987 resultados para Biology, Molecular|Biology, Genetics|Health Sciences, Medicine and Surgery
Les arthroplasties totales de la hanche (ATH) et du genou (ATG) sont souvent offertes aux patients atteints de dégénérescence articulaire sévère. Bien qu’efficace chez la majorité des patients, ces interventions mènent à des résultats sous-optimaux dans de nombreux cas. Il demeure difficile d’identifier les patients à risque de résultats sous-optimaux à l’heure actuelle. L’identification de ces patients avant la chirurgie pourrait permettre d’optimiser la gamme de soins et de services offerts et de possiblement améliorer les résultats de leur chirurgie. Ce mémoire a comme objectifs : 1) de réaliser une revue systématique des déterminants associés à la douleur et aux incapacités fonctionnelles rapportées par les patients à moyen-terme suivant ces deux types d’arthroplastie et 2) de développer des modèles de prédiction clinique permettant l’identification des patients à risque de mauvais résultats en terme de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles suivant l’ATH et l’ATG. Une revue systématique de la littérature identifiant les déterminants de la douleur et de la fonction suivant l’ATH et l’ATG a été réalisée dans quatre bases de données jusqu’en avril 2015 et octobre 2014, respectivement. Afin de développer un algorithme de prédiction pouvant identifier les patients à risque de résultats sous-optimaux, nous avons aussi utilisé des données rétrospectives provenant de 265 patients ayant subi une ATH à l’Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR) de 2004 à 2010. Finalement, des données prospectives sur 141 patients recrutés au moment de leur inclusion sur une liste d’attente pour une ATG dans trois hôpitaux universitaires à Québec, Canada et suivis jusqu’à six mois après la chirurgie ont permis l’élaboration d’une règle de prédiction clinique permettant l’identification des patients à risque de mauvais résultats en terme de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles. Vingt-deux (22) études d’une qualité méthodologique moyenne à excellente ont été incluses dans la revue. Les principaux déterminants de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles après l’ATH incluaient: le niveau préopératoire de douleur et de fonction, un indice de la masse corporelle plus élevé, des comorbidités médicales plus importantes, un état de santé générale diminué, une scolarité plus faible, une arthrose radiographique moins sévère et la présence d’arthrose à la hanche controlatérale. Trente-quatre (34) études évaluant les déterminants de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles après l’ATG avec une qualité méthodologique moyenne à excellente ont été évaluées et les déterminants suivant ont été identifiés: le niveau préopératoire de douleur et de fonction, des comorbidités médicales plus importantes, un état de santé générale diminué, un plus grands niveau d’anxiété et/ou de symptômes dépressifs, la présence de douleur au dos, plus de pensées catastrophiques ou un faible niveau socioéconomique. Pour la création d’une règle de prédiction clinique, un algorithme préliminaire composé de l’âge, du sexe, de l’indice de masse corporelle ainsi que de trois questions du WOMAC préopératoire a permis l’identification des patients à risque de résultats chirurgicaux sous-optimaux (pire quartile du WOMAC postopératoire et percevant leur hanche opérée comme artificielle avec des limitations fonctionnelles mineures ou majeures) à une durée moyenne ±écart type de 446±171 jours après une ATH avec une sensibilité de 75.0% (95% IC: 59.8 – 85.8), une spécificité de 77.8% (95% IC: 71.9 – 82.7) et un rapport de vraisemblance positif de 3.38 (98% IC: 2.49 – 4.57). Une règle de prédiction clinique formée de cinq items du questionnaire WOMAC préopratoire a permis l’identification des patients en attente d’une ATG à risque de mauvais résultats (pire quintile du WOMAC postopératoire) six mois après l’ATG avec une sensibilité de 82.1 % (95% IC: 66.7 – 95.8), une spécificité de 71.7% (95% IC: 62.8 – 79.8) et un rapport de vraisemblance positif de 2.9 (95% IC: 1.8 – 4.7). Les résultats de ce mémoire ont permis d’identifier, à partir de la littérature, une liste de déterminants de douleur et d’incapacités fonctionnelles après l’ATH et l’ATG avec le plus haut niveau d’évidence à ce jour. De plus, deux modèles de prédiction avec de très bonnes capacités prédictives ont été développés afin d’identifier les patients à risque de mauvais résultats chirurgicaux après l’ATH et l’ATG. L’identification de ces patients avant la chirurgie pourrait permettre d’optimiser leur prise en charge et de possiblement améliorer les résultats de leur chirurgie.
