769 resultados para Attitudes towards mathematics


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The purpose of this qualitative study was to develop an understanding of parents’ attitudes towards inclusion. This investigation focused on parental perspectives of inclusion based on their child’s receipt of educational services. Perceived implications of inclusion were relative to each participant; therefore, results could not be considered generalizable. This study employed purposive sampling in acquiring participants. Eligibility for this study included being the parent/guardian of a child who received special education services in school. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data, allowing participants to tell their story about their experiences with inclusion. Parents in this study were eager to share their attitudes towards inclusion, speaking candidly about their children’s successes attributed to inclusion as well as issues experienced. Parents identified a number of outcomes of inclusion, namely, social interaction, self-esteem, instructional support, and normalcy.


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Aim: To describe the patterns of dental attendance and attitudes towards tooth loss of general dental practice patients in Galway. Objectives: 1. To determine the pattern of adult dental attendance in general practices in Galway; and, 2. To examine the oral health attitudes of these patients. Method: Questionnaires were distributed to 311 consecutive adult patients in the waiting rooms of ten general dental practices in Galway, which were randomly selected from the telephone directory. Results: A total of 254 of the 311 questionnaires distributed were fully completed, returned and included in the results, giving a response rate of 81.7%. A total of 59% of dentate participants attended their dentist for annual or biannual examinations compared to 23% of edentate patients. Some 10.5% of medical card holders and 0.5% of non-medical card holders were edentulous. Conclusions: The data from the survey indicated that medical card holders in Galway were more likely to be edentulous than nonmedical card holders. Edentate patients were less likely to be regular dental attenders than dentate patients.


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After the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, there have been major strides in advancing the family planning agenda for low and middle-income countries worldwide. Much of the existing infrastructure and funding for family planning access is in the form of supplying free contraceptives to countries. While the average yearly value of donations since 2000 was over 170 million dollars for contraceptives procured for developing countries, an ongoing debate in the empirical literature is whether increases in contraceptive access and supply drive declines in fertility (UNFPA 2014).

This dissertation explores the fertility and behavioral effects of an increase in contraceptive supply donated to Zambia. Zambia, a high-fertility developing country, receives over 80 percent of its contraceptives from multilateral donors and aid agencies. Most contraceptives are donated and provided to women for free at government clinics (DELIVER 2015). I chose Zambia as a case study to measure the relationship between contraceptive supply and fertility because of two donor-driven events that led to an increase in both the quantity and frequency of contraceptives starting in 2008 (UNFPA 2014). Donations increased because donors and the Zambian government started a systematic method of forecasting contraceptive need on December 2007, and the Mexico City Policy was lifted in January 2009.

In Chapter 1, I investigate whether a large change in quantity and frequency of donated contraceptives affected fertility, using available data on contraceptive donations to Zambia, and birth records from the 2007 and 2013 Demographic and Health Surveys. I use a difference-in-difference framework to estimate the fertility effects of a supply chain improvement program that started in 2011, and was designed to ensure more regularity of contraceptive supply. The increase in total contraceptive supply after the Mexico City Policy was rescinded is associated with a 12 percent reduction in fertility relative to the before period, after controlling for demographic characteristics and time controls. There is evidence that a supply chain improvement program led to significant fertility declines for regions that received the program after the Mexico City Policy was rescinded.

In Chapter 2, I explore the effects of the large increase in donated contraceptives on modern contraceptive uptake. According to the 2007 and 2013 Demographic and Health Surveys, there was a dramatic increase in current use of injectables, implants, and IUDs. Simultaneously, declines occurred in usage of condoms, lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), and traditional methods. In this chapter, I estimate the effect of the increase in donations on uptake, composition of contraceptive usage, and usage of methods based on distance to contraceptive access points. The results show the post-2007 period is associated with an increase in usage of injectables and the pill among women living further away from access points.

In Chapter 3, I explore attitudes towards the contraceptive supply system, and identify areas for improvement, based on qualitative interviews with 14 experts and 61 Zambian users and non-users of contraceptives. The interviews uncover systemic barriers that prevent women from consistently accessing methods, and individual barriers that exacerbate the deficiencies in supply chain procedures. I find that 39 out of 61 women interviewed, both users and non-users, had personal experiences with stock out. The qualitative results suggest that the increase in contraceptives brought to the country after 2007 may have not contributed to as large of a decline in fertility because of bottlenecks in the supply chain, and problems in maintaining stock levels at clinics. I end the chapter with a series of four recommendations for improvements in the supply chain going forward, in light of recent commitments by the Zambian government during the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning.


