387 resultados para Betsy Beattie
Top Row: Suzanne P. Zeros, Leslie A. Hazle, Deborah L. Thar, Jo-Ann Uhrhammer, Susan M. Revesz, Karla M. Jackson, Laura L. Campbell, Carol T. Dekeyser, Jeanette R. Lewey, Constance B. Squibb, Kristen Eckoff, Martha J. Armantrout, Kathleen A. Duhart, Sara J. Hemming, Carrie L. Malroit, Anne Marie L. Piehl, Rita A. Dobry, Susan A. Wintermeyer
Row 2: Deborah L. Kurzeja, Elanie C. Jenkins, Mary Nehra, June Ellis, Lisa Mediodia, Mary G. Rutz, Diane L. Larson, Mark A. Kempton, Margaret M. Ulchaker, Maureen B. Schreibea, Jan E. Merrick, Holly Russell, Betsy J. hodgman, Maeve N. Boran, Theresa J. Coker, Lisa Moss, Nancy J. Deckert, Nancy R. Bailey
Row 3: Denise M. Zapinski, Michelle M. Post, Elicia baker-Rogers, Lisa A. Mast, Patricia Thomas, Karen A. Bartoluzzi, Jennifer M. Dzieciuch, Margie Von Berge, Nancy Lutz, Pamela Mrstik
Row 4: Elizabeth Doheny, Jacqueline T. Bartone, Lisa A. Pfahler, Sheryl L. Lovelace, Elizabeth A. Bazur, Janet L. Bauman, Delynn M. Dindoffer, Rebecca Waldo
Row 5: Janarl L. Harris, Jeanne M. Cancilla, Amy Garon, Alisa D. Karp, Liz Buchanan, Linda M. Ford.
Row 6: Ondreya Dillard, Linda C. Parks, Tricia Berner, Loranie A. McKaig, Susan M. Bleasdale, Heather L. Colquhoun, Valerie M. Spotts, Marcia L. Fouts
Row 7: Theresa Glick, Carrie L Giltrow, Lisa E. Chapelle, Mary H. Kiledo, Jody Kazmierczak, Patricia E. Goerke, Lisa Weingart, Laura A. Rhead, Pauletta McKivens, Nancy K. Dryer
Row 8: Mary S. Mac Taggart, Lynn M. Stephens, Ann E. Dowling, Amy L. Huntzinger, Patricia A. Schremser, Kathy Hughes, Sally Sample, Cheryl E. Easley, Rhetaugh Dumas, Janice Lindberg, Susan Boehm, Heather Hossack, Susan E. Parry, Amy D. Landau, Michele Mansour, Nancy R. Clark, Sarah Cunningham
Row 9: Rhonda B. Dean, Sandra s. Klein, Cheryl L. Goddard, Toni Rene Dawson, Sara R. Farhat, Lisa M. Kane, Kaye M. Lewandowski, Jennifer A. Blashill, Susan L. Bradley, Mary McGuiness, Ann Dameron, Karolyn L. Maron, Debra Fisher, Rebecca Vredenburg, Elaine B. Fritz, Mary A. Alphenaar, Kathy Rentenbach, Barbara J. Wolff
Row 10: Nancy L. Minegar, Mary E. Conners, Susan E. Kuzma, M. Maureen O'Conner, Elaine P. Wynter, Catherine L. Martin, Bobbi L Hall, Dawn M. Gilbert, Karen M. Kuhn, Genevieve M. Mccarthy, Anne M. Venturi, Jena Bargon, Karen Coesens, Lynne V. Duguay, Barbara A. Sterne, Jill A. Schafer, Jill A. Webster, Katharina E. Smith, Mary K. Brown
Top Row: Maura P. Boran, Michelle M. Bernier, Pamela S. Reed, Catherine G. Dollries, Dorinda K. Nance, Sheila M. Raftery, Sandra J. Toner, Nancy E. Naeckel, Jill M. Cornell, Amy C. Wikol, Valerie A. Quaderer, Debra A. Davis, Beth I. Craigie, Lynne L. Stallworth, Elizabeth Foote
Row 2: Jill A. Stockwell, Katherine A. Allen-Bridson, Elizabeth J. Henry, Yvonne M. Levernois, Kristen Ligness, Karen Riffel, Carol Hayes, Lori Follmer, Laura Risto, Lisa Crouch, Kelli J. Chandler, Debra L. Browning, Cassandra L. Milne, Venus M. Varner
Row 3: Tamara D. Haas, Betsy A. Mahlke, Linda D. Dillard, Rebecca A. Miller, Julie A. Hatch, Kimberly E. Kinning, Elizabeth A. Bole, Sharon Szetela
Row 4: Jill Y. Frye, C. Holly Trentacoste, Hristine S. Cavanaugh, Shari W. Goldstein
Row 5: Lisa A. Danto, Laura L. Greig, Kristen L. Jacobus, Mary E. Zukowski, Tracy L. Park, Alicia L. Hempstead
Row 6: Catherine A. Mehall, Leigh A. Baguley, Heide Milbrandt-Godke, Tina Vasher, Cindy L. Bishop, Jayne C. Grun
Row 7: Paula M. Daoust, Cindy T. Cassidy, Sally J. Williams, Theresa Harris, Cheryl E. Easley, Janice B. Lindberg, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Sally A. Sample, Shake Ketefian, Lori S. Smith, Teresa L. O'Brien, Lauren A. Christoff, Susan R. Stein
