930 resultados para Bion, of Phlossa near Smyrna.


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The Internal Structure of Hydrogen-Air Diffusion Flames. Tho purpose of this paper is to study finite rate chemistry effects in diffusion controlled hydrogenair flames undor conditions appearing in some cases in a supersonic combustor. Since for large reaction rates the flame is close to chemical equilibrium, the reaction takes place in a very thin region, so thata "singular perturbation "treatment" of the problem seems appropriate. It has been shown previously that, within the inner or reaction zone, convection effects may be neglocted, the temperature is constant across the flame, and tho mass fraction distributions are given by ordinary differential equations, whore tho only independent variable involved is tho coordinate normal to the flame surface. Tho solution of the outer problom, which is a pure mixing problem with the additional condition that fuol and oxidizer do not coexist in any zone, provides t h e following information: tho flame position, rates of fuel consumption, temperature, concentrators of species, fluid velocity outside of tho flame, and the boundary conditions required to solve the "inner problem." The main contribution of this paper consists in the introduction of a fairly complicated chemical kinetic scheme representing hydrogen-oxygen reaction. The nonlinear equations expressing the conservation of chemical species are approximately integrated by means of an integral method. It has boen found that, in the case considered of a near-equilibrium diffusion flame, tho role played by the dissociation-recombination reactions is purely marginal, and that somo of the second order "shuffling" reactions are close to equilibrium. The method shown here may be applied to compute the distanco from the injector corresponding to a given separation from equilibrium, say ten to twenty percent. For the casos whore this length is a small fraction of the combustion zone length, the equilibrium treatment describes properly tho flame behavior.


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Seismic evaluation methodology is applied to an existing viaduct in the south of Spain, near Granada, which is a medium seismicity region. The influence of both geology and topography in the spatial variability of ground motion are studied as well as seismic hazard analysis and ground motion characterization. Artificial hazard-consistent ground motion records are synthesised applying seismic hazard analysis and site effects are estimated through a diffraction study. Direct BEM is used to calculate the valley displacement response to vertically propagating SV waves and transfer functions are generated allowing the transformation of free field motion to motion at each support. A closed formulae is used to estimate these transfer function. Finally, the results obtained are compared.


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Use of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods to predict the power production from wind entire wind farms in flat and complex terrain is presented in this paper. Two full 3D Navier–Stokes solvers for incompressible flow are employed that incorporate the k–ε and k–ω turbulence models respectively. The wind turbines (W/Ts) are modelled as momentum absorbers by means of their thrust coefficient using the actuator disk approach. The WT thrust is estimated using the wind speed one diameter upstream of the rotor at hub height. An alternative method that employs an induction-factor based concept is also tested. This method features the advantage of not utilizing the wind speed at a specific distance from the rotor disk, which is a doubtful approximation when a W/T is located in the wake of another and/or the terrain is complex. To account for the underestimation of the near wake deficit, a correction is introduced to the turbulence model. The turbulence time scale is bounded using the general “realizability” constraint for the turbulent velocities. Application is made on two wind farms, a five-machine one located in flat terrain and another 43-machine one located in complex terrain. In the flat terrain case, the combination of the induction factor method along with the turbulence correction provides satisfactory results. In the complex terrain case, there are some significant discrepancies with the measurements, which are discussed. In this case, the induction factor method does not provide satisfactory results.


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Modelling of entire wind farms in flat and complex terrain using a full 3D Navier–Stokes solver for incompressible flow is presented in this paper. Numerical integration of the governing equations is performed using an implicit pressure correction scheme, where the wind turbines (W/Ts) are modelled as momentum absorbers through their thrust coefficient. The k–ω turbulence model, suitably modified for atmospheric flows, is employed for closure. A correction is introduced to account for the underestimation of the near wake deficit, in which the turbulence time scale is bounded using a general “realizability” constraint for the fluctuating velocities. The second modelling issue that is discussed in this paper is related to the determination of the reference wind speed for the thrust calculation of the machines. Dealing with large wind farms and wind farms in complex terrain, determining the reference wind speed is not obvious when a W/T operates in the wake of another WT and/or in complex terrain. Two alternatives are compared: using the wind speed value at hub height one diameter upstream of the W/T and adopting an induction factor-based concept to overcome the utilization of a wind speed at a certain distance upwind of the rotor. Application is made in two wind farms, a five-machine one located in flat terrain and a 43-machine one located in complex terrain.


