921 resultados para Brams, Steven J.: The win-win solution


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The literature relating to evaporation from single droplets of pure liquids and the drying of solution and slurry droplets, and of droplet sprays has been reviewed. The heat and mass transfer rates for individual droplets suspended in free-flight, were investigated using a specially-designed vertical wind tunnel, to simulate conditions in a spray drier. The technique represented a unique alternative method for investigating evaporation from unrestrained single droplets with variable residence times. The experiments covered droplets of pure liquid allowbreak (water, isopropanol) allowbreak and of significantly different solutions (sucrose, potassium sulphate) over a range of temperatures of 37oC to 97oC, initial concentrations of 5 to 40wt/wt% , and initial drop sizes of 2.8 to 4.6mm. Drop behaviour was recorded photographically and dried particles were examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Correlations were developed for mass transfer coefficients for pure water droplets in free-flight; (i) experiencing oscillations, rotation and deformation, Sh = -105 + 3.9 [Ta - Td/Tamb]0.18Re0.5Sc033 for Re approx. > 1380 (ii) when these movements had ceased or diminished, Sh = 2.0 + 0.71 [Ta - Td/Tamb]0.18Re0.5Sc033 for Re approx. < 1060. Data for isopropanol drops were correlated resonably well by these equations. The heat transfer data showed a similar transition range. The drying rate curves for drops of sucrose and potassium sulphate solution exhibited three distinct stages; an initial increase in the drying rate as drop temperature reduced to the wet-bulb temperature, a short constant-rate period and a falling-rate period characterised by formation of a crust which controlled the mass transfer rate. Due to drop perturbation the rates in the high Re number region were up to 5 times greater than predicted from theory for spherical droplets. In the case of sucrose solution a `skin' formed over the drop surface prior to crust formation. This provided an additional resistance to mass transfer and resulted in extended drying times and a smooth crust of low porosity. The relevance of the results to practical spray drying operations is discussed.


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Economic factors such as the rise in cost of raw materials, labour and power, are compelling manufacturers of cold-drawn polygonal sections, to seek new production routes which will enable the expansion in the varieties of metals used and the inclusion of difficult-to-draw materials. One such method generating considerable industrial interest is the drawing of polygonal sections from round at elevated temperature. The technique of drawing mild steel, medium carbon steel and boron steel wire into octagonal, hexagonal and square sections from round at up to 850 deg C and 50% reduction of area in one pass has been established. The main objective was to provide a basic understanding of the process, with particular emphasis being placed on modelling using both experimental and theoretical considerations. Elevated temperature stress-strain data was obtained using a modified torsion testing machine. Data were used in the upper bound solution derived and solved numerically to predict drawing stress strain, strain-rate, temperature and flow stress distribution in the deforming zone for a range of variables. The success of this warm working process will, of course, depend on the use of a satisfactory elevated temperature lubricant, an efficient cooling system, a suitable tool material having good wear and thermal shock resistance and an efficient die profile design which incorporates the principle of least work. The merits and demerits of die materials such as tungsten carbide, chromium carbide, Syalon and Stellite are discussed, principally from the standpoint of minimising drawing force and die wear. Generally, the experimental and theoretical results were in good agreement, the drawing stress could be predicted within close limits and the process proved to be technically feasible. Finite element analysis has been carried out on the various die geometries and die materials, to gain a greater understanding of the behaviour of these dies under the process of elevated temperature drawing, and to establish the temperature distribution and thermal distortion in the deforming zone, thus establishing the optimum die design and die material for the process. It is now possible to predict, for the materials already tested, (i) the optimum drawing temperature range, (ii) the maximum possible reduction of area per pass, (iii) the optimum drawing die profiles and die materials, (iv) the most efficient lubricant in terms of reducing the drawing force and die wear.