Introduction : La néphro-urétérectomie radicale (NUR) représente le traitement primaire pour les patients atteints d’une tumeur des voies excrétrices supérieures (TVES) non métastatique. Une approche ouverte ou laparoscopique peut être considérée. Malgré la présence de plusieurs études comparant les résultats périopératoires et oncologiques entre ces deux approches, aucunes études se basent sur une cohorte populationnelle. Objectif : Notre but est d’évaluer la morbidité péri-opératoire entre la NUR ouverte et laparoscopique en utilisant une cohorte populationnelle. Méthode : Nous avons utilisé la base de donnée Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) pour identifier tous les patients atteints d’une TVES non métastatique, traités par NUR ouverte ou laparoscopique, entre 1998 et 2009. Au total, 7401 (90,8%) et 754 (9,2%) patients ont subi une NUR ouverte et laparoscopique, respectivement. Dans le but de contrôler les différences inhérentes entre les deux groupes, nous avons utilisé une analyse par appariement sur les scores de propension. Ainsi, 3016 (80%) patients avec NUR ouverte étaient appariés à 754 (20%) patients avec NUR laparoscopique. Intervention : Tous les patients ont subi une NUR. Mesures : Les taux de complications intra-opératoires et post-opératoires, de transfusions sanguines, d’hospitalisation prolongée et de mortalité intrahospitalière ont été mesurés. Des analyses de régression logistique on été utilisées pour notre cohorte, après appariement sur les scores de propension. Résultats et Limitations : Pour les patients traités par approche ouverte vs. laparoscopique, les taux suivants furent calculés : transfusions sanguines : 15 vs. 10% (p<0,001); complications intra-opératoires : 4,7 vs. 2,1% (p=0,002); complications post-opératoires : 17 vs. 15% (p=0,24); durée d’hospitalisation prolongée (≥ 5 jours) : 47 vs. 28% (p<0,001); mortalité intra-hospitalière 1,3 vs. 0,7% (p=0,12). Sur les analyses par régression logistique, les patients ayant été traités par NUR laparoscopique avaient moins de chance de recevoir une transfusion sanguine (odds ratio [OR]: 0,6, p<0,001), de subir une complication intra-opératoire (OR: 0,4, p=0,002), et d’avoir une durée prolongée d’hospitalisation (OR: 0,4, p<0,001). Globalement les taux de complications postopératoires étaient équivalents. Toutefois, l’approche laparoscopique était associée à moins de complications pulmonaires (OR: 0,4, p=0,007). Cette étude est limitée par sa nature rétrospective. Conclusion: Après ajustement de potentiels biais de sélection, la NUR par approche laparoscopique est associée à moins de complications intraopératoires et péri-opératoires comparée à la NUR par approche ouverte.
Introduction: La ventilation non invasive (VNI) est un outil utilisé en soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP) pour soutenir la détresse respiratoire aigüe. Un échec survient dans près de 25% des cas et une mauvaise synchronisation patient-ventilateur est un des facteurs impliqués. Le mode de ventilation NAVA (neurally adjusted ventilatory assist) est asservi à la demande ventilatoire du patient. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la faisabilité et la tolérance des enfants à la VNI NAVA et l’impact de son usage sur la synchronie et la demande respiratoire. Méthode: Étude prospective, physiologique, croisée incluant 13 patients nécessitant une VNI dans les SIP de l’hôpital Ste-Justine entre octobre 2011 et mai 2013. Les patients ont été ventilés successivement en VNI conventionnelle (30 minutes), en VNI NAVA (60 minutes) et en VNI conventionnelle (30 minutes). L’activité électrique du diaphragme (AEdi) et la pression des voies aériennes supérieures ont été enregistrées pour évaluer la synchronie. Résultats: La VNI NAVA est faisable et bien tolérée chez tous les enfants. Un adolescent a demandé l’arrêt précoce de l’étude en raison d’anxiété reliée au masque sans fuite. Les délais inspiratoires et expiratoires étaient significativement plus courts en VNI NAVA comparativement aux périodes de VNI conventionnelle (p< 0.05). Les efforts inefficaces étaient moindres en VNI NAVA (résultats présentés en médiane et interquartiles) : 0% (0 - 0) en VNI NAVA vs 12% (4 - 20) en VNI conventionnelle initiale et 6% (2 - 22) en VNI conventionnelle finale (p< 0.01). Globalement, le temps passé en asynchronie a été réduit à 8% (6 - 10) en VNI NAVA, versus 27% (19 - 56) et 32% (21 - 38) en périodes de VNI conventionnelle initiale et finale, respectivement (p= 0.05). Aucune différence en termes de demande respiratoire n’a été observée. Conclusion: La VNI NAVA est faisable et bien tolérée chez les enfants avec détresse respiratoire aigüe et permet une meilleure synchronisation patient-ventilateur. De plus larges études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l’impact clinique de ces résultats.