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Of the south of Spain, near the province of Cordova, in a tributary of the Guadalquivir River it has been constructed during the years 2004 to 2007 the reservoir called El Arenoso. El Arenoso reservoir that belongs to Environment Ministry is destined to downstream Guadalquivir’s water supply and the general regulation of the river. The dam is located on the same name river and it is next to the Montoro’s municipal district, 41 km northeast of Cordova. The main work consists on an embankment dam, with central clay core, and slates and greywacke shoulders. The core is covered downstream with a filter material and upstream with a transition material. The dimensions of the dam are 80 m high, 1.480 m long at its crest, and it has been needed more than 3 million m3 of materials, creating a waterproof barrier able to keep 160 hm3 as a useful reservoir. In the zone of the core is located the chamber of valves with a horizontal clearance of 10 m and a vertical clearance of 14,517 m. The present article exposes the most important characteristics of project and construction, of valves chamber of the Arenoso reservoir.


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Geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) has been proposed as a viable means for reducing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Once injection begins, a program for measurement, monitoring, and verification (MMV) of CO2 distribution is required in order to: a) research key features, effects and processes needed for risk assessment; b) manage the injection process; c) delineate and identify leakage risk and surface escape; d) provide early warnings of failure near the reservoir; and f) verify storage for accounting and crediting. The selection of the methodology of monitoring (characterization of site and control and verification in the post-injection phase) is influenced by economic and technological variables. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) refers to a methodology developed for making decisions in the presence of multiple criteria. MCDM as a discipline has only a relatively short history of 40 years, and it has been closely related to advancements on computer technology. Evaluation methods and multicriteria decisions include the selection of a set of feasible alternatives, the simultaneous optimization of several objective functions, and a decision-making process and evaluation procedures that must be rational and consistent. The application of a mathematical model of decision-making will help to find the best solution, establishing the mechanisms to facilitate the management of information generated by number of disciplines of knowledge. Those problems in which decision alternatives are finite are called Discrete Multicriteria Decision problems. Such problems are most common in reality and this case scenario will be applied in solving the problem of site selection for storing CO2. Discrete MCDM is used to assess and decide on issues that by nature or design support a finite number of alternative solutions. Recently, Multicriteria Decision Analysis has been applied to hierarchy policy incentives for CCS, to assess the role of CCS, and to select potential areas which could be suitable to store. For those reasons, MCDM have been considered in the monitoring phase of CO2 storage, in order to select suitable technologies which could be techno-economical viable. In this paper, we identify techniques of gas measurements in subsurface which are currently applying in the phase of characterization (pre-injection); MCDM will help decision-makers to hierarchy the most suitable technique which fit the purpose to monitor the specific physic-chemical parameter.


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Penguin colonies represent some of the most concentrated sources of ammonia emissions to the atmosphere in the world. The ammonia emitted into the atmosphere can have a large influence on the nitrogen cycling of ecosystems near the colonies. However, despite the ecological importance of the emissions, no measurements of ammonia emissions from penguin colonies have been made. The objective of this work was to determine the ammonia emission rate of a penguin colony using inverse-dispersion modelling and gradient methods. We measured meteorological variables and mean atmospheric concentrations of ammonia at seven locations near a colony of Adélie penguins in Antarctica to provide input data for inverse-dispersion modelling. Three different atmospheric dispersion models (ADMS, LADD and a Lagrangian stochastic model) were used to provide a robust emission estimate. The Lagrangian stochastic model was applied both in ‘forwards’ and ‘backwards’ mode to compare the difference between the two approaches. In addition, the aerodynamic gradient method was applied using vertical profiles of mean ammonia concentrations measured near the centre of the colony. The emission estimates derived from the simulations of the three dispersion models and the aerodynamic gradient method agreed quite well, giving a mean emission of 1.1 g ammonia per breeding pair per day (95% confidence interval: 0.4–2.5 g ammonia per breeding pair per day). This emission rate represents a volatilisation of 1.9% of the estimated nitrogen excretion of the penguins, which agrees well with that estimated from a temperature-dependent bioenergetics model. We found that, in this study, the Lagrangian stochastic model seemed to give more reliable emission estimates in ‘forwards’ mode than in ‘backwards’ mode due to the assumptions made.


