965 resultados para Berengar, of Tours, ca. 1000-1088.


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This study was conducted at the Department of Plant Production, Sector Horticulture, UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil, in order to assess the dynamics of cationic nutrients in roots and leaves and effects on dry matter production of roots and shoots in eggplant grown on conditions of increasing doses of potassium from two distinct sources (KCl and K 2SO 4). The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks in factorial 2 × 4 (two sources of potassium, KCl and K 2SO 4 and four doses of each source equivalent, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 kg ha -1 K 2O) comprising eight treatments with three replicates. For the experiment we used Oxisol medium texture (615 g of sand, silt 45 g and 340 g clay per kg soil). The characteristics evaluated were: soil electrical conductivity, mass of shoot and root material, content and ratio of K +, Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ in roots and leaves of eggplant. We conclude that excessive doses of sources of K 2O affected the production of dry matter of roots and shoots, as well as electrical conductivity. The accumulation and the relationship of Ca2+/K+, Mg 2+/K + were affected by increased K + concentration; K 2SO 4 was the fertilizer that was less damaging.


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The surface energy of the implant surface has an impact on osseointegration. In this study, 2 surfaces: nonwashed resorbable blasting media (NWRBM; control) and Ar-based nonthermal plasma 30 days (Plasma 30 days; experimental), were investigated with a focus on the surface energy. The surface energy was characterized by the Owens-Wendt-Rabel-Kaelble method and the chemistry by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Five adult beagle dogs received 8 implants (n = 2 per surface, per tibia). After 2 weeks, the animals were euthanized, and half of the implants (n = 20) were removal torqued and the other half were histologically processed (n = 20). The bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO) were evaluated on the histologic sections. The XPS analysis showed peaks of C, Ca, O, and P for the control and experimental surfaces. While no significant difference was observed for BIC parameter (P > 0.75), a higher level for torque (P < 0.02) and BAFO parameter (P < 0.01) was observed for the experimental group. The surface elemental chemistry was modified by the plasma and lasted for 30 days after treatment resulting in improved biomechanical fixation and bone formation at 2 weeks compared to the control group. © 2013 Fernando P. S. Guastaldi et al.


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The objective of this work was to investigate the adsorption of micronutrients in humin and to verify the ability to release these elements in water. The first step was to determine the adsorption capacity of humin for several essential plant micronutrients and check the kinetic parameters. The order of adsorption was Zn < Ni < Co < Mn < Mo < Cu < Fe, whereas Zn showed maximum values of ca. 2.5 mg g-1 and Fe values of ca. 0.5 mg g-1 for systems containing 1 g of humin. Iron presented higher percentages of release (ca. 100%) and Co the lowest percentages (0.14%). The findings suggested that the use of humin enriched with micronutrients can be a promising alternative for the fertilization of agricultural soils, with the additional benefit of incorporating organic matter present in the form of humic substances into the soil and improving the agricultural productivity. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Objective: The goal of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the Self-Adjusting File (SAF) and ProTaper for removing calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] from root canals. Material And Methods: Thirty-six human mandibular incisors were instrumented with the ProTaper system up to instrument F2 and filled with a Ca(OH)2-based dressing. After 7 days, specimens were distributed in two groups (n=15) according to the method of Ca(OH)2 removal. Group I (SAF) was irrigated with 5 mL of NaOCl and SAF was used for 30 seconds under constant irrigation with 5 mL of NaOCl using the Vatea irrigation device, followed by irrigation with 3 mL of EDTA and 5 mL of NaOCl. Group II (ProTaper) was irrigated with 5 mL of NaOCl, the F2 instrument was used for 30 seconds, followed by irrigation with 5 mL of NaOCl, 3 mL of EDTA, and 5 mL of NaOCl. In 3 teeth Ca(OH)2 was not removed (positive control) and in 3 teeth canals were not filled with Ca(OH)2 (negative control). Teeth were sectioned and prepared for the scanning electron microscopy. The amounts of residual Ca(OH)2 were evaluated in the middle and apical thirds using a 5-score system. Results: None of the techniques completely removed the Ca(OH)2 dressing. No difference was observed between SAF and ProTaper in removing Ca(OH)2 in the middle (P=0.11) and the apical (P=0.23) thirds. Conclusion: The SAF system showed similar efficacy to rotary instrument for removal of Ca(OH)2 from mandibular incisor root canals.


