846 resultados para BUFFER SOLUTIONS


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We study the existence of periodic solutions of the non--autonomous periodic Lyness' recurrence u_{n+2}=(a_n+u_{n+1})/u_n, where {a_n} is a cycle with positive values a,b and with positive initial conditions. It is known that for a=b=1 all the sequences generated by this recurrence are 5-periodic. We prove that for each pair (a,b) different from (1,1) there are infinitely many initial conditions giving rise to periodic sequences, and that the family of recurrences have almost all the even periods. If a is not equal to b, then any odd period, except 1, appears.


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This research project investigated the effects of concentrated brines of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium magnesium acetate on portland cement concrete. Although known to be effective at deicing and anti-icing, the deleterious effects these chemicals may have on concrete have not been well documented. As a result of this research, it was determined that there is significant evidence that magnesium chloride and calcium chloride chemically interact with hardened portland cement paste in concrete resulting in expansive cracking, increased permeability, and a significant loss in compressive strength. Although the same effects were not seen with sodium chloride brines, it was shown that sodium chloride brines have the highest rate of ingress into hardened concrete. This latter fact is significant with respect to corrosion of embedded steel. The mechanism for attack of hardened cement paste varies with deicer chemical but in general, a chemical reaction between chlorides and cement hydration products results in the dissolution of the hardened cement paste and formation of oxychloride phases, which are expansive. The chemical attack of the hardened cement paste is significantly reduced if supplementary cementitious materials are included in the concrete mixture. Both coal fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag were found to be effective at mitigating the chemical attack caused by the deicers tested. In the tests performed, ground granulated blast furnace slag performed better as a mitigation strategy as compared to coal fly ash. Additionally, siloxane and silane sealants were effective at slowing the ingress of deicing chemicals into the concrete and thereby reducing the observed distress. In general, the siloxane sealant appeared to be more effective than the silane, but both were effective and should be considered as a maintenance strategy.


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This research project investigated the effects of concentrated brines of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium magnesium acetate on portland cement concrete. Although known to be effective at deicing and anti-icing, the deleterious effects these chemicals may have on concrete have not been well documented. As a result of this research, it was determined that there is significant evidence that magnesium chloride and calcium chloride chemically interact with hardened portland cement paste in concrete resulting in expansive cracking, increased permeability, and a significant loss in compressive strength. Although the same effects were not seen with sodium chloride brines, it was shown that sodium chloride brines have the highest rate of ingress into hardened concrete. This latter fact is significant with respect to corrosion of embedded steel. The mechanism for attack of hardened cement paste varies with deicer chemical but in general, a chemical reaction between chlorides and cement hydration products results in the dissolution of the hardened cement paste and formation of oxychloride phases, which are expansive. The chemical attack of the hardened cement paste is significantly reduced if supplementary cementitious materials are included in the concrete mixture. Both coal fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag were found to be effective at mitigating the chemical attack caused by the deicers tested. In the tests performed, ground granulated blast furnace slag performed better as a mitigation strategy as compared to coal fly ash. Additionally, siloxane and silane sealants were effective at slowing the ingress of deicing chemicals into the concrete and thereby reducing the observed distress. In general, the siloxane sealant appeared to be more effective than the silane, but both were effective and should be considered as a maintenance strategy.


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This research project investigated the effects of concentrated brines of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium magnesium acetate on portland cement concrete. Although known to be effective at deicing and anti-icing, the deleterious effects these chemicals may have on concrete have not been well documented. As a result of this research, it was determined that there is significant evidence that magnesium chloride and calcium chloride chemically interact with hardened portland cement paste in concrete resulting in expansive cracking, increased permeability, and a significant loss in compressive strength. Although the same effects were not seen with sodium chloride brines, it was shown that sodium chloride brines have the highest rate of ingress into hardened concrete. This latter fact is significant with respect to corrosion of embedded steel. The mechanism for attack of hardened cement paste varies with deicer chemical but in general, a chemical reaction between chlorides and cement hydration products results in the dissolution of the hardened cement paste and formation of oxychloride phases, which are expansive. The chemical attack of the hardened cement paste is significantly reduced if supplementary cementitious materials are included in the concrete mixture. Both coal fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag were found to be effective at mitigating the chemical attack caused by the deicers tested. In the tests performed, ground granulated blast furnace slag performed better as a mitigation strategy as compared to coal fly ash. Additionally, siloxane and silane sealants were effective at slowing the ingress of deicing chemicals into the concrete and thereby reducing the observed distress. In general, the siloxane sealant appeared to be more effective than the silane, but both were effective and should be considered as a maintenance strategy.


