516 resultados para Buckling


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[ES]En este trabajo se ha diseñado un producto secundario con una fijación extra en formato trocar para operaciones percutáneas dirigidas por sistemas de imagen. Este instrumento que hasta ahora era inexistente en el mercado actuará como túnel, permitiendo la introducción de agujas de radiofrecuencia y biopsia por su interior. La particularidad de este producto es el diseño del sistema de sujeción, que garantizará al cirujano que el punto a intervenir sea el mismo durante toda la operación. Este diseño se ha realizado después de hacer un estudio en profundidad de las alternativas existentes de los sistemas de fijación en el campo de la medicina oncológica y el sector industrial. Además se detalla el material de cada elemento del producto en base a la norma sanitaria correspondiente, también se explica el proceso más adecuado para la fabricación de dichos elementos y por último se realiza un cálculo sencillo del pandeo de la aguja, que garantice un uso óptimo del instrumento.


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As vigas casteladas já são utilizadas em diversos tipos de estruturas para se vencer grandes vãos. Há uma nova realidade para o uso de perfis castelados, agora em aço inoxidável. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise comparativa entre vigas casteladas e vigas de alma cheia em perfis IPE, baseadas na norma europeia, no método da resistência contínua; e, também, através de um modelo em elementos finitos desenvolvido no programa Ansys. Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar o comportamento e a resistência à flexão das vigas casteladas em aço inoxidável. As não-linearidades físicas e geométricas foram incorporadas aos modelos, a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente desta estrutura. A não-linearidade do material foi considerada através do critério de plastificação de von Mises e da lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação multi-linear, de forma a exibir um comportamento elasto-plástico com encruamento. A não-linearidade geométrica foi considerada a partir de uma formulação de Lagrange atualizado. Os resultados numéricos das vigas em estudo foram avaliados quanto aos modos de falha e da distribuição de tensões. Os momentos resistentes analíticos foram comparados com os resultados do modelo numérico apresentando valores satisfatórios e a favor da segurança.


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Superlattice structures and rippling fringes were imaged on two separate pieces of graphite (HOPG) by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). We observed the corrugation conservation phenomenon on one of the superlattice structures where an overlayer does not attenuate the corrugation amplitude of the superlattice. Such a phenomenon may illustrate an implication that nanoscale defects a few layers underneath the surface may propagate through many layers without decay and form the superlattice structure on the topmost surface. Some rippling fringes with periodicities of 20 nm and 30 nm and corrugations of 0.1 nm and 0.15nm were observed in the superlattice area and in nearby regions. Such fringes are believed to be due to physical buckling of the surface. The stress required to generate such structures is estimated, and a possible cause is discussed. An equation relating the attenuation factor to the number of overlayers is proposed. © 2005 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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The software package Dymola, which implements the new, vendor-independent standard modelling language Modelica, exemplifies the emerging generation of object-oriented modelling and simulation tools. This paper shows how, in addition to its simulation capabilities, it may be used as an embodiment design tool, to size automatically a design assembled from a library of generic parametric components. The example used is a miniature model aircraft diesel engine. To this end, the component classes contain extra algebraic equations calculating the overload factor (or its reciprocal, the safety factor) for all the different modes of failure, such as buckling or tensile yield. Thus the simulation results contain the maximum overload or minimum safety factor for each failure mode along with the critical instant and the device state at which it occurs. The Dymola "Initial Conditions Calculation" function, controlled by a simple software script, may then be used to perform automatic component sizing. Each component is minimised in mass, subject to a chosen safety factor against failure, over a given operating cycle. Whilst the example is in the realm of mechanical design, it must be emphasised that the approach is equally applicable to the electrical or mechatronic domains, indeed to any design problem requiring numerical constraint satisfaction.