PAX6 is a transcription activator that regulates eye development in animals ranging from Drosophila to human. The C-terminal region of PAX6 is proline/serine/threonine-rich (PST) and functions as a potent transactivation domain when attached to a heterologous DNA-binding domain of the yeast transcription factor, GAL4. The PST region comprises 152 amino acids encoded by four exons. The transactivation function of the PST region has not been defined and characterized in detail by in vitro mutagenesis. I dissected the PST domain in two independent systems, a heterologous system using a GAL4 DNA-binding site and the native system of PAX6. In both systems, the results show consistently that all four constituent exons of the PST domain are responsible for the transactivation function. The four exon fragments act cooperatively to stimulate transcription, although none of them can function individually as an independent transactivation domain. Combinations of two or more exon fragments can reconstitute substantial transactivation activity when fused to the DNA-binding domain of GAL4, but they surprisingly do not produce much activity in the context of native PAX6 even though the mutant PAX6 proteins are stable and their DNA-binding function remains unaffected. I conclude that the PAX6 protein contains an unusually large transactivation domain that is evolutionarily conserved to a high degree, and that its full transactivation activity relies on the cooperative action of the four exon fragments.^ Most PAX6 mutations detected in patients with aniridia result in truncations of the protein. Some of the truncation mutations occur in the PST region of PAX6, resulting in mutant proteins that retain their DNA-binding ability but have no significant transactivation activity. It is not clear whether such mutants are true loss-of-function or dominant-negative mutants. I show that these mutants are dominant-negative if they are coexpressed with wild-type PAX6 in cultured cells and that the dominant-negative effects result from enhanced DNA-binding ability of these mutants due to removal of the PST domain. These mutants are able to repress the wild-type PAX6 activity not only at target genes with paired domain binding sites but also at target genes with homeodomain binding sites.^ Mutations in the human PAX6 gene produce various phenotypes, including aniridia, Peters' anomaly, autosomal dominant keratitis, and familial foveal dysplasia. The various phenotypes may arise from different mutations in the same gene. To test this theory, I performed a functional analysis of two missense mutations in the paired domain: the R26G mutation reported in a case of Peters' anomaly, and the I87R mutation identified in a patient with aniridia. While both the R26 and the I87 positions are conserved in the paired boxes of all known PAX genes, X-ray crystallography has shown that only R26 makes contact with DNA. I found that the R26G mutant failed to bind a subset of paired domain binding sites but, surprisingly, bound other sites and successfully transactivated promoters containing those sites. In contrast, the I87R mutant had lost the ability to bind DNA at all tested sites and failed to transactivate promoters. My data support the haploinsufficiency hypothesis of aniridia, and the hypothesis that R26G is a hypomorphic allele. ^
Human pigmentation is a complex trait with the observed variation caused by the varied production of eumelanin (brown/black melanins) and phaeomelanin (red/yellow melanins) by the melanocytes. The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a G protein-coupled receptor expressed in the melanocytes, is a regulator eu- and phaeomelanin synthesis, and MC1R mutations causing skin and coat color changes are known in many mammals. To understand the role of MC1R in human pigmentation variation, I have sequenced the MC1R gene in 121 individuals sampled from world populations. In addition, I have sequenced the MC1R gene in common and pygmy chimpanzees, gorilla, orangutan, and baboon to study the evolution of MC1R and to infer the ancestral human MC1R sequence. The ancestral MC1R sequence is observed in all 25 African individuals studied, but at lower frequencies in the other populations examined, especially in East and Southeast Asians. The Arg163Gln variant is absent in the Africans studied, almost absent in Europeans, and at a low frequency in Indians, but is at an exceptionally high frequency (70%) in East and Southeast Asians. To further evaluate the role of MC1R variants in human pigmentation variation, I have combined these molecular evolution and population studies with functional assays on MC1R variants and primate MC1Rs. ^
