994 resultados para Biology, Cell|Health Sciences, Pharmacology


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Normal development and tissue homeostasis requires the carefully orchestrated balance between cell proliferation and cell death. Cell cycle checkpoints control the extent of cell proliferation. Cell death is coordinated through the activation of a cell suicide pathway that results in the morphologically recognizable form of death, apoptosis. Tumorigenesis requires that the balance between these two pathways be disrupted. The tumor suppressor protein Rb has not only been shown to be involved in the enforcement of cell cycle checkpoints, but has also been implicated in playing a role in the regulation of apoptosis. The manner in which Rb enforces cell cycle checkpoints has been well studied; however, its involvement in the regulation of apoptosis is still very unclear. p84N5 is a novel nuclear death domain containing protein that has been shown to interact with the N-terminus of Rb. The fact that it contains a death domain and the fact that it is nuclear localized possibly provides the first known mechanism for apoptotic signaling from the nucleus. The following study tested the hypothesis that the novel exclusively nuclear death domain containing protein p84N5 is an important mediator of programmed cell death and that its apoptotic function is reliant upon its nuclear localization and is regulated by unique functional domains within the p84N5 protein. We identified the p84N5 nuclear localization signal (NLS), eliminated it, and tested the functional significance of nuclear localization by using wild type and mutant sequences fused to EGFP-C1 (Clontech) to create wild type GFPN5 and subsequent mutants. The results of these assays demonstrated exclusive nuclear localization of GFPN5 is required for normal p84N5 induced apoptosis. We further conducted large-scale mutagenesis of the GFPN5 construct to identify a minimal region within p84N5 capable of interacting with Rb. We were able to identify a minimal sequence containing p84N5 amino acids 318 to 464 that was capable of interacting with Rb in co-immunoprecipitation assays. We continued by conducting a structural and functional analysis to identify the region or regions within p84N5 responsible for inducing apoptosis. Point mutations and small-scale deletions within the death domain of p84N5 lessened the effect but did not eliminate p84N5-induced cytotoxicity. Further analysis revealed that the minimal sequence of 318 to 464 of p84N5 was capable of inducing apoptosis to a similar degree as wild-type GFPN5 protein. Since amino acids 318 to 464 of p84N5 are capable of inducing apoptosis and interacting with Rb, we propose possible mechanisms whereby p84N5 may function in a Rb regulated manner. These results demonstrate that p84N5 induced apoptosis is reliant upon its nuclear localization and is regulated by unique functional domains within the p84N5 protein. ^


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The p53 tumor suppressor protein plays a major role in cellular responses to anticancer agents that target DNA. DNA damage triggers the accumulation of p53, resulting in the transactivation of genes, which induce cell cycle arrest to allow for repair of the damaged DNA, or signal apoptosis. The exact role that p53 plays in sensing DNA damage and the functional consequences remain to be investigated. The main goal of this project was to determine if p53 is directly involved in sensing DNA damage induced by anticancer agents and in mediating down-stream cellular responses. This was tested in two experimental models of DNA damage: (1) DNA strand termination caused by anticancer nucleoside analogs and (2) oxidative DNA damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Mobility shift assays demonstrated that p53 and DNA-PK/Ku form a complex that binds DNA containing the anticancer nucleoside analog gemcitabine monophosphate in vitro. Binding of the p53-DNA-PK/Ku complex to the analog-containing DNA inhibited DNA strand elongation. Furthermore, treatment of cells with gemcitabine resulted in the induction of apoptosis, which was associated with the accumulation of p53 protein, its phosphorylation, and nuclear localization, suggesting the activation of p53 to trigger apoptosis following gemcitabine induced DNA strand termination. The role of p53 as a DNA damage sensor was further demonstrated in response to oxidative DNA damage. Protein pull-down assays demonstrated that p53 complexes with OGG1 and APE, and binds DNA containing the oxidized DNA base 8-oxoG. Importantly, p53 enhances the activities of APE and OGG1 in excising the 8-oxoG residue as shown by functional assays in vitro. This correlated with the more rapid removal of 8-oxoG from DNA in intact cells with wild-type p53 exposed to exogenous ROS stress. Interestingly, persistent exposure to ROS resulted in the accelerated onset of apoptosis in cells with wild-type p53 when compared to isogenic cells lacking p53. Apoptosis in p53+/+ cells was associated with accumulation and phosphorylation of p53 and its nuclear localization. Taken together, these results indicate that p53 plays a key role in sensing DNA damage induced by anticancer nucleoside analogs and ROS, and in triggering down-stream apoptotic responses. This study provides new mechanistic insights into the functions of p53 in cellular responses to anticancer agents. ^