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Inflatable aerodynamic decelerators have potential advantages for planetary re-entry in robotic and human exploration missions. It is theorized that volume-mass characteristics of these decelerators are superior to those of common supersonic/subsonic parachutes and after deployment they may suffer no instabilities at high Mach numbers. A high fidelity computational fluid-structure interaction model is employed to investigate the behavior of tension cone inflatable aeroshells at supersonic speeds up to Mach 2.0. The computational framework targets the large displacements regime encountered during the inflation of the decelerator using fast level set techniques to incorporate boundary conditions of the moving structure. The preliminary results indicate large but steady aeroshell displacement with rich dynamics, including buckling of the inflatable torus that maintains the decelerator open under normal operational conditions, owing to interactions with the turbulent wake. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Offshore and onshore buried pipelines under high operating temperature and pressures may lead to upheaval buckling (UHB) if sufficient soil cover is not present to prevent the upward movement of the pipeline. In regions where seasonal changes involve ground soil undergoing freezing-thawing cycles, the uplift resistance from soil cover may be minimum when the soil is undergoing thawing. This paper presents the results from 2 directly-comparable minidrum centrifuge tests conducted at the Schofield Centre, University of Cambridge, to investigate the difference in uplift resistance responses between fully-saturated and thawed sandy backfill conditions. Both tests were conducted drained at 30g using an 8.6 mm diameter aluminium model pipe, corresponding to a prototype pipe diameter of 258 mm. The soil cover/pipe diameter ratio, H/D, was kept at 1. Fraction E fine silica sand was used as the backfill. Preliminary experimental results indicated that the ultimate uplift resistance of a thawing sand backfill to be lower than that of a fully saturated sand backfill. This suggests that in regions where backfill soil undergoes freeze-thaw cycles, the thawing backfill may be more critical than fully saturated backfill for uplift resistance. The 2-dimensional displacement field during the experiment was accurately measured and analysed using the Particle Image Velocimetry technique. Copyright © 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).


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The finite element method has been used to develop collapse mechanism maps for the shear response of sandwich panels with a stainless steel core comprising hollow struts. The core topology comprises either vertical tubes or inclined tubes in a pyramidal arrangement. The dependence of the elastic and plastic buckling modes upon core geometry is determined, and optimal geometric designs are obtained as a function of core density. For the hollow pyramidal core, strength depends primarily upon the relative density ρ̄ of the core with a weak dependence upon tube slenderness. At ρ̄ below about 3%, the tubes of the pyramidal core buckle plastically and the peak shear strength scales linearly with ρ̄. In contrast, at ρ̄ above 3%, the tubes do not buckle and a stable shear response is observed. The predictions of the current study are in excellent agreement with previous measurements on the shear strength of the hollow pyramidal core, and suggest that this core topology is attractive from the perspectives of both core strength and energy absorption. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Centrifuge testing has been undertaken to investigate instability failure of pile groups during seismic liquefaction, with specific reference to the 'top-down' propagation of liquefaction during the earthquake and to account for initial imperfections in pile geometry. The results of these tests were used to validate numerical models within the finite element program ABAQUS, based on the popular p-y analysis method. Pseudostatic classical and post-buckling analyses were conducted to examine the collapse behaviour of the pile groups and were found to give reasonable predictions of collapse load and conservative predictions of the associated deflection conditions. This numerical model was compared to currently published methods which were found to over-predict collapse loads. The resulting insights into the collapse of axially loaded pile groups revealed that the failure load is strongly dependent on both the depth of liquefaction propagation and initial imperfections, which reduce the collapse load.


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In recent years, the presence of crusts within near surface sediments found in deep water locations off the west coast of Angola has been of interest to hot-oil pipeline designers. The origin for these crusts is considered to be of biological origin, based on the observation of thousands of faecal pellets in natural crust core samples. This paper presents the results of laboratory tests undertaken on natural and faecal pellet-only samples. These tests investigate the role faecal pellets play in modifying the gemechanical behaviour of clayey sediments. It is found that faecal pellets are able to significantly alter both the strength and the average grain-size of natural sediments, and therefore, influence the permeability and stiffness. Hot-oil pipelines self-embed into and subsequent shear on crusts containing faecal pellets. Being able to predict the time required for installed pipelines to consolidate the underlying sediment and thus, how soon after pipe-laying, the interface strength will develop is of great interest to pipeline designers. It is concluded from wet-sieving samples before and after oedometer tests, that the process of pipe laying is unlikely to destroy pellets. They will therefore, be a major constituent of the sediment subject to soil-pipeline shearing behaviour during axial pipe-walking and lateral buckling. Based on the presented results, a discussion highlighting the key implications for pipeline design is therefore provided. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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Using variational methods, we establish conditions for the nonlinear stability of adhesive states between an elastica and a rigid halfspace. The treatment produces coupled criteria for adhesion and buckling instabilities by exploiting classical techniques from Legendre and Jacobi. Three examples that arise in a broad range of engineered systems, from microelectronics to biologically inspired fiber array adhesion, are used to illuminate the stability criteria. The first example illustrates buckling instabilities in adhered rods, while the second shows the instability of a peeling process and the third illustrates the stability of a shear-induced adhesion. The latter examples can also be used to explain how microfiber array adhesives can be activated by shearing and deactivated by peeling. The nonlinear stability criteria developed in this paper are also compared to other treatments. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Manual inspection is required to determine the condition of damaged buildings after an earthquake. The lack of available inspectors, when combined with the large volume of inspection work, makes such inspection subjective and time-consuming. Completing the required inspection takes weeks to complete, which has adverse economic and societal impacts on the affected population. This paper proposes an automated framework for rapid post-earthquake building evaluation. Under the framework, the visible damage (cracks and buckling) inflicted on concrete columns is first detected. The damage properties are then measured in relation to the column's dimensions and orientation, so that the column's load bearing capacity can be approximated as a damage index. The column damage index supplemented with other building information (e.g. structural type and columns arrangement) is then used to query fragility curves of similar buildings, constructed from the analyses of existing and on-going experimental data. The query estimates the probability of the building being in different damage states. The framework is expected to automate the collection of building damage data, to provide a quantitative assessment of the building damage state, and to estimate the vulnerability of the building to collapse in the event of an aftershock. Videos and manual assessments of structures after the 2009 earthquake in Haiti are used to test the parts of the framework.


