965 resultados para Axima noyesi species group
Arthroderma benhamiae is a zoophilic dermatophyte belonging to the Trichophyton mentagrophytes species complex. Here, a population of A. benhamiae wild strains from the same geographical area (Switzerland) was studied by comparing their morphology, assessing their molecular variability using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and 28S rRNA gene sequencing, and evaluating their interfertility. Sequencing of the ITS region and of part of the 28S rRNA gene revealed the existence of two infraspecific groups with markedly different colony phenotypes: white (group I) and yellow (group II), respectively. For all strains, the results of mating type identification by PCR, using HMG (high-mobility group) and α-box genes in the mating type locus as targets, were in total accordance with the results of mating type identification by strain confrontation experiments. White-phenotype strains were of mating type + (mt+) or mating type - (mt-), whilst yellow-phenotype strains were all mt-. White and yellow strains were found to produce fertile cleistothecia after mating with A. benhamiae reference tester strains, which belonged to a third group intermediate between groups I and II. However, no interfertility was observed between yellow strains and white strains of mt+. A significant result was that white strains of mt- were able to mate and produce fertile cleistothecia with the white A. benhamiae strain CBS 112371 (mt+), the genome of which has recently been sequenced and annotated. This finding should offer new tools for investigating the biology and genetics of dermatophytes using wild-type strains.
1. As trees in a given cohort progress through ontogeny, many individuals die. This risk of mortality is unevenly distributed across species because of many processes such as habitat filtering, interspecific competition and negative density dependence. Here, we predict and test the patterns that such ecological processes should inscribe on both species and phylogenetic diversity as plants recruit from saplings to the canopy. 2. We compared species and phylogenetic diversity of sapling and tree communities at two sites in French Guiana. We surveyed 2084 adult trees in four 1-ha tree plots and 943 saplings in sixteen 16-m2 subplots nested within the tree plots. Species diversity was measured using Fisher's alpha (species richness) and Simpson's index (species evenness). Phylogenetic diversity was measured using Faith's phylogenetic diversity (phylogenetic richness) and Rao's quadratic entropy index (phylogenetic evenness). The phylogenetic diversity indices were inferred using four phylogenetic hypotheses: two based on rbcLa plastid DNA sequences obtained from the inventoried individuals with different branch lengths, a global phylogeny available from the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, and a combination of both. 3. Taxonomic identification of the saplings was performed by combining morphological and DNA barcoding techniques using three plant DNA barcodes (psbA-trnH, rpoC1 and rbcLa). DNA barcoding enabled us to increase species assignment and to assign unidentified saplings to molecular operational taxonomic units. 4. Species richness was similar between saplings and trees, but in about half of our comparisons, species evenness was higher in trees than in saplings. This suggests that negative density dependence plays an important role during the sapling-to-tree transition. 5. Phylogenetic richness increased between saplings and trees in about half of the comparisons. Phylogenetic evenness increased significantly between saplings and trees in a few cases (4 out of 16) and only with the most resolved phylogeny. These results suggest that negative density dependence operates largely independently of the phylogenetic structure of communities. 6. Synthesis. By contrasting species richness and evenness across size classes, we suggest that negative density dependence drives shifts in composition during the sapling-to-tree transition. In addition, we found little evidence for a change in phylogenetic diversity across age classes, suggesting that the observed patterns are not phylogenetically constrained.
In hybrid zones, endogenous counter-selection of hybrids is usually first expressed as reduced fertility or viability in hybrids of the heterogametic sex, a mechanism known as Haldane's rule. This phenomenon often leads to a differential of gene flow between sex-linked markers. Here, we address the possibility of a differential gene flow for Y chromosome, mtDNA and autosomal markers across the hybrid zone between the genetically and chromosomally well-differentiated species Sorex antinorii and Sorex araneus race Vaud. Intermarker comparison clearly revealed coincidental centre and very abrupt clines for all three types of markers. The overall level of genetic differentiation between the two species must be strong enough to hinder asymmetric introgression. Cyto-nuclear mismatches were also observed in the centre of hybrid zone. The significantly lower number of mismatches observed in males than in females possibly results from Y chromosome-mtDNA interactions. Results are compared with those previously reported in another hybrid zone between S. antinori and S. araneus race Cordon.
