991 resultados para Artur Rei Lendas


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Em A Demanda do Santo Graal, novela de cavalaria representativa da literatura Arturiana no Portugal da Idade Média, analisamos o modo como é feita a abordagem da presença feminina num universo essencialmente masculino. Aceitando como premissa que a literatura é reflexo da realidade de uma época e, simultaneamente, nela se reflete e deixa a sua influência, iniciámos o estudo, cujo resultado constitui o texto desta dissertação. Após uma referência às circunstâncias prováveis da chegada do primeiro manuscrito a Portugal, e de algumas considerações sobre o propósito pedagógico e legado cultural da obra na sociedade Portuguesa, perspetivamos a posição da mulher na época medieval, analisando e refletindo sobre cada uma das representações do feminino que emanam do texto e que mencionamos através do relato dos vários episódios em que ocorre a presença feminina.


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The caatinga is considered the only exclusively Brazilian biome, with a total area of 735.000km². It is estimated that about 59% of this area has already been removed and only 2% are protected in conservations units. The region is characteristic by strong seasonality and heterogeneity in their environments. This paper sets generate information on morphological and population patterns Lanio pilatus in two areas of caatinga of Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC – Seridó), Serra Negra do Norte - RN. Data collection was performed in six phases between July 2012 and December 2014, covering the end of the dry and rainy seasons in the region. The captures were performed with nets and individuals captured were marked with metal rings and measured (weight, wing length, tail, tarsus, culmen and tip of the bill to nostril). Through these measures, we observed that only males of open area range in weight during the dry and rainy season, youngs were significantly lower for all parameters measured, and males were larger than females in three characteristics (weight, wing length and tail) in open area and only one (wing length) in the closed area. The population parameters were generated from the mark-capture-recapture technique by program MARK, using the techniques of robust design and CJS. The survival probability of detection and population estimates varied with time. Only individuals of open area fluctuated in their estimates during the study. Overall, the environment was a great mediator of results which increases the need for more studies on the life history of the species in the region.


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A chegada a Macau dos navegadores portugueses, em meados do séc. XVI, lançou as bases de quase cinco séculos de contacto ininterrupto entre o Ocidente e o Oriente. Macau é, muitas vezes, caracterizado como um ponto de encontro, de coexistência harmoniosa e de intercâmbio multicultural (principalmente entre a cultura oriental e portuguesa). Existe variada literatura que tem Macau como objeto de reflexão, nomeadamente no subsistema infantojuvenil. Este trabalho pretende, por meio de uma análise sistemática de uma coletânea de contos infantojuvenis de temática oriental, da autoria de Alice Vieira e com ilustrações de Alain Corbel, caracterizar as representações do Oriente que surgem no contexto da literatura portuguesa contemporânea para a infância, refletindo sobre as imagens mais recorrentes e as simbologias mais significativas.


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In the Vi la de Rei arca (Central Portugal) the continental deposits ofthe Lower Tagus Tertiary 8asin lay upon the pediment of me Portuguese Central Chain. Three ronglomerate units are recorded from me base upwards. separated by regional or basinal unconfonnities: Conglomerados de Rio de Moinhos (RM); Conglomerados de Serra de Almeirim (SA) and Conglomerados de Vila de Rei (VR). The first two units (KM and SAl have been si les of gold exploitation in huge optn pit mines probably dunng Roman colonisation times. The contact ofthis units, on thc Paleozoie basement or on the Paleogene unil Grés de Monsanto, is unconfonn, defining in both limits a large nondepositional andlor erosional hiatus. Those conglomerates seal the scdimcntation ofthe Lower Tagus Tertiary Basin along irs northem border. Taking lnto account lhe significance /lssigned to their basinal unconfonnity limits, lhe uplift ofthe Portuguese Centra! Chain. and thc facl ofthis continental units yielded no fossils with chranostratigraphic significanee, they have been eonsidered ranging fram Uppcr Miocene to lhe beginning ofthe Qualemary. Finally, a lithostratigraphic equivalence with lhe Neogenic units ofthc Bierzo and Duema basins (NW ofthe Iberian Peninsula), where exploitalions from Roman limes are also evident, is presented.


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Em A Demanda do Santo Graal, novela de cavalaria representativa da literatura Arturiana no Portugal da Idade Média, analisamos o modo como é feita a abordagem da presença feminina num universo essencialmente masculino. Aceitando como premissa que a literatura é reflexo da realidade de uma época e, simultaneamente, nela se reflete e deixa a sua influência, iniciámos o estudo, cujo resultado constitui o texto desta dissertação. Após uma referência às circunstâncias prováveis da chegada do primeiro manuscrito a Portugal, e de algumas considerações sobre o propósito pedagógico e legado cultural da obra na sociedade Portuguesa, perspetivamos a posição da mulher na época medieval, analisando e refletindo sobre cada uma das representações do feminino que emanam do texto e que mencionamos através do relato dos vários episódios em que ocorre a presença feminina.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literaturas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, 2016.


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The protection of privacy has gained considerable attention recently. In response to this, new privacy protection systems are being introduced. SITDRM is one such system that protects private data through the enforcement of licenses provided by consumers. Prior to supplying data, data owners are expected to construct a detailed license for the potential data users. A license specifies whom, under what conditions, may have what type of access to the protected data. The specification of a license by a data owner binds the enterprise data handling to the consumer’s privacy preferences. However, licenses are very detailed, may reveal the internal structure of the enterprise and need to be kept synchronous with the enterprise privacy policy. To deal with this, we employ the Platform for Privacy Preferences Language (P3P) to communicate enterprise privacy policies to consumers and enable them to easily construct data licenses. A P3P policy is more abstract than a license, allows data owners to specify the purposes for which data are being collected and directly reflects the privacy policy of an enterprise.