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Background: Healthcare worldwide needs translation of basic ideas from engineering into the clinic. Consequently, there is increasing demand for graduates equipped with the knowledge and skills to apply interdisciplinary medicine/engineering approaches to the development of novel solutions for healthcare. The literature provides little guidance regarding barriers to, and facilitators of, effective interdisciplinary learning for engineering and medical students in a team-based project context. Methods: A quantitative survey was distributed to engineering and medical students and staff in two universities, one in Ireland and one in Belgium, to chart knowledge and practice in interdisciplinary learning and teaching, and of the teaching of innovation. Results: We report important differences for staff and students between the disciplines regarding attitudes towards, and perceptions of, the relevance of interdisciplinary learning opportunities, and the role of creativity and innovation. There was agreement across groups concerning preferred learning, instructional styles, and module content. Medical students showed greater resistance to the use of structured creativity tools and interdisciplinary teams. Conclusions: The results of this international survey will help to define the optimal learning conditions under which undergraduate engineering and medicine students can learn to consider the diverse factors which determine the success or failure of a healthcare engineering solution.


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Background: Alcohol plays a complex role in society. A recent study showed that over half of Irish adults drink hazardously. Adolescents report increased levels of alcohol consumption. Previous research has inferred the influence of the parent on their adolescent. Thus, the aim of the current study was to investigate the association between adolescent alcohol consumption and their parent’s consumption pattern and attitude toward alcohol use in Southern Ireland. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was undertaken in November 2014. This involved distributing a survey to adolescents (n = 982) in their final two years of second level education and at least one of their parents from a local electorate area in Southern Ireland. This survey included: alcohol use, self- reported height and weight, smoking status, mental health and well-being along with attitudinal questions. Chi-square tests and multivariate logistic regression were utilised. Results: A 37 % response rate was achieved. Over one-third (34.2 %) of adolescents and 47 % of parents surveyed reported hazardous drinking. Over 90 % of parents disagreed with allowing their adolescent to get drunk and rejected the idea that getting drunk is part of having fun as an adolescent. The majority (79.5 %) of parents surveyed believed that their alcohol consumption pattern set a good example for their adolescent. Multivariate logistic regression highlights the association between adolescent hazardous alcohol consumption and hazardous drinking by the father. Furthermore either parent permitting their adolescent to drink alcohol on special occasions was associated with hazardous alcohol consumption in the adolescent. Conclusion: The findings of this research notes a liberal attitude to alcohol and increased levels of consumption by the parent are linked to hazardous adolescent drinking behaviour. Future action plans aimed at combatting adolescent hazardous alcohol consumption should also be aimed at tackling parents’ attitudes towards and consumption of alcohol.


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Debido a la necesidad de implementar metodologías efectivas para la formación de ciudadanos con conciencia ambiental, se planteó esta investigación con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la enseñanza interdisciplinaria en la Educación Ambiental, sobre los conocimientos, valores y actitudes ambientales, de estudiantes de sexto curso básico de un establecimiento municipal de la ciudad de Los Ángeles, en Chile. Se relaciona la Educación Ambiental con las asignaturas Lenguaje-Comunicación y Matemática. Los instrumentos de medición, validados por un comité de expertos y sometidos a un análisis de fiabilidad. Se aplicaron antes y después de la intervención, permitiendo así medir el grado de cambio en conocimientos, valores y actitudes ambientales en los distintos tratamientos, los cuales fueron analizados estadísticamente por medio de tests no paramétricos. Los resultados indican que un grado mayor de interdisciplinariedad genera mejores conocimientos, valores y actitudes ambientales, por lo que se recomienda implementar estrategias interdisciplinarias en el aula al momento de realizar Educación Ambiental.


