954 resultados para BEHAVIOR-CHANGE


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We present a decadal-scale late Holocene climate record based on diatoms, biogenic silica, and grain size from a 12-m sediment core (VEC02A04) obtained from Frederick Sound in the Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex of British Columbia, Canada. Sediments are characterized by graded, massive, and laminated intervals. Laminated intervals are most common between c. 2948–2708 cal. yr BP and c. 1992–1727 cal. yr BP. Increased preservation of laminated sediments and diatom assemblage changes at this time suggest that cli- mate became moderately drier and cooler relative to the preceding and succeeding intervals. Spectral and wavelet analyses are used to test for statistically significant periodicities in time series of proxies of primary production (total diatom abundance, biogenic silica) and hydrology (grain size) preserved in the Frederick Sound record. Periodicities of c. 42–53, 60–70, 82–89, 241–243, and 380 yrs are present. Results are com- pared to reconstructed sunspot number data of Solanki et al. (2004) using cross wavelet transform to evalu- ate the role of solar forcing on NE Pacific climate. Significant common power of periodicities between c. 42– 60, 70–89, 241–243, and of 380 yrs occur, suggesting that celestial forcing impacted late Holocene climate at Frederick Sound. Replication of the c. 241–243 yr periodicity in sunspot time series is most pronounced be- tween c. 2900 cal. yr BP and c. 2000 cal. yr BP, broadly correlative to the timing of maximum preservation of laminated sedimentary successions and diatom assemblage changes. High solar activity at the Suess/de Vries band may have been manifested as a prolonged westward shift and/or weakening of the Aleutian Low in the mid-late Holocene, which would have diverted fewer North Pacific storms and resulted in the relatively dry conditions reconstructed for the Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex.


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The behavioural phenotypes of Prader-Willi (PWS) and Fragile-X (FraX) syndromes both comprise repetitive behaviours with differences between the profiles. In this study we investigated the context and antecedents to the repetitive behaviours and the association with other behavioural phenotypic characteristics in order to generate testable hypotheses regarding the cause of the behaviours.

The parents or carers of 46 children with PWS (mean age 14.1 years; 20 girls), and 33 boys with FraX (mean age 13.11 years) were interviewed about their children's repetitive behaviour in a semi-structured format.

Children showed negative emotional behaviour (PWS: 87.0%; FraX: 79.4%) and repetitive questions (PWS: 78.3%; FraX: 73.5%) following changes in routine or expectations. Significantly more temper outbursts were reported to follow changes in children with PWS (89.1%) compared with boys with FraX (41.2%) (chi(2) = 20.93; P <0.001). Anxiety that was frequently associated with repetitive and self-injurious behaviours in boys with FraX, followed changes in significantly more boys with FraX (76.5%) compared with children with PWS (6.5%) (chi(2) = 43.19, P <0.001).

On the basis of these reports and existing literature, we hypothesise that decreases in predictability are aversive to children with PWS and FraX. We also hypothesise that these children have a propensity to show a syndrome-related pattern of behaviour (temper outbursts in PWS and displays of anxiety in FraX) when an event in the environment has this aversive property. We hypothesise that questions may be reinforcing to children in their own right by increasing the predictability of the environment. We outline how a specific cognitive deficit in the endophenotypes associated with both PWS and FraX could be investigated as a potential explanation for the hypothesised aversive properties of decreased predictability.


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Hot compression tests were carried out on 9Cr–Nb–V heat resistant steels in the temperature range of 600–1200 °C and the strain rate range of 10−2–100 s−1 to study their deformation characteristics. The full recrystallization temperature and the carbon-free bainite phase transformation temperature were determined by the slope-change points in the curve of mean flow stress versus the inverse of temperature. The parameters of the constitutive equation for the experimental steels were calculated, including the stress exponent and the activation energy. The lower carbon content in steel would increase the fraction of precipitates by increasing the volume of dynamic strain-induced (DSIT) ferrite during deformation. The ln(εc) versus ln(Z) and the ln(σc) versus ln(Z) plots for both steels have similar trends. The efficiency of power dissipation maps with instability maps merged together show excellent workability from the strain of 0.05 to 0.6. The microstructure of the experimental steels was fully recrystallized upon deformation at low Z value owing to the dynamic recrystallization (DRX), and exhibited a necklace structure under the condition of 1050 °C/0.1 s−1 due to the suppression of the secondary flow of DRX. However, there were barely any DRX grains but elongated pancake grains under the condition of 1000 °C/1 s−1 because of the suppression of the metadynamic recrystallization (MDRX).