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Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas (NHL) are a group (>30) of important human lymphoid cancers that unlike other tumors today, are showing a marked increase in incidence. The lack of insight to the pathogenesis of B-cell NHL poses a significant problem in the early detection and effective treatment of these malignancies. This study shows that large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL) cells, the most common type of B-cell NHL (account for more than 30% of cases), have developed a novel mechanism for autonomous neoplastic B cell growth. We have identified that the key transcription factor NF-κB, is constitutively activated in LBCL cell lines and primary biopsy-derived LBCL cells, suggesting that they are autonomously activated, and do not require accessory T-cell signaling for cell growth and survival. Further studies have indicated that LBCL cells ectopically express an important T-cell associated co-mitogenic factor, CD154 (CD40 ligand), that is able to internally activate the CD401NF-κB pathway, through constitutive binding to its cognate receptor, CD40, on the lymphoma cell surface. CD40 activation triggers the formation of a “Signalosome” comprising virtually the entire canonical CD40/NF-κB signaling pathway that is anchored by CD40 in plasma membrane lipid rafts. The CD40 Signalosome is vulnerable to interdiction by antibody against CD40 that disrupts the Signalosome and induces cell death in the malignant cells. In addition to constitutive NF-κB activation, we have found that the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) transcription factor is also constitutively activated in LBCL cells. We have demonstrated that the constitutively active NFATc1 and c-rel members of the NFAT and NF-κB families of transcription factors, respectively, interact with each other, bind to the CD154 promoter, and synergistically activate CD154 gene transcription. Down-regulation of NFATc1 and c-rel with small interfering RNA inhibits CD154 gene transcription and lymphoma cell growth. Our findings suggest that continuous CD40 activation not only provides dysregulated proliferative stimuli for lymphoma cell growth and extended tumor cell survival, but also allows continuous regeneration of the CD40 ligand in the lymphoma cell and thereby recharges the system through a positive feedback mechanism. Targeting the CD40/NF-κB signaling pathway could provide potential therapeutic modalities for LBCL cells in the future. ^


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ErbB2 overexpression in breast tumors increases metastasis, angiogenesis, and reduces survival. To study ErbB2 signaling mechanisms in metastasis and angiogenesis, a spontaneous metastasis assay was performed using human breast cancer cells transfected with constitutively active ErbB2 kinase (V659E), an ErbB2 kinase-dead mutant (K753M), or vector control. Mice injected with V659E had increased metastasis and tumor microvessel density; and the increased angiogenesis in vivo from the V659E transfectants paralleled increased angiogenic potential in vitro, which resulted from increased VEGF by increased protein synthesis. This appeared to be mediated through a PI3K, Akt, mTOR, p70S6K-signaling pathway. Furthermore, V659E xenografts had significantly increased phosphorylated Akt, phosphorylated p70S6K, and VEGF compared with control. To validate the clinical relevance of these findings, human breast tumor samples were examined. Tumors overexpressing ErbB2 correlated with p70S6K phosphorylation and VEGF expression, which significantly correlated with higher levels of Akt and mTOR phosphorylation. Additionally, patients with tumors having increased p70S6K phosphorylation showed a trend for worse disease-free survival and increased metastasis. Together, ErbB2 increases VEGF expression by activating the p70S6K signaling pathway, which may serve as targets for antiangiogenic and antimetastatic therapies. ^ Herceptin is an anti-ErbB2 antibody that demonstrated anti-tumor function, especially in combination with other chemotherapies such as Taxol, in patients with ErbB2-overexpressing tumors. Since the repeated administration of low-dose chemotherapy endorsed an antiangiogenic effect in vitro, and Herceptin was shown to inhibit angiogenesis in tumor xenografts, I investigated whether combined Taxol plus Herceptin treatment inhibits ErbB2-mediated angiogenic responses more effectively. Mice with ErbB2-overexpressing xenografts were treated with control, Herceptin, Taxol, or combination Herceptin plus Taxol. Mice treated with the combination exhibited reduced tumor volumes, tumor microvessel densities, and lung metastasis; and ErbB2-overexpressing cells treated with the combination secreted less VEGF, and stimulated less endothelial cell migration. Furthermore, Akt phosphorylation contributed to VEGF upregulation and was most effectively reduced by combination treatment. ^ In summary, ErbB2 activates signaling to Akt and p70S6K leading to increased VEGF and angiogenesis. Combination Herceptin plus Taxol treatment most effectively inhibited ErbB2-mediated angiogenesis, resulting in pronounced tumoricidal effects, and may be mediated through reduction of phosphorylated Akt, a positive regulator in the p70S6K pathway. ^


