884 resultados para Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Como breve análise do livro "Medicalização de crianças e adolescentes: conflitos silenciados pela redução de questões sociais a doenças de indivíduos", esta resenha contextualiza a importância da publicação na crítica contemporânea à invenção de (psico)patologias e tratamentos a elas destinados. O livro logra, de forma extremamente rigorosa, desconstruir as "bases científicas" que sustentam o transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH), mostrando como a indústria farmacêutica vem ocultando sistematicamente os profundos efeitos colaterais do princípio ativo destinado a tratá-lo (o metilfenidato, presente na Ritalina® e Concerta®). Com textos de profissionais vinculados à saúde e educação, nas mais diferentes áreas do conhecimento, o livro representa uma notável coalizão de esforços em benefício da promoção dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes.
Numerosi studi mostrano che gli intervalli temporali sono rappresentati attraverso un codice spaziale che si estende da sinistra verso destra, dove gli intervalli brevi sono rappresentati a sinistra rispetto a quelli lunghi. Inoltre tale disposizione spaziale del tempo può essere influenzata dalla manipolazione dell’attenzione-spaziale. La presente tesi si inserisce nel dibattito attuale sulla relazione tra rappresentazione spaziale del tempo e attenzione-spaziale attraverso l’uso di una tecnica che modula l’attenzione-spaziale, ovvero, l’Adattamento Prismatico (AP). La prima parte è dedicata ai meccanismi sottostanti tale relazione. Abbiamo mostrato che spostando l’attenzione-spaziale con AP, verso un lato dello spazio, si ottiene una distorsione della rappresentazione di intervalli temporali, in accordo con il lato dello spostamento attenzionale. Questo avviene sia con stimoli visivi, sia con stimoli uditivi, nonostante la modalità uditiva non sia direttamente coinvolta nella procedura visuo-motoria di AP. Questo risultato ci ha suggerito che il codice spaziale utilizzato per rappresentare il tempo, è un meccanismo centrale che viene influenzato ad alti livelli della cognizione spaziale. La tesi prosegue con l’indagine delle aree corticali che mediano l’interazione spazio-tempo, attraverso metodi neuropsicologici, neurofisiologici e di neuroimmagine. In particolare abbiamo evidenziato che, le aree localizzate nell’emisfero destro, sono cruciali per l’elaborazione del tempo, mentre le aree localizzate nell’emisfero sinistro sono cruciali ai fini della procedura di AP e affinché AP abbia effetto sugli intervalli temporali. Infine, la tesi, è dedicata allo studio dei disturbi della rappresentazione spaziale del tempo. I risultati ci indicano che un deficit di attenzione-spaziale, dopo danno emisferico destro, provoca un deficit di rappresentazione spaziale del tempo, che si riflette negativamente sulla vita quotidiana dei pazienti. Particolarmente interessanti sono i risultati ottenuti mediante AP. Un trattamento con AP, efficace nel ridurre il deficit di attenzione-spaziale, riduce anche il deficit di rappresentazione spaziale del tempo, migliorando la qualità di vita dei pazienti.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a hereditary X-linked recessive disorder affecting the synthesis of dystrophin, a protein essential for structural stability in muscle. Dystrophin also occurs in the central nervous system, particularly in the neocortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. Quantitative metabolic analysis by localized (1) H MRS was performed in the cerebellum (12 patients and 15 controls) and a temporo-parietal location (eight patients and 15 controls) in patients with DMD and healthy controls to investigate possible metabolic differences. In addition, the site of individual mutations on the dystrophin gene was analyzed and neuropsychological cognitive functions were examined. Cognitive deficits in the patient group were found in line with earlier investigations, mainly concerning verbal short-term memory, visuo-spatial long-term memory and verbal fluency, but also the full-scale IQ. Causal mutations were identified in all patients with DMD. Quantitative MRS showed consistent choline deficits, in both cerebellar white matter and temporo-parietal cortex, as well as small, but significant, metabolic abnormalities for glutamate and total N-acetyl compounds in the temporo-parietal region. Compartment water analysis did not reveal any abnormalities. In healthy subjects, choline levels were age related in the cerebellum. The choline deficit contrasts with earlier findings in DMD, where a surplus of choline was postulated for the cerebellum. In patients, total N-acetyl compounds in the temporo-parietal region were related to verbal IQ and verbal short-term memory. However, choline, the putative main metabolic abnormality, was not found to be associated with cognitive deficits. Furthermore, in contrast with the cognitive performance, the metabolic brain composition did not depend significantly on whether or not gene mutations concerned the expression of the dystrophin isoform Dp140, leading to the conclusion that the effect of the missing Dp140 isoform on cognitive performance is not mediated through the observed metabolite composition, or is caused by local effects beyond the resolution accessible to MRS investigations.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often persists into adulthood. Instruments for diagnosing ADHD in childhood are well validated and reliable, but diagnosis of ADHD in adults remains problematic. Attempts have been made to develop criteria specific for adult ADHD, resulting in the development of self-report and observer-rated questionnaires. To date, the Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) are the international standard for questionnaire assessment of ADHD. The current study evaluates a German version of the CAARS self-report (CAARS-S).