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Several neurodevelopmental disorders are associated with preference for routine and challenging behavior following changes to routines. We examine individuals with Prader–Willi syndrome, who show elevated levels of this behavior, to better understand how previous experience of a routine can affect challenging behavior elicited by disruption to that routine. Play based challenges exposed 16 participants to routines, which were either adhered to or changed. Temper outburst behaviors, heart rate and movement were measured. As participants were exposed to routines for longer before a change (between 10 and 80 min; within participants), more temper outburst behaviors were elicited by changes. Increased emotional arousal was also elicited, which was indexed by heart rate increases not driven by movement. Further study will be important to understand whether current intervention approaches that limit exposure to changes, may benefit from the structured integration of flexibility to ensure that the opportunity for routine establishment is also limited.


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This study explored the gaze patterns of fully sighted and visually impaired subjects during the high-risk activity of crossing the street.


Gaze behavior of 12 fully sighted subjects, nine with visual impairment resulting from age-related macular degeneration and 12 with impairment resulting from glaucoma, was monitored using a portable eye tracker as they crossed at two unfamiliar intersections.


All subject groups fixated primarily on vehicles and crossing elements but changed their fixation behavior as they moved from "walking to the curb" to "standing at the curb" and to "crossing the street." A comparison of where subjects fixated in the 4-second time period before crossing showed that the fully sighted who waited for the light to change fixated on the light, whereas the fully sighted who crossed early fixated primarily on vehicles. Visually impaired subjects crossing early or waiting for the light fixate primarily on vehicles.


Vision status affects fixation allocation while performing the high-risk activity of street crossing. Crossing decision-making strategy corresponds to fixation behavior only for the fully sighted subjects.


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Esta tese insere-se na área da simulação de circuitos de RF e microondas, e visa o estudo de ferramentas computacionais inovadoras que consigam simular, de forma eficiente, circuitos não lineares e muito heterogéneos, contendo uma estrutura combinada de blocos analógicos de RF e de banda base e blocos digitais, a operar em múltiplas escalas de tempo. Os métodos numéricos propostos nesta tese baseiam-se em estratégias multi-dimensionais, as quais usam múltiplas variáveis temporais definidas em domínios de tempo deformados e não deformados, para lidar, de forma eficaz, com as disparidades existentes entre as diversas escalas de tempo. De modo a poder tirar proveito dos diferentes ritmos de evolução temporal existentes entre correntes e tensões com variação muito rápida (variáveis de estado activas) e correntes e tensões com variação lenta (variáveis de estado latentes), são utilizadas algumas técnicas numéricas avançadas para operar dentro dos espaços multi-dimensionais, como, por exemplo, os algoritmos multi-ritmo de Runge-Kutta, ou o método das linhas. São também apresentadas algumas estratégias de partição dos circuitos, as quais permitem dividir um circuito em sub-circuitos de uma forma completamente automática, em função dos ritmos de evolução das suas variáveis de estado. Para problemas acentuadamente não lineares, são propostos vários métodos inovadores de simulação a operar estritamente no domínio do tempo. Para problemas com não linearidades moderadas é proposto um novo método híbrido frequência-tempo, baseado numa combinação entre a integração passo a passo unidimensional e o método seguidor de envolvente com balanço harmónico. O desempenho dos métodos é testado na simulação de alguns exemplos ilustrativos, com resultados bastante promissores. Uma análise comparativa entre os métodos agora propostos e os métodos actualmente existentes para simulação RF, revela ganhos consideráveis em termos de rapidez de computação.