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Las sondas eléctricas se emplean habitualmente en la diagnosis de plasmas. La presente tesis aborda la operación de las sondas colectoras y emisoras de Langmuir en plasmas fríos de baja densidad. El estudio se ha centrado en la determinación del potencial de plasma, Vsp, mediante el potencial flotante de una sonda emisora. Esta técnica consiste en la medida del potencial de la sonda correspondiente a la condición de corriente neta igual a cero, el cual se denomina potencial flotante, VF. Este potencial se desplaza hacia el potencial del plasma según aumenta la emisión termoiónica de la sonda, hasta que se satura cerca de Vsp. Los experimentos llevados a cabo en la pluma de plasma de un motor iónico y en un plasma de descarga de glow muestran que la corriente de electrones termoiónicos es mayor que la corriente de electrones recogidos para una sonda polarizada por debajo del potencial del plasma, resultado inconsistente con la teoría tradicionalmente aceptada. Para investigar estos resultados se ha introducido el parámetro R, definido como el cociente entre la corriente de electrones emitidos y recogidos por la sonda. Este parámetro, que está relacionado con la diferencia de potencial VF - Vsp, también es útil para la descripción de los modos de operación de la sonda emisora (débil, fuerte y más allá del fuerte). Los resultados experimentales evidencian que, al contrario de lo que indica la teoría, R es mayor que la unidad. Esta discrepancia se puede solucionar introduciendo una población efectiva de electrones. Con dicha población, el nuevo modelo para la corriente total de la sonda reproduce los datos experimentales. El origen de este grupo electrónico es todavía una cuestión abierta, pero podría estar originada por una nueva estructura de potencial cerca de la sonda cuando ésta trabaja en el régimen de emisión fuerte. Para explicar dicha estructura de potencial, se propone un modelo unidimensional compuesto por un mínimo de potencial cerca de la superficie de la sonda. El análisis numérico indica que este pozo de potencial aparece para muy altas temperaturas de la sonda, reduciendo la cantidad de electrones emitidos que alcanzan el plasma y evitando así cualquier posible perturbación de éste. Los aspectos experimentales involucrados en el método del potencial flotante también se han estudiado, incluyendo cuestiones como las diferentes técnicas de obtención del VF, el cociente señal-ruido, el acoplamiento de la señal de los equipos utilizados para la obtención de las curvas I-V o la evidencia experimental de los diferentes modos de operación de la sonda. Estas evidencias empíricas se encuentran en todos los aspectos de operación de la sonda: la recolección de electrones, el potencial flotante, la precisión en las curvas I-V y la emisión electrónica. Ésta última también se estudia en la tesis, debido a que un fenómeno de super emisión tiene lugar en el régimen de emisión fuerte. En este modo de operación, las medidas experimentales indican que las corrientes termoiónicas de electrones son mayores que aquéllas predichas por la ecuación de Richardson-Dushman clásica. Por último, la diagnosis de plasmas usando sondas eléctrica bajo presencia de granos de polvo (plasmas granulares) en plasmas fríos de baja densidad también se ha estudiado, mediante la aplicación numérica de la técnica del potencial flotante de la sonda emisora en un plasma no convencional. Los resultados apuntan a que el potencial flotante de una sonda emisora se vería afectado por altas densidades de polvo o grandes partículas. ABSTRACT Electric probes are widely employed for plasma diagnostics. This dissertation concerns the operation of collecting and emissive Langmuir probes in low density cold plasmas. The study is focused on the determination of the plasma potential, Vsp, by means of the floating potential of emissive probes. This technique consists of the measurement of the probe potential, corresponding to the zero net probe current, which is the so-called floating potential, VF . This potential displaces towards the plasma potential as the thermionic electron emission increases, until it saturates near Vsp. Experiments carried out in the plasma plume of an ion thruster and in a glow discharge plasma show the thermionic electron current of the emissive Langmuir probe is higher than the collected electron current, for a probe with a bias potential below Vsp, which is inconsistent with the traditional accepted theory. To investigate these results, a parameter R is introduced as the ratio between the emitted and the collected electron current. This parameter, which is related to the difference VF - Vsp, is also useful for the description of the operation modes of the emissive Langmuir probe (weak, strong and beyond strong). The experimental results give an inconsistency of R > 1, which is solved by a modification of the theory for emissive probes, with the introduction of an effective electron population. With this new electron group, the new model for the total probe current agrees with the experimental data. The origin of this electron group remains an open question, but it might be originated by a new potential structure near the emissive probe when it operates in the strong emission regime. A simple one-dimension model composed by a minimum of potential near the probe surface is discussed for strongly emitting emissive probes. The results indicate that this complex potential structure appears for very high probe temperatures and the potential well might reduce the emitted electrons population reaching the plasma bulk. The experimental issues involved in the floating potential method are also studied, as the different obtaining techniques of VF, the signal-to-noise ratio, the signal coupling of the I-V curve measurement system or the experimental evidence of the probe operation modes. These empirical proofs concern all the probe operation aspects: the electron collection, the floating potential, the I-V curve accuracy as well as the electron emission. This last issue is also investigated in this dissertation, because a super emission takes place in the strong emission regime. In this operation mode, the experimental results indicate that the thermionic electron currents might be higher than those predicted by the classical Richardson-Dushman equation. Finally, plasma diagnosis using electric probes in the presence of dust grains (dusty plasmas) in low density cold plasmas is also addressed. The application of the floating potential technique of the emissive probe in a non-conventional complex plasma is numerically investigated, whose results point out the floating potential of the emissive probe might be shifted for high dust density or large dust particles.


