980 resultados para Benthocosm E2


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雌激素是人体内重要的激素之一,具有广泛的生理功能。雌激素缺乏与许多疾病相关,如卵巢功能低下,更年期综合征以及骨质疏松等;雌激素过剩也将导致某些疾病,如乳腺癌、卵巢癌、子宫内膜癌等。目前,如何降低肿瘤组织中的雌激素水平而达到治疗肿瘤的目的,已经得到广泛的研究,但促雌激素生成或调节卵巢功能药物或其相关研究则很少。 本实验室前期的研究发现,瓦山安息香属植物果实中的乙醇提取物具有促雌激素生成作用,通过活性追踪和结构鉴定,确认促E2 生成的主要成分为苯并呋喃类化合物。苯并呋喃类化合物的作用与芳香酶有关,但其确切的作用机理有待证实和深入研究。 为了探讨安息香苯并呋喃类化合物的促雌激素合成的作用机理,拟采用如下的实验方案: 1、细胞学方面,对小鼠3T3-L1 前脂肪细胞、人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7、MDA-MB-231 以及人卵巢癌细胞OVCAR-3、OVCAR-4、OVCAR-5、OVCAR-8、IGROV1 等细胞株,采用RT-PCR 和ELISA 方法研究芳香酶Aro基因的表达和雌二醇E2 的生成,芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 作为阳性对照,研究时效曲线和量效曲线,确定安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 的有效浓度和作用时间。 2、RNAi 方面,设计合成了针对人芳香酶Aro基因的3 对RNAi 序列,转染入细胞,芳香酶促进剂Forskolin 和地塞米松、芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 作为阳性对照,采用实时定量PCR 技术,研究RNA 干扰后,安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 对人芳香酶Aro基因表达水平瓦山安息香苯并呋喃促雌激素合成的机理研究的影响。 3、雌激素受体方面,设计一段ERE 的雌激素调控元件,构建重组荧光素酶报告基因载体,瞬时转染人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231,建立针对雌激素受体的报告基因筛选模型,观察安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 对雌激素受体的选择性和亲和力,从受体水平考察安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 促进雌激素生成的药理学机理。 实验结果显示: 1、分化后的小鼠3T3-L1 前脂肪细胞、人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7 、MDA-MB-231 以及人卵巢癌细胞OVCAR-3、OVCAR-4、OVCAR-8 等细胞株具有芳香酶基因的表达。睾酮向雌二醇的转化能够被芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 所阻断,其中OVCAR-3 最适合进行下一步的RNAi研究。 2、RNAi 实验结果显示,设计的3 对RNAi 序列中R2 的干扰效果最强,相应的阴性对照C2 与R2 的表达量相差118 倍(24 小时)和19 倍(48 小时),显示R2/C2 这组序列可用于进一步的RNAi 试验。以R2 干扰OVCAR-3 细胞株,药物作用24、48 小时后,芳香酶抑制剂Formestane 与R2 相对表达量相比分别为0.83 倍和0.04 倍;芳香酶促进剂Forskolin 与R2 相对表达量相比分别为3.61 和1.84 倍;芳香酶促进剂地塞米松与R2 相对表达量相比分别为5.76 倍和3.49倍;苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 与R2 相对表达量相比分别为8.13 倍和4.59 倍。实验证实安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 能够促进因RNAi 而发生基因沉默的人芳香酶Aro表达水平的上调。 3、雌激素受体实验结果显示,构建成功重组pERE-pGL3-promoter 荧光素酶报告基因载体和基于报告基因系统的雌激素受体激动剂或拮抗剂的细胞筛选模型。实验结果表明安息香苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 与雌激素受体ERα和ERβ亲和力选择性之比约为3:1 ,SP25通过与雌激素受体ERα结合作用其受体,刺激芳香酶的表达。 本课题通过RNA 干扰、ELISA、荧光实时定量PCR、报告基因筛选模型等技术手段,从细胞水平、蛋白酶水平和基因表达水平、雌激素受体水平等方面系统地研究了从瓦山安息香属植物果实中提取的苯并呋喃SP25 促进促雌激素生成的机理研究。试验结果显示苯并呋喃类化合物SP25 促雌激素生成的主要作用机制是直接促进芳香酶基因表达水平,以及与雌激素受体a 结合,刺激芳香酶活性。 Estrogen is an important hormone that has versatile physiologicalfunctions. Lack of estrogen will lead to many diseases such as lower ovarianfunction, climacteric syndrome and osteoporosis. Excessive estrogen alsoinduces breast carcinoma, oophoroma and endometrial carcinoma and otherdiseases. To depress the estrogen level in tumor tissue to cure carcinomawas widely studied, but there is only few studies reported on the induction ofestrogen and on the regulation of ovary function. We found that the extracts from seeds of Styrax perkinsiae couldpromote the synthesis of estrogen. The active compounds benzofurans wereidentified. Effect of benzofurans may be related to aromatase, but the mechanism was not clear. To reveal the mechanism of these benzofurans to promote estrogensynthesis, the following protocols were adopted: 1 Cytology: 3T3-L1 preadipocytes,human ovary carcinoma celllines OVCAR-3,OVCAR-4,OVCAR-5,OVCAR-8,IGROV1 andbreast carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 were usedto determine Aro gene expression and estrogen production withRT-PCR AND ELISA methods. Formestane, an aromataseinhibitor, was used as positive control. And dose-curve,time-curve and the effective concentration of SP25 were also studied. 2 Designed 3 pairs of RNAi for human aromatase gene, andtransfected into cell. Aromatase inducer Forskolin andDexamethasone, and aromatase inhibitor Formestane were usedas positive controls. We studied the change of Aro expressionlevel with SP25 by using real-time PCR after RNA interfering. 3 Estrogen Receptor: We constructed the recombined Luciferasereport vector and establish a screening system for estrogenagonist and antagon. With this system, we studied the affinity ofSP25 and estrogen receptor. Results: 1 Differentiated 3T3-L1 preadipocytes¡¢human ovary carcinomacell lines:OVCAR-3, OVCAR-4, OVCAR-8 and breast carcinomacell lines MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 had detected aromatase geneexpression.And OVCAR-3 is more suitable for further aromatasegene function research. 2 In RNAi assay, R2 has a strong interfering effcet in OVCAR-3 cellline, and ratio of C2 (the negative control) to R2 were 118 times(24 hours) and 19 times (48 hours). This means sucessful inRNA interfering. After R2 acted on OVCAR-3 cell line, the ratiosof formestane to R2 were 0.83 and 0.04 times, 5.76 and 3.49times (Dex), 3.61 and 1.84 times (forskolin) and 8.13 and 4.59times (sp25) after drug treated 24 or 48 hours respectively.These results indicated that SP25 can directly induce aromatasegene up-regulation. 3 We had constructed pERE-pGL3-promoter recombined vectorand the Luciferase report gene screening system. Luciferasereport gene assay showed that sp25 had a higher affinity with strogen receptor alpha than estrogen receptor beta, this indicated that SP25 can act on estrogen receptor and induce aromatase. Our results revealed that the mechanisms of benzofuran to promoteestrogen were the upregulation aromatase gene expression and promotion ofaromatase activity and have partially elective affinity with estrogen receptoralpha.