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Field Lab: Children consumer behaviour


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For some years, researchers could not find a clear effect of capital adequacy on the risk profile of banks, as shareholders could increase the riskiness of the assets (qualitative effect), crowding-out the effect of reduced leverage (volume effect). Some shareholders might have the will to increase the riskiness of the assets, but they may lack the power to do so. Considering only ”powerful” shareholders, definitive conclusions were drawn but with constant ownership profile. In this paper I investigate whether there is a significant change in the type of shareholders in response to regulatory capital shocks and, if so, will the banking system be in the hands of more “desired” shareholders. I find that ownership profile responds to a regulatory shock, changing the risk appetite of the ruling power at the bank. I find more banks and the government in the ownership of undercapitalised banks and much less institutional shareholders and free float. I claim that these new shareholders may not the desired ones, given the objective of the regulatory change, as they are associated with a preference for more leverage. One possible explanation for this crowding-out effect is that regulators are trying to contain idiosyncratic risk (more linked to the riskiness of the assets) with a rule that contains systematic risk (capital adequacy). This has a distorting effect on ownership. Another insight can be drawn from the tests: supervisors should be aware of significant ownership movements that cause the crowding-out.


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With incidence rates of osteoporosis increasing (Osteoporosis Canada, 2007), preventative efforts to minimize costs associated with condition diagnosis are a public health priority. Cues to action are specific internal (e.g., physical symptoms, family member with a condition) or external stimuli (e.g., public service announcements, health education campaigns) that are necessary to trigger appropriate health behaviours and serve to create an awareness of the health threat (Mattson, 1999). To date, limited understanding of the scope of influence cues to action have on health beliefs and behaviour associated with osteoporosis is known. The present investigation was designed to address this gap in the literature. More specifically, the influence of cues to action, a public service announcement (PSA) developed by Osteoporosis Canada and a bone screening by way of Quantitative Ultrasound, on health beliefs and health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) across a four week period was investigated. Peri-and postmenopausal women (N= 174) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions 1) an osteoporosis public service announcement (PSA) condition; 2) a bone screening condition via quantitative ultrasound techniques, and 3) a PSA attention control condition. Health beliefs associated with osteoporosis were taken at three time points: prior to the cue to action intervention, immediately following the intervention, and four weeks post intervention. Knowledge of osteorporosis risk factors and HEP A were assessed pre and post-intervention only. Results of a regression analysis suggested that baseline health beliefs predicted baseline HEPA (R2 adj = .24; F (9, 161) = 6.49,p = .000; 95% CI = .12 - .35) with exercise barriers (p = -.33) being a negative predictor and health motivation (p = .21) being a positive predictor of HEP A. Baseline health beliefs predicted With incidence rates of osteoporosis increasing (Osteoporosis Canada, 2007), preventative efforts to minimize costs associated with condition diagnosis are a public health priority. Cues to action are specific internal (e.g., physical symptoms, family member with a condition) or external stimuli (e.g., public service announcements, health education campaigns) that are necessary to trigger appropriate health behaviours and serve to create an awareness of the health threat (Mattson, 1999). To date, limited understanding of the scope of influence cues to action have on health beliefs and behaviour associated with osteoporosis is known. The present investigation was designed to address this gap in the literature. More specifically, the influence of cues to action, a public service announcement (PSA) developed by Osteoporosis Canada and a bone screening by way of Quantitative Ultrasound, on health beliefs and health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) across a four week period was investigated. Peri-and postmenopausal women (N= 174) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions 1) an osteoporosis public service announcement (PSA) condition; 2) a bone screening condition via quantitative ultrasound techniques, and 3) a PSA attention control condition. Health beliefs associated with osteoporosis were taken at three time points: prior to the cue to action intervention, immediately following the intervention, and four weeks post intervention. Knowledge of osteorporosis risk factors and HEP A were assessed pre and post-intervention only. Results of a regression analysis suggested that baseline health beliefs predicted baseline HEPA (R2 adj = .24; F (9, 161) = 6.49,p = .000; 95% CI = .12 - .35) with exercise barriers (p = -.33) being a negative predictor and health motivation (p = .21) being a positive predictor of HEP A. Baseline health beliefs predicted