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In the last years, intensive animal husbandry production has led to a large concentration of animals in small areas. This has resulted in the production of excessive amounts of manures with insufficient nearby land for application. One of this areas is the Amblés Valley located in the centre of Spain, near to Ávila city, with an extension of 167472 ha of which 88.9% is agricultural land. This valley has an important livestock focused on pig, cattle, chicken production which is associated with the generation of more than 200,000 t/year of manure. There are a number of environmental problems associated with these intensive agricultural systems, including N and P pollution of water bodies, methane emissions and odour pollution. These serious environmental threats are called for innovative environmental management approaches. A feasible technology for the management of manures, offering a potential to valorise these wastes, is pyrolysis, which results in the production of biochar. The objective of this work is evaluated the technical and economic feasibility of the production of biochar in Amblés Valley (Spain).


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Tungsten (W) and its alloys are very promising materials for producing plasma-facing components (PFCs) in the fusion power reactors of the near future, even as a structural part in them. However, whereas the properties of pure tungsten are suitable for a PFC, its structural applications are still limited due to its low toughness, ductile to brittle transition temperature and recrystallization behaviour. Therefore, many efforts have been made to improve its performance by alloying tungsten with other elements. Hence, in this investigation, the thermo-mechanical performance of two new tungsten-tantalum materials has been evaluated. Materials with We5wt.%Ta and We15wt.%Ta were processed by mechanical alloying (MA) and later consolidation by hot isostatic pressing (HIP), with distinct settings for each composition. Thus, it was possible to determine the relationship between the microstructure and the addition of Ta with the macroscopic mechanical properties. These were measured by means of hardness, flexural strength and fracture toughness, in the temperature range of 300e1473 K. The microstructure and the fracture surfaces features of the tested materials were analysed by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM).


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We have investigated physical distances and directions of transposition of the maize transposable element Ac in Arabidopsis thaliana. We prepared a transferred DNA (T-DNA) construct that carried a non-autonomous derivative of Ac with a site for cleavage by endonuclease I-SceI (designated dAc-I-RS element). Another cleavage site was also introduced into the T-DNA region outside dAc-I-RS. Three transgenic Arabidopsis plants were generated, each of which had a single copy of the T-DNA at a different chromosomal location. These transgenic plants were crossed with the Arabidopsis that carried the gene for Ac transposase and progeny in which dAc-I-RS had been transposed were isolated. After digestion of the genomic DNA of these progeny with endonuclease I-SceI, sizes of segment of DNA were determined by pulse-field gel electrophoresis. We also performed linkage analysis for the transposed elements and sites of mutations near the elements. Our results showed that 50% of all transposition events had occurred within 1,700 kb on the same chromosome, with 35% within 200 kb, and that the elements transposed in both directions on the chromosome with roughly equal probability. The data thus indicate that the Ac–Ds system is most useful for tagging of genes that are present within 200 kb of the chromosomal site of Ac in Arabidopsis. In addition, determination of the precise localization of the transposed dAc-I-RS element should definitely assist in map-based cloning of genes around insertion sites.