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Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) is now an established material for the fabrication of sonar windows. Its good mechanical strength, light weight, resistance to corrosion and acoustic transparency, are all properties which fit it for this application. This thesis describes a study, undertaken at the Royal Naval Engineering College, Plymouth, into the mechanical behaviour of a circular cylindrical sonar panel. This particular type of panel would be used to cover a flank array sonar in a ship or submarine. The case considered is that of a panel with all of its edges mechanically clamped and subject to pressure loading on its convex surface. A comprehensive program of testing, to determine the orthotropic elastic properties of the laminated composite panel material is described, together with a series of pressure tests on 1:5 scale sonar panels. These pressure tests were carried out in a purpose designed test rig, using air pressure to provide simulated hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loading. Details of all instrumentation used in the experimental work are given in the thesis. The experimental results from the panel testing are compared with predictions of panel behaviour obtained from both the Galerkin solution of Flugge's cylindrical shell equations (orthotropic case), and finite element modelling of the panels using PAFEC. A variety of appropriate panel boundary conditions are considered in each case. A parametric study, intended to be of use as a preliminary design tool, and based on the above Galerkin solution, is also presented. This parametric study considers cases of boundary conditions, material properties, and panel geometry, outside of those investigated in the experimental work Final conclusions are drawn and recommendations made regarding possible improvements to the procedures for design, manufacture and fixing of sonar panels in the Royal Navy.


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Sodium formate, potassium acetate and a mixture of calcium and magnesium acetate (CMA) have all been identified as effective de-icing agents. In this project an attempt has been made to elucidate potentially deleterious effects of these substances on the durability of reinforced concrete. Aspects involving the corrosion behaviour of embedded steel along with the chemical and physical degradation of the cementitious matrix were studied. Ionic diffusion characteristics of deicer/pore solution systems in hardened cement paste were also studied since rates of ingress of deleterious agents into cement paste are commonly diffusion-controlled. It was found that all the compounds tested were generally non-corrosive to embedded steel, however, in a small number of cases potassium acetate did cause corrosion. Potassium acetate was also found to cause cracking in concrete and cement paste samples. CMA appeared to degrade hydrated cement paste although this was apparently less of a problem when commercial grade CMA was used in place of the reagent grade chemical. This was thought to be due to the insoluble material present in the commercial formulation forming a physical barrier between the concrete and the de-icing solution. With the test regimes used sodium formate was not seen to have any deleterious effect on the integrity of reinforced concrete. As a means of restoring the corrosion protective character of chloride-contaminated concrete the process of electrochemical chloride removal has been previously developed. Potential side-effects of this method and the effect of external electrolyte composition on chloride removal efficiency were investigated. It was seen that the composition of the external electrolyte has a significant effect on the amount of chloride removed. It was also found that, due to alterations to the composition of the C3A hydration reaction products, it was possible to remove bound chloride as well as that in the pore solution. The use of an external electrolyte containing lithium ions was also tried as a means of preventing cathodically-induced alkali-silica reaction in concretes containing potentially reactive aggregates. The results obtained were inconclusive and further practical development of this approach is needed.


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Blended Portland-blastfumace slag cements provide a suitable matrix for the encapsulation of low and intermediate level waste due to their inherantly low connective porosity and provide a highly alkaline and strongly reduced chemical environment. The hydration mechanism of these materials is complex and involves several competing chemical reactions. This thesis investigates three main areas: 1) The developing chemical shrinkage of the system shows that the underlying kinetics are dominantly linear and estimates of the activation energy of the slag made by this method and by conduction calorimetry show it to be c.53 kJ/mol. 2) Examination of the soUd phase reveals that caldum hydroxide is initially precipitated and subsequently consumed during hydration. The absolute rate of slag hydration is investigated by chemical and thermal methods and an estimation of the average silicate chain length (3 silicate units) by NMR is presented. 3) The developing pore solution chemistry shows that the system becomes rapidly alkaline (pH 13 - 13.5) and subsequently strongly reduced. Ion chromatography shows the presence of reduced sulphur species which are associated with the onset of reducing conditions. In the above studies, close control of the hydration temperature was maintained and the operation of a temperature controlled pore fluid extration press is reported.


