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The Student Experience of e-Learning Laboratory (SEEL) project at the University of Greenwich was designed to explore and then implement a number of approaches to investigate learners experiences of using technology to support their learning. In this paper members of the SEEL team present initial findings from a University-wide survey of nearly a 1000 students. A selection of 90 cameos, drawn from the survey data, offer further insights into personal perceptions of e-learning and illustrate the diversity of students experiences. The cameos provide a more coherent picture of individual student experience based on the totality of each persons responses to the questionnaire. Finally, extracts from follow-up case studies, based on interviews with a small number of students, allow us to hear the student voice more clearly. Issues arising from an analysis of the data include student preferences for communication and social networking tools, views on the smartness of their tutors uses of technology and perceptions of the value of e-learning. A primary finding and the focus of this paper, is that students effectively arrive at their own individualised selection, configuration and use of technologies and software that meets their perceived needs. This personalisation does not imply that such configurations are the most efficient, nor does it automatically suggest that effective learning is occurring. SEEL reminds us that learners are individuals, who approach learning both with and without technology in their own distinctive ways. Hearing, understanding and responding to the student voice is fundamental in maximising learning effectiveness. Institutions should consider actively developing the capacity of academic staff to advise students on the usefulness of particular online tools and resources in support of learning and consider the potential benefits of building on what students already use in their everyday lives. Given the widespread perception that students tend to be digital natives and academic staff digital immigrants (Prensky, 2001), this could represent a considerable cultural challenge.
This booklet has been designed for student teachers in particular and those in their early years as teachers of art, craft and design. It is suitable however for all teachers of art and design, and will be useful when considering the 2007 review of the Art and Design programme of study (POS) with its focus on creativity and ideas developments. The contents are intended as prompts or guides and ideas for initiating individual responses to themes or projects and a "way in" for the teacher when guiding pupils. It explains in detail how one might inspire all groups with appropriate and varied resources.
Background: The Common Sense Model (CSM) of illness representations was used in the current study to examine the relative contribution of illness perceptions and coping strategies in explaining adjustment to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methods: Participants were 80 adults consecutively attending an outpatients' clinic with a diagnosis of either Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Respondents completed and returned a questionnaire booklet that assessed illness perceptions, coping, and adjustment. Adjustment was measured from the perspectives of psychological distress, quality of life, and functional independence. Results: Illness perceptions (particularly perception of consequences of IBD) were uniformly the most consistent variables explaining adjustment to IBD. Coping did not significantly add to predicting adjustment once illness perceptions were controlled for and therefore did not mediate the relationship between illness perceptions and adjustment, as proposed in the CSM. Conclusions: The results suggest the importance of addressing illness perceptions in developing appropriate psychological interventions for IBD.
Objective<br/><br/>To examine the extent to which the illness perceptions of Oesophageal cancer survivors and the illness perceptions of their carers explain the survivors' levels of psychological distress (in terms of anxiety and depression symptoms) relative to demographic and biomedical variables and patients' coping strategies.<br/><br/>Method<br/><br/>Everyone registered with the Oesophageal Patients' Association in the UK was mailed a questionnaire booklet containing questions about medical and demographic variables, the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, the Cancer Coping Questionnaire, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Patients were asked to pass a modified version of the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised to someone they identified as a carer. Complete responses were received from 317 dyads.<br/><br/>Results<br/><br/>Regression models indicated that the variables measured could explain 56% of the variance in anxiety and 54% of the variance in depression. Patients' illness perceptions explained the majority of this variance. Positive focus coping strategies were also found to be important in explaining psychological well-being. Some of the carers' illness perceptions made a significant contribution to the explanation of the patients' levels of psychological distress, and in some instances, carer perceptions were found to moderate the relationship between patients' perceptions and psychological distress.<br/><br/>Conclusion<br/><br/>The findings suggest that cognition-based interventions could potentially be most effective in minimizing emotional distress among survivors of Oesophageal cancer. This study also shows that these interventions could usefully be delivered at the level of the patientcarer dyad.<br/>