BACKGROUND: The rigorous test to which homeopathy was subject in our recent double-blind clinical trail of homeopathic treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) necessitated optimized treatment meeting the highest standards. METHODS: Optimization was performed in three steps: (1) In successfully treated children, prescriptions leading to an insufficient response were analysed by a general questionnaire to identify unreliable symptoms. (2) Polarity analysis, a further development of Bönninghausen's concept of contraindications, was introduced in response to the frequently one-sided symptoms. This enabled us to use few but specific symptoms to identify the medicine whose genius symptoms exhibit the closest match to the patient's characteristic symptoms. (3) We investigated the influence of the primary perception symptoms on the result of the repertorization. Perception symptoms are not normally recorded during a patient interview even though they are among the most reliable facts related by the patients. At the same time we were able to improve the continuity of improvement of ADHD symptoms using liquid Q-potencies. RESULTS: Introducing the questionnaire, polarity analysis, and including perception symptoms, lead to an improvement in the success rate of the first prescription from 21% to 54%, of the fifth prescription from 68% to 84%.
Internet-delivered self-help with minimal therapist guidance has shown promising results for a number of diagnoses. Most of the evidence comes from studies evaluating standardized disorder-specific treatments. A recent development in the field includes transdiagnostic and tailored Internet-based treatments that address comorbid symptoms and a broader range of patients. This study evaluated an Internet-based tailored guided self-help treatment, which targeted symptoms of social anxiety disorder, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, and generalized anxiety disorder. The tailored treatment was compared both with standardized disorder-specific Internet-based treatment and with a wait-list control group. Both active treatment conditions were based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and lasted for 8 weeks. A total of 132 individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for at least one of the anxiety disorders were randomly assigned to 1 of the 3 conditions. Both treatment groups showed significant symptom reductions as compared with the wait-list control group on primary disorder-unspecific measures of anxiety, depression, and general symptomatology and on secondary anxiety disorder-specific measures. Based on the intention-to-treat sample, mean between-group effect sizes were d = 0.80 for the tailored treatment and d = 0.82 for the standardized treatment, versus wait-list controls. Treatment gains were maintained at 6-month follow-up. No differences were found between the 2 active treatment conditions on any of the measures, including a telephone-administered diagnostic interview conducted at posttreatment. The findings suggest that both Internet-based tailored guided self-help treatments and Internet-based standardized treatments are promising treatment options for several anxiety disorders
Hunter syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type II) is a rare and life-limiting multisystemic disorder with an X-linked recessive pattern of inheritance. Short stature is a prominent feature of this condition. This analysis aimed to investigate the effects of enzyme replacement therapy with idursulfase on growth in patients enrolled in HOS - the Hunter Outcome Survey which is a multinational observational database. As of Jan 2012, height data before treatment were available for 567 of 740 males followed prospectively after HOS entry. Cross-sectional analysis showed that short stature became apparent after approximately 8 years of age; before this, height remained within the normal range. Age-corrected standardized height scores (z-scores) before and after treatment were assessed using piecewise regression model analysis in 133 patients (8-15 years of age at treatment start; data available on ≥ 1 occasion within +/-24 months of treatment start; growth hormone-treated patients excluded). Results showed that the slope after treatment (slope=-0.005) was significantly improved compared with before treatment (slope=-0.043) (difference=0.038, p=0.004). Analysis of covariates (age at treatment start, cognitive involvement, presence of puberty at the start of ERT, mutation type, functional classification), showed a significant influence on growth of mutation type (height deficit in terms of z-scores most pronounced in patients with deletions/large rearrangements/nonsense mutations, p<0.0001) and age (most pronounced in the 12-15-year group, p<0.0001). Cognitive involvement, pubertal status at the start of ERT and functional classification were not related to the growth deficit or response to treatment. In conclusion, the data showed an improvement in growth rate in patients with Hunter syndrome following idursulfase treatment.