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This research project investigated the effects of concentrated brines of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium magnesium acetate on portland cement concrete. Although known to be effective at deicing and anti-icing, the deleterious effects these chemicals may have on concrete have not been well documented. As a result of this research, it was determined that there is significant evidence that magnesium chloride and calcium chloride chemically interact with hardened portland cement paste in concrete resulting in expansive cracking, increased permeability, and a significant loss in compressive strength. Although the same effects were not seen with sodium chloride brines, it was shown that sodium chloride brines have the highest rate of ingress into hardened concrete. This latter fact is significant with respect to corrosion of embedded steel. The mechanism for attack of hardened cement paste varies with deicer chemical but in general, a chemical reaction between chlorides and cement hydration products results in the dissolution of the hardened cement paste and formation of oxychloride phases, which are expansive. The chemical attack of the hardened cement paste is significantly reduced if supplementary cementitious materials are included in the concrete mixture. Both coal fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag were found to be effective at mitigating the chemical attack caused by the deicers tested. In the tests performed, ground granulated blast furnace slag performed better as a mitigation strategy as compared to coal fly ash. Additionally, siloxane and silane sealants were effective at slowing the ingress of deicing chemicals into the concrete and thereby reducing the observed distress. In general, the siloxane sealant appeared to be more effective than the silane, but both were effective and should be considered as a maintenance strategy.


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This research project investigated the effects of concentrated brines of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium magnesium acetate on portland cement concrete. Although known to be effective at deicing and anti-icing, the deleterious effects these chemicals may have on concrete have not been well documented. As a result of this research, it was determined that there is significant evidence that magnesium chloride and calcium chloride chemically interact with hardened portland cement paste in concrete resulting in expansive cracking, increased permeability, and a significant loss in compressive strength. Although the same effects were not seen with sodium chloride brines, it was shown that sodium chloride brines have the highest rate of ingress into hardened concrete. This latter fact is significant with respect to corrosion of embedded steel. The mechanism for attack of hardened cement paste varies with deicer chemical but in general, a chemical reaction between chlorides and cement hydration products results in the dissolution of the hardened cement paste and formation of oxychloride phases, which are expansive. The chemical attack of the hardened cement paste is significantly reduced if supplementary cementitious materials are included in the concrete mixture. Both coal fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag were found to be effective at mitigating the chemical attack caused by the deicers tested. In the tests performed, ground granulated blast furnace slag performed better as a mitigation strategy as compared to coal fly ash. Additionally, siloxane and silane sealants were effective at slowing the ingress of deicing chemicals into the concrete and thereby reducing the observed distress. In general, the siloxane sealant appeared to be more effective than the silane, but both were effective and should be considered as a maintenance strategy.


