926 resultados para Brief
Hss. auf Titelbl.: Sign. aus Freimann-Kat. Jud. Ff. 630
von Artur Dinter
fon Mōše Šemû'ēl Neiman
Wien, Heinrich Laube, Kondolation zum Tode Marie Stoltzes
Malawi adopted the Option B+ strategy in 2011. Its success in reducing mother-to-child transmission depends on coverage and timing of HIV testing. We assessed HIV status ascertainment and its predictors during pregnancy. HIV status ascertainment was 82.3% (95% confidence interval: 80.2 to 85.9) in the pre-Option B+ period and 85.7% (95% confidence interval: 83.4 to 88.0) in the Option B+ period. Higher HIV ascertainment was independently associated with higher age, attending antenatal care more than once, and registration in 2010. The observed high variability of HIV ascertainment between sites (50.6%-97.7%) and over time suggests that HIV test kit shortages and insufficient numbers of staff posed major barriers to reducing mother-to-child transmission.
A portfolio analysis of water related expenditure of the SDC for the years 2005 and 2006
The investigation and modelling of permafrost distribution, particularly in areas of discontinuous permafrost, is challenging due to spatial heterogeneity, remoteness of measurement sites and data scarcity. We have designed a strategy for standardizing different local data sets containing evidence of the presence or absence of permafrost into an inventory for the entire European Alps. With this brief communication, we present the structure and contents of this inventory. This collection of permafrost evidence not only highlights existing data and allows new analyses based on larger data sets, but also provides complementary information for an improved interpretation of monitoring results.
Zur Aufführung seines Festspiels (100 Jahre Stadttheater), Ursprünglicher Plan des Festspiels, Ausführung auf der Bühne
Sein Festspiel (100 Jahre Stadttheater), Dank für die Aufführung
Zur Aufführung "Hampelmann am Suez-Kanal", Streichung politischer Anspielungen, Zu Besetzung, Ausstattung, Musikbearbeitung, Guiseppe Verdi: "Aida", Benefiz für den Theater-Pensions-Fond, für den Schriftstellerverein, Krankheit, Frankfurter Latern, Plan eines Stückes, "das mit seinem Schlußakt beginnt und mit seinem Anfangsakt aufhört"
Prolog für das Stadttheater (Mainkanalisation), Kostüm der Schauspielerin, Inhalt
Hilfe für eine bedürftige Familie, Bitte um Ausleihung von Kostümen für eine Benefizvorstellung