997 resultados para Beef - Microbiology quality


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Despite evidence linking shrimp farming to several cases of environmental degradation, there remains a lack of ecologically meaningful information about the impacts of effluent on receiving waters. The aim of this study was to determine the biological impact of shrimp farm effluent, and to compare and distinguish its impacts from treated sewage effluent. Analyses included standard water quality/sediment parameters, as well as biological indicators including tissue nitrogen (N) content, stable isotope ratio of nitrogen (delta N-15) and amino acid composition of inhabitant seagrasses, mangroves and macroalgae. The study area consisted of two tidal creeks, one receiving effluent from a sewage treatment plant and the other from an intensive shrimp farm. The creeks discharged into the western side of Moreton Bay, a sub-tropical coastal embayment on the east coast of Australia. Characterization of water quality revealed significant differences between the creeks, and with unimpacted eastern Moreton Bay. The sewage creek had higher concentrations of dissolved nutrients (predominantly NO3-/NO2- and PO43-, compared to NH4+ in the shrimp creek). In contrast, the shrimp creek was more turbid and had higher phytoplankton productivity. Beyond 750 m from the creek mouths, water quality parameters were indistinguishable from eastern Moreton Bay values. Biological indicators detected significant impacts up to 4 km beyond the creek mouths (reference site). Elevated plant delta N-15 values ranged from 10.4-19.6 parts per thousand at the site of sewage discharge to 2.9-4.5 parts per thousand at the reference site. The free amino acid concentration and composition of seagrass and macroalgae was used to distinguish between the uptake of sewage and shrimp derived N. Proline (seagrass) and serine (macroalgae) were high in sewage impacted plants and glutamine (seagrass) and alanine (macroalgae) were high in plants impacted by shrimp effluent. The delta N-15 isotopic signatures and free amino acid composition of inhabitant flora indicated that sewage N extended further from the creek mouths than shrimp N. The combination of physical/chemical and biological indicators used in this study was effective in distinguishing the composition and subsequent impacts of aquaculture and sewage effluent on the receiving waters. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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The potential for the ethylene binding inhibitor, 1-methylcyclopropene, to delay ripening of 'Hass' avocado, 'African Pride' custard apple, 'Kensington Pride' mango and 'Solo' papaya was examined. Fruit were gassed with 25 muL/L 1-methylcyclopropene for 14 h at 20 degreesC, followed by treatment with 100 muL/L ethylene for 24 h, and then ripened at 20 degreesC. Ethylene treatment alone generally halved the number of days for fruit to reach the ripe stage, compared with untreated fruit. 1-Methylcyclopropene treatment alone increased the number of days to ripening by 4.4 days (40% increase), 3.4 days (58%), 5.1 days (37%) and 15.6 days (325%) for avocado, custard apple, mango and papaya, respectively, compared with untreated fruit. Applying 1-methylcyclopropene to the fruit before ethylene prevented the accelerated ripening normally associated with ethylene treatment, so that the number of days to ripening for fruit treated with 1-methylcyclopropene plus ethylene was similar to the number of days to ripening for fruit treated with 1-methylcyclopropene alone. 1-Methylcyclopropene treatment was associated with slightly higher severity of external blemishes in papaya and custard apple, slightly higher rots severity in avocado, custard apple and papaya, and at least double the severity of stem rots in mango, relative to fruit not treated with 1-methylcyclopropene. Thus, 1-methylcyclopropene treatment has the potential to reduce the risk of premature ripening of avocado, custard apple, mango and papaya fruit due to accidental exposure to ethylene. However, additional precautions may be necessary to reduce disease severity associated with 1-methylcyclopropene treatment.


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Computer simulation was used to suggest potential selection strategies for beef cattle breeders with different mixes of clients between two potential markets. The traditional market paid on the basis of carcass weight (CWT), while a new market considered marbling grade in addition to CWT as a basis for payment. Both markets instituted discounts for CWT in excess of 340 kg and light carcasses below 300 kg. Herds were simulated for each price category on the carcass weight grid for the new market. This enabled the establishment of phenotypic relationships among the traits examined [CWT, percent intramuscular fat (IMF), carcass value in the traditional market, carcass value in the new market, and the expected proportion of progeny in elite price cells in the new market pricing grid]. The appropriateness of breeding goals was assessed on the basis of client satisfaction. Satisfaction was determined by the equitable distribution of available stock between markets combined with the assessment of the utility of the animal within the market to which it was assigned. The best goal for breeders with predominantly traditional clients was a CWT in excess of 330 kg, while that for breeders with predominantly new market clients was a CWT of between 310 and 329 kg and with a marbling grade of AAA in the Ontario carcass pricing system. For breeders who wished to satisfy both new and traditional clients, the optimal CWT was 310-329 kg and the optimal marbling grade was AA-AAA. This combination resulted in satisfaction levels of greater than 75% among clients, regardless of the distribution of the clients between the traditional and new marketplaces.


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The monitoring of infection control indicators including hospital-acquired infections is an established part of quality maintenance programmes in many health-care facilities. However, surveillance data use can be frustrated by the infrequent nature of many infections. Traditional methods of analysis often provide delayed identification of increasing infection occurrence, placing patients at preventable risk. The application of Shewhart, Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) and Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) statistical process control charts to the monitoring of indicator infections allows continuous real-time assessment. The Shewhart chart will detect large changes, while CUSUM and EWMA methods are more suited to recognition of small to moderate sustained change. When used together, Shewhart and EWMA methods are ideal for monitoring bacteraemia and multiresistant organism rates. Shewhart and CUSUM charts are suitable for surgical infection surveillance.