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Problem solving (including insight, divergent thinking) seems to rely on the right hemisphere (RH). These functions are difficult to assess behaviorally. We propose anagram resolution as a suitable paradigm. University students (n=32) performed three tachistoscopic lateralized visual half-field experiments (stimulus presentation 150ms). In Experiment 1, participants recalled four-letter strings. Subsequently, participants provided solutions for four-letter anagrams (one solution in Experiment 2; two solutions in Experiment 3). Additionally, participants completed a schizotypy questionnaire (O-LIFE). Results showed a right visual field advantage in Experiment 1 and 2, but no visual field advantage in Experiment 3. In Experiment 1, increasing positive schizotypy associated with a RH performance shift. Problem solving seems to require increasingly the RH when facing several rather than one solution. This result supports previous studies on the RH's role in remote associative, metaphor and discourse processing. The more complex language requirements, the less personality traits seem to matter.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of alkaline solution marinades on the characteristics of pork subjected to post-mortem pH decrease in pig muscle. The pH of carcasses was measured in a commercial slaughterhouse (n = 526), 45 min after slaughtering (pH45) and, then, the carcasses were divided into the groups with pH45<5.7 or pH45>5.7. Ten samples of the longissimus dorsi muscles of each group were collected and distributed in an entirely randomized design, in a 2x4 factorial arrangement, with two conditions (pH45<5.7 or pH45>5.7), and four marinade solutions: TC, no marinade; TM1, sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride; TM2, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride; TM3, sodium bicarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride. There was no interaction between pH45 of the meat and the marinade treatments. Meat with pH45<5.7 showed higher values for lightness, and for purge loss (PL), exudate loss (EL), cooking loss (CL) and shear force (SF). Marinating increased the pH, reduced the lightness, EL, CL and SF, and improved tenderness, juiciness and flavor of meat. Marinades with solutions containing chloride, bicarbonate, and sodium tripolyphosphate are effective in the improvement of pork quality, making physical characteristics of marinated meat similar to those of fresh pork, as a consequence of accelerated postmortem glycolysis.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different cryoprotectants on the viability of dourado (Salminus brasiliensis) embryos. Ten cryoprotectant solutions were tested. For each solution, 300 embryos were selected at the closing of the blastopore stage, and 300 more embryos were used as a negative control. After cooling (-8ºC for 6 hours), the embryos were rehydrated directly in the incubator until hatching. The best result is obtained with the cryoprotectant solution containing 9% methanol associated with 17% sucrose, resulting in a larvae hatching rate of 67.06%.


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Many engineering problems that can be formulatedas constrained optimization problems result in solutionsgiven by a waterfilling structure; the classical example is thecapacity-achieving solution for a frequency-selective channel.For simple waterfilling solutions with a single waterlevel and asingle constraint (typically, a power constraint), some algorithmshave been proposed in the literature to compute the solutionsnumerically. However, some other optimization problems result insignificantly more complicated waterfilling solutions that includemultiple waterlevels and multiple constraints. For such cases, itmay still be possible to obtain practical algorithms to evaluate thesolutions numerically but only after a painstaking inspection ofthe specific waterfilling structure. In addition, a unified view ofthe different types of waterfilling solutions and the correspondingpractical algorithms is missing.The purpose of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, itoverviews the waterfilling results existing in the literature from aunified viewpoint. On the other hand, it bridges the gap betweena wide family of waterfilling solutions and their efficient implementationin practice; to be more precise, it provides a practicalalgorithm to evaluate numerically a general waterfilling solution,which includes the currently existing waterfilling solutions andothers that may possibly appear in future problems.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kahden yleisen, veden ympäristökuormitusta aiheuttavan kemikaaliryhmän, ligniinin ja humusaineiden, fotokatalyyttistahapetusta (photocatalytic oxidation, PCO) vesiliuoksessa. Fotokatalyyttina käytettiin titaanidioksidia, jota säteilytettiin ultraviolettivalolla. Työssä selvitettiin useiden eri olosuhdeparametrien vaikutusta fotokatalyysiin. Tutkittavia parametreja olivat mm. kontaminanttien alkukonsentraatio, pH, vetyperoksidilisäys, rauta-ionien lisäys, fotokatalyysimenetelmä, fotokatalyytin pintakonsentraatioja titaanidioksidin määrä lasisissa mikropartikkeleissa. Ultraviolettivalon lähteinä käytettiin sekä keinovaloa että auringonvaloa. Katalyytin kantoaineena käytettiin huokoisia lasisia mikropartikkeleita, joiden pintaan kiinnittynyt titaanidioksidi pystyi hyvin vähentämään kontaminanttien määrää vedessä. Fotokatalyysin tehokkuus kasvoi humusaine- ja ligniinikonsentraatioiden kasvaessa. Korkeimmat hapetustehokkuudet kumallakin kontaminantilla saavutettiin neutraaleissa jalievästi emäksisissä olosuhteissa huolimatta siitä, että paras adsorboituminen tapahtui happamissa olosuhteissa. Tämän perusteella voidaan olettaa, että humusaineiden ja ligniinin hapetus tapahtuu pääosin radikaalimekanismilla. Vetyperoksidin lisääminen humusaineliuokseen lisäsi hapettumisnopeutta, vaikka näennäinen hapetustehokkuus ei muuttunut. Tämän perusteella vetyperoksidi hapetti myös humusaineita referenssinäytteessä. Ligniinin fotokatalyyttinen hapettuminen parani vetyperoksidilisäyksellä happamissa olosuhteissa johtuen lisääntyneestä OH-radikaalien muodostumisesta. Ligniini ei hapettunut vetyperoksidilla, jos fotokatalyyttiä ei¿ollut läsnä. Rauta-ionit eivät lisänneet humushappojen fotokatalyyttistähapettumista, mutta Fe2+-ionien lisäys aina konsentraatioon 0.05 mM johti ligniinin hapettumistehokkuuden voimakkaaseen kasvuun. Rauta-ionikonsentraation kasvattaminen edelleen johti ligniinin hapetustehokkuuden alenemiseen.