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The deposition efficiencies of a number of electroless nickel and cobalt plating solutions were studied and in the case of nickel compared with a commercial plating solution Nifoss 80. At the optimum plating conditions (92ºC and pH 4.5) Nifoss 80 produced nickel layers most efficiently, the alkaline cobalt solution operated most efficiently at 90ºC and pH 9. The methods of producing compostte layers containing 2-3 µm carbide particles and chromium powder is described. Nickel and cobalt layers containing approximately 27% carbide particles, or 40% (Ni) and 30% (Co) chromium particles by volume were obtained. This value is independent of the particle concentration in the plating solution within the range (20~200 g/l). Hardness of the nickel. as deposited was 515 Hv, this was increased to a maximum of 1155 Hv by heat treatment at 200ºC for 5 hours in vacuum. Incorporation. of .chromium carbide particles resulted in a maximum hardness of 1225 Hv after heating at 500ºC for 5 hours in vacuum and chromium particles resulted in a maximum hardness of 16S0 Hv after heat treatment at 400ºC for 2 hours in vacuum. Similarly the hardness of cobalt as deposited was 600 Hv, this was increased to a maximum of 1300 Hv after heat treatment at 400ºC for 1 hour. Incorporation of chromium carbide particles resulted jn a maximum hardness of 1405 Hv after heating at 400ºC for 5 hours in vacuum and chromium particles resulted in a maximum hardness of 1440 Hv after. heat treating for 2 hours at 400ºC in vacuum. The structure of the deposits was studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The wear rate and coefficient of friction was determined by a pin and disc method. Wear rate and coefficient of friction decreased with increase in hardness. The wear resistance of the materials was also determined using a simulated forging test. Dies made of standard die steel were coated and the wear rates of the layers as deposited and after heat treatment were compared with those of uncoated tools. The wear resistance generally increased with hardness, it was 50-75% more than the uncoated die steel. Acetic acid salt spray test and outdoor exposure for six months was used to study the corrosion behaviour of the deposits and potentiodynamic curves plotted to find their corrosion potential. Nickel deposit exhibited less staining than carbide composite deposits and nickel-chromium deposits had the most noble corrosion potential.


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Purpose: Soft contact lenses for continuous wear require the use of cleaning regimes which utilise hydrogen peroxide systems or multipurpose cleaning solutions (MPS). The compositions of MPS are becoming increasingly complex and often include disinfectants, cleaning agents, preservatives, wetting agents, demulcents, chelating and buffering agents. Recent research on solution–lens interactions has focused on specific ocular parameters such as corneal staining. However the effect of a solution on the lens, particularly silicone hydrogel lenses, itself has received less attention. The purpose of this work was to establish and understand the effects that care solutions have on selected bulk and surface material properties. Methods: Selected bulk and surface properties of each material (etafilcon A, vifilcon A, balafilcon A, senofilcon A, lotrafilcon A and lotrafilcon B, galyfilcon A) were measured after a 24 h soak in a variety of care solutions. Additionally the lenses were soaked for 24 h in hyperosmolar (680 mOsm L-1) and hyposmolar (170 mOsm L-1) PBS. A bulk property parameter the total diameter (TD) was measured using an Optimec contact lens analyser. The surface property related CoF of soaked lenses was measured on a nano-tribometer with conditions of load 30 mN, at a distance of 20 mm and speed 30 mm/min. Results: In terms of bulk properties, change is related to the EWC of the lens, the higher the EWC of the lens the greater the TD changes. Silicone hydrogel lenses have EWCs of <47% and little or no TD changes were observed; lotrafilcon A exhibited no change irrespective of the cleaning solution. Conventional contact lenses have higher EWCs (58% for etafilcon A and 55% for vifilcon A) and the TD was seen to change to a greater extent, for example the etafilcon A material in ReNu MPS had an increase to 14.45± 0.07 mm from the cited 14.2 mm. Other lenses increased or decreased in TD depending on the solution used. The osmolarity of the solution although important is not the only factor governing change in the TD, for example soaking senofilcon A in hyperosmolar PBS (680 mOsm L-1) for 24 h increased the TD of the lens (+0.25 ± 0.07 mm), however when the same lens type was soaked for 24 h in a MPS with a lower osmolarity there was a similar effect. Biotribology measurements demonstrated that some solution–lens combinations can reduce the CoF by 55%, when compared with biotribology with the native packing solution. An increase in the CoF was observed for other solution–lens combinations. Conclusions: There is a dramatic difference in bulk and surface performance of specific lens materials with particular care solutions. Individual components of the care solutions have effects on the bulk and surface properties of contact lenses. The affects are not as great with the silicone hydrogel as compared with conventional hydrogels.