DNA ligase and DNA polymerase play important roles in DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Frequencies of spontaneous and chemical- and physical-induced mutations are correlated to the fidelity of DNA replication. This dissertation elucidates the mechanisms of the DNA ligation reaction by DNA ligases and demonstrates that human DNA ligase I and DNA polymerase $\alpha$ are the molecular targets for two metal ions, Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+},$ and an anticancer drug, F-ara-ATP.^ Human DNA ligases were purified to homogeneity and their AMP binding domains were mapped. Although their AMP-binding domains are similar, there could be difference between the two ligases in their DNA binding domains.^ The formation of the AMP-DNA intermediate and the successive ligation reaction by human DNA ligases were analyzed. Both reactions showed their substrate specificity for ligases I and II, required Mg2+, and were inhibited by ATP.^ A protein inhibitor from HeLa cells and specific for human DNA ligase I but not ligase II and T4 ligase was discovered. It reversibly inhibited DNA ligation activity but not the AMP-binding activity due to the formation of a reversible ligase I-inhibitor complex.^ F-ara-ATP inhibited human DNA ligase I activity by competing with ATP for the AMP-binding site of DNA ligase I, forming a ligase I-F-ara-AMP complex, as well as when it was incorporated at 3$\sp\prime$-terminus of DNA nick by DNA polymerase $\alpha.$^ All steps of the DNA ligation reaction were inhibited by Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+}$ in a concentration-dependent manner. Both ions did not show the ability to change the fidelity of DNA ligation reaction catalyzed by human DNA ligase I. However, Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+}$ showed their contradictory effects on the fidelity of the reaction by human DNA polymerase $\alpha.$ Zn$\sp{2+}$ decreased the frequency of misinsertion but less affected that of mispair extension. On the contrary, Cd$\sp{2+}$ increased the frequencies of both misinsertion and mispair extension at very low concentration. Our data provided strong evidence in the molecular mechanisms for the mutagenicity of zinc and cadmium, and were comparable with the results previously reported. ^
Two molecular epidemiological studies were conducted to examine associations between genetic variation and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). In the first study, we hypothesized that genetic variation in p53 response elements (REs) may play roles in the etiology of SCCHN. We selected and genotyped five polymorphic p53 REs as well as a most frequently studied p53 codon 72 (Arg72Pro, rs1042522) polymorphism in 1,100 non-Hispanic White SCCHN patients and 1,122 age-and sex-matched cancer-free controls recruited at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. In multivariate logistic regression analysis with adjustment for age, sex, smoking and drinking status, marital status and education level, we observed that the EOMES rs3806624 CC genotype had a significant effect of protection against SCCHN risk (adjusted odds ratio= 0.79, 95% confidence interval =0.64–0.98), compared with the -838TT+CT genotypes. Moreover, a significantly increased risk associated with the combined genotypes of p53 codon 72CC and EOMES -838TT+CT was observed, especially in the subgroup of non-oropharyneal cancer patients. The values of false-positive report probability were also calculated for significant findings. In the second study, we assessed the association between SCCHN risk and four potential regulatory single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of DEC1 (deleted in esophageal cancer 1) gene, a candidate tumor suppressor gene for esophageal cancer. After adjustment for age, sex, and smoking and drinking status, the variant -606CC (i.e., -249CC) homozygotes had a significantly reduced SCCHN risk (adjusted odds ratio = 0.71, 95% confidence interval = 0.52–0.99), compared with the -606TT homozygotes. Stratification analyses showed that a reduced risk associated with the -606CC genotype was more pronounced in subgroups of non-smokers, non-drinkers, younger subjects (defined as ≤ 57 years), carriers of TP53 Arg/Arg (rs1042522) genotype, patients with oropharyngeal cancer or late-stage SCCHN. Further in silico analysis revealed that the -249 T-to-C change led to a gain of a transcription factor binding site. Additional functional analysis showed that the -249T-to-C change significantly enhanced transcriptional activity of the DEC1 promoter and the DNA-protein binding activity. We conclude that the DEC1 promoter -249 T>C (rs2012775) polymorphism is functional, modulating susceptibility to SCCHN among non-Hispanic Whites. Additional large-scale, preferably population-based studies are needed to validate our findings.^
HER-2/neu is a receptor tyrosine kinase highly homologous with epidermal growth factor receptor. Overexpression and/or amplification of HER-2/neu has been implicated in the genesis of a number of human cancers, especially breast and ovarian cancers. Transcriptional upregulation has been shown to contribute significantly to the overexpression of this gene. Studies on the transcriptional regulation of HER-2/neu gene are important for understanding the mechanism of cell transformation and developing the therapeutic strategies to block HER-2/neu-mediated cancers. PEA3 is a DNA binding transcriptional factor and its consensus sequence exists on the HER-2/neu promoter. To examine the role of PEA3 in HER-2/neu expression and cell transformation, we transfected PEA3 into the human breast and ovarian cancer cells that overexpress HER-2/neu and showed that PEA3 dramatically represses HER-2/neu transcription. PEA3 suppresses the oncogenic neu-mediated transformation in mouse fibroblast NIH 3T3 cells. Expression of PEA3 selectively blocks the growth of human cancer cells that overexpress HER-2/neu and inhibits their colony formation. It does not occur in the cancer cells expressing basal level of HER-2/neu. Further studies in the orthotopic ovarian cancer model demonstrated that expression of PEA3 preferentially inhibits growth and tumor development of human cancer cells that overexpress HER-2/neu, the tumor-bearing mice survived significantly longer if treated by injection of the PEA3-liposome complex intraperitoneally. Immunoblotting and immunohistochemical analysis of the tumor tissues indicated that PEA3 mediates the tumor suppression activity through targeting HER-2/neu-p185. Thus, PEA3 is a negative regulator of HER-2/neu gene expression and functions as a tumor suppressor gene in the HER-2/neu-overexpressing human cancer cells.