Row 8: Amy L. Manley, Jennifer L. Elie, Linda L. Grabowski, Cheryl L. Pavlik, Dana S. Berry, Kriste L. Fedon, Lynn M. Shute, Kathleen J. Burns, Suzanne L. Farhat, Kathryn E. Grant, Catharina M. Ojert, Laurie A. Klemczak, Caroline E. Broida, Mary M. Heikkinen
Row 9: Shelley A. Howington, Rita A. Mclemore, Shirley A. Stratton, Laura A. Sweeney, Bonnie L. Woods, Mary D. Wheatley, Colleen M. Brown, Ilze E. Sturis, Karen A. Gilbert, Amy L. Mayne, Jennifer L. Borucki, Connie L. Passon, Caryn A. Spielman, Judy L. Buhler
Top Row: Lynn L. Applin, Amy Benner, Paula Broderick, Lisa B. Cohan, Catherine Collard, Beth A. Crawford, Cathleen M. Cupal, Andrea De Agoslino, Marivi G. Del Rosario, Patricia A. Dork, Nancy Farrington, Susan Foltz, Holly Franckowiak, Mary Franklin
Row 2: Kelly Garlow, Kathleen Gold, Renee Harris, Jody Becsey, Susan Bowman, Ann Marie Francel, Shelia Remy Smith, Sharon L. Holewinski, Colleen Kennedy, Dee Dee Hebert, Carolyn A. Hejkal, Wendy L. Hepworth
Row 3: Vicloria A. Hershey, Laura A. Hines, Jean Horner, Kimberly J. Howe, Joan L. Ilseman, Mary Jo Jay
Row 4: Suzanne Jennings, Suzanne Johnson, Janet Kaplan, Ann V. Kealy, Mary King, Lisa M. Kluk, Jane G. Kromer, Michelle Lajiness, Donna LaRoy, Christine Y. Lee
Row 5: Heidi Lewis, Betsy Livingston, Leslie Loll, Karen B. Majeske, Rita A. Markel, Megan McDonald, Sara J. McKenna, Jacquelin Merva, Monique A. Michael, Barbara Mueller
Row 6: Sandra Nelson, Barbara Nemenzik, Sherry Novak, Kristin Olson, Roberta A. Paas-Duda, Janet Patterson, Michelle L. Pecot, Dawn M. Popovics, Elizabeth Powaser, Cynthia J. Rabette
Row 7: Julie Ray, Susan M. Rice, Anne L. Richardson, Nancy Rockwell, Rhetaug G. Dumas, Cheryl E. Easley, Shake Ketefian, Janice B. Lindberg, Ruth E. Rogers, Nancy Schultz, Jean Schuster, Jean Scicluna
Row 8: Kathleen A. Sobczak, Mary Sokolik, Cheryl Stoyka, Vickie T. Sullivan, Susan A. Thompson, Margaret Venglarik, Sharon L. Wagner, Dorathy J. Washington, John J. Williams, Linda S. Wineland, Yvette L. Winia, Jody Wiser, Shannon H. Wright
Top Row: Lisa M. Badalament, Heidi S. Bailey, Bonita Ballard, Betsy M. Bateman, Virginia Blackmer, Andrea L. Bonfield, Michelle L. Brown, Jane M. Christie, Gina M. Connolly, Matthew Cornell
Row 2: Mary M. Daugherty, Nancy L. Dewey, Linnette Drzewiecki, Jennifer Farah, Kelly S. Fonger, Yolanda Gardner, Kimberly A. Germain, Kelley Goetz, Laura M. Gonzalez, Melissa Gorr, Julie A. Hale, Jennifer Henstock
Row 3: Charles Houghtby III, Jennifer Hughes, Jill C. Jennings, Renee Manshardt, Jill A. Holquist, Paula R. Cowall, Kristen A. George, Michelle Ingram, Amy Jacobs
Row 4: Tara James, David Jansma, Debra A. Jorgenson, Sherry Keener
Row 5: Karen L. Kelley, Sunnah Kim, Tina Koonter-Banks, Jennifer Kratt
Row 6: Cynthia L. Lazaros, Christine Morelli, Charlotte Murphy, Sharon K. Norton
Row 7: Deborah Oliverio, Karla J. Pontier, Nicole Pruett, Laura Rankin, Jill E. Read, Diane Rosati
Row 8: Katherine E. Ross, Lisa Rubin, Lorie K. Sandberg, Violet Barkauskas, Janice Lindberg, Shake Ketefian, Elisabeth Pennington, Beverly Jones, Donita M. Shaum, Marcie S. Skinner, Julie M. Smallegan
Row 9: K. Christy Spencer, Danette L. Starr, Pamela S. Steele, Dena Stempien-Runyon, Jennifer J. Treacy, Patrica Van Maanen, Roberta Wahl, Marie A. White, Kim Wiersma, Wendy Williams, Dana Wilson
Front row: Bethany Greenblatt, McKenzie Webster, Betsy Axley, Michele Brach, Kim Phillips.