<br/>Objective: The research aimed to determine the extent to which illness cognitions and coping explain psychological distress (fear of cancer recurrence, anxiety and depression symptoms) among family carers of survivors of oesophageal cancer.<br/><br/><br/>Methods: Carers of patients registered with the Oesophageal Patients' Association in the UK were mailed a questionnaire booklet containing questions about medical and demographic variables, the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, the Cancer Coping Questionnaire, the Concerns about Recurrence Scale and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.<br/><br/><br/>Results: Complete responses were received from 382 family carers (75% male; mean (SD) age=62 (10.91) years). Regression models indicated that the variables measured could explain between 35 and 49% of the variance in psychological distress among carers. Illness cognitions (particularly perceptions of the cause of, consequences of and personal control over oesophageal cancer and the carer's understanding of the condition) explained the majority of this variance. Positive focus coping strategies were also found to be important in explaining psychological distress.<br/><br/><br/>Conclusion: The results of this study are consistent with previous research demonstrating that illness cognitions are significant correlates of adaptive outcomes, thereby suggesting that cognition-based interventions could potentially be effective in minimizing emotional distress among family carers of oesophageal cancer survivors.<br/>
Leventhal's common sense model has provided a useful framework for explaining psychological distress in several chronic illnesses. The model indicates that a person's perception of their illness and their coping strategies are the key determinants of their experience of psychological distress. The present research examines whether illness perceptions and coping strategies are related to levels of psychological distress among survivors of esophageal cancer. Everyone registered with the Oesophageal Patients' Association in the UK was mailed a questionnaire booklet, which included the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, the Cancer Coping Questionnaire, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Complete responses were received from 484 people. Regression models indicated that the variables measured could explain 51% of the variance in anxiety and 42% of the variance in depression. Perceptions of esophageal cancer explained the majority of this variance. Positive focus coping strategies were also found to be important in explaining psychological distress. The results of this study are consistent with previous research demonstrating that illness perceptions are stronger correlates of adaptive outcomes than coping strategies. The findings suggest that cognition-based interventions could potentially be most effective in minimizing emotional distress among survivors of esophageal cancer.
Objectives<br/>To determine whether the proposed 7-factor structure of the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised (Timeline Acute/Chronic, Timeline Cyclical, Consequences, Personal Control, Treatment Control, Illness Coherence and Emotional Representations) is appropriate among a population of oesophageal cancer survivors.<br/>Methods<br/>Everyone registered with the Oesophageal Patients Association in the UK (n=2185) was mailed a questionnaire booklet which included the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised. Responses from 587 oesophageal cancer survivors (27%) were subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis.<br/>Results<br/>The proposed 7 factor structure provided a reasonable fit of the data. Modification indices suggested that a significantly better fit could be provided if one of the items on the Timeline Acute/Chronic factor loaded on the Treatment Control factor and an error covariance was added between 2 other items on the Timeline Acute/Chronic factor.<br/>Conclusions<br/>The model fit for the 7 factor structure proposed by Moss-Morris et al. (2002) was found to be adequate in our study. However, the structure of the timeline acute/chronic factor needs to be considered, particularly when the IPQ-R is to be used among older people with a potentially life-threatening illness or those receiving palliative care.
This is a Booklet about a first year design studio in a school of architecture. It describes and reflects on changes that happened in the course over a three year period starting September 2000. The Studio is made up of students from mainstream architecture, and dual courses with landscape and engineering. The booklet is for those who are thinking of studying architecture. It might also be for those already learning and teaching architecture who want to see how other design studios work.
This booklet covers the itinerary and some of the findings of a day-long visit to Belfast on the 7th November 2014 by Peter Oborn; Vice President International of the Royal Institute of British Architects. His visit was in response to a motion submitted to the RIBA council (19.05.2014) calling for the suspension of the Israeli Association of United Architects from the International Union of Architects. Despite members of council speaking against the motion it was carried; 23 members voting for, 16 against, and 10 abstentions. Subsequently the RIBA came under considerable pressure to consider its position in such critical contexts. This visit to Belfast was part of a wider fact-finding mission and evidence taking. At its heart was the question: 'Is it appropriate for the institute (RIBA) to engage with communities facing civil conflict and/or natural disaster and, if so, how it can do so most effectively.' The visit was facilitated by Ruth Morrow, Professor of Architecture, School of Planning, Architecture & Civil Engineering, Queen's University Belfast, and Martin Hare, Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA) president.