^ The molecular mechanisms of PEA3 mediated transcriptional repression were investigated. PEA3 binds specifically at the PEA3 site on HER-2/neu promoter and this promoter-binding is required for the PEA3 mediated transcriptional repression. Mutation of the PEA3 binding site on HER-2/neu promoter causes decreased transcriptional activity, indicating that the PEA3 binding site is an enhancer-like element in the HER-2/neu-overexpressing cells. We therefore hypothesized that in the HER-2/neu-overexpressing cells, PEA3 competes with a transactivator for binding to the PEA3 site, preventing the putative factor from activating the transcription of HER-2/neu. This hypothesis was supported by the data which demonstrate that PEA3 competes with another nuclear protein for binding to the HER-2/neu promoter in vitro, and expression of a truncated protein which encodes the DNA binding domain of PEA3 is sufficient to repress HER-2/neu transcription in the HER-2/neu-overexpressing human cancer cells. ^
DNA for this study was collected from a sample of 133 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) patients and the rhodopsin locus molecularly analyzed by linkage and for disease specific mutations. The cohort of patients consisted of 85 individuals diagnosed with autosomal dominant RP (adRP), and 48 patients representing other forms of retinitis pigmentosa or retinal dystrophy related disease. In three large families with adRP rhodopsin was excluded from linkage to the disease locus. A search for subtle mutations in the rhodopsin coding region using single strand conformational polymorphisms (SSCP) and sequencing detected a total of 14 unique sequence variants in 24 unrelated patients. These variants included one splicing variant, 5168 -1G-A, one deletion variant of 17 base pairs causing a frame shift at codon 332, and 12 misense variants: Pro23His, Leu46Arg, Gly106Trp, Arg135Pro, Pro171Glu, Pro180Ala, Glu181Lys, Asp190Asn, His211Arg, Ser270Arg, Leu328Pro and Pro347Thr. All but three of the missense variants change amino acids that are evolutionarily conserved. The Pro23His mutation was found in 10 unrelated individuals with family histories of adRP and not in any normal controls (over 80 chromosomes tested). The Pro180Ala mutation was present in a patient with simplex RP and probably represents a new mutation. Three normal polymorphic nucleotide substitutions, A-269-G, T-3982-C, and G-5145-A, were also identified. We conclude, based on this study, that 25% of adRP cases are attributable to rhodopsin mutations.^ Clinical data, including ERG results and visual field testing, was available for patients with eleven different mutations. The eleven patients were all diagnosed with RP, however the severity of the disease varied with five patients mildly affected and diagnosed with type II adRP and 5 patients severely affected and diagnosed with type I adRP. The patient with simplex RP was mildly affected. The location of the mutations within the rhodopsin protein was randomly associated with the severity of the disease in those patients evaluated. However, four mutations, Pro23His, Leu46Arg, Pro347Thr, and 5168 -1G-A, are particularly interesting. The Pro23His mutation appears to have radiated from a recent common ancestor of the affected patients as all of them share a common haplotype at the rhodopsin locus. The Leu46Arg mutation causes an unusually severe form of RP. Hydropathy analysis of the mutated sequence revealed a marked change in the hydrophobicity of this first transmembrane spanning region. Codon 347 has been the target of multiple mutations with at least six documented changes at the position, significantly more than expected by a random distribution of mutations. Finally the splice-site variant is extremely variable in its expression in the family studied. Similar mutations have been reported in other cases of adRP and postulated to be involved in autosomal recessive RP (arRP). Mechanisms to account for the variable expression of rhodopsin mutations in relation to RP heterogeneity are discussed. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
