconstruction en clinique ne peut se faire de manière simple sur la base de protocoles utilisant des reconstructions classiques. Les conclusions de ce travail ainsi que les outils développés pourront également guider de futures études dans le domaine de la qualité d'image, comme par exemple, l'analyse de textures ou la modélisation d'observateurs pour le CT.¦-¦Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging technique in which interest has been growing since it first began to be used in the early 1970s. In the clinical environment, this imaging system has emerged as the gold standard modality because of its high sensitivity in producing accurate diagnostic images. However, even if a direct benefit to patient healthcare is attributed to CT, the dramatic increase of the number of CT examinations performed has raised concerns about the potential negative effects of ionizing radiation on the population. To insure a benefit - risk that works in favor of a patient, it is important to balance image quality and dose in order to avoid unnecessary patient exposure.¦If this balance is important for adults, it should be an absolute priority for children undergoing CT examinations, especially for patients suffering from diseases requiring several follow-up examinations over the patient's lifetime. Indeed, children and young adults are more sensitive to ionizing radiation and have an extended life span in comparison to adults. For this population, the risk of developing cancer, whose latency period exceeds 20 years, is significantly higher than for adults. Assuming that each patient examination is justified, it then becomes a priority to optimize CT acquisition protocols in order to minimize the delivered dose to the patient. Over the past few years, CT advances have been developing at a rapid pace. Since 2009, new iterative image reconstruction techniques, called statistical iterative reconstructions, have been introduced in order to decrease patient exposure and improve image quality.¦The goal of the present work was to determine the potential of statistical iterative reconstructions to reduce dose as much as possible without compromising image quality and maintain diagnosis of children and young adult examinations.¦The optimization step requires the evaluation of the delivered dose and image quality useful to perform diagnosis. While the dose is estimated using CT indices (CTDIV0| and DLP), the particularity of this research was to use two radically different approaches to evaluate image quality. The first approach, called the "physical approach", computed physical metrics (SD, MTF, NPS, etc.) measured on phantoms in well-known conditions. Although this technique has some limitations because it does not take radiologist perspective into account, it enables the physical characterization of image properties in a simple and timely way. The second approach, called the "clinical approach", was based on the evaluation of anatomical structures (diagnostic criteria) present on patient images. Radiologists, involved in the assessment step, were asked to score image quality of structures for diagnostic purposes using a simple rating scale. This approach is relatively complicated to implement and also time-consuming. Nevertheless, it has the advantage of being very close to the practice of radiologists and is considered as a reference method.¦Primarily, this work revealed that the statistical iterative reconstructions studied in clinic (ASIR? and VECO have a strong potential to reduce CT dose (up to -90%). However, by their mechanisms, they lead to a modification of the image appearance with a change in image texture which may then effect the quality of the diagnosis. By comparing the results of the "clinical" and "physical" approach, it was showed that a change in texture is related to a modification of the noise spectrum bandwidth. The NPS analysis makes possible to anticipate or avoid a decrease in image quality. This project demonstrated that integrating these new statistical iterative reconstruction techniques can be complex and cannot be made on the basis of protocols using conventional reconstructions. The conclusions of this work and the image quality tools developed will be able to guide future studies in the field of image quality as texture analysis or model observers dedicated to CT.


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Perfusion CT studies of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), involving sequential acquisition of cerebral CT sections during IV contrast material administration, have classically been reported to be achieved at 120 kVp. We hypothesized that using 80 kVp should result in the same image quality while significantly lowering the patient's radiation dose, and we evaluated this assumption. In five patients undergoing cerebral CT survey, one section level was imaged at 120 kVp and 80 kVp, before and after IV administration of iodinated contrast material. These four cerebral CT sections obtained in each patient were analyzed with special interest to contrast, noise, and radiation dose. Contrast enhancement at 80 kVp is significantly increased (P < .001), as well as contrast between gray matter and white matter after contrast enhancement (P < .001). Mean noise at 80 kVp is not statistically different (P = .042). Finally, performance of perfusion CT studies at 80 kVp, keeping mAs constant, lowers the radiation dose by a factor of 2.8. We, thus, conclude that 80 kVp acquisition of perfusion CT studies of rCBF will result in increased contrast enhancement and should improve rCBF analysis, with a reduced patient's irradiation.


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Purpose: To determine the diagnostic value of 18F-FDG PET/CT versus contrastenhanced CT in identifying chest wall invasion by NSCLC. Methods and Materials: The primary selection criterion was a peripheral tumor of any size with contact to the chest wall. A total of 25 patients with pathologically proven NSCLC satisfied these criteria. Chest wall invasion was interpreted upon PET/CT when a frank costal or intercostal 18F-FDG uptake was identified with or without concomitant morphologic alterations. On the other hand, the existence of periosteal rib reaction/erosion, chest wall thickening or obliteration of the pleural fat layer either separately or combined were considered essential diagnostic criteria for disease extension into the chest wall upon contrast-enhanced CT. The results were correlated with the final histological analysis. Results: Among the studied cohort, 13/25 (52%) patients had chest wall invasion consistent with T3 disease. Both PET/CT and contrast-enhanced CT successfully identified 12/13 (92%) of these patients. The single false-negative result was due to parietal pleural invasion. On the other hand, one false-positive result was encountered by PET/CT in a dyspneic patient; whereas, CT analysis revealed false-positive results in six patients. In these patients, periosteal rib reaction (n = 2) or asymmetric enlargement of adjacent chest wall muscles (n = 1) were identified along with an obliterated pleural fat layer (n = 6). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of PET/CT and contrast-enhanced CT were 92, 91 and 92% versus 92, 50 and 72%. Conclusion: 18F-FDG PET/CT is an accurate diagnostic modality in identifying.


