973 resultados para Bone marrow transplants


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Grant support This study was supported by an award (Ref: WHMSB-AU119) from the Translational Medicine Research Collaboration – a consortium made up of the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow, the four associated NHS Health Boards (Grampian, Tayside, Lothian and Greater Glasgow & Clyde), Scottish Enterprise and Wyeth. The funder played no part in the design, execution, analysis or publication of this paper.


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Leptin is a multifunctional hormone, produced predominantly in adipocytes. It regulates energy balance through its impact on appetite and fat metabolism, and its concentration indicates the size of body fat reserves. Leptin also plays a vital role in stretch-induced surfactant production during alveolar development in the fetus. The structure, expression pattern, and role of leptin have not previously been explored in marine mammals. Phocid seals undergo cyclical changes in body composition as a result of prolonged fasting and intensive foraging bouts and experience rapid, dramatic, and repeated changes in lung volume during diving. Here, we report the tissue-specific expression pattern of leptin in these animals. This is the first demonstration of leptin expression in the lung tissue of a mature mammal, in addition to its expression in the blubber and bone marrow, in common with other animals. We propose a role for leptin in seal pulmonary surfactant production, in addition to its likely role in long-term energy balance. We identify substitutions in the phocine leptin sequence in regions normally highly conserved between widely distinct vertebrate groups, and, using a purified seal leptin antiserum, we confirm the presence of the leptin protein in gray seal lung and serum fractions. Finally, we report the substantial inadequacies of using heterologous antibodies to measure leptin in unextracted gray seal serum.


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Background and Purpose - Loss of motor function is common after stroke and leads to significant chronic disability. Stem cells are capable of self-renewal and of differentiating into multiple cell types, including neurones, glia, and vascular cells. We assessed the safety of granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) after stroke and its effect on circulating CD34 stem cells. Methods - We performed a 2-center, dose-escalation, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot trial (ISRCTN 16784092) of G-CSF (6 blocks of 1 to 10 g/kg SC, 1 or 5 daily doses) in 36 patients with recent ischemic stroke. Circulating CD34 stem cells were measured by flow cytometry; blood counts and measures of safety and functional outcome were also monitored. All measures were made blinded to treatment. Results - Thirty-six patients, whose mean SD age was 768 years and of whom 50% were male, were recruited. G-CSF (5 days of 10 g/kg) increased CD34 count in a dose-dependent manner, from 2.5 to 37.7 at day 5 (area under curve, P0.005). A dose-dependent rise in white cell count (P0.001) was also seen. There was no difference between treatment groups in the number of patients with serious adverse events: G-CSF, 7/24 (29%) versus placebo 3/12 (25%), or in their dependence (modified Rankin Scale, median 4, interquartile range, 3 to 5) at 90 days. Conclusions - ”G-CSF is effective at mobilizing bone marrow CD34 stem cells in patients with recent ischemic stroke. Administration is feasible and appears to be safe and well tolerated. The fate of mobilized cells and their effect on functional outcome remain to be determined. (Stroke. 2006;37:2979-2983.)


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Case Description: An 82-years old Hispanic woman with a past medical history significant for pulmonary thromboembolism on oral anticoagulation, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypertension developed a new onset thrombocytopenia. Clinical Findings: Small clonal B-cells populations (SCBP) also known as monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis was found as part of the workup for an idiopathic thrombocytopenia and lead ultimately to the diagnosis of parotid primary follicular lymphoma coexisting with Warthin tumor involving the bone marrow in a small extent and oncocytic papilloma located in the maxillary sinus. Treatment and Outcome: Patient was treated with Rituximab monotherapy with improvement on her platelet count. Clinical relevance: Although it is unclear the role of this clonal cells, they may work as a possible diagnostic tool for occult lymphomas. Further prospective studies are needed to confirm this possible association.