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Differential growth of thin elastic bodies furnishes a surprisingly simple explanation of the complex and intriguing shapes of many biological systems, such as plant leaves and organs. Similarly, inelastic strains induced by thermal effects or active materials in layered plates are extensively used to control the curvature of thin engineering structures. Such behaviour inspires us to distinguish and to compare two possible modes of differential growth not normally compared to each other, in order to reveal the full range of out-of-plane shapes of an initially flat disk. The first growth mode, frequently employed by engineers, is characterised by direct bending strains through the thickness, and the second mode, mainly apparent in biological systems, is driven by extensional strains of the middle surface. When each mode is considered separately, it is shown that buckling is common to both modes, leading to bistable shapes: growth from bending strains results in a double-curvature limit at buckling, followed by almost developable deformation in which the Gaussian curvature at buckling is conserved; during extensional growth, out-of-plane distortions occur only when the buckling condition is reached, and the Gaussian curvature continues to increase. When both growth modes are present, it is shown that, generally, larger displacements are obtained under in-plane growth when the disk is relatively thick and growth strains are small, and vice versa. It is also shown that shapes can be mono-, bi-, tri- or neutrally stable, depending on the growth strain levels and the material properties: furthermore, it is shown that certain combinations of growth modes result in a free, or natural, response in which the doubly curved shape of disk exactly matches the imposed strains. Such diverse behaviour, in general, may help to realise more effective actuation schemes for engineering structures. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The combination of light carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite materials with structurally efficient sandwich panel designs offers novel opportunities for ultralight structures. Here, pyramidal truss sandwich cores with relative densities ρ̄ in the range 1-10% have been manufactured from carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates by employing a snap-fitting method. The measured quasi-static shear strength varied between 0.8 and 7.5 MPa. Two failure modes were observed: (i) Euler buckling of the struts and (ii) delamination failure of the laminates. Micro-buckling failure of the struts was not observed in the experiments reported here while Euler buckling and delamination failures occurred for the low (ρ̄≤1%) and high (ρ̄>1%) relative density cores, respectively. Analytical models for the collapse of the composite cores by these failure modes are presented. Good agreement between the measurements and predictions based on the Euler buckling and delamination failure of the struts is observed while the micro-buckling analysis over-predicts the measurements. The CFRP pyramidal cores investigated here have a similar mechanical performance to CFRP honeycombs. Thus, for a range of multi-functional applications that require an "open-celled" architecture (e.g. so that cooling fluid can pass through a sandwich core), the CFRP pyramidal cores offer an attractive alternative to honeycombs. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Motivated by applications such as gecko-inspired adhesives and microdevices featuring slender rod-like bodies, there has been an increase in interest in the deformed shapes of elastic rods adhering to rigid surfaces. A central issue in analyses of the rod-based models for these systems is the stability of the predicted equilibrium configurations. Such analyses can be complicated by the presence of intrinsic curvatures induced by fabrication processes. The results in the present paper are used to show how this curvature can lead to shear-induced bifurcations and instabilities. To characterize potential instabilities, a new set of necessary conditions for stability are employed which cater to the possible combinations of buckling and delaminating instabilities. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.