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To evaluate the effectiveness of a goal-setting model on behavioural change, thirty nine adults between the ages of23 and 73 years who were in a weight loss program were assigned to one oftwo groups. One group was taught to change eating behaviour using a weight-reducing diet. The other group was taught to use a goal-setting model to change behaviour. Pretest and posttest surveys were completed by all participants, and a callback survey by theexperimentals. The PET Type Check and Kolb's Learning Style Inventory were administered to all participants. As well, five ofthe experimentals were interviewed. Results of qualitative analyses showed no significant difference between the two groups, but qualitative research suggested that experimentals were more likely to use the goal-setting model to make behavioural changes, and that being successful increased their self-efficacy.


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Abstract The therapeutic alliance (TA) is the most studied process of adult psychotherapeutic change (Zack et al., 2007) and has been found to have a moderate but robust relationship with therapeutic outcome regardless of treatment modality (Horvath, 2001). The TA is loosely described as the extent to which the therapist and the participant connect emotionally and work together towards goals. Conceptualizations of the TA with children have relied on adult models, even though it is widely acknowledged that the pediatric population will rarely willingly commit to therapy, nor readily admit to any challenges that they may be experiencing (Keeley, Geffken, McNamara & Storch, 2011). For children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) the therapeutic alliance may require an even greater retheorizing considering the communicative and social difficulties of this particular population. Despite this need, research on children with ASD and the therapeutic TA is almost non-existent. In this qualitative study, transcripts from semi-structured interviews with mothers of children with ASD were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). IPA closely examines how individual people make sense of their life experiences using a theme-by-theme approach. The three interviewees were mothers whose children were participants in a nine-week Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) group for obsessive-compulsive behaviours (OCB). A total of four superordinate themes were identified: (i) Centralization and disremembering the TA, (ii) Qualities of the therapist, (iii) TA and the importance of time, and (iv) Signs of a healthy TA. The mothers’ perspectives on the TA suggest that, for them and their children, a strong TA was a required component of the therapy. Implications for clinicians and researchers are discussed.


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Bullying is a harmful phenomenon wherein victims have difficulty defending themselves. Bystanders have been identified as a potentially effective group for reducing bullying. The goal of this research is to determine whether prosocial primes (operationalized as empathy and civility) have an effect on increasing bystander interventions among youth. A total of 52 participants between the ages of 10-14 were randomly assigned to two experimental groups or one control group. Participants either received neutral control stories or they were primed twice with stories showing characters acting empathetically or civilly. Testing measures involve a short video and questionnaire assessing willingness to act as a bystander. Results reveal that prosocial training can augment willingness to engage in defending behaviors when compared to the control V = .19, F(2, 46) = 5.53, p < .01, ω2 = .19, correcting for the sphericity violation. This finding represents a relatively easy and non-invasive way to potentially change the bullying-related attitudes of adolescents, thereby potentially reducing bullying behaviors.


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This thesis investigates whether there are changes in risk-taking behavior following an upgrade or downgrade in credit ratings. Research on effects of rating changes on capital markets is well-documented but the literature on how rating changes may affect firm behavior is sparse. Following, a downgrade in credit rating, managers may increase risk-taking to improve their overall performance or reduce risk-taking following upgrades to ensure that their performance is assessed more on the basis of what they may deem success in the form of an upgrade. Using a sample of firms trading in the U.S from 1994-2013, we find evidence of change in risk-taking behavior. We use cross-sectional regressions and matching using propensity scores and Barber and Lyon (1997) methodology to measure changes in risk-taking and we do find evidence of changes in managerial risk-taking behavior. Furthermore, we find that the direction of change (increase or decrease) in some cases is dependent on the type of measure rather than the type of rating change.