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To ensure the success of systemic gene therapy, it is critical to enhance the tumor specificity and activity of the promoter. In the current study, we identified the breast cancer-specific activity of the topoisomerase IIα promoter. We further showed that cdk2 and cyclin A activate topoisomerase IIα promoter in a breast cancer-specific manner. An element containing an inverted CCAAT box (ICB) was shown to respond this signaling. When the ICB-harboring topoisomerase IIα minimal promoter was linked with an enhancer sequence from the cytomegalovirus immediate early gene promoter (CMV promoter), this composite promoter, CT90, exhibited activity comparable to or higher than the CMV promoter in breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, yet expresses much lower activity in normal cell lines and normal organs than the CMV promoter. A CT90-driven construct expressing BikDD, a potent pro-apoptotic gene, was shown to selectively kill breast cancer cells in vitro and to suppress mammary tumor development in an animal model of intravenously administrated, liposome-delivered gene therapy. Expression of BikDD was readily detectable in the tumors but not in the normal organs of CT90-BikDD-treated animals. Finally, we demonstrated that CT90-BikDD treatment potentially enhanced the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents, especially doxorubicin and taxol. The results indicate that liposomal CT90-BikDD is a novel and effective systemic breast cancer-targeting gene therapy, and its combination with chemotherapy may further improve the current adjuvant therapy for breast cancer. ^


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Purpose: The Shared Hospital Electronic Library of Southern Indiana (SHELSI) research project was designed to determine whether access to a virtual health sciences library and training in its use would support medical decision making in rural southern Indiana and achieve the same level of impact seen by targeted information services provided by health sciences librarians in urban hospitals.


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This paper argues that historical works in pharmacy are important tools for the clinician as well as the historian. With this as its operative premise, delineating the tripartite aspects of pharmacy as a business enterprise, a science, and a profession provides a conceptual framework for primary and secondary resource collecting. A brief history and guide to those materials most essential to a historical collection in pharmacy follows. Issues such as availability and cost are discussed and summarized in checklist form. In addition, a glossary of important terms is provided as well as a list of all the major U.S. dispensatories and their various editions. This paper is intended to serve as a resource for those interested in collecting historical materials in pharmacy and pharmaco-therapeutics as well as provide a history that gives context to these classics in the field. This should provide a rationale for selective retrospective collection development in pharmacy.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of health sciences libraries in Kuwait in terms of their staff, collections, facilities, use of information technology, information services, and cooperation. Seventeen libraries participated in the study. Results show that the majority of health sciences libraries were established during the 1980s. Their collections are relatively small. The majority of their staff is nonprofessional. The majority of libraries provide only basic information services. Cooperation among libraries is limited. Survey results also indicate that a significant number of health sciences libraries are not automated. Some recommendations for the improvement of existing resources, facilities, and services are made.