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In dieser Studie geht es darum, ein umfassendes Bild bezüglich der Konsumenteneinstellungen, Präferenzen und Zahlungsbereitschaften für ökologisch produzierte Lebensmittel und Lebensmittel verschiedener Herkünfte in Deutschland zu erhalten. Obwohl die regionale Herkunft von Lebensmitteln nicht offiziell und einheitlich geregelt ist und keiner Zertifizierung unterliegt wie die ökologische Produktion von Lebensmitteln, zeigen nationale und internationale Studien gleichermaßen, dass Konsumenten bereit sind, mehr für regionale als für ökologisch produzierte Lebensmittel zu bezahlen. Zur Erreichung des Forschungsziels wurde ein Kaufexperiment in Kombination mit einer Konsumentenbefragung, bestehend aus Fragen zum generellen Einkaufsverhalten, zu Einstellungen gegenüber regionalen und ökologisch produzierten Lebensmitteln und zu soziodemographischen Informationen durchgeführt. Im Kaufexperiment wurden die Attribute Produktherkunft, Produktionsweise und Preis anhand vier verschiedener Produkte (Äpfel, Butter, Mehl und Steaks) untersucht. Die Befragung, einschließlich des Experimentes, war durch Interviewer eines Marktforschungsinstituts initiiert, computergestützt und von den Konsumenten selbständig zu erledigen. Das Ziel war es 80 Konsumenten in jedem der acht Befragungsorte in verschiedenen Regionen Deutschlands zu befragen. Zur Auswertung des Experiments wurden RPL-Modell geschätzt, die die Konsumentenpräferenzen für die zu untersuchenden Produktattribute aufzeigen und die Berechnung von Zahlungsbereitschaften ermöglichen. Für die Gesamtheit der Konsumenten war die regionale Herkunft von Lebensmitteln wichtiger als die ökologische Produktion. Außerdem wurden Produktalternativen, die aus der Region stammen, immer stärker präferiert als Produkte aus Deutschland, aus einem Nachbarland und einem außereuropäischen Land. Weiterhin zeigte die Studie, dass Konsumentenpräferenzen produkt- und regionsspezifisch sind. Folglich wird empfohlen, in zukünftigen Studien unterschiedlich Produkte bzw. Produktgruppen und Konsumenten verschiedener Regionen einzubeziehen. Die zunehmenden Präferenzen und Zahlungsbereitschaften der Konsumenten für regionale Lebensmittel deuteten sowohl in dieser Dissertation als auch in vielen anderen nationalen und internationalen Studien darauf hin, dass es ein großes Potential für einen regionalen Lebensmittelmarkt gibt. Aus diesem Grund wird Produzenten und Vermarktern von ökologischen sowie konventionellen Produkten empfohlen, verstärkt in die Entwicklung von regionalen Versorgungsketten zu investieren.


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Within the last few years, disabled people have become the target of government austerity measures through drastic cuts to welfare justified through the portrayal of benefit claimants as inactive, problem citizens who are wilfully unemployed. For all that is wrong with these cuts, they are one of many aspects of exclusion that disabled people face. Attitudes towards disability are deteriorating (Scope, 2011) and disabled people are devalued and negatively positioned in a myriad of ways, meaning that an understanding of the perceptions and positioning of disability and the power of disabling practices is critical. This thesis will examine how Bourdieu’s theoretical repertoire may be applied to the area of Disability Studies in order to discern how society produces oppressive and exclusionary systems of classification which structures the social position and perceptions of disability. The composite nature of disability and multiple forms of exclusion and inequality associated with it benefits from a multipronged approach which acknowledges personal, embodied and psychological aspects of disability alongside socio-political and cultural conceptualisations. Bourdieu’s approach is one in which the micro and macro aspects of social life are brought together through their meso interplay and provides a thorough analysis of the many aspects of disability.


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Stigma associated with mental illness has detrimental effects on the treatment and prevention of these diseases. The aim of this study was to analyze attitudes toward mental illness in a sample of university students in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Results. Nine hundred and forty-three students were surveyed, 66.9% believe that genetic and familial factors are the cause of mental illness. Among 20-30% believe that people with mental illness are a nuisance for people; between 12-14% would be ashamed of having a family member with mental illness and people know it; and 61.8% would be able to maintain a friendship with a person who have mental illness. Conclusions. Over 50% of respondents have favorable attitudes towards patients with mental illness and less than 30% attitudes of social distancing.


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Représentant entre 10 et 12 millions d’individus en Europe, les Roms sont confrontés à des discriminations et à l’exclusion sociale. 40% des Européens refusent d’avoir des Roms comme voisins, alors que 70% de ceux-ci n’entretiennent même pas de contact direct avec eux dans leur vie. Face à la problématique qu’offrent ces statistiques, cette étude entend observer les mécanismes de construction des attitudes envers les Roms. Je propose d’analyser la production de ces attitudes au sein de deux milieux similaires, mais où les politiques d’intégration locales envers les Roms divergent, rendant ainsi les conditions des contacts intergroupes différent. Cette analyse part des postulats scientifiques selon lesquels l’intégration des migrants est un enjeu d’action publique locale, et que les interactions sociales de qualité structurent les attitudes des uns par rapport aux autres. Ainsi, à partir d’entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées dans les communes françaises de La Courneuve et d’Ivry-sur-Seine, je teste de manière empirique quatre théories dominantes dans le domaine des relations intergroupes: la théorie du contact, l’effet halo, l’impact des politiques locales d’intégration des immigrants et l’influence des médias.