La medicina y la ingeniería del siglo XXI han dado como fruto numerosos avances para la sociedad aunque en la mayoría de los casos los tratamientos suelen ser costosos e invasivos. La educación que recibe la sociedad sobre la salud es escasa, ya que sólo vamos al médico cuando realmente estamos enfermos. Este trabajo presenta nuestra apuesta por las terapias complementarias, para el desarrollo de una metodología terapéutica no invasiva y con un costo muy bajo. La finalidad de esta Tesis, que se enmarca en un equipo multidisciplinar, fruto de la estrecha colaboración en el que participan psicopedagogos, ingenieros y médicos, es perfilar una metodología que luego pueda ser aplicable a patologías neurológicas. Aquí, dejamos sentadas las bases. Faltarán nuevos investigadores que continúen este camino para tener una base de datos lo suficientemente extensa de registros de sujetos que hayan sido sometidos a terapia binaural, para poder sacar unas conclusiones sólidas. La aportación de esta Tesis deja cubierta la aplicación, selección, procesado de señal y desarrollo de algoritmos, test cognitivos indicados para el caso específico que nos ocupa, cálculo de incertidumbre del sistema utilizado para la aplicación del estímulo y desarrollo de un test psicoacústico específico. EL empleo del sonido en medicina como es la musicoterapia o sonoterapia ha experimentado una gran difusión en los últimos años, más de 100.000 nuevas citas bibliográficas han aparecido con respecto al año anterior. Sin embargo, son escasísimas las que hacen referencia a las características físico acústicas del sonido empleado, tan sólo hemos encontrado una par de ellas que correlacionan las características físicas del sonido con el tipo de respuesta terapéutica. No encontramos citas bibliográficas específicas que planteen un modelo experimental científico capaz de reproducir las mismas respuestas ante los mismos parámetros y estímulos. En esta Tesis proponemos el uso de estimulación sonora binaural, que consiste en la utilización de dos tonos puros idénticos pero ligeramente diferentes en frecuencia que se presentan de manera separada cada uno en un oído, como consecuencia, la persona que recibe la estimulación percibe un tercer tono, llamado tono binaural, formado por la diferencia de frecuencia de ambos variando su amplitud. Existen estudios que sugieren que dichas frecuencias binaurales pueden modificar los patrones eléctricos de la actividad cerebral y los niveles de arousal, conociéndose en la literatura bajo el nombre de “entrainment”. Tras la revisión bibliográfica del estado del arte, podemos concluir que es necesario el desarrollo de estudios doble ciego bien diseñados, con el objetivo de establecer una base sólida sobre los efectos de este tipo de estimulación, ya que la mayoría de los beneficios documentados se refieren a muestras muy pequeñas y con poco rigor científico, siendo los resultados positivos obtenidos debidos al efecto placebo. La tecnología binaural es barata siendo cualquier avance en esta dirección de interés público. El objetivo concreto de la investigación es estudiar el potencial de las ondas binaurales en un área en particular: tareas que requieren atención y concentración. Se busca obtener cualquier cambio en las ondas cerebrales que se puedan correlar con la mejoras. A la vista de los resultados de estas investigaciones se intentará aplicar esta metodología en neuropatologías que presenten alguna deficiencia en el área de atención como es el Trastorno de espectro Autista. En esta Tesis presentamos los resultados de dos estudios independientes, el primero para sentar las bases del método (tiempos, diseño de estimulaciones, procesado) en una muestra de 78 adultos sanos, el segundo a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el primero, afinando la metodología y para un grupo de 20 niños entre 8 y 12 años, los resultados del segundo estudio sirven para justificar su aplicación en niños con TEA que presenten déficit de atención. ABSTRACT Medicine and engineering in the 21st century have resulted in advances for society but in most cases the treatments are often costly and invasive. The health education society receive is scarce, since only go to the doctor when we are really sick. With this work I present my commitment to complementary therapies, my little grain of sand in the development of a noninvasive therapeutic approach and very low cost, well and can be used in a preventive manner resulting in a society with less sick. The purpose of this thesis is to outline a methodology that can then be applied to neurological diseases, here we lay the groundwork. New researchers are needed to continue this path for a sufficiently extensive records database of subjects who have undergone binaural therapy, and so to draw firm conclusions. The contribution of this thesis includes: the application, selection, signal processing and algorithm development, indicated cognitive tests for the specific case at hand, calculation of system uncertainty of the system and development of a specific psychoacoustic test. The use of sound in medicine, such as music therapy or sound therapy has experienced a great diffusion in recent years, more than 100,000 new citations have appeared over the previous year but very few are those referring to acoustic physical characteristics of sound employee, we have only found a couple of them that physical sound characteristics are correlated with the therapeutic response. We found no specific citations posing a scientific experimental model capable of reproducing the same answers to the same parameters and stimuli. In this thesis we propose the use of binaural sound stimulation which involves the use of two identical but slightly different in frequency pure tones presented separately each in one ear, as a result the subject perceives a third tone, called binaural tone, formed by the difference in frequency with amplitude variations Studies suggest that these binaural frequencies can modify the electrical patterns of brain activity and arousal levels, being known in the literature under the name of “entrainment”. After the literature review of the state of the art, we conclude, it is necessary to develop well-designed double-blind studies, in order to establish a solid foundation on the effects of such stimulation, since most of the documented benefits relate to very small samples and unscientific may be obtained positive results due to the placebo effect. The binaural technology is cheap being any progress in this direction in the public interest. The specific objective of the research is to study the potential of binaural waves in a particular area: tasks requiring attention and concentration also we want to get any change in brain waves that can correlate with improvements. In view of the results of this research we seek to apply this methodology in neuropathology presenting any deficiency in the area of attention such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this thesis we present the results of two independent studies, the first to lay the foundation of the method (times, stimulation design, processing) in a sample of 78 healthy adults, the second from the results obtained in the first, refine the methodology for a group of 20 children between 8 and 12 years, the results of the second study used to justify its use in children with ASD that present attention deficit.