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The extracellular microenvironment in bone marrow (BM) is known to regulate the growth and differentiation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC). We have developed cell-free matrices from a BM stromal cell line (HS-5), which can be used as substrates either in native form or as tissue engineered coatings, for the enhanced ex vivo expansion of umbilical cord blood (UCB) derived HSPC. The physicochemical properties (surface roughness, thickness, and uniformity) of native and spin coated acellular matrices (ACM) were studied using scanning and atomic force microscopy (SEM and AFM). Lineage-specific expansion of HSPC, grown on these substrates, was evaluated by immunophenotypic (flow cytometry) and functional (colony forming) assays. Our results show that the most efficient expansion of lineage-specific HSPC occurred on spin coated ACM. Our method provides an improved protocol for ex vivo HSPC expansion and it offers a system to study the in vivo roles of specific molecules in the hematopoietic niche that influence HSPC expansion.


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Heart valve disease occurs in adults as well as in pediatric population due to age-related changes, rheumatic fever, infection or congenital condition. Current treatment options are limited to mechanical heart valve (MHV) or bio-prosthetic heart valve (BHV) replacements. Lifelong anti-coagulant medication in case of MHV and calcification, durability in case of BHV are major setbacks for both treatments. Lack of somatic growth of these implants require multiple surgical interventions in case of pediatric patients. Advent of stem cell research and regenerative therapy propose an alternative and potential tissue engineered heart valves (TEHV) treatment approach to treat this life threatening condition. TEHV has the potential to promote tissue growth by replacing and regenerating a functional native valve. Hemodynamics play a crucial role in heart valve tissue formation and sustained performance. The focus of this study was to understand the role of physiological shear stress and flexure effects on de novo HV tissue formation as well as resulting gene and protein expression. A bioreactor system was used to generate physiological shear stress and cyclic flexure. Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell derived tissue constructs were exposed to native valve-like physiological condition. Responses of these tissue constructs to the valve-relevant stress states along with gene and protein expression were investigated after 22 days of tissue culture. We conclude that the combination of steady flow and cyclic flexure helps support engineered tissue formation by the co-existence of both OSS and appreciable shear stress magnitudes, and potentially augment valvular gene and protein expression when both parameters are in the physiological range. ^


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TET2 is a tumor suppressor gene that has been implicated in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Inactivating TET2 mutations are common in MDS. These mutations may contribute to early clonal dominance and myeloid transformation, although the exact mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Common to the environment of MDS are elevations in cytokines, such as TNFα and IFN-γ. It was hypothesized that inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IFN-γ may promote clonal expansion of TET2 mutant progenitors. Adult (10-14 weeks-old) Tet2 wild type (+/+) and Tet2 mutant (-/-) C57BL/6 mice strains were chosen as a model system. Lineage negative cells (Lin-), enriched for hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, were isolated from Tet2 +/+ and -/- bone marrow and cultured in the absence or presence of varying concentrations of TNFα or IFN-γ in methylcellulose colony formation assays and long term cell culture assays, over a period of 12 and 30 days respectively, and their colony growth, cell count, immunophenotype and resistance to apoptosis were examined. Where indicated, serial re-plating was performed. Expression of apoptotic regulators was assessed by qRT-PCR. In the triplicate experiments, starting with equal densities of Tet2 +/+ and -/- Lin- cells, Tet2 -/- Lin- cells displayed increased resistance to cytokine-induced growth suppression and superior colony forming ability over +/+ in the serial re-plating assays under stress of increasing TNFα or IFN γ. Tet2 -/- progenitors also displayed a lower apoptotic index compared to +/+ under stress of increasing TNFα, suggesting increased resistance to TNFα induced apoptosis. Transcriptional data showed low expression of Tnfr1, Fas and caspase 8, as well as a high expression of Bcl-2 and Iap1 in Tet2 -/- compared to +/+ under stress of TNFα. Tet2-/- also showed increased basal expression of endogenous TNFα mRNA compared to +/+. In the human colony growth assay, the clonal growth of TET2 mutant CFU-GM progenitors was enhanced at low TNFα concentrations. Conclusion: Mutations that promote resistance to environmental stem cell stressors are a known mechanism of clonal selection in aplastic anaemia and JAK2-mutant MPN and our findings suggest that this mechanism may be critical to clonal selection and dominance in MDS.