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We develop a perturbation analysis that describes the effect of third-order dispersion on the similariton pulse solution of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation in a fibre gain medium. The theoretical model predicts with sufficient accuracy the pulse structural changes induced, which are observed through direct numerical simulations.


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Recent developments in nonlinear optics reveal an interesting class of pulses with a parabolic intensity profile in the energy-containing core and a linear frequency chirp that can propagate in a fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion. Parabolic pulses propagate in a stable selfsimilar manner, holding certain relations (scaling) between pulse power, width, and chirp parameter. In the additional presence of linear amplification, they enjoy the remarkable property of representing a common asymptotic state (or attractor) for arbitrary initial conditions. Analytically, self-similar (SS) parabolic pulses can be found as asymptotic, approximate solutions of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE) with gain in the semi-classical (largeamplitude/small-dispersion) limit. By analogy with the well-known stable dynamics of solitary waves - solitons, these SS parabolic pulses have come to be known as similaritons. In practical fiber systems, inherent third-order dispersion (TOD) in the fiber always introduces a certain degree of asymmetry in the structure of the propagating pulse, eventually leading to pulse break-up. To date, there is no analytic theory of parabolic pulses under the action of TOD. Here, we develop aWKB perturbation analysis that describes the effect of weak TOD on the parabolic pulse solution of the NLSE in a fiber gain medium. The induced perturbation in phase and amplitude can be found to any order. The theoretical model predicts with sufficient accuracy the pulse structural changes induced by TOD, which are observed through direct numerical NLSE simulations.


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We present a perturbation analysis that describes the effect of third-order dispersion on the similariton pulse solution of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in a fibre gain medium. The theoretical model predicts with sufficient accuracy the pulse structural changes induced, which are observed through direct numerical simulations.


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The precipitation reactions occurring in a series of copper-based alloys selected from the system copper-chromium-zirconium have been studied by resistometric and metallographic techniques. A survey of the factors influencing the development of copper-based alloys for high strength, high conductivity applications is followed by a more general review of contemporary materials, and illustrates that the most promising alloys are those containing chromium and zirconium. The few systematic attempts to study alloys from this system have been collated, discussed, and used as a basis for the selection of four alloy compositions viz:- Cu - 0.4% Cr Cu - 0.24. Zr Cu - 0. 3% Cr - 0.1% Zr Cu - 0.2% Cr - 0.2% Zr A description of the experimental techniques used to study the precipitation behaviour of these materials is preceeded by a discussion of the currently accepted theories relating to precipitate nucleation and growth. The experimental results are presented and discussed for each of the alloys independently, and are then treated jointly to obtain an overall assessment of the way in which the precipitation kinetics, metallography and mechanical properties vary with alloy composition and heat treatment. The metastable solid solution of copper-chromium is found to decompose by the rejection of chromium particles which maintain a coherent interface and a Kurdjumov-Sachs type crystallographic orientation relationship with the copper matrix. The addition of 0.1% zirconium to the alloy retards the rate of transformation by a factor of ten and modifies the dispersion characteristics of the precipitate without markedly altering the morphology. Further additions of zirconium lead to the growth of stacking faults during ageing, which provide favourable nucleation sites for the chromium precipitate. The partial dislocations bounding such stacking faults are also found to provide mobile heterogeneous nucleation sources for the precipitation reactions occurring in copper-zirconium.


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Recent developments in nonlinear optics reveal an interesting class of pulses with a parabolic intensity profile in the energy-containing core and a linear frequency chirp that can propagate in a fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion. Parabolic pulses propagate in a stable selfsimilar manner, holding certain relations (scaling) between pulse power, width, and chirp parameter. In the additional presence of linear amplification, they enjoy the remarkable property of representing a common asymptotic state (or attractor) for arbitrary initial conditions. Analytically, self-similar (SS) parabolic pulses can be found as asymptotic, approximate solutions of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE) with gain in the semi-classical (largeamplitude/small-dispersion) limit. By analogy with the well-known stable dynamics of solitary waves - solitons, these SS parabolic pulses have come to be known as similaritons. In practical fiber systems, inherent third-order dispersion (TOD) in the fiber always introduces a certain degree of asymmetry in the structure of the propagating pulse, eventually leading to pulse break-up. To date, there is no analytic theory of parabolic pulses under the action of TOD. Here, we develop aWKB perturbation analysis that describes the effect of weak TOD on the parabolic pulse solution of the NLSE in a fiber gain medium. The induced perturbation in phase and amplitude can be found to any order. The theoretical model predicts with sufficient accuracy the pulse structural changes induced by TOD, which are observed through direct numerical NLSE simulations.