The shrews of the Sorex araneus group, characterized by the sexual chromosome complex XY1, Y2 have been intensively studied by morphological, karyotypical, and biochemical analyses. Nevertheless, the phylogenetic relationships among the species belonging to the araneus complex are still under debate, as different approaches gave often contradictory results. In this paper, partial nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene (1011 bp) were determined for 6 species of the araneus group from Eurasia and North America. We also included in the data set the sequences of Sorex samniticus, whose relationships with the araneus group remain controversial. Three other species representing two major karyological groups were also examined. Both parsimony and distance trees strongly support the monophyly of the araneus group. Sorex sumniticus is significantly more closely related to the araneus complex than to the other species included in the analysis. Based on the branching pattern within the araneus group, an attempt has been made to reconstruct the colonization history of the Holarctic region.
Ten new species of Apenesia Westwood, 1874, from Brazil, Acre, are described and illustrated. They belong, respectively, to the following species-groups: nitida group, Apenesia lobata sp. nov., A. serrulata sp. nov. and A. subangulata sp. nov.; laevigata group, A. ocullata sp. nov. and A. rostrum sp. nov.; columbana group, A. apicilata sp. nov.; mexicana group, A. triapicalis sp. nov.; brasiliensis group, A. megaventris sp. nov., A. ventosa sp. nov. and A. triangula sp. nov. New geographical records and some morphological data on A. funebris Evans, 1963, A. nitida (Kieffer, 1910) and A. truncaticeps (Kieffer, 1910) are added.
Drosophila boraceia sp. nov. is described from a single male specimen collected at the Estação Biológica de Boracéia, Salesópolis, state of São Paulo, Brazil. At first inspection it looks like a species of Drosophila belonging to the fasciola subgroup of the repleta group, mainly because of the fasciola-like pattern of fused spots on the thorax. However, mostly due to the quite distinct structures of the male terminalia, it seems to be more similar to one ungrouped and also spot-thoraxed South American species, Drosophila atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982. Illustrations of the terminalia are also provided.
Revision of the Leucosphyrus Group of Anopheles (Cellia) (Diptera, Culicidae). This is a comprehensive revision of 20 species of the Leucosphyrus Group of the Neomyzomyia Series of Anopheles (Cellia). Morphological description of the adults, male and female, male genitalia, pupa and fourth-instar larva are provided for each taxon in addition to bionomics, distribution data and systematic discussion for each species, including diagnostic characters. Identification keys for females and fourth-instar larvae are provided. When possible medical importance of each species is included. Illustrations of of the adults, fourth-instar larvae and pupae are provided. Distribution maps for each species are mainly based on the material examined; however, when possible published data were also used. Tables on adult character variations, fourth-instar larval and pupal setal branching are included as appendices. A neotype for An. takasagoensis Morishita and An. sulawesi Koesoemawinangoen, and a lectotype for An. balabacensis Baisas, are designated. The authorship of An. sulawesi previously cited as Waktoedi is corrected to Koesoemawinangoen.
Drosophila pauliceia sp. nov., a spot-thoraxed species closely related to Drosophila boraceia Vilela & Val, 2004, is described from flies collected in an urban remnant of the montane Atlantic Forest located at the Cidade Universitária "Armando de Salles Oliveira", São Paulo city, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The two forest-dwelling species can be externally distinguished mainly by having a different pattern of thoracic spots. A new group of spotted flies (peruensis group) is proposed to include them, in addition to Drosophila peruensis Wheeler, 1959, from Urubamba River, Peru, and Drosophila atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982, from Brazil and Argentina. To facilitate comparisons, illustrations of the male and female terminalia of the new species and of some unpublished views of those of D. atalaia are included. Additionally, a new group of unspotted species (named caponei group) is proposed to include Drosophila caponei Pavan & Cunha, 1947 and D. neochracea Wheeler, 1959, both previously considered to be related to D. atalaia.
Panurgine bees are diverse and abundant in temperate areas of the Americas but poorly represented to nearly absent in the tropics. We describe and illustrate five distinctive new species of the genus Protandrena that occur at high altitudes (2000-3400 m) in the Andes, from Venezuela to Ecuador. The species are also described to make the names available in forthcoming papers on their biology. These Andean species resemble some members of the subgenus Heterosarus but differ from it, as well as from any other subgenera of Protandrena, primarily in characters of the male genitalia and hidden sterna. The South American Protandrena s. l. are morphologically highly diverse and a complete study of the group is needed before supraspecific names are proposed for unusual species. Thus, to avoid further nomenclatural changes, we decided not to place these species in a new subgenus or any of the available subgenera. We also provide notes on the biology for some of the species.
Chimarra (Curgia) paucispina sp. nov., of the aurivittata group Flint, 1998 is described and illustrated from specimens collected in Amazonas State. The key to species of Chimarra (Curgia) Walker, 1860 presented by Flint was modified to include the new species. Chimarra (Chimarrita) chela Blahnik, 1997 and Chimarra (Curgia) jugescens Flint, 1998 are for first time reported for the Amazonas State. This is the first record of C. chela in Brazil.
