999 resultados para Balassa, Iván: Magyar néprajz nyolc kötetben
PURPOSE. Knowledge of genetic factors predisposing to age-related cataract is very limited. The aim of this study was to identify DNA sequences that either lead to or predispose for this disease. METHODS. The candidate gene SLC16A12, which encodes a solute carrier of the monocarboxylate transporter family, was sequenced in 484 patients with cataract (134 with juvenile cataract, 350 with age-related cataract) and 190 control subjects. Expression studies included luciferase reporter assay and RT-PCR experiments. RESULTS. One patient with age-related cataract showed a novel heterozygous mutation (c.-17A>G) in the 5'untranslated region (5'UTR). This mutation is in cis with the minor G-allele of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs3740030 (c.-42T/G), also within the 5'UTR. Using a luciferase reporter assay system, a construct with the patient's haplotype caused a significant upregulation of luciferase activity. In comparison, the SNP G-allele alone promoted less activity, but that amount was still significantly higher than the amount of the common T-allele. Analysis of SLC16A12 transcripts in surrogate tissue demonstrated striking allele-specific differences causing 5'UTR heterogeneity with respect to sequence and quantity. These differences in gene expression were mirrored in an allele-specific predisposition to age-related cataract, as determined in a Swiss population (odds ratio approximately 2.2; confidence intervals, 1.23-4.3). CONCLUSIONS. The monocarboxylate transporter SLC16A12 may contribute to age-related cataract. Sequences within the 5'UTR modulate translational efficiency with pathogenic consequences.
The performance of magnetic nanoparticles is intimately entwined with their structure, mean size and magnetic anisotropy. Besides, ensembles offer a unique way of engineering the magnetic response by modifying the strength of the dipolar interactions between particles. Here we report on an experimental and theoretical analysis of magnetic hyperthermia, a rapidly developing technique in medical research and oncology. Experimentally, we demonstrate that single-domain cubic iron oxide particles resembling bacterial magnetosomes have superior magnetic heating efficiency compared to spherical particles of similar sizes. Monte Carlo simulations at the atomic level corroborate the larger anisotropy of the cubic particles in comparison with the spherical ones, thus evidencing the beneficial role of surface anisotropy in the improved heating power. Moreover we establish a quantitative link between the particle assembling, the interactions and the heating properties. This knowledge opens new perspectives for improved hyperthermia, an alternative to conventional cancer therapies.
El projecte es basa en el desenvolupament d'un aplicació web amb l'objectiu de facilitar l’intercanvi de llibres mitjançant una manera ràpida i eficaç alhora que es redueixen els costos fins a ser mínims o inexistents. També inclou la funcionalitat d'afegir relats d'autors aficionats amb la finalitat de compartir aquests amb la resta d'usuaris, els quals tenen la possibilitat de comentar tant els llibres com els relats.
Creació d'un sistema d'anàlisi de patrons socials a partir de comportaments predictius de la nostra base de coneixement.
Trabajo final de carrera desarrollado en .NET. Presenta un gestor de contenidos web para generar una web publicitaria.
Este estudio fue dirigido para evaluar la relación agua-rendimiento en vid de mesa cv. Crimson y establecer valores críticos para las mediciones del estado hídrico de las plantas. Los estudios de campo se desarrollaron durante tres años, en el Valle de Aconcagua, Chile, a 32º47'S y 70º42'O, en un suelo de textura franco arcillosa. Se proporcionaron a las plantas diferentes cantidades de agua de riego entre 40 y 100% de la evapotranspiración del cultivo (Etc). El potencial hídrico xilemático medido a mediodía (psixmin) y la conductancia estomática estuvieron estrechamente relacionados con el déficit de agua impuesto y el rendimiento obtenido. Los rendimientos de la vid disminuyeron respecto al agua aplicada en el rango de los tratamientos estudiados. Sesenta por ciento de restricción de la Etc redujo 22% del rendimiento. Cuando la planta mantuvo psixmin mayor que -0,75 MPa entre cuaja y pinta, la producción y los calibres fueron mayores.
Trabajo final de carrera desarrollado en .NET. Presenta un gestor de contenidos web para generar una web publicitaria.
Desenvolupament d'una eina de comunicació en HTML5 per a dispositius mòbils amb Android entre pares/mares i tutors pel seguiment de l'alumne.
Hysteresis cycles are very important features of energy conversion and harvesting devices, such as batteries. The efficiency of these may be strongly affected by the physical size of the system. Here, we show that in systems which are small enough, the existence of physical boundaries which produce nonhomogeneities of the interaction potential gives rise to inflections and barriers in the associated free energy. This in turn brings on irreversible processes which can be triggered under suitable external conditions imposed by a heat bath. As an example, by controlling the temperature, the state of a small system may be impelled to oscillate between two different structural configurations or aggregation states avoiding equilibrium coexistence and therefore dissipating energy. This cyclical behavior associated with a hysteresis cycle may be prototypical of energy conversion, storage, or generating nanodevices, as exemplified by Li-ion insertion batteries.
We analyze the diffusion of a Brownian particle in a fluid under stationary flow. By using the scheme of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in phase space, we obtain the Fokker-Planck equation that is compared with others derived from the kinetic theory and projector operator techniques. This equation exhibits violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. By implementing the hydrodynamic regime described by the first moments of the nonequilibrium distribution, we find relaxation equations for the diffusion current and pressure tensor, allowing us to arrive at a complete description of the system in the inertial and diffusion regimes. The simplicity and generality of the method we propose makes it applicable to more complex situations, often encountered in problems of soft-condensed matter, in which not only one but more degrees of freedom are coupled to a nonequilibrium bath.
En este proyecto se ha calculado la huella de carbono parcial, es decir, únicamente se ha tenido en cuenta la movilidad y la energía usada en la vivienda. Se ha aplicado la metodología creada por Mathis Wackernagel y William Rees en 1997 para el cálculo de la huella ecológica. Diferentes barrios distribuidos a distintas distancias del CBD (Central Business District) de Concepción (Chile), han sido los objetos de estudio de la Huella de Carbono y en concreto se ha focalizado la atención en dos barrios de bajas rentas (Cerro Centinela y Pedro de Valdivia Bajo). En ellos se ha propuesto mejoras tanto ecológicas como sociales para aumentar la calidad de vida de los vecinos.
Mediante el uso de la herramienta de la huella de carbono se busca saber el impacto ambiental de la vida cotidiana de las clases de renta alta de ciertos barrios seleccionados del Área Metropolitana de Concepción. Concretamente se estudiará la huella de carbono de la movilidad y el consumo energético en las viviendas. La extracción de información se basa en el uso de encuestas casa por casa y un posterior análisis informático de los datos obtenidos. Finalmente se propondrán medidas para reducir la huella de carbono en el caso que esta exceda los valores considerados sostenibles a largo plazo.