Prostate cancer represents the most commonly diagnosed malignancies in American men and is the second leading cause of male cancer deaths. The overall objectives of this research were designed to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms of prostatic carcinoma growth and progression. This dissertation was divided into two major parts: (1) to clone and characterize soluble factor(s) associated with bone that may mediate prostatic carcinoma growth and progression; (2) to investigate the roles of extracellular matrix in prostatic carcinogenesis.^ The propensity of prostate cancer cells to metastasize to the axial skeleton and the subsequent osteoblastic reactions observed in the bone indicate the possible reciprocal cellular interaction between prostate cancer cells and the bone microenvironment. To understand the molecular and cellular basis of this interaction, I focused on the identification and cloning of soluble factor(s) from bone stromal cells that may exert direct mitogenic action on cultured prostate cells. A novel BPGF-1 gene expressed specifically by bone and male accessory sex organs (prostate, seminal vesicles, and coagulating gland) was identified and cloned.^ The BPGF-1 was identified and cloned from a cDNA expression library prepared from a human bone stromal cell line, MS. The conditioned medium (CM) of this cell line contains mitogenic materials that induce human prostate cancer cell growth both in vivo and in vitro. The cDNA expression library was screened by an antibody prepared against the mitogenic fraction of the CM.^ The cloned BPGF-1 cDNA comprises 3171 nucleotides with a single open reading frame of 1620 nucleotides encoding 540 amino acids. The BPGF-1 gene encodes two transcripts (3.3 and 2.5 kb) with approximately equal intensity in human cells and tissues, but only one transcript (2.5 kb) in rat and mouse tissues. Southern blot analysis of human genomic DNA revealed a single BPGF-1 gene. The BPGF-1 gene is expressed predominantly in bone and seminal vesicles, but at a substantially lower level in prostate. Polyclonal antibodies generated from synthetic peptides that correspond to the nucleotide sequences of the cloned BPGF-1 cDNA reacted with a putative BPGF-1 protein with an apparent molecular weight of 70 kDa. The conditioned media isolated from COS cells transfected with BPGF-1 cDNA stimulated the proliferation and increased the anchorage-independent growth of prostate epithelial cells. These findings led us to hypothesize that BPGF-1 expression in relevant organs, such as prostate, seminal vesicles, and bone, may lead to local prostate cancer growth, metastasis to the seminal vesicles, and subsequently dissemination to the skeleton.^ To assess the importance of extracellular matrix in prostatic carcinogenesis, the role of extracellular matrix in induction of rat prostatic carcinoma growth in vivo was evaluated. NbE-1, a nontumorigenic rat prostatic epithelial cell line, was induced to form carcinoma in athymic nude hosts by coinjecting them with Matrigel and selected extracellular matrix components. Induction of prostatic tumor formation by laminin and collagen IV was inhibited by their respective antibodies. Prostatic epithelial cells cloned from the tumor tissues were found to form tumors in athymic nude hosts in the absence of exogenously added extracellular matrix. These results suggest that extracellular matrix induce irreversibly prostatic epithelial cells that behave distinctively different from the parental prostatic epithelial cell line. ^
The Wilms' tumor gene, WT1, encodes a zinc finger transcription factor which functions as a tumor suppressor. Defects in the WT1 gene can result in the development of nephroblastoma. WT1 is expressed during development, primarily in the metanephric kidney, the mesothelial lining of the abdomen and thorax, and the developing gonads. WT1 expression is tightly regulated and is essential for renal development. The WT1 gene encodes a protein with a proline-rich N-terminus which functions as a transcriptional repressor and C-terminus contains 4 zinc fingers that mediate DNA binding. WT1 represses transcription from a number of growth factors and growth factor receptors. WT1 mRNA undergoes alternative splicing at two sites, resulting in 4 mRNA species and polypeptide products. Exon 5, encoding 17 amino acids is alternatively spliced, and is located between the transcriptional repression domain and the DNA binding domain. The second alternative splice is the terminal 9 nucleotides of zinc finger 3, encoding the tripeptide Lys-Thr-Ser (KTS). The presence or absence of KTS within the zinc fingers of WT1 alters DNA binding.^ I have investigated transcriptional regulation of WT1, characterizing two means of repressing WT1 transcription. I have cloned a transcriptional silencer of the WT1 promoter which is located in the third intron of the WT1 gene. The silencer is 460 bp in length and contains an Alu repeat. The silencer functions in cells of non-renal origin.^ I have found that WT1 protein can autoregulate the WT1 promoter. Using the autoregulation of the WT1 promoter as a functional assay, I have defined differential consensus DNA binding motifs of WT1 isoforms lacking and containing the KTS tripeptide insertion. With these refined consensus DNA binding motifs, I have identified two additional targets of WT1 transcriptional repression, the proto-oncogenes bcl-2 and c-myc.^ I have investigated the ability of the alternatively spliced exon 5 to influence cell growth. In cell proliferation assays, isoforms of WT1 lacking exon 5 repress cell growth. WT1 isoforms containing exon 5 fail to repress cell growth to the same extent, but alter the morphology of the cells. These experiments demonstrate that the alternative splice isoforms of WT1 have differential effects on the function of WT1. These findings suggest a role for the alternative splicing of WT1 in metanephric development. ^
The cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system consists of NADPH- cytochrome P450 reductase (P450 reductase) and cytochromes P450, which can catalyze the oxidation of a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous compounds, including steroid hormones, fatty acids, drugs, and pollutants. The functions of this system are as diverse as the substrates. P450 reductase transfers reducing equivalents from NADPH to P450, which in turn catalyzes metabolic reactions. This enzyme system has the highest level of activity in the liver. It is also present in other tissues, including brain. The functions of this enzyme system in brain seem to include: neurotransmission, neuroendocrinology, developmental and behavioral modulation, regulation of intracellular levels of cholesterol, and potential neurotoxicity.^ In this study, we have set up the rat glioma C6 cell line as an in vitro model system to examine the expression, induction, and tissue-specific regulation of P450s and P450 reductase. Rat glioma C6 cells were treated with P450 inducers phenobarbital (PB) or benzo(a)anthracene (BA). The presence of P450 reductase and of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, 2A1, 2B1/2, 2C7, 2D1-5 and 2E1 was detected by reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and confirmed by restriction digestion. The induction of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 and P450 reductase was quantified using competitive PCR. Ten- and five-fold inductions of P450 1A and 2B mRNA after BA or PB treatments, respectively, were detected. Western blot analysis of microsomal preparations of glioma C6 cells demonstrated the presence of P450 1A, 2B and P450 reductase at the protein level. ELISAs showed that BA and PB induce P450 1A and 2B proteins 7.3- and 13.5-fold, respectively. Microsomes prepared from rat glioma C6 cells showed cytochrome P450 CO difference spectra with absorption at or near 450 nm. Microsomes prepared from rat glioma C6 cells demonstrated much higher levels of ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylase (PROD) activity, when treated with BA or PB, respectively. These experiments provide further evidence that the rat glioma C6 cell line contains an active cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system which can be induced by P450 inducers. The mRNAs of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 can not bind to the oligo(dT) column efficiently, indicating they have very short poly(A) tails. This finding leads us to study the tissue specific regulation of P450s at post-transcriptional level. The half lives of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 mRNA in glioma C6 cells are only 1/10 and 1/3 of that in liver. This may partly contribute to the low expression level of P450s in glial cells. The induction of P450s by BA or PB did not change their mRNA half lives, indicating the induction may be due to transcriptional regulation. In summary of this study, we believe the presence of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system in glial cells of the brain may be important in chemotherapy and carcinogenesis of brain tumors. ^
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the United States. Recently, renin-angiotensin system (RAS) was found associated with atherosclerosis formation, with angiotensin II inducing vascular smooth muscle cell growth and migration, platelet activation and aggregation, and stimulation of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. Angiotensin II is converted from angiotensin I by angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) and this enzyme is mainly genetically determined. The ACE gene has been assigned to chromosome 17q23 and an insertion/deletion (I/D)polymorphism has been characterized by the presence/absence of a 287 bp fragment in intron 16 of the gene. The two alleles form three genotypes, namely, DD, ID and II and the DD genotype has been linked to higher plasma ACE levels and cell ACE activity.^ In this study, the association between the ACE I/D polymorphism and carotid artery wall thickness measured by B-mode ultrasound was investigated in a biracial sample, and the association between the gene and incident CHD was investigated in whites and if the gene-CHD association in whites, if any, was due to the gene effect on atherosclerosis. The study participants are from the prospective Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study, including adults aged 45 to 65 years. The present dissertation used a matched case-control design for studying the associations of the ACE gene with carotid artery atherosclerosis and an unmatched case-control design for the association of the gene with CHD. A significant recessive effect of the D allele on carotid artery thickness was found in blacks (OR = 3.06, 95% C.I: 1.11-8.47, DD vs. ID and II) adjusting for age, gender, cigarette smoking, LDL-cholesterol and diabetes. No similar associations were found in whites. The ACE I/D polymorphism is significantly associated with coronary heart disease in whites, and while stratifying data by carotid artery wall thickness, the significant