Dissertao, Mestrado, Marketing, Instituto Politcnico de Santarm, Escola Superior de Gesto e Tecnologia, 2014
A globalizao dos mercados transformou a realidade em que vivem as nossas organizaes criando a necessidade de, face concorrncia cada vez mais agressiva, lutar por uma posio de destaque no mercado onde se encontram, sendo a qualidade cada vez mais o fator de destaque. A qualidade vai muito alm de um produto, hoje em dia a qualidade estende-se ao ensino passando pelos servios. A qualidade preocupa no s a indstria como todas as atividades econmicas, inclusive os servios, quer estes sejam prestados por entidades privadas quer por entidades pblicas. Dentro desta viso de qualidade de servios, pretende este projeto de interveno estudar a qualidade do servio prestado, pelos servios acadmicos de uma escola de ensino superior pblico e elaborar uma proposta de medidas de melhoria. Numa primeira fase estudmos a satisfao dos alunos face ao servio prestado tendo sido recolhida a opinio de 120 alunos. De seguida analismos os processos e procedimentos dos SAC e posteriormente elabormos uma proposta de melhoria para obtermos um servio que v ao encontro das necessidades do seu pblico-alvo, correspondendo em tempo e formato s suas expectativas, por forma a obter qualidade contnua no servio prestado. Durante a elaborao deste projeto conseguimos colocar em prtica algumas das medidas propostas, sobre as quais obtivemos resultados e opinies muito positivas.-Market globalization has transformed the reality in which our organizations live, thus creating an increasingly aggressive competition and the need to fight for a position in the market in which they are where "quality" has become an increasingly prominent factor. Quality goes far beyond a product. Nowadays, quality extends to education and even services. Quality concerns not only the industry and all economic activities including services, whether they are provided by private or by public entities. Within this vision of "quality" in services, this project aims to study the quality of the services provided by the academic department of a higher education school and develop a proposal for improvement measures. At the beginning we studied the extent to which students were satisfied with the service provided and we collected the opinions of 120 students. Then we examined the processes and procedures of SAC and subsequently drafted a proposal aiming to improve and to obtain a service which would meet the needs of our target audience, with time and format corresponding to their expectations, in order to achieve continuous quality in service. During the preparation of this project we were able to put some of the measures into practice, during obtained very positive results and opinions.
Os dinoflagelados so um grupo muito diverso de protistas que possuem um conjunto de caractersticas pouco comuns. Os peridiniides so dinoflagelados com teca que formada por seis sries latitudinais de placas, incluindo a srie cingular e um anel incompleto de placas intercalares anteriores, embora as ltimas estejam ausentes em algumas espcies de Peridiniopsis. So dinoflagelados com simetria bilateral em relao ao plano apical que contem o eixo dorso-ventral. Na srie sulcal h apenas uma placa posterior que contacta com o limite ventral de duas grandes placas antapicais. Entre os peridiniides, a presena ou ausncia de um poro apical e o nmero de placas no cngulo so geralmente consideradas marcas filogenticas importantes ao nvel de gnero ou famlia. Actualmente, a definio de Peridinium Ehrenberg, o dinoflagelado mais comum de gua doce, inclui organismos com combinaes diferentes destas duas caractersticas. Trabalhos anteriores sobre a ultrastrutura e afinidade filogentica das espcies tipo de Peridinium, P. cinctum, e Peridiniopsis Lemmermann, P. borgei tambm sugerem a necessidade de reexaminar as relaes taxonmicas dos peridiniides. Esta tese combina o estudo ultrastrutural de uma seleco de espcies com hipteses filogenticas baseadas nas sequncias de LSU rDNA, para aumentar o nosso conhecimento das diferenas e afinidades dentro dos peridiniides. Tem como objectivo aumentar o nosso conhecimento das caractersticas individuais das clulas que possam levar a reconhecer sinapomorfias que possam ser usadas como marcadores dos peridiniides como um todo e dos seus subgrupos. As espcies escolhidas para exame pormenorizado foram: Peridinium palatinum