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This study evaluated the effect of different concentrations of sodium trimetaphosphate (TMP) with and without fluoride (F) on the concentration of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and F in hydroxyapatite (HA). Synthetic HA powder (0.15 g) was suspended (n=6) in solutions (75 mL) of TMP at 0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, 1.0%, 2.0%, 4.0%, 6.0%, 8.0% and 10% concentrations in the presence and absence of 100 ppm F and subjected to a pH-cycling process. The precipitates were filtrated, dried at 70° C for 24 h and ground onto a fine powder. The concentrations of F (KOH (CaF2) and HCl (FA) soluble), Ca (Arsenazo III), and P (molybdate method) in HA were determined. The Ca P, and Ca/P ratio data were subjected to Tukey's test and the F data were subjected to Student-Newman-Keuls test (p<0.05). The addition of TMP to the samples reduced F deposition to 98% (p<0.001). The groups containing 100 ppm F and 0.4% or 0.6% TMP exhibited a higher Ca concentration than the group containing only 100 ppm F (p<0.05). Furthermore, the HA treated with 0.2% and 0.4% TMP and 100 ppm F showed a higher Ca/P ratio than the other groups (p<0.001). In conclusion, TMP at 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% concentrations combined with F seemed to be able to precipitate HA with low solubility. However, especially at high concentrations, TMP interferes with F deposition on HA.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Forestry has grown in a continuous and accelerated manner in Brazil, constituting a strategic activity for the generation of employment, income and tributes, favoring social and economic development of Brazilian agribusiness. The objectives of this study were: (1) evaluate the contents of K, Ca and Mg in the reserve compartments, non-interchangeable, interchangeable, available and the speed of its release, its correlations and its effects over productivity (annual average increment – AAI) of eucalyptus plantations, in forest sites cultivated in soils of the state of Rio Grande do Sul; (2) evaluate the initial growth, nutrition and physiological aspects of eucalyptus plants, cultivated with and without the addition of mineral sources of potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (MG), in soils obtained from forest sites in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In the first study, contents of K, Ca and Mg were evaluated in sulfuric digestion extract, boiling nitric acid, ammonium chloride, Mehlich-1 (only K), potassium chloride (Ca and Mg), as well as the release speed of these nutrients in the soil. In the second study, growth variables, nutritional aspects, photosynthetic rate (A) and transpiration rate of the plants (E) grown in distinct soils were evaluated under controlled conditions. The contents of K, Ca and Mg varied between compartments and depths in the studied soil classes, with the highest proportions found in the reserve compartment, indicating the importance of this compartment for the supplement of these nutrients at average and long terms. The great majority of K, Ca and Mg compartments presented significant correlations between each other, showing the dependence between them and the importance of evaluating the contents of these nutrients in the different compartments to adapt the nutritional management of the plants to each soil class, and to obtain continuous productions, minimizing the negative effects to the environment. Plants cultivated in soils that present larger reserves, availability and K, Ca and Mg release kinetics, presented similar height (H), stem diameter (SD) and shoot dry mass (SDM), with or without fertilization with K, Ca and Mg. The plants presented higher leaf content and accumulation of K in all soils fertilized with K, Ca and Mg.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O experimento foi conduzido no setor de confinamento da Unesp, campus de Botucatu, com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da suplementação das vitaminas D e E sobre o desempenho animal, características de carcaça e qualidade de carne de bovinos jovens confinados. Foram utilizados 36 machos inteiros, 18 Nelore (NEL) e 18 Canchim (CAC), de sete meses de idade com peso vivo inicial médio de 234,53 ± 22,15 e 248,13 ± 34,67 kg, respectivamente, os quais foram confinados por 126 dias. Nove animais NEL e nove CAC foram suplementados diariamente com 1300 UI de vitamina E e 7,5x10(6) UI de vitamina D3 durante 67 e dez dias antes do abate, respectivamente. Um dia antes do abate foram coletadas amostras de sangue para avaliação do cálcio plasmático. Na desossa, foram colhidas amostras do músculo Longissimus (LM) para análises como força de cisalhamento, índice de fragmentação miofibrilar, lipídeos totais, concentração de vitaminas D e E e tempo de prateleira. Foi observado aumento (p < 0,01) do nível de cálcio plasmático pela suplementação, o que indica atuação da vitamina D no organismo animal. No entanto, não houve efeito (p > 0,05) da suplementação de vitaminas D e E sobre o desempenho, características de carcaça e qualidade da carne.


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Several studies with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been developed in many species because of its ability to differentiate into other mesoderm lineages, capacity of self-regeneration, low immunogenicity, paracrine, anti-inflamatory, immunomodulatory and antiapoptotic effects which make then a promissory source to be used in therapeutic strategies. The aim of this study is to report the technique of harvest of bone marrow (BM) in the coxal tuberosity (CT) of buffaloes. For this, the animals were selected, identified and contained in a stock. Then trichotomy was performed in the region corresponding to the CT. After identifying the anatomic site it was performed antisepsis, local anesthetic block and introduction of a myelogram's needle (Lang(R)) for BM aspiration. Once the needle was firmly fixed in the CT, the mandril was removed and proceeded to BM aspiration with a syringe (20 mL) containing 1 ml of heparin at 1000 IU / mL and 1 mL of PBS. After the collection, each sample collected was manually homogenized, identified and referred to the LRACT - FMVZ / UNESP-BRAZIL for the correct processing. The anatomical site tested showed to be an alternative site of harvest of BM once provided the appropriate isolation and culture of the mononuclear fraction. Moreover, the procedure was performed without difficulty and with great security. Based on this, it can be conclude that CT is an excellent anatomical site for isolation and culture of MSCs and the proposed technique is viable and feasible to be held in buffaloes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)