Second Row: Ashley Marks, Jori Welchans, Jessica Jones, Alicia Smith, Katie Roek, Carrie Brady.
Third Row: Mindy Longjohn, Jennifer Taylor, Jaime Ross, Nicole Savage, Vanessa Lewis, Alana Peters, Whitney Ricketts, Amanda Gauthier, head coach Debbie Belkin.
Back Row: assistant coach Elise Edwards, Debbie Flaherty, Laura Fedrigo, Kelly Lukasik, Jessica Limauro, Kristin Buckley, Karen Montgomery, assistant coach Pete Kowall.
Not pictured: Ruth Poulin.
Illustrated by T. Allom, J.W. Archer, W.H. Bartlett and others.
Preface signed: Beattie.
Mode of access: Internet.
"This work is an extension of The flora of the Palouse region published by the author in 1901."--Introd.
v. 1. Greek and Hindoo thought; Graeco-Roman paganism; Judaism; and the closing of the schools of Athens by Justinian (1912) --v.3. Political; Educational; Social; including an attempted reconstruction of the politics of England, France and America for the twentieth century (1901).
Fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy were explored to investigate the movement and localization of mineral oils in citrus. In a laboratory experiment, fluorescence microscopy observation indicated that when a 'narrow' distillation fraction of an nC23 horticultural mineral oil was applied to adaxial and opposing abaxial leaf surfaces of potted orange [Citrus x aurantium L. (Sapindales: Rutaceae)] trees, oil penetrated steadily into treated leaves and, subsequently, moved to untreated petioles of the leaves and adjacent untreated stems. In another experiment, confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to visualize the penetration into, and the subsequent cellular distribution of, an nC24 agricultural mineral oil in C. trifoliata L. seedlings. Oil droplets penetrated or diffused into plants via both stomata and the cuticle of leaves and stems, and then moved within intercellular spaces and into various cells including phloem and xylem. Oil accumulated in droplets in intercellular spaces and within cells near the cell membrane. Oil entered cells without visibly damaging membranes or causing cell death. In a field experiment with mature orange trees, droplets of an nC23 horticultural mineral oil were observed, by fluorescence microscopy, in phloem sieve elements in spring flush growth produced 4-5 months and 16-17 months after the trees were sprayed with oil. These results suggest that movement of mineral oil in plants is both apoplastic via intercellular spaces and symplastic via plasmodesmata. The putative pattern of the translocation of mineral oil in plants and its relevance to oil-induced chronic phytotoxicity are discussed.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were used to detect petroleum-derived spray oils (PDSOs) in citrus seedlings and trees. The NMR spectrum of the phantom containing 10% (v/v) of a nC24 agricultural mineral oil (AMO) showed the resonance of the water protons at delta = 5 ppm, while the resonance of the oil protons at delta = 1.3 to 1.7 ppm. The peak resolution and the chemical shift difference of more than 3.3 ppm between water and oil protons effectively differentiated water and the oil. Chemical shift selective imaging (CSSI) was performed to localize the AMO within the stems of Citrus trifoliata L. seedlings after the application of a 4% (v/v) spray. The chemical shift selective images of the oil were acquired by excitation at delta = 1.5 ppm by averaging over 400 transients in each phase-encoding step. Oil was mainly detected in the outer cortex of stems within 10 d of spray application; some oil was also observed in the inner vascular bundle and pith of the stems at this point. CSSI was also applied to investigate the persistence of oil deposits in sprayed mature Washington navel orange (Citrus x aurantium L.) trees in an orchard. The trees were treated with either fourteen 0.25%, fourteen 0.5%, four 1.75%, or single 7% sprays of a nC23 horticultural mineral oil (HMO) 12 to 16 months before examination of plant tissues by CSSI, and were still showing symptoms of chronic phytotoxicity largely manifested as reduced yield. The oil deposits were detected in stems of sprayed flushes and unsprayed flushes produced 4 to 5 months after the last spray was applied, suggesting a potential movement of the oil via phloem and a correlation of the persistence of oil deposit in plants and the phytotoxicity. The results demonstrate that MRI is an effective method to probe the uptake and localization of PDSOs and other xenobiotics in vivo in plants noninvasively and nondestructively.