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A questionnaire was mailed to 148 publicly and privately supported academic health sciences libraries affiliated with Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)–accredited medical schools in the United States and Canada to determine level of access and services provided to the general public. For purposes of this study, “general public” was defined as nonaffiliated students or health care professionals, attorneys and other nonhealth-related professionals, patients from affiliated or other hospitals or clinics, and general consumers. One hundred five (71%) libraries responded. Results showed 98% of publicly supported libraries and 88% of privately supported libraries provided access to some or all of the general public. Publicly supported libraries saw greater numbers of public patrons, often provided more services, and were more likely to circulate materials from their collections than were privately supported libraries. A significant number of academic health sciences libraries housed a collection of consumer-oriented materials and many provided some level of document delivery service, usually for a fee. Most allowed the public to use some or all library computers. Results of this study indicated that academic health sciences libraries played a significant role in serving the information-seeking public and suggested a need to develop written policies or guidelines covering the services that will be provided to minimize the impact of this service on primary clientele.


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Objective: To study the circulation of monographs during the first three years of shelf life at an academic health sciences library.


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L’arthrose (OA) est une maladie dégénérative très répondue touchant les articulations. Elle est caractérisée par la destruction progressive du cartilage articulaire, l’inflammation de la membrane synoviale et le remodelage de l’os sous chondral. L’étiologie de cette maladie n’est pas encore bien définie. Plusieurs études ont été menées pour élucider les mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires impliqués dans le développement de l’OA. Les effets protecteurs du récepteur activé par les proliférateurs de peroxysomes gamma (PPARγ) dans l'OA sont bien documentés. Il a été démontré que PPARγ possède des propriétés anti-inflammatoires et anti-cataboliques. Aussi, plusieurs stimuli ont été impliqués dans la régulation de l’expression de PPARγ dans différents types cellulaires. Cependant, les mécanismes exacts responsables de cette régulation ainsi que le profil de l’expression de ce récepteur au cours de la progression de l’OA ne sont pas bien connus. Dans la première partie de nos travaux, nous avons essayé d’élucider les mécanismes impliqués dans l’altération de l’expression de PPARγ dans cette maladie. Nos résultats ont confirmé l’implication de l’interleukine-1β (IL-1β), une cytokine pro-inflammatoire, dans la réduction de l’expression de PPARγ au niveau des chondrocytes du cartilage articulaire. Cet effet coïncide avec l'induction de l’expression du facteur de transcription à réponse précoce de type 1 (Egr-1). En plus, la diminution de l'expression de PPARγ a été associée au recrutement d'Egr-1 et la réduction concomitante de la liaison de Sp1 au niveau du promoteur de PPARγ. Dans la deuxième partie de nos travaux, nous avons évalué le profil d’expression de ce récepteur dans le cartilage au cours de la progression de cette maladie. Le cochon d’inde avec OA spontanée et le chien avec OA induite par rupture du ligament croisé antérieur (ACLT) deux modèles animaux d’OA ont été utilisés pour suivre l’expression des trois isoformes de PPARs : PPAR alpha (α), PPAR béta (β) et PPAR gamma (γ) ainsi que la prostaglandine D synthase hématopoïétique (H-PGDS) et la prostaglandine D synthase de type lipocaline (L-PGDS) deux enzymes impliquées dans la production de l’agoniste naturel de PPARγ, la 15-Deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandine J(2) (15d-PGJ2). Nos résultats ont démontré des changements dans l’expression de PPARγ et la L-PGDS. En revanche, l’expression de PPARα, PPARβ et H-PGDS est restée stable au fil du temps. La diminution de l’expression de PPARγ dans le cartilage articulaire semble contribuer au développement de l’OA dans les deux modèles animaux. En effet, le traitement des chondrocytes par de siRNA dirigé contre PPARγ a favorisé la production des médiateurs arthrosiques tels que l'oxyde nitrique (NO) et la métalloprotéase matricielle de type 13 (MMP-13), confirmant ainsi le rôle anti-arthrosique de ce récepteur. Contrairement à ce dernier, le niveau d'expression de la L-PGDS a augmenté au cours de la progression de cette maladie. La surexpression de la L-PGDS au niveau des chondrocytes humains a été associée à la diminution de la production de ces médiateurs arthrosiques, suggérant son implication dans un processus de tentative de réparation. En conclusion, l’ensemble de nos résultats suggèrent que la modulation du niveau d’expression de PPARγ, de la L-PGDS et d’Egr-1 au niveau du cartilage articulaire pourrait constituer une voie thérapeutique potentielle dans le traitement de l’OA et probablement d’autres formes d'arthrite.