Lauterborn, de um grupo com duas placas intercalares anteriores, seis placas cingulares e sem poro apical; Peridinium lomnickii Wo!oszy"ska, de um grupo com poro apical, trs placas intercalares e seis cingulares; Peridiniopsis berolinensis (Lemmermann) Bourrelly, uma espcie heterotrfica com poro apical, sem placas intercalares e com seis placas cingulares; e Sphaerodinium cracoviense Wo!oszy"ska, um membro de um gnero de formas com teca com um tipo de tabulao marginalmente peridiniide, com um suposto poro apical e quatro placas intercalares anteriores. Peridinium palatinum difere de Peridinium e Peridiniopsis tpicos, quer em caractersticas da teca, quer internas. As diferenas estimadas entre as sequncias parciais de LSU rDNA de P. palatinum e a espcie prxima P. pseudolaeve, relativamente a P. cinctum so comparativamente grandes e, juntamente com a topologia da rvore filogentica, apoiam a separao de P. palatinum e formas prximas ao nvel de gnero. Palatinus nov. gen. foi, ento, descrito com as novas combinaes Palatinus apiculatus nov. comb. (espcie tipo; sin. Peridinium palatinum), P. apiculatus var. laevis nov. comb. e P. pseudolaevis nov. comb.. As caractersticas distintivas de Palatinus incluem uma superfcie das placas lisa ou um tanto granulosa, mas no areolada, um grande pirenide central penetrado por canais citoplasmticos e de onde radiam lobos plastidiais, e a presena de uma fiada microtubular homloga de um pednculo. As clulas de Palatinus saem da teca pela zona antapicalpos- cingular. Peridinium lomnickii apresenta tabulao semelhante s formas marinhas, produtoras de quistos calcrios, do gnero Scrippsiella A.R. Loeblich. Para comparao, adicionmos novas observaes ultrastruturais de S. trochoidea. Peridinium lomnickii tem uma combinao de caractersticas diferente de Peridinium, Peridiniopsis e Scrippsiella. As hipteses filogenticas baseadas em DNA colocam P. lomnickii no mesmo ramo que Pfiesteria Steidinger et Burkholder, Tyrannodinium e outras Pfiesteriaceae, com as quais partilha um "microtubular basket" e uma ligao peculiar entre duas placas do sulco. As caractersticas distintivas do novo gnero proposto Chimonodinium gen. ined. incluem, alm da tabulao, a ausncia de pirenides, a presena de um "microtubular basket" com quatro ou cinco fiadas sobrepostas de microtbulos associados a um pequeno pednculo, um sistema pusular com tubos pusulares bem definidos ligados aos canais flagelares, e a produo de quistos no calcrios. Peridiniopsis berolinensis partilha vrias caractersticas significativas com Pfiesteria e afins, como um "microtubular basket" com a capacidade de suportar um tubo de alimentao, quimiossensibilidade para encontrar presas apropriadas, o modo de natao junto s presas e a organizao geral da clula. Hipteses filogenticas com base em LSU rDNA confirmam a afinidade entre P. berolinensis e Pfiesteria bem como a relao mais remota com a espcie tipo de Peridiniopsis, P. borgei. Estas razes justificam a proposta de Tyrannodinium gen. nov., uma nova Pfiesteriaceae que difere de outros membros do grupo por viver em gua doce e nos pormenores da tabulao. Sphaerodinium cracoviense revelou a tabulao tpica do gnero Sphaerodinium, que apresenta um nmero de placas intercalares superiores e pos-cingulares maior que o que tpico em peridiniides: 4 e 6, respectivamente. Observaes em SEM mostraram uma estrutura apical diferente da dos peridiniides, e um sulco apical numa das placas fazendo lembrar a rea apical de alguns woloszynskiides. Os pormenores do aparelho flagelar e do sistema pusular ligam o Sphaerodinium aos woloszynskiides em geral e ao gnero Baldinia em particular, mas no aos peridiniides. O volumoso estigma de S. cracoviense revelou ser extraplastidial e de um modelo nico, composto por elementos que se encontram em woloszynskiides, mas nunca encontrados anteriormente juntos. A anlise filogentica baseada nas sequncias parciais de LSU rDNA tambm sugerem uma maior proximidade de S. cracoviense com os woloszynskiides do que com os peridiniides. Futuras anlises pormenorizadas de dinoflagelados peridiniides, em especial entre os do numeroso grupo de espcies com poro apical, sero necessrias para clarificar as suas relaes taxonmicas; e a produo de descries melhoradas das caractersticas finas particulares das clulas sero um requisito para perceber a evoluo dos caracteres dos peridiniides por forma a podermos identificar marcadores filogenticos.
