987 resultados para Baird, Samuel T., 1861-1899.
Time on marsh lands for the months of January, February, March and April for Fred Holmes, Joseph Simpson, Duncan Davidson, Rose Osborne, Henry Wilson and William Baird. This is signed by Fred Holmes, April 28, 1857.
Time on the marsh lands for the months of May, June, July and August, 1857 for Fred Holmes, Joseph Simpson and William Baird. This was sent to S.D. Woodruff by Fred Holmes, Aug. 28, 1857.
A torn scrap of paper which gives estimates of times worked for Fred Holmes, Joe Simpson, John Simpson, William Baird and William Case. Much of the text is missing. This is signed by Fred Holmes, Dec. 1857.
Engineer services in the marsh lands drainage to the 28th of April inclusive to Frederick Holmes, Louis Clement and Thomas Baird. Signed by S.D. Woodruff, April 28, 1855.
Engineer services in the marsh lands drainage to the 29th day of August inclusive to Frederick Holmes, Thomas Baird and Thomas Gilleland. Signed by S.D. Woodruff, Aug. 31, 1855.
Engineer services in the marsh lands drainage to the 29th day of August inclusive to Frederick Holmes, Thomas Baird and Thomas Gilleland, signed by S.W. Woodruff. This copy contains a note to Fred Holmes from S.D. Woodruff, Sept. 11, 1855.
Engineer services in marsh lands drainage for the months of April, May and June, 1856 to Fred Holmes, Joseph Simpson and Thomas Baird. Signed by S.D. Woodruff, June 30, 1856.
Engineer services in marsh lands drainage for the months of July, August and September, 1856 to Fred Holmes, Joseph Simpson, Thomas Baird and Rose Osborne. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff, Oct. 1, 1856.
Engineering services in marsh lands drainage for the months of January, February, March and April for Fred Holmes, Joseph Simpson, D. Davidson, Rose Osborne, Henry Wilson and William Baird. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff, May 1, 1857.
Engineering services in marsh lands drainage for the months of May, June, July and August 1857 for Fred Holmes, Joseph Simpson and William Baird. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff, Aug. 31, 1857.
Letter to Samuel Keefer, engineer on the Welland Canal from Charles H. French. He says that he has no extra bills for work on his contract, Sept. 12, 1848.
Returns (copy) showing the quantities of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the year 1859-1861 and the amount of tolls collected thereon for each year. The title on this document is General Return 1859, but this has been crossed out in pencil within the document and the years have been changed (Port Robinson), 1859-1861.
General return showing the quantity of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the year ending the 31st of December 1861 (office at Port Maitland) (2 pages), 1861.
General return (copy) showing the quantity of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the year ending the 31st of December 1861 and the amount of tolls collected thereon (office at Port Robinson), 1861.
Office at Port Dalhousie statement of trade upwards on the Welland Canal during the years, 1857-1861
Office at Port Dalhousie statement of trade upwards on the Welland Canal during the years (10 pages of hand drawn charts), 1857-1861.