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Human adenoviruses (Ads) have been classified into six species (A to F) currently containing 55 serotypes. For almost 2 decades vectors derived from group C serotype Ad5 have been extensively used for gene transfer studies. These Ad5 based vectors are able to efficiently infect many mammalian cell types (including both mitotic and post-mitotic cells) through interaction with a primary attachment receptor, the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR). Despite the many advantages of Ad5 based vectors a number of limitations have affected their therapeutic application to many diseases. Although they can transduce many tissue types, Ad5 based vectors are unable to efficiently transduce several potential disease target cell types, including hematopoietic stem cells and malignant tumor cells. Therefore, newer vectors have been developed based on Ad serotypes other than Ad5. This thesis focuses on species B Ads. Species B Ads are comprised of three groups based on their receptor usage. Group 1 of species B Ads (Ad16, 21, 35, 50) nearly exclusively utilize CD46 as a receptor; Group 2 (Ad3, Ad7, 14) share a common, unidentified receptor/s, which is not CD46 and which was tentatively named receptor X; Group 3 (Ad11) preferentially interacts with CD46, but also utilizes receptor X if CD46 is blocked. Species B group Ads are important human pathogens. Species B group 2 serotypes are isolated from patients with respiratory tract infections, whereas the Group 1 viruses are described as causing kidney and urinary tract infections. B-group Ad infections often occur in immunocompromised patients, including AIDS patients, recipients of bone marrow transplants, or chemotherapy patients. Recent studies performed in U.S. military training facilities indicate an emergence of diverse species B serotypes at the majority of sites. This included the group 1 serotype 21 and the group 2 serotypes 3, 7, and 14. CD46-targeting vectors derived from Ad35 and Ad11 are important tools for in vitro gene transfer into human stem cells, including hematopoietic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. Ad35 and Ad11 have been used as tools for cancer therapy, because CD46 appears to be uniformely overexpressed on many cancers. Furthermore, receptor X-targeting vectors, i.e vectors derived from Ad3 or vectors containing Ad3 fibers have shown superior in the transduction of tumor cells both in vitro and in vivo and are currently being used clinically in cancer patients. While extensive basic virology studies have been done on Ad5, the information of species B group 1 interaction with CD46 is limited. Furthermore, the receptor for a major subgroup of species B Ads (receptor X) is unknown. The goal of this thesis was it therefore to better understand virological and translational aspects of species B Ads. The specific findings described in this thesis include i) the identification of CD46 binding sites within the Ad35 fiber knob, ii) the study of the in vitro and in vivo properties of Ad vectors with increased affinity to CD46. iii) the study of the receptor usage of a newly emergent Ad14a, iv) the identification of desmoglein 2 as the receptor for Ad3, Ad7, Ad11, and Ad14, v) the delineation of structural details of Ad3 virus interaction with DSG2, and vi) the analysis of functional consequences of Ad3-DSG2 interaction. As a result of these basic virology studies two Ad-derived recombinant proteins have been generated that can be used to enhance cancer therapy by monoclonal antibodies.