Este estudo visa identificar as imagens do processo de envelhecimento e da velhice, as imagens relacionadas com a preparao de um envelhecimento bem sucedido e compreender a relao entre as mesmas. Pretende-se ainda identificar possveis linhas de interveno que permitam modificar imagens da velhice e da sua preparao, capazes de promover activamente um envelhecimento bem sucedido. Optou-se por um estudo de desenho de carcter transversal, descritivocorrelacional, com recurso tcnica de anlise quantitativa para correlaes entre diferentes variveis scio-demogrficas. A amostra compreende 800 sujeitos com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e os 87 anos, analisadas as seguintes variveis sociodemogrficas: idade, gnero, escolaridade, estado civil, ter ou no filhos, se trabalhou ou no com pessoas idosas e freguesia de residncia (urbana ou rural). Os instrumentos utilizados foram duas escalas, a ImAge e a ImPreVe. Os principais resultados indicam que: a) os sujeitos que manifestam imagens positivas tendem a preocupar-se com a preparao da velhice, a viver no presente mas tambm a planear o seu futuro; b) os sujeitos que manifestam imagens negativas da velhice e do envelhecimento tambm tendem a preocupar-se com a preparao da velhice, a focalizar-se no futuro; c) os sujeitos que manifestam imagens ambivalentes (positivas e negativas, onde h ganhos e perdas em simultneo) tendem a considerar a preparao como pouco importante; d) so os sujeitos mais velhos e com menor escolaridade quem tende a manifestar imagens negativas e a valorizar a preparao da velhice. A promoo de um envelhecimento bem sucedido deve incidir nas dimenses individual, familiar, social e institucional, com vista alterao de imagens irreais e baseadas em esteretipos ou preconceitos (sejam positivas ou negativas), ajustadas realidade do normal processo de envelhecimento. Impe-se uma mudana dessas imagens, desmistificando a sua conjugao com o envelhecimento patolgico e promover activamente estratgias adequadas a cada perfil para a promoo de um envelhecimento bem sucedido.
O campo de anlise do estudo compreende o subsetor de cermica utilitria e decorativa (CUD) nacional. Nesse contexto, o estudo analisa o papel atual do designer e prope novas estratgias de gesto do design, como ferramentas estratgicas potenciadoras de inovao e de valor acrescentado, para o produto e para o desenvolvimento da empresa. A pertinncia da investigao justifica-se pela necessidade premente da reestruturao estratgica das empresas do setor face ao cenrio da crise atual. Os dados mais recentes disponibilizados do subsetor indicam que, de 2002 para 2008, encerraram 36,6% das empresas, o nmero de trabalhadores reduziu-se em 36,8% e o volume de negcios decresceu 32%. Acrescenta-se ainda que, do ano de 2008 para 2012, encerraram 15% das empresas da amostra. Pretende-se com este estudo no s definir o estado atual da arte e do subsetor mas, ir mais alm, procurando respostas aos problemas detetados, atravs de ferramentas estratgicas para a gesto do design integrado nas estratgias de imagem, comercializao e produo. O estudo compreendeu as seguintes etapas: pesquisa, anlise de dados e desenvolvimento dos resultados. A etapa da pesquisa correspondeu recolha da documentao disponvel para o contexto do subsetor e da gesto do design apresentado no estado da arte; a pesquisa de campo a seleo de empresas da amostra onde se realizaram questionrios (em 2008 e 2012) e entrevistas (em 2008) no universo amostra. Na anlise de dados, estes foram apresentados e analisados de forma quantitativa e qualitativa (com recurso a lugares estruturais e a palavras-chave) e relacionados com o estado de arte e desenvolvimento de resultados. A ltima etapa, desenvolvimento dos resultados, traduz-se pela idealizao e construo de ferramentas sob a perspetiva da gesto do design nas empresas: em checklists da definio do trabalho do designer e da integrao do designer nas estratgias de gesto do design, aplicadas ao subsetor; na definio das estratgias vigentes na amostra; na sugesto de uma estratgia de gesto de design direcionada para o subsetor e de planos de ao concordantes com a estratgia sugerida. A novidade do estudo est presente nas propostas de ferramentas estratgicas, onde se define o trabalho do designer, enuncia estratgias de gesto do design direcionadas ao subsetor, define campos de integrao do designer nessas estratgias, caracteriza-se a aplicabilidade de prticas de gesto do design e sugere-se uma estratgia e planos de ao para aplicar ao subsetor de CUD. De modo a facilitar a aplicao da investigao e da anlise aqui realizada, redigiu-se um manual de estratgias de gesto do design Cermica design mais para disponibilizar e apresentar futuramente ao subsetor e a todos os interessados no tema.