Comparative morphology of the spermathecae of some species of Chrysomya Robineau-Desvoidy and Cochliomyia Townsend (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Little is known about the morphology of the chitinized structures of the spermathecae of the Calliphoridae. In this work, the spermathecae of Chrysomya albiceps Wiedemann, 1819, C. megacephala Fabricius, 1794, Cochliomyia macellaria Fabricius, 1775 and C. hominivorax Coquerel, 1858 are described and illustrated. The occurrence in one species of four spermathecae, an atypical form for blow flies, was recorded for the first time. The analysis of these structures will allow a better understanding of this group as well as provide taxonomic characters for future phylogenetic studies.
The second species of the Neotropical genus Wygodasilus Artigas & Papavero, 1995, Wygodasilus albisetus sp. nov., is described from Bahia state, Brazil. The habitus, wing, male and female terminalia are described and illustrated.
A new species, Atractosomus amazonicus sp. nov. is described and three species, A. robustus Candèze, 1859, A. carinatus Candèze, 1859 and A. conicicollis Candèze, 1859 are redescribed and illustrated. A comparison among these species and with the type-species, A. flavescens (Germar 1839) is presented. A.amazonicus sp. nov. and A. robustus belong to group of species with 3rd and 4th antennomeres equal in size and the other studied species, to group with 3rd antennomere smaller than 4th.
We examined whether, like many parasite-host systems of coevolution, a group of obligate parasitic bat flies (Trichobius phyllostomae Kessel and related species) cospeciate with their hosts. We first did a cladistic analysis of the T. phyllostomae group and combined that analysis with a phylogenetic hypothesis from the literature for the Stenodermatinae bats. The cladistic analysis included, as outgroups, one species from each morphological group and complex of Trichobius Gervais, and one species from the following genera: Paratrichobius Miranda-Ribeiro, Megistopoda Macquart, Megistapophysys Dick & Wenzel, Neotrichobius Wenzel & Aitken, Speiseria Kessel and Strebla Wiedemann. The cladogram was rooted with a species of Strebla in the subfamily Streblinae. One cladogram was obtained and which found Trichobius to be polyphyletic. The phylogenetic hypothesis as follows: (Paratrichobius, (Neotrichobius, (Megistopoda, Megistapophysis)))) is the sister-group of the phyllostomae group and the following relationships within the ingroup, (((T. vampyropis Wenzel, Trichobius sp. 2) ((T. hispidus Wenzel, T. petersoni Wenzel) ((Trichobius sp. 1 (T. phyllostomae, T. brennani Wenzel))))). When we compared phylogenies through historical association analyses, cospeciation was uncommon, while host-switching was more common and better explained the association between the phyllostomae group and their bat hosts.
Social wasp species of Mischocyttarus (Phi) related to M. alfkenii (Ducke) and M. paraguayensis Zikán (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae). A revision of the taxonomic status and an identification key are presented for species of the genus Mischocyttarus related to M. alfkenii (Ducke) and M. paraguayensis Zikán. Seven new species are proposed in the alfkenii and basimacula groups (M. achagua sp. nov.; M. arawak sp. nov.; M. awa sp. nov.; M. embera sp. nov.; M. muisca sp. nov.; M. uniformis sp. nov.; M. waunan sp. nov.), with five new synonymies [M. mamirauae Raw = M. alfkenii (Ducke); M. alfkenii excrucians Richards = M. flavicornis nigricornis Zikán = M. flavicornis Zikán; M. basimacula superpictus Richards = M. basimacula (Cameron)]. Specific status is also newly recognized for M. trinitatis Richards. Two new species are described in the paraguayensis and bahiae group (M. suzannae sp. nov.; M. tayacaja sp. nov.), while fifteen new synonymies are proposed (M. aracatubaensis Zikán = M. araujoi Zikán = M. costalimai Zikán = M. gilvus Zikán = M. infrastrigatoides Zikán = M. infrastrigatus Zikán = M. infrastrigatus Zikán = M. ornatulus Zikán = M. riograndensis Richards = M. rivulorum Richards = M. schrottkyi Zikán = M. scitulus Zikán = M. similaris Zikán = M. similatus Zikán = M. paraguayensis Zikán). These numbers change the picture of diversity in these species groups, as partly found in Richards's revision, published in 1978, reflecting higher diversity in northern Andean areas than in the Brazilian Atlantic region.