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O sangue do cordão umbilical humano tem sido crescentemente utilizado como fonte de células-tronco. Os modelos experimentais de células-tronco da medula óssea, em cães, têm propiciado informações importantes para transplantes medulares em humanos. Vários trabalhos citam a influência do tipo de parto nas características do sangue do cordão umbilical (SCU) humano. Entretanto, não existem relatos sobre a colheita do sangue do cordão umbilical de cães. O objetivo deste ensaio é avaliar a influência do tipo de parto na hematologia do cordão umbilical de cães. No presente protocolo experimental, foram estudados 54 fetos de cães, ao final da vida intra-uterina, provenientes de parto normal (n=24) e cesariana (n=30). A colheita de sangue do cordão umbilical foi realizada com seringa de cinco mL contendo solução anticoagulante EDTA (1mg/1mL sangue). em seguida, a contagem global de hemácias, leucócitos, plaquetas, a determinação da concentração de hemoglobina, taxa de hematócrito, os índices eritrocitários foram realizados no contador automático de células. A contagem diferencial de leucócitos foi determinada em esfregaços de SCU corados com May-Grunwald-Giemsa (MGG). Com relação ao eritrograma e ao plaquetograma, não houve diferença significativa entre as amostras obtidas em cesarianas e partos normais. Os valores do leucograma do SCU colhido em partos normais foram superiores àqueles obtidos em cesarianas (P<0,05). Portanto, o tipo de parto influencia os valores hematológicos do cordão umbilical de cães.


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The umbilical cord blood (UCB) is an important source of hematopoietic stem cells with great deal of interest in regenerative medicine. The UCB cells have been extensively studied as an alternative to the bone marrow transplants. The challenge is to define specific methods to purify and characterize these cells in different animal species. This study is aimed at morphological characterization of progenitor cells derived from UCB highlighting relevant differences with peripheral blood of adult in dog and cats. Therefore, blood was collected from 18 dogs and 5 cats' umbilical cords from fetus in various developmental stages. The mononuclear cells were separated using the gradient of density Histopaque-1077. Characterization of CD34+ cells was performed by flow cytometric analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Granulocytes (ancestry of the basophiles, eosinophiles, and neutrophiles) and agranulocytes (represented by immature lymphocytes) were identified. We showed for the first time the ultrastructural features of cat UCB cells. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:766770, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Telomere attrition induces cell senescence and apoptosis. We hypothesized that age-adjusted pretransplantation telomere length might predict treatment-related mortality (TRM) after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Between 2000 and 2005, 178 consecutive patients underwent HSCT from HLA-identical sibling donors after myeloablative conditioning regimens, mainly for hematologic malignancies (n = 153). Blood lymphocytes' telomere length was measured by real-time quantitative PCR before HSCT. Age-adjusted pretransplantation telomere lengths were analyzed for correlation with clinical outcomes. After age adjustment, patients' telomere-length distribution was similar among all 4 quartiles except for disease stage. There was no correlation between telomere length and engraftment, GVHD, or relapse. The overall survival was 62% at 5 years (95% confidence interval [CI], 54-70). After a median follow-up of 51 months (range, 1-121 months), 43 patients died because of TRM. The TRM rate inversely correlated with telomere length. TRM in patients in the first (lowest telomere length) quartile was significantly higher than in patients with longer telomeres (P = .017). In multivariate analysis, recipients' age (hazard ratio, 1.1; 95% CI, .0-1.1; P = .0001) and age-adjusted telomere length (hazard ratio, 0.4; 95% CI; 0.2-0.8; P = .01) were independently associated with TRM. In conclusion, age-adjusted recipients' telomere length is an independent biologic marker of TRM after HSCT. (Blood. 2012;120(16):3353-3359)