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重离子耗散反应需要鉴别产物的电荷数Z ,为此 ,研制了一套ΔE E望远镜 .ΔE由两个串接在一起的气体电离室ΔE1和ΔE2 组成 ,位置灵敏硅半导体测量粒子的剩余能量E .被探测粒子的轨迹与电离室的电场方向平行 .该望远镜具有很低的能量探测阈 ,较小的外尺寸和强的抗电磁干扰能力 .重离子耗散反应19F +2 7Al产物的激发函数实验测量表明 ,该望远镜的电荷分辨Z/ΔZ约为 30 .


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利用在束γ谱学方法 ,通过反应1 4 4 Sm( 2 8Si,1p3n) 1 69Re研究了1 69Re的激发态能级结构 .实验进行了X γ符合、γ γ符合、DCO系数和带内B(M1 ) B(E2 )比率测量 .基于这些测量 ,建立了组态为π9 2 - [51 4 ]的强耦合带和组态为π1 2 -[54 1 ]的退耦合带 .通过比较1 69Re的转动带与邻近奇质子核已知转动带的结构和B(M1 ) B(E2 )比率 ,指定了1 69Re转动带的组态 .实验观测到π9 2 - [51 4 ]和π1 2 - [54 1 ]转动带的中子AB带交叉的转动频率分别为 0 .2 3和 0 .2 7MeV .着重讨论了1 69Re转动带的中子AB带交叉频率、转动角动量顺排和旋称劈列等 ,并讨论了奇ARe核转动带结构的系统性


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利用15 4 Sm( 31P ,5nγ) 180 Ir反应产生并研究了双奇核180 Ir的高自旋态 .实验中进行了180 Ir核的在束γ测量 ,包括γ射线的激发函数测量、X γ和γ γ符合测量 ,首次建立了双奇核180 Ir由 5个转动带构成的能级纲图 .依据从实验数据中提取出的带内B(M1 ) /B(E2 )值与理论计算值的比较 ,以及相邻双奇核的带结构特征 ,给出了转动带的准粒子组态 .在推转壳模型的理论框架中 ,定性地讨论了转动带结构特征的组态依赖性


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利用1 4 9Sm( 31 P ,4nγ)反应 ,通过γ射线的激发函数测量、X γ和γ γ符合测量研究了双奇核1 76Ir的高自旋态 .首次建立了双奇核1 76Ir由 4个转动带构成的能级纲图 .依据从实验数据中提取出的带内B(M1 ) B(E2 )值与理论计算值的比较 ,以及相邻双奇核的带结构特征 ,给出了转动带的准粒子组态 .基于本实验建立起的带间跃迁和在I=1 8处观测到的旋称交叉 ,指出1 76Ir核基于πh9 2 νi1 3 2 和πi1 3 2 νi1 3 2 组态的两个转动带在低自旋时出现旋称反转现象 .