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In a recent paper, Bai and Perron (1998) considered theoretical issues related to the limiting distribution of estimators and test statistics in the linear model with multiple structural changes. In this companion paper, we consider practical issues for the empirical applications of the procedures. We first address the problem of estimation of the break dates and present an efficient algorithm to obtain global minimizers of the sum of squared residuals. This algorithm is based on the principle of dynamic programming and requires at most least-squares operations of order O(T 2) for any number of breaks. Our method can be applied to both pure and partial structural-change models. Secondly, we consider the problem of forming confidence intervals for the break dates under various hypotheses about the structure of the data and the errors across segments. Third, we address the issue of testing for structural changes under very general conditions on the data and the errors. Fourth, we address the issue of estimating the number of breaks. We present simulation results pertaining to the behavior of the estimators and tests in finite samples. Finally, a few empirical applications are presented to illustrate the usefulness of the procedures. All methods discussed are implemented in a GAUSS program available upon request for non-profit academic use.


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L'élongation cellulaire de cellules cultivant bout comme hyphae fongueux, inculquez hairs, des tubes de pollen et des neurones, est limité au bout de la cellule, qui permet à ces cellules d'envahir l'encerclement substrate et atteindre une cible. Les cellules cultivant bout d'équipement sont entourées par le mur polysaccharide rigide qui régule la croissance et l'élongation de ces cellules, un mécanisme qui est radicalement différent des cellules non-walled. La compréhension du règlement du mur de cellule les propriétés mécaniques dans le contrôle de la croissance et du fonctionnement cellulaire du tube de pollen, une cellule rapidement grandissante d'équipement, est le but de ce projet. Le tube de pollen porte des spermatozoïdes du grain de pollen à l'ovule pour la fertilisation et sur sa voie du stigmate vers l'ovaire le tube de pollen envahit physiquement le stylar le tissu émettant de la fleur. Pour atteindre sa cible il doit aussi changer sa direction de croissance les temps multiples. Pour évaluer la conduite de tubes de pollen grandissants, un dans le système expérimental vitro basé sur la technologie de laboratoire-sur-fragment (LOC) et MEMS (les systèmes micro-électromécaniques) ont été conçus. En utilisant ces artifices nous avons mesuré une variété de propriétés physiques caractérisant le tube de pollen de Camélia, comme la croissance la croissance accélérée, envahissante et dilatant la force. Dans une des organisations expérimentales les tubes ont été exposés aux ouvertures en forme de fente faites de l'élastique PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) la matière nous permettant de mesurer la force qu'un tube de pollen exerce pour dilater la croissance substrate. Cette capacité d'invasion est essentielle pour les tubes de pollen de leur permettre d'entrer dans les espaces intercellulaires étroits dans les tissus pistillar. Dans d'autres essais nous avons utilisé l'organisation microfluidic pour évaluer si les tubes de pollen peuvent s'allonger dans l'air et s'ils ont une mémoire directionnelle. Une des applications auxquelles le laboratoire s'intéresse est l'enquête de processus intracellulaires comme le mouvement d'organelles fluorescemment étiqueté ou les macromolécules pendant que les tubes de pollen grandissent dans les artifices LOC. Pour prouver que les artifices sont compatibles avec la microscopie optique à haute résolution et la microscopie de fluorescence, j'ai utilisé le colorant de styryl FM1-43 pour étiqueter le système endomembrane de tubes de pollen de cognassier du Japon de Camélia. L'observation du cône de vésicule, une agrégation d'endocytic et les vésicules exocytic dans le cytoplasme apical du bout de tube de pollen, n'a pas posé de problèmes des tubes de pollen trouvés dans le LOC. Pourtant, le colorant particulier en question a adhéré au sidewalls du LOC microfluidic le réseau, en faisant l'observation de tubes de pollen près du difficile sidewalls à cause du signal extrêmement fluorescent du mur. Cette propriété du colorant pourrait être utile de refléter la géométrie de réseau en faisant marcher dans le mode de fluorescence.