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Matkapuhelinvalmistajien välinen kilpailu kiristyy jatkuvasti. Tuotteiden ollessa teknisiltä ominaisuuksiltaan lähes samanvertaisia, asiakkaat alkavat kiinnittää huomiota myös puhelimen muihin ominaisuuksiin.Puhelimen koristeellisuudesta ja mandollisuudesta personoida matkapuhelin, on muodostumassa entistä tärkeämpiä tekijöitä puhelinvalmistajien välisessä kilpailussa. Asiakas ei myöskään ole valmis odottamaan puhelintaan, vaan haluaa puhelimensa nopesti. Lyhyt läpimenoaika on puhelinvalmistajille elintärkeä kilpailutekijä. Tämän työn tehtävänä on tutkija puhelinvalmistajien alihankkijan teknologisiamandollisuuksia laajentaa tuotevalikoimaansa vastaamaan tämän päivän tarpeita koristella matkaviestimiä. Teknologioioden sovellukset, Tuotantokustannukset, läpimenoajat ja teknologoiden riskit ovat tutkimuksen pääkohteet. Tavoitteena on saavuttaa käsitys kohdeyrityksen mandollisuuksista vastata asiakkaansa tarpeisiin olemassa olevilla teknologioilla ja niiden kombinaatioililla.


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Työssä tutkittiin moniarvoisten metalliformiaattien valmistusta ioninvaihto-menetelmällä. Kirjallisuustutkimus käsitteleetunnettuja alumiiniformiaatin ja rautaformiaatin valmistusmenetelmiä, kationinvaihtohartsien ominaisuuksia, ioninvaihtohartsien selektiivisyyttä ja alumiinin, raudan, magnesiumin ja sinkin vesikemiaa. Laboratoriokokeiden avulla tutkittiin sinkki-, magnesium-, rauta(II)- ja alumiiniformiaattien valmistusta ioninvaihdolla. Kokeet suoritettiin kolonnissa, joka oli pakattu makrohuokoisella tai geelimäisellä vahvalla kationin-vaihtohartsilla. Hartsi vaihdettiin natriummuodosta metallimuotoon metallikloridi- tai metallisulfaattiliuoksella.Metalli eluoitiin hartsista natriumformiaatilla. Formiaattien valmistus onnistui makrohuokoista vahvaa kationinvaihtohartsia käyttämällä. Rauta(II)formiaatin valmistus oli vaikeampaa kuin muiden formiaattien, koska rauta(II) hapettui osittain rauta(III):ksi valmistuksen aikana. Alumiiniformiaattia valmistettiin käyttäen sekä makrohuokoista että geelimäistä hartsia. Makrohuokoisen hartsin havaittiin soveltuvan geelimäistä hartsia paremmin alumiiniformiaatin valmistukseen. Kungeelimäistä hartsia käytettiin, noin 30 % alumiinista jäi kiinni hartsiin eikä siten eluoitunut. Ioninvaihdon selektiivisyyskertoimien saamiseksi suoritettiin tasapainokokeita. Selektiivisyyskertoimia käytettiin ioninvaihtokolonnin dynaamisessa simuloinnissa. Ioninvaihdon simuloiminen dynaamisella kolonnimallilla onnistui hyvin.


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A wide variety of whole cell bioreporter and biosensor assays for arsenic detection has been developed over the past decade. The assays permit flexible detection instrumentation while maintaining excellent method of detection limits in the environmentally relevant range of 10-50 μg arsenite per L and below. New emerging trends focus on genetic rewiring of reporter cells and/or integration into microdevices for more optimal detection. A number of case studies have shown realistic field applicability of bioreporter assays.