associations were only observed in thin-walled subgroups. Assuming a recessive effect of the D allele, odds ratio was 2.84 (95% C.I:1.17-6.90, DD vs. ID and II) and it was 2.30 (95% C.I:1.22-4.35, DD vs. ID vs. II) assuming a codominant effect of the D allele. No significant associations were observed while comparing thick-walled CHD cases with thin-walled controls. Following conclusions could be drawn: (1) The ACE I/D polymorphism is unlikely to confer appreciable increase in the risk of carotid atherosclerosis in US whites, but may increases the risk of carotid atherosclerosis in blacks. (2) ACE I/D polymorphism is a genetic risk factor for incident CHD in US whites and this effect is separate from the chronic process of atherosclerosis development. Finally, the associations observed here are not causal, since the I/D polymorphism is in an intron, where no ACE proteins are encoded. ^
The myogenin gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that regulates the expression of skeletal muscle-specific genes and its homozygous deletion results in mice who die of respiratory failure at birth. The histology of skeletal muscle in the myogenin null mice is reminiscent of that found in some severe congenital myopathy patients, many of whom also die of respiratory complications and provides the rationale that an aberrant human myogenin (myf4) coding region could be associated with some congenital myopathy conditions.^ With PCR, we found similarly sized amplimers for the three exons of the myogenin gene in 37 patient and 40 control samples. In contrast to the GeneBank sequence for human myogenin, we report several differences in flanking and coding regions plus an additional 659 and 498 bps in the first and second introns, respectively, in all patients and controls. We also find a novel (CA)-dinucleotide repeat in the second intron. No causative mutations were detected in the myogenin coding regions of genomic DNA from patients with severe congenital myopathy.^ Severe congenital myopathies in humans are often associated with respiratory complications and pulmonary hypoplasia. We have employed the myogenin null mouse, which lacks normal development of skeletal muscle fibers as a genetically defined severe congenital myopathy mouse model to evaluate the effect of absent fetal breathing movement on pulmonary development.^ Significant differences are observed at embryonic days E14, E17 and E20 of lung:body weight, total DNA and histologically, suggesting that the myogenin null lungs are hypoplastic. RT-PCR, in-situ immunofluorescence and EM reveal pneumocyte type II differentiation in both null and wild lungs as early as E14. However, at E14, myogenin null lungs have decreased BrdU incorporation while E17 through term, augmented cell death is detected in the myogenin null lungs, not seen in wild littermates. Absent mechanical forces appear to impair normal growth, but not maturation, of the developing lungs in myogenin null mouse.^ These investigations provide the basis for delineating the DNA sequence of the myogenin gene and and highlight the importance of skeletal muscle development in utero for normal lung organogenesis. My observation of no mutations within the coding regions of the human myogenin gene in DNA from patients with severe congenital myopathy do not support any association with this condition. ^
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer mortality in American men. The distinction between those cases of prostate cancer destined to progress rapidly to lethal metastatic disease and those with little likelihood of causing morbidity and mortality is a major goal of current research. Some type of diagnostic method is urgently needed to identify which histological prostate cancers have completed the progression to a stage that will produce a life-threatening disease, thus requiring immediate therapeutic intervention. The objectives of this dissertation are to delineate a novel genetic region harboring tumor suppressor gene(s) and to identify a marker for prostate tumorigenesis. I first established an in vitro cell model system from a human prostate epithelial cells derived from tissue fragments surrounding a prostate tumor in a patient with prostatic adenocarcinoma. Since chromosome 5 abnormality was present in early, middle and late passages of this cell model system, I examined long-term established prostate cancer cell lines for this chromosome abnormality. The results implicated the region surrounding marker D5S2068 as the locus of interest for further experimentation and location of a tumor suppressor gene in human prostate cancer. ^ Cancer is a group of complex genetic diseases with uncontrolled cell; division and prostate cancer is no exception. I determined if telomeric DNA, and telomerase activity, alone or together, could serve as biomarkers of prostate tumorigenesis. I studied three newly established human prostate cancer cell lines and three fibroblast cell cultures derived from prostate tissues. In conclusion, my data reveal that in the presence of telomerase activity, telomeric repeats are maintained at a certain optimal length, and analysis of telomeric DNA variations might serve as early diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for prostate cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^