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Coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a powerful noninvasive technique with high soft-tissue contrast for the visualization of the coronary anatomy without X-ray exposure. Due to the small dimensions and tortuous nature of the coronary arteries, a high spatial resolution and sufficient volumetric coverage have to be obtained. However, this necessitates scanning times that are typically much longer than one cardiac cycle. By collecting image data during multiple RR intervals, one can successfully acquire coronary MR angiograms. However, constant cardiac contraction and relaxation, as well as respiratory motion, adversely affect image quality. Therefore, sophisticated motion-compensation strategies are needed. Furthermore, a high contrast between the coronary arteries and the surrounding tissue is mandatory. In the present article, challenges and solutions of coronary imaging are discussed, and results obtained in both healthy and diseased states are reviewed. This includes preliminary data obtained with state-of-the-art techniques such as steady-state free precession (SSFP), whole-heart imaging, intravascular contrast agents, coronary vessel wall imaging, and high-field imaging. Simultaneously, the utility of electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) and multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) for the visualization of the coronary arteries is discussed.


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PURPOSE: To objectively compare quantitative parameters related to image quality attained at coronary magnetic resonance (MR) angiography of the right coronary artery (RCA) performed at 7 T and 3 T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Institutional review board approval was obtained, and volunteers provided signed informed consent. Ten healthy adult volunteers (mean age ± standard deviation, 25 years ± 4; seven men, three women) underwent navigator-gated three-dimensional MR angiography of the RCA at 7 T and 3 T. For 7 T, a custom-built quadrature radiofrequency transmit-receive surface coil was used. At 3 T, a commercial body radiofrequency transmit coil and a cardiac coil array for signal reception were used. Segmented k-space gradient-echo imaging with spectrally selective adiabatic fat suppression was performed, and imaging parameters were similar at both field strengths. Contrast-to-noise ratio between blood and epicardial fat; signal-to-noise ratio of the blood pool; RCA vessel sharpness, diameter, and length; and navigator efficiency were quantified at both field strengths and compared by using a Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: The contrast-to-noise ratio between blood and epicardial fat was significantly improved at 7 T when compared with that at 3 T (87 ± 34 versus 52 ± 13; P = .01). Signal-to-noise ratio of the blood pool was increased at 7 T (109 ± 47 versus 67 ± 19; P = .02). Vessel sharpness obtained at 7 T was also higher (58% ± 9 versus 50% ± 5; P = .04). At the same time, RCA vessel diameter and length and navigator efficiency showed no significant field strength-dependent difference. CONCLUSION: In our quantitative and qualitative study comparing in vivo human imaging of the RCA at 7 T and 3 T in young healthy volunteers, parameters related to image quality attained at 7 T equal or surpass those from 3 T.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of shorter- and longer-acting intra-articular anaesthetics on post-arthrographic pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 154 consecutive patients investigated by MR or CT arthrographies were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: 1--intra-articular contrast injection only; 2--lidocain 1% adjunction; or 3--bupivacain 0.25% adjunction. Pain was assessed before injection, at 15 min, 4 h, 1 day and 1 week after injection by visual analogue scale (VAS). RESULTS: At 15 min, early mean pain score increased by 0.96, 0.24 and 0 in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Differences between groups 1 & 3 and 1 & 2 were statistically significant (p=0.003 and 0.03, respectively), but not between groups 2 & 3 (p=0.54). Delayed mean pain score increase was maximal at 4 h, reaching 1.60, 1.22 and 0.29 in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Differences between groups 1 & 2 and 2 & 3 were statistically significant (p=0.002 and 0.02, respectively), but not between groups 1 & 2 (p=0.46). At 24 h and 1 week, the interaction of local anaesthetics with increase in pain score was no longer significant. Results were independent of age, gender and baseline VAS. CONCLUSION: Intra-articular anaesthesia may significantly reduce post-arthrographic pain. Bupivacain seems to be more effective than lidocain to reduce both early and delayed pain.