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New vessel formation and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) influence host responses to malignant tissues. Extracellular adenosine-mediated pathways promote both vascular endothelial cell proliferation and inhibit cytotoxic T cells, thereby potentiating cancer growth. CD39 is the dominant ectonucleotidase of vascular and T regulatory cells and has the potential to generate high levels of adenosine locally. We have previously shown that deletion of Cd39 results in angiogenic failure and T regulatory cell dysfunction with loss of immune suppressive functions. Aim: Investigate impact of CD39 upon development of hepatic metastases. Methods and Results: We studied the development of metastatic liver deposits following portal vein infusion of 1.5x105 melanoma B16/F10 cells, with luciferase expression, in wild type and Cd39-null C57BL/6 mice (n=24). Tumor formation in liver was directly examined and animals imaged at days 7-17 after tumor cell implantation. As predicted, the formation of hepatic malignant foci was markedly suppressed in Cd39-null mice, at all time points examined. To test whether the major impact of Cd39-deletion was upon neovasculature formation or immune responsiveness, adoptive transfer experiments were conducted. Bone marrow transplants (BMT) from Cd39-null or wild type BL/6 mice were placed in lethally irradiated control and/or null mice, in a crossover manner (total n=24 for each group, respectively). Eight weeks postadoptive transfer, melanoma cells were infused via portal vein as before and tumor growth studied. The Cd39-null mice that received wild type BMT mirrored the wild type phenotype with progressive tumor growth observed (n=8 per time point; p=0.015). In contrast, metastases were significantly inhibited in both number and size and ultimately became necrotic in the wild type mice that had received Cd39-null BMT. Conclusions: Bone marrow derived cells mediate the major inhibitory effects of CD39 deletion on tumor growth. Pharmacological inhibition of CD39 may find utility as an adjunct therapy in the management of hepatic malignancy.


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Background: Life partnerships other than marriage are rarely studied in childhood cancer survivors (CCS). We aimed (1) to describe life partnership and marriage in CCS and compare them to life partnerships in siblings and the general population; and (2) to identify socio-demographic and cancer-related factors associated with life partnership and marriage. Methods: As part of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (SCCSS), a questionnaire was sent to all CCS (aged 20–40 years) registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry (SCCR), aged <16 years at diagnosis, who had survived ≥5 years. The proportion with life partner or married was compared between CSS and siblings and participants in the Swiss Health Survey (SHS). Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with life partnership or marriage. Results: We included 1,096 CCS of the SCCSS, 500 siblings and 5,593 participants of the SHS. Fewer CCS (47%) than siblings (61%, P < 0.001) had life partners, and fewer CCS were married (16%) than among the SHS population (26%, P > 0.001). Older (OR = 1.14, P < 0.001) and female CCS (OR = 1.85, <0.001) were more likely to have life partners. CCS who had undergone radiotherapy, bone marrow transplants (global PTreatment = 0.018) or who had a CNS diagnosis (global PDiagnosis < 0.001) were less likely to have life partners. Conclusion: CCS are less likely to have life partners than their peers. Most CCS with a life partner were not married. Future research should focus on the effect of these disparities on the quality of life of CCS.


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Introducción Los sistemas de puntuación para predicción se han desarrollado para medir la severidad de la enfermedad y el pronóstico de los pacientes en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Estas medidas son útiles para la toma de decisiones clínicas, la estandarización de la investigación, y la comparación de la calidad de la atención al paciente crítico. Materiales y métodos Estudio de tipo observacional analítico de cohorte en el que reviso las historias clínicas de 283 pacientes oncológicos admitidos a la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) durante enero de 2014 a enero de 2016 y a quienes se les estimo la probabilidad de mortalidad con los puntajes pronósticos APACHE IV y MPM II, se realizó regresión logística con las variables predictoras con las que se derivaron cada uno de los modelos es sus estudios originales y se determinó la calibración, la discriminación y se calcularon los criterios de información Akaike AIC y Bayesiano BIC. Resultados En la evaluación de desempeño de los puntajes pronósticos APACHE IV mostro mayor capacidad de predicción (AUC = 0,95) en comparación con MPM II (AUC = 0,78), los dos modelos mostraron calibración adecuada con estadístico de Hosmer y Lemeshow para APACHE IV (p = 0,39) y para MPM II (p = 0,99). El ∆ BIC es de 2,9 que muestra evidencia positiva en contra de APACHE IV. Se reporta el estadístico AIC siendo menor para APACHE IV lo que indica que es el modelo con mejor ajuste a los datos. Conclusiones APACHE IV tiene un buen desempeño en la predicción de mortalidad de pacientes críticamente enfermos, incluyendo pacientes oncológicos. Por lo tanto se trata de una herramienta útil para el clínico en su labor diaria, al permitirle distinguir los pacientes con alta probabilidad de mortalidad.