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ADP-ribosylation factor-1 (ARF1) est une petite GTPase principalement connue pour son rôle dans la formation de vésicules au niveau de l’appareil de Golgi. Récemment, dans des cellules de cancer du sein, nous avons démontré qu’ARF1 est aussi un médiateur important de la signalisation du récepteur du facteur de croissance épidermique (EGFR) contrôlant la prolifération, la migration et l'invasion cellulaire. Cependant, le mécanisme par lequel l’EGFR active la GTPase ainsi que le rôle de cette dernière dans la régulation de la fonction du récepteur demeure inconnue. Dans cette thèse, nous avions comme objectifs de définir le mécanisme d'activation de ARF1 dans les cellules de cancer du sein hautement invasif et démontrer que l’activation de cette isoforme de ARF joue un rôle essentiel dans la résistance de ces cellules aux inhibiteurs de l'EGFR. Nos études démontrent que les protéines d’adaptatrices Grb2 et p66Shc jouent un rôle important dans l'activation de ARF1. Alors que Grb2 favorise le recrutement d’ARF1 à l'EGFR ainsi que l'activation de cette petite GTPase, p66Shc inhibe le recrutement du complexe Grb2-ARF1 au récepteur et donc contribue à limiter l’activation d’ARF1. De plus, nous démontrons que ARF1 favorise la résistance aux inhibiteurs des tyrosines kinases dans les cellules de cancer du sein hautement invasif. En effet, une diminution de l’expression de ARF1 a augmenté la sensibilité descellules aux inhibiteurs de l'EGFR. Nous montrons également que de hauts niveaux de ARF1 contribuent à la résistance des cellules à ces médicaments en améliorant la survie et les signaux prolifératifs à travers ERK1/2, Src et AKT, tout en bloquant les voies apoptotiques (p38MAPK et JNK). Enfin, nous mettons en évidence le rôle de la protéine ARF1 dans l’apoptose en réponse aux traitements des inhibiteurs de l’EGFR. Nos résultats indiquent que la dépletion d’ARF1 promeut la mort cellulaire induite par gefitinib, en augmentant l'expression de facteurs pro-apoptotiques (p66shc, Bax), en altérant le potentiel de la membrane mitochondriale et la libération du cytochrome C. Ensemble, nos résultats délimitent un nouveau mécanisme d'activation de ARF1 dans les cellules du cancer du sein hautement invasif et impliquent l’activité d’ARF1 comme un médiateur important de la résistance aux inhibiteurs EGFR.


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La vaccination est largement utilisée pour la génération de lymphocytes T spécifiques contre les tumeurs. Malheureusement, cette stratégie n'est pas adaptée aux personnes âgées car leur thymus régresse avec l'âge conduisant ainsi à une baisse dans la production de cellules T et à l'accumulation de cellules immunitaires âgées ayant des défauts liés à leurs stimulations. Comme il a été démontré auparavant que L’IL-21 est capable d’induire des fonctions thymiques, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’injection d’IL-21 à des souris âgées stimulera la thymopoïèse. Nos résultats montrent que l’administration de l’IL-21 augmente le nombre absolu de thymocytes chez les souris âgées et augmente la migration de ces cellules vers la périphérie ou ils contribuent à la diversité du TCR. De plus les cellules T en périphérie expriment un niveau plus élevé de miR181-a, et par conséquent moins de phosphatase comme SHP2, DUSP5/6 qui inhibent le TCR. En vaccinant des souris âgées avec le peptide Trp2, les souris traitées avec l’IL-21 montrent un retard dans la croissance des cellules B16 tumorales. Cette étude montre que l’IL-21 pourrait être utilisé comme stratégie pour le rétablissement du systeme immunitaire chez les personnes âgées.


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Frieze located in front of building. Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, architects. W.B. Wood Co., construction