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Using the analogy between lateral convection of heat and the two-phase flow in bubble columns, alternative turbulence modelling methods were analysed. The k-ε turbulence and Reynolds stress models were used to predict the buoyant motion of fluids where a density difference arises due to the introduction of heat or a discrete phase. A large height to width aspect ratio cavity was employed in the transport of heat and it was shown that the Reynolds stress model with the use of velocity profiles including the laminar flow solution resulted in turbulent vortices developing. The turbulence models were then applied to the simulation of gas-liquid flow for a 5:1 height to width aspect ratio bubble column. In the case of a gas superficial velocity of 0.02 m s-1 it was determined that employing the Reynolds stress model yielded the most realistic simulation results. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We address the breakup (splitting) of multisoliton solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE), occurring due to linear loss. Two different approaches are used for the study of the splitting process. The first one is based on the direct numerical solution of the linearly damped NLSE and the subsequent analysis of the eigenvalue drift for the associated Zakharov-Shabat spectral problem. The second one involves the multisoliton adiabatic perturbation theory applied for studying the evolution of the solution parameters, with the linear loss taken as a small perturbation. We demonstrate that in the case of strong nonadiabatic loss the evolution of the Zakharov-Shabat eigenvalues can be quite nontrivial. We also demonstrate that the multisoliton breakup can be correctly described within the framework of the adiabatic perturbation theory and can take place even due to small linear loss. Eventually we elucidate the occurrence of the splitting and its dependence on the phase mismatch between the solitons forming a two-soliton bound state. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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Transportation service operators are witnessing a growing demand for bi-directional movement of goods. Given this, the following thesis considers an extension to the vehicle routing problem (VRP) known as the delivery and pickup transportation problem (DPP), where delivery and pickup demands may occupy the same route. The problem is formulated here as the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup (VRPSDP), which requires the concurrent service of the demands at the customer location. This formulation provides the greatest opportunity for cost savings for both the service provider and recipient. The aims of this research are to propose a new theoretical design to solve the multi-objective VRPSDP, provide software support for the suggested design and validate the method through a set of experiments. A new real-life based multi-objective VRPSDP is studied here, which requires the minimisation of the often conflicting objectives: operated vehicle fleet size, total routing distance and the maximum variation between route distances (workload variation). The former two objectives are commonly encountered in the domain and the latter is introduced here because it is essential for real-life routing problems. The VRPSDP is defined as a hard combinatorial optimisation problem, therefore an approximation method, Simultaneous Delivery and Pickup method (SDPmethod) is proposed to solve it. The SDPmethod consists of three phases. The first phase constructs a set of diverse partial solutions, where one is expected to form part of the near-optimal solution. The second phase determines assignment possibilities for each sub-problem. The third phase solves the sub-problems using a parallel genetic algorithm. The suggested genetic algorithm is improved by the introduction of a set of tools: genetic operator switching mechanism via diversity thresholds, accuracy analysis tool and a new fitness evaluation mechanism. This three phase method is proposed to address the shortcoming that exists in the domain, where an initial solution is built only then to be completely dismantled and redesigned in the optimisation phase. In addition, a new routing heuristic, RouteAlg, is proposed to solve the VRPSDP sub-problem, the travelling salesman problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup (TSPSDP). The experimental studies are conducted using the well known benchmark Salhi and Nagy (1999) test problems, where the SDPmethod and RouteAlg solutions are compared with the prominent works in the VRPSDP domain. The SDPmethod has demonstrated to be an effective method for solving the multi-objective VRPSDP and the RouteAlg for the TSPSDP.