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Purpose: To evaluate the clinical potential of diffusion-weighted MR imaging with apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) mapping for the assessment of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) response to targeted therapy in comparison with 18F-FDG PET/CT. Methods and materials: Five patients (3W/2M, aged 56 ± 13 y) with metastatic GIST underwent both a 18F-FDG PET/CT (Discovery LS, GE Healthcare) and a MRI (VIBE T1 Gd, DWI [b = 50,300,600] and ADC mapping) before and after change in therapy. Exams were first analyzed blindly, then PET/CT images were coregistered to T1 Gd MR images for lesion detection. SUVmax and ADC were measured for the six largest lesions on MRI. The relationship between SUVmax and ADC was analyzed using Spearman's correlation. Results: Altogether, 24 lesions (15 hepatic and 9 non-hepatic) were analyzed on both modalities. Three PET/CT lesions (12.5%) were initially not considered on ADC and 4 lesions on the second PET/CT were excluded because of hepatic vascular activity spillover. SUVmax decreased from 7.2 ± 7.7 g/mL to 5.9 ± 5.9 g/mL (P = 0.53) and ADC increased from 1.2x10-3 mm2/s ± 0.4 to 1.4x10-3 mm2/s ± 0.4 (P = 0.07). There was a significant association between SUVmax decrease and ADC increase (rho= -0.64, P = 0.004). Conclusion: Changes in ADC from diffusion-weighted MRI reflect response of 18F-FDG-avid GIST to therapy. The exact diagnostic value of DWI needs to be investigated further, as well as the effect of lesion size and time under therapy before imaging. Furthermore, the proven association between SUVmax and ADC may be useful for the assessment of treatment response in 18F-FDG non-avid GIST.


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Introduction: According to guidelines, patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) should undergo revascularization if myocardial ischemia is present. While coronary angiography (CXA) allows the morphological assessment of CAD, the fractional flow reserve (FFR) has proved to be a complementary invasive test to assess the functional significance of CAD, i.e. to detect ischemia. Perfusion Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) has turned out to be a robust non-invasive technique to assess myocardial ischemia. The objective: is to compare the cost-effectiveness ratio - defined as the costs per patient correctly diagnosed - of two algorithms used to diagnose hemodynamically significant CAD in relation to the pretest likelihood of CAD: 1) aCMRto assess ischemia before referring positive patients to CXA (CMR + CXA), 2) a CXA in all patients combined with a FFR test in patients with angiographically positive stenoses (CXA + FFR). Methods: The costs, evaluated from the health care system perspective in the Swiss, German, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US) contexts, included public prices of the different tests considered as outpatient procedures, complications' costs and costs induced by diagnosis errors (false negative). The effectiveness criterion wasthe ability to accurately identify apatient with significantCAD.Test performancesused in the model were based on the clinical literature. Using a mathematical model, we compared the cost-effectiveness ratio for both algorithms for hypothetical patient cohorts with different pretest likelihood of CAD. Results: The cost-effectiveness ratio decreased hyperbolically with increasing pretest likelihood of CAD for both strategies. CMR + CXA and CXA + FFR were equally costeffective at a pretest likelihood of CAD of 62% in Switzerland, 67% in Germany, 83% in the UK and 84% in the US with costs of CHF 5'794, Euros 1'472, £ 2'685 and $ 2'126 per patient correctly diagnosed. Below these thresholds, CMR + CXA showed lower costs per patient correctly diagnosed than CXA + FFR. Implications for the health care system/professionals/patients/society These results facilitate decision making for the clinical use of new generations of imaging procedures to detect ischemia. They show to what extent the cost-effectiveness to diagnose CAD depends on the prevalence of the disease.


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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To systematically review and meta-analyze published data about the diagnostic accuracy of fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) and PET/computed tomography (CT) in the differential diagnosis between malignant and benign pleural lesions. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A comprehensive literature search of studies published through June 2013 regarding the diagnostic performance of (18)F-FDG-PET and PET/CT in the differential diagnosis of pleural lesions was carried out. All retrieved studies were reviewed and qualitatively analyzed. Pooled sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratio (LR+ and LR-) and diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) of (18)F-FDG-PET or PET/CT in the differential diagnosis of pleural lesions on a per-patient-based analysis were calculated. The area under the summary receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was calculated to measure the accuracy of these methods. Subanalyses considering device used (PET or PET/CT) were performed. RESULTS: Sixteen studies including 745 patients were included in the systematic review. The meta-analysis of 11 selected studies provided the following results: sensitivity 95% (95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 92-97%), specificity 82% (95%CI: 76-88%), LR+ 5.3 (95%CI: 2.4-11.8), LR- 0.09 (95%CI: 0.05-0.14), DOR 74 (95%CI: 34-161). The AUC was 0.95. No significant improvement of the diagnostic accuracy considering PET/CT studies only was found. CONCLUSIONS: (18)F-FDG-PET and PET/CT demonstrated to be accurate diagnostic imaging methods in the differential diagnosis between malignant and benign pleural lesions; nevertheless, possible sources of false-negative and false-positive results should be kept in mind.


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The written report (or its electronic counterpart) is the primary mode of communication between the physician interpreting an imaging study and the referring physician. The content of this report not only influences patient management and clinical outcomes but also serves as legal documentation of services provided and can be used to justify medical necessity, billing accuracy, and regulatory compliance. Generating a high-quality PET/CT report is perhaps more challenging than generating a report for other imaging studies because of the complexity of this hybrid imaging modality. This article discusses the essential elements of a concise and complete oncologic (18)F-FDG PET/CT report and illustrates these elements through examples taken from routine clinical practice.