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Représentant entre 10 et 12 millions d’individus en Europe, les Roms sont confrontés à des discriminations et à l’exclusion sociale. 40% des Européens refusent d’avoir des Roms comme voisins, alors que 70% de ceux-ci n’entretiennent même pas de contact direct avec eux dans leur vie. Face à la problématique qu’offrent ces statistiques, cette étude entend observer les mécanismes de construction des attitudes envers les Roms. Je propose d’analyser la production de ces attitudes au sein de deux milieux similaires, mais où les politiques d’intégration locales envers les Roms divergent, rendant ainsi les conditions des contacts intergroupes différent. Cette analyse part des postulats scientifiques selon lesquels l’intégration des migrants est un enjeu d’action publique locale, et que les interactions sociales de qualité structurent les attitudes des uns par rapport aux autres. Ainsi, à partir d’entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées dans les communes françaises de La Courneuve et d’Ivry-sur-Seine, je teste de manière empirique quatre théories dominantes dans le domaine des relations intergroupes: la théorie du contact, l’effet halo, l’impact des politiques locales d’intégration des immigrants et l’influence des médias.


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Background: Knowing one’s own seropositivity status of HIV/AIDS is important. Seropositivity can be determined by a rapid HIV/AIDS test. Attitudes towards a rapid test of HIV/AIDS show a predisposition to perform the analysis.


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Background: Knowing one’s own seropositivity status of HIV/AIDS is important. Seropositivity can be determined by a rapid HIV/AIDS test. Attitudes towards a rapid test of HIV/AIDS show a predisposition to perform the analysis. Objective: This study investigated, the attitudes of students and staff in a Portuguese university toward rapid HIV/AIDS test. Methods: In a convenience sample, the data was collected on campus in three consecutive years. A selfadministered structured questionnaire was used for data collection. A validated scale for Portuguese students was applied. A sample of 947 (86.3%) students and 150 (13.7%) teaching and non-teaching staff participated. The average age was 24.30 years-old (SD=8.64). Non-parametric tests were applied. Results: Attitudes of professors and non-teaching staff are more favorable in relation to the rapid test of HIV/AIDS, compared to students. Attitudes are also more favorable in the first year in which the study was conducted with both employees and students. The male students express more traditional attitudes. Students of nursing polo have expressed more favorable attitudes to the rapid test of HIV/AIDS. Conclusion: The attitudes towards rapid test of HIV/AIDS are generally favorable. It is necessary to conduct further research considering professors and other university staff. Improving favorable attitudes toward rapid HIV/AIDS test must be a positive fact for health.


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Introduction: The personal attitudes regarding specific aspects of sexuality are of interest to practices of personal concern, as they are to practices inserted in professional roles. General attitudes towards sexuality and sexual health were evaluated. Objectives: To describe the perceptions and attitudes of students and nursing teachers about sexuality. Methods: We used a mixed methods design with a sequential strategy: QUAN→qual of descriptive and explanatory type. 646 students and teachers participated. The Sexual Attitudes Scale (EAS) of Hendrick & Hendrick (Alferes, 1999) and Attitude Scale Address Sexual and Reproductive Health (EAFSSR) of Nemčić et al (Abreu, 2008) were used. Results: There are significant differences in the level of knowledge about sexuality depending on the sample (χ2KW (2)=18.271; p=.000): students of 1st year have lower levels. The profile of the four dimensions of EAS per sample is identical in all 3 samples, having responsibility the highest average value. In subscales EAFSSR per sample and sex there are significant diferences (p<.05) for all samples and uniform pattern was noted: females have higher median values, indicating that they have more favorable attitudes towards sexual health. Conclusions: Sexual attitudes reveal a multidimensional structure based in the female identity, that shows responsibility towards family planning and sexual education, as well as towards individual self-care regarding the body and sexual and reproductive health. An attitudinal profile by gender emerges, accentuating the polarity between male and female. The importance of the training process in nursing following the personal and social development of students is corroborated.


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The purpose of this paper is to raise a debate on the urgent need for teachers to generate innovative situations in the teaching-learning process, in the field of Mathematics, as a way for students to develop logical reasoning and research skills applicable to everyday situations. It includes some statistical data and possible reasons for the poor performance and dissatisfaction of students towards Mathematics. Since teachers are called to offer meaningful and functional learning experiences to students, in order to promote the pleasure of learning, teacher training should include experiences that can be put into practice by teachers in the education centers. This paper includes a work proposal for Mathematics Teaching to generate discussion, curiosity and logical reasoning in students, together with the Mathematical problem solving study.