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Institutional research can be defined as "the activity in which the research effort of an academic institution is directed at the solution of its own problems and to the enhancement of its own performance" (Woodward, 1993, p. 113). This paper describes and reflects on an attempt at the University of Queensland to address the need for course quality appraisal for improvement. The strategy, Continuous Curriculum Review (CCR) is simply an attempt to trial and promote regular comprehensive data collection for developing 'snapshot' views of whole curricula so that decisions about what to change and what to change first can be made in an empirically defensible and timely manner. The strategy and reporting protocols that were developed are described, and the costs and benefits of engaging in this kind of data gathering exercise for quality assurance and quality enhancement purposes are discussed.


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Motivation: A consensus sequence for a family of related sequences is, as the name suggests, a sequence that captures the features common to most members of the family. Consensus sequences are important in various DNA sequencing applications and are a convenient way to characterize a family of molecules. Results: This paper describes a new algorithm for finding a consensus sequence, using the popular optimization method known as simulated annealing. Unlike the conventional approach of finding a consensus sequence by first forming a multiple sequence alignment, this algorithm searches for a sequence that minimises the sum of pairwise distances to each of the input sequences. The resulting consensus sequence can then be used to induce a multiple sequence alignment. The time required by the algorithm scales linearly with the number of input sequences and quadratically with the length of the consensus sequence. We present results demonstrating the high quality of the consensus sequences and alignments produced by the new algorithm. For comparison, we also present similar results obtained using ClustalW. The new algorithm outperforms ClustalW in many cases.


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The focus of rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases of children in the last decade has shifted from variations of the conventional laboratory techniques of antigen detection, microscopy and culture to that of molecular diagnosis of infectious agents. Pediatricians will need to be able to interpret the use, limitations and results of molecular diagnostic techniques as they are increasingly integrated into routine clinical microbiology laboratory protocols. PCR is the best known and most successfully implemented diagnostic molecular technology to date. It can detect specific infectious agents and determine their virulence and antimicrobial genotypes with greater speed, sensitivity and specificity than conventional microbiology methods. Inherent technical limitations of PCR are present, although they are reduced in laboratories that follow suitable validation and quality control procedures. Variations of PCR together with advances in nucleic acid amplification technology have broadened its diagnostic capabilities in clinical infectious disease to now rival and even surpass traditional methods in some situations. Automation of all components of PCR is now possible. The completion of the genome sequencing projects for significant microbial pathogens, in combination with PCR and DNA chip technology, will revolutionize the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases.


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An operational space map is an efficient tool to compare a large number of operational strategies to find an optimal choice of setpoints based on a multicriterion. Typically, such a multicriterion includes a weighted sum of cost of operation and effluent quality. Due to the relative high cost of aeration such a definition of optimality result in a relatively high fraction of the effluent total nitrogen in the form of ammonium. Such a strategy may however introduce a risk into operation because a low degree of ammonium removal leads to a low amount of nitrifiers. This in turn leads to a reduced ability to reject event disturbances, such as large variations in the ammonium load, drop in temperature, the presence of toxic/inhibitory compounds in the influent etc. Hedging is a risk minimisation tool, with the aim to "reduce one's risk of loss on a bet or speculation by compensating transactions on the other side" (The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1995)). In wastewater treatment plant operation hedging can be applied by choosing a higher level of ammonium removal to increase the amount of nitrifiers. This is a sensible way to introduce disturbance rejection ability into the multi criterion. In practice, this is done by deciding upon an internal effluent ammonium criterion. In some countries such as Germany, a separate criterion already applies to the level of ammonium in the effluent. However, in most countries the effluent criterion applies to total nitrogen only. In these cases, an internal effluent ammonium criterion should be selected in order to secure proper disturbance rejection ability.


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Reaction between 5-(4-amino-2-thiabutyl)-5-methyl-3,7-dithianonane-1, 9-diamine (N3S3) and 5- methyl-2,2-bipyridine-5-carbaldehyde and subsequent reduction of the resulting imine with sodium borohydride results in a potentially ditopic ligand (L). Treatment of L with one equivalent of an iron( II) salt led to the monoprotonated complex [Fe(HL)](3+), isolated as the hexafluorophosphate salt. The presence of characteristic bands for the tris( bipyridyl) iron( II) chromophore in the UV/vis spectrum indicated that the iron( II) atom is coordinated octahedrally by the three bipyridyl (bipy) groups. The [Fe( bipy) 3] moiety encloses a cavity composed of the N3S3 portion of the ditopic ligand. The mononuclear and monomeric nature of the complex [Fe(HL)](3+) has been established also by accurate mass analysis. [Fe(HL)](3+) displays reduced stability to base compared with the complex [Fe(bipy)(3)](2+). In aqueous solution [Fe(HL)](3+) exhibits irreversible electrochemical behaviour with an oxidation wave ca. 60 mV to more positive potential than [Fe(bipy)(3)](2+). Investigations of the interaction of [Fe(L)](2+) with copper( II), iron( II), and mercury( II) using mass spectroscopic and potentiometric methods suggested that where complexation occurred, fewer than six of the N3S3 cavity donors were involved. The high affinity of the complex [Fe(L)](2+) for protons is one reason suggested to contribute to the reluctance to coordinate a second metal ion.