A Internet está inserida no cotidiano do indivíduo, e torna-se cada vez mais acessível por meio de diferentes tipos de dispositivos. Com isto, diversos estudos foram realizados com o intuito de avaliar os reflexos do seu uso excessivo na vida pessoal, acadêmica e profissional. Esta dissertação buscou identificar se a perda de concentração e o isolamento social são alguns dos reflexos individuais que o uso pessoal e excessivo de aplicativos de comunicação instantânea podem resultar no ambiente de trabalho. Entre as variáveis selecionadas para avaliar os aspectos do uso excessivo de comunicadores instantâneos tem-se a distração digital, o controle reduzido de impulso, o conforto social e a solidão. Através de uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa, utilizaram-se escalas aplicadas a uma amostra de 283 pessoas. Os dados foram analisados por meio de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas como a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e para auferir a relação entre as variáveis, a Regressão Linear Múltipla. Os resultados deste estudo confirmam que o uso excessivo de comunicadores instantâneos está positivamente relacionado com a perda de concentração, e a variável distração digital exerce uma influência maior do que o controle reduzido de impulso. De acordo com os resultados, não se podem afirmar que a solidão e o conforto social exercem relações com aumento do isolamento social, devido à ausência do relacionamento entre os construtos.
Both stem cells and mast cells express c-kit and proliferate after exposure to c-kit ligand. Mutations in c-kit may enhance or interfere with the ability of c-kit receptor to initiate the intracellular pathways resulting in cell proliferation. These observations suggested to us that mastocytosis might in some patients result from mutations in c-kit. cDNA synthesized from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with indolent mastocytosis, mastocytosis with an associated hematologic disorder, aggressive mastocytosis, solitary mastocytoma, and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia unassociated with mastocytosis was thus screened for a mutation of c-kit. This analysis revealed that four of four mastocytosis patients with an associated hematologic disorder with predominantly myelodysplastic features had an A-->T substitution at nt 2468 of c-kit mRNA that causes an Asp-816-->Val substitution. One of one patient examined who had mastocytosis with an associated hematologic disorder had the corresponding mutation in genomic DNA. Identical or similar amino acid substitutions in mast cell lines result in ligand-independent autophosphorylation of the c-kit receptor. This mutation was not identified in the patients within the other disease categories or in 67 of 67 controls. The identification of the point mutation Asp816Val in c-kit in patients with mastocytosis with an associated hematologic disorder provides insight not only into the pathogenesis of this form of mastocytosis but also into how hematopoiesis may become dysregulated and may serve to provide a means of confirming the diagnosis, assessing prognosis, and developing intervention strategies.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do Grau de de Mestre em Educação Especial – Domínio Cognitivo e Motor.
Many cognitive neuroscience studies show that the ability to attend to and identify global or local information is lateralised between the two hemispheres in the human brain; the left hemisphere is biased towards the local level, whereas the right hemisphere is biased towards the global level. Results of two studies show attention-focused people with a right ear preference (biased towards the left hemisphere) are better at local tasks, whereas people with a left ear preference (biased towards the right hemisphere) are better at more global tasks. In a third study we determined if right hemisphere-biased followers who attend to global stimuli are likely to have a stronger relationship between attention and globally based supervisor ratings of performance. Results provide evidence in support of this hypothesis. Our research supports our model and suggests that the interaction between attention and lateral preference is an important and novel predictor of work-related outcomes. © 2012 Copyright Psychology Press Ltd.