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A systematic study of neutron-rich even-even Fe isotopes with a neutron number from 32 to 42 is carried out by using the projected shell model. Calculations are performed up to the spin I=20 state. Irregularities found in the yrast spectra and in B (E2) values are discussed in terms of neutron excitations to the high-j orbital g(9/2). Furthermore, the neutron two-quasiparticle structure of a low-K negative-parity band and the proton two-quasiparticle structure of a high-K positive-parity band are predicted to exist near the yrast region. Our study reveals a soft nature for the ground state of N approximate to 40 isotopes and emphasizes the important role of the neutron g(9/2) orbital in determining the structure properties for both low- and high-spin states in these nuclei.


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In this article we perform systematic calculations on low-lying states of 33 nuclei with A=202-212, using the nucleon pair approximation of the shell model. We use a phenomenological shell-model Hamiltonian that includes single-particle energies, monopole and quadrupole pairing interactions, and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions. The building blocks of our model space include one J=4 valence neutron pair, and one J=4,6,8 valence proton pair, in addition to the usual S and D pairs. We calculate binding energies, excitation energies, electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments of low-lying states, and E2 transition rates between low-lying states. Our calculated results are reasonably consistent with available experimental data. The calculated quadrupole moments and magnetic moments, many of which have not yet been measured for these nuclei, are useful for future experimental measurements.


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Recent experimental advances have made it possible to study excited structure in superheavy nuclei. The observed states have often been interpreted as quasiparticle excitations. We show that in superheavy nuclei collective vibrations systematically appear as low-energy excitation modes. By using the microscopic Triaxial Projected Shell Model, we make a detailed prediction on gamma-vibrational states and their E2 transition probabilities to the ground state band in fermium and nobelium isotopes where active structure research is going on, and in (270)Ds, the heaviest isotope where decay data have been obtained for the ground-state and for an isomeric state.


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The structure of neutron-rich Cr isotopes is systematically investigated by using the spherical shell model. The calculations reproduce well the known energy levels for the even-even Cr52-62 and odd-mass Cr53-59 nuclei, and predict a lowering of excitation energies around neutron number N = 40. The calculated B(E2; 2(1)(+) -> 0(1)(+)) systematics shows a pronounced collectivity around N = 40; a similar characteristic behavior has been suggested for Zn and Ge isotopes. Causes for the sudden drop of the 9/2(1)(+) energy in Cr-59 and the appearance of very low 0(2)(+) states around N = 40 are discussed. We also predict a new band with strong collectivity built on the 0(2)(+) state in the N = 40 isotope Cr-64.


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High-spin states in Pt-187 were studied via the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction. Rotational bands based on the vi(13/2), v7/2(-)[503], vi(13/2)(2)vj, v3/2(-)[512] and v1/2(-)[521] configurations were observed, and interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The TRS calculations show that the vi(13/2) band has an appreciable negative gamma deformation, and the negative-parity bands tend to have a near prolate shape with small positive gamma values. Experimental values of B(M1)/B(E2) ratios have been extracted and compared with theoretical values from the semi-classical Donau and Frauendof approach, strongly suggesting a low frequency pi h(9/2) alignment in the v7/2(-)[503] band.


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High-spin states in Pt-187 have been studied experimentally using the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction at beam energies of 78 and 85 MeV. The previously known bands based on the nu i(13/2),nu 7/2(-)[503], and nu i(13/2)(2)nu j configurations have been extended to high-spin states, and new rotational bands associated with the nu 3/2(-)[512] and nu 1/2(-)[521] Nilsson orbits have been identified. The total Routhian surface calculations indicate that the transitional nucleus Pt-187 is very soft with respect to beta and gamma deformations. The band properties, such as level spacings, band crossing frequencies, alignment gains, and signature splittings, have been compared with the systematics observed in neighboring nuclei and have been interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The rotational bands show different band crossing frequencies, which can be explained by the alignment either of i(13/2) neutrons or of h(9/2) protons. Importantly, evidence is presented for a pi h(9/2) alignment at very low frequency in the nu 7/2(-)[503] band. The proton nature of the band crossing is strongly suggested by comparing the measured B(M1;I -> I-1)/B(E2;I -> I-2) ratios with the theoretical values from the semiclassical Donau and Frauendof approach.