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Applying a brief repolarizing pre-pulse to a depolarized frog skeletal muscle fiber restores a small fraction of the transverse tubule membrane voltage sensors from the inactivated state. During a subsequent depolarizing test pulse we detected brief, highly localized elevations of myoplasmic Ca2+ concentration (Ca2+ “sparks”) initiated by restored voltage sensors in individual triads at all test pulse voltages. The latency histogram of these events gives the gating pattern of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium release channels controlled by the restored voltage sensors. Both event frequency and clustering of events near the start of the test pulse increase with test pulse depolarization. The macroscopic SR calcium release waveform, obtained from the spark latency histogram and the estimated open time of the channel or channels underlying a spark, exhibits an early peak and rapid marked decline during large depolarizations. For smaller depolarizations, the release waveform exhibits a smaller peak and a slower decline. However, the mean use time and mean amplitude of the individual sparks are quite similar at all test depolarizations and at all times during a given depolarization, indicating that the channel open times and conductances underlying sparks are essentially independent of voltage. Thus, the voltage dependence of SR Ca2+ release is due to changes in the frequency and pattern of occurrence of individual, voltage-independent, discrete release events.


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The cluA gene of Dictyostelium discoideum encodes a novel 150-kDa protein. Disruption of cluA results in clustering of mitochondria near the cell center. This is a striking difference from normal cells, whose mitochondria are dispersed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. The mutant cell populations also exhibit an increased frequency of multinucleated cells, suggesting an impairment in cytokinesis. Both phenotypes are reversed by transformation of cluA− cells with a plasmid carrying a constitutively expressed cluA gene. The predicted sequence of the cluA gene product is homologous to sequences encoded by open reading frames in the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans, but not to any known protein. The only exception is a short region with some homology to the 42-residue imperfect repeats present in the kinesin light chain, which probably function in protein–protein interaction. These studies identify a new class of proteins that appear to be required for the proper distribution of mitochondria.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to identify peptic fragments from protein complexes that retained deuterium under hydrogen exchange conditions due to decreased solvent accessibility at the interface of the complex. Short deuteration times allowed preferential labeling of rapidly exchanging surface amides so that primarily solvent accessibility changes and not conformational changes were detected. A single mass spectrum of the peptic digest mixture was analyzed to determine the deuterium content of all proteolytic fragments of the protein. The protein–protein interface was reliably indicated by those peptides that retained more deuterons in the complex compared with control experiments in which only one protein was present. The method was used to identify the kinase inhibitor [PKI(5–24)] and ATP-binding sites in the cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase. Three overlapping peptides identified the ATP-binding site, three overlapping peptides identified the glycine-rich loop, and two peptides identified the PKI(5–24)-binding site. A complex of unknown structure also was analyzed, human α-thrombin bound to an 83-aa fragment of human thrombomodulin [TMEGF(4–5)]. Five peptides from thrombin showed significantly decreased solvent accessibility in the complex. Three peptides identified the anion-binding exosite I, confirming ligand competition experiments. Two peptides identified a new region of thrombin near the active site providing a potential mechanism of how thrombomodulin alters thrombin substrate specificity.


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Local translation of proteins in distal dendrites is thought to support synaptic structural plasticity. We have previously shown that metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1) stimulation initiates a phosphorylation cascade, triggering rapid association of some mRNAs with translation machinery near synapses, and leading to protein synthesis. To determine the identity of these mRNAs, a cDNA library produced from distal nerve processes was used to screen synaptic polyribosome-associated mRNA. We identified mRNA for the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) in these processes by use of synaptic subcellular fractions, termed synaptoneurosomes. We found that this mRNA associates with translational complexes in synaptoneurosomes within 1–2 min after mGluR1 stimulation of this preparation, and we observed increased expression of FMRP after mGluR1 stimulation. In addition, we found that FMRP is associated with polyribosomal complexes in these fractions. In vivo, we observed FMRP immunoreactivity in spines, dendrites, and somata of the developing rat brain, but not in nuclei or axons. We suggest that rapid production of FMRP near synapses in response to activation may be important for normal maturation of synaptic connections.