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SITDRM 1 is a privacy protection system that protects private data through the enforcement of MPEG REL licenses provided by consumers. Direct issuing of licenses by consumers has several usability problems that will be mentioned in this paper. Further, we will describe how SITDRM incorporates P3P language to provide a consumer-centered privacy protection system.


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Is there a role for prototyping (sketching, pattern making and sampling) in addressing real world problems of sustainability (People, Profit, and Planet), in this case social/healthcare issues, through fashion and textiles research? Skin cancer and related illnesses are a major cause of disfigurement and death in New Zealand and Australia where the rates of Melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer, are four times higher than in the Northern Hemisphere regions of USA, UK and Canada (IARC, 1992). In 2007, AUT University (Auckland University of Technology) Fashion Department and the Health Promotion Department of Cancer Society - Auckland Division (CSA) developed a prototype hat aimed at exploring a barrier type solution to prevent facial and neck skin damage. This is a paradigm shift from the usual medical research model. This paper provides an overview of the project and examines how a fashion prototype has been used to communicate emergent social, environmental, personal, physiological and technological concerns to the trans-disciplinary research team. The authors consider how the design of a product can enhance and support sustainable design practice while contributing a potential solution to an ongoing health issue. Analysis of this case study provides an insight into prototyping in fashion and textiles design, user engagement and the importance of requirements analysis in relation to sustainable development. The analysis and a successful outcome of the final prototype have provided a gateway to future collaborative research and product development.


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As network capacity has increased over the past decade, individuals and organisations have found it increasingly appealing to make use of remote services in the form of service-oriented architectures and cloud computing services. Data processed by remote services, however, is no longer under the direct control of the individual or organisation that provided the data, leaving data owners at risk of data theft or misuse. This paper describes a model by which data owners can control the distribution and use of their data throughout a dynamic coalition of service providers using digital rights management technology. Our model allows a data owner to establish the trustworthiness of every member of a coalition employed to process data, and to communicate a machine-enforceable usage policy to every such member.


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Public transportation is an environment with great potential for applying location-based services through mobile devices. This paper provides the underpinning rationale for research that will be looking at how the real-time passenger information system deployed by the Translink Transit Authority across all of South East Queensland in Australia can provide a core platform to improve commuters’ user experiences. This system relies on mobile computing and GPS technology to provide accurate information on transport vehicle locations. The proposal builds on this platform to inform the design and development of innovative social media, mobile computing and geospatial information applications. The core aim is to digitally augment the public transport environment to enhance the user experience of commuters for a more enjoyable journey.


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We propose a digital rights management approach for sharing electronic health records for research purposes and argue advantages of the approach. We give an outline of our implementation, discuss challenges that we faced and future directions.


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Digital rights management allows information owners to control the use and dissemination of electronic documents via a machine-readable licence. Documents are distributed in a protected form such that they may only be used with trusted environments, and only in accordance with terms and conditions stated in the licence. Digital rights management has found uses in protecting copyrighted audio-visual productions, private personal information, and companies' trade secrets and intellectual property. This chapter describes a general model of digital rights management together with the technologies used to implement each component of a digital rights management system, and desribes how digital rights management can be applied to secure the distribution of electronic information in a variety of contexts.


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We define a semantic model for purpose, based on which purpose-based privacy policies can be meaningfully expressed and enforced in a business system. The model is based on the intuition that the purpose of an action is determined by its situation among other inter-related actions. Actions and their relationships can be modeled in the form of an action graph which is based on the business processes in a system. Accordingly, a modal logic and the corresponding model checking algorithm are developed for formal expression of purpose-based policies and verifying whether a particular system complies with them. It is also shown through various examples, how various typical purpose-based policies as well as some new policy types can be expressed and checked using our model.


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Aim: To explore the lived experience of being a sole mother in Taiwan Background: The number of sole mothers in Taiwan has increased by 55 % in the last decade due to changes in the social and economic status of women (e.g. earlier divorce, the development of national policies for the protection of women, the rise of feminism, and changing work practices which have seen an increase in the number of women in the workforce) (Taiwan Department of Statistics, 2010). Issues confronting sole mothers as part of daily living involve inability to cope with daily life stressors, little social support, experiencing feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, and lack of self-confidence to assume responsibility for the physical and mental health needs of themselves and their children (Cairney, 2007; Loxton, Mooney & Young, 2006; Samuels-Dennis, 2006; Waldron et al., 1996). Although there have been a number of studies conducted concerning what it means to be a sole mother, few Taiwanese studies have been undertaken. In light of the absence of research on this topic from a Taiwanese perspective, this study was undertaken. Design:A descriptive phenomenological approach was used for this study. Methods: In-depth audio-taped interviews were conducted with 15 sole Taiwanese mothers. The audiotapes were later transcribed, translated into English, and then back translated into Chinese to ensure accuracy of participants‘ information. Colaizzi‘s phenomenological approach to analysis with one additional step (eight steps in all) informed the analytical process. Findings: The process of analysis identified six central themes: 1. Enduring the burdensome, 2. Survival means living day-by-day, 3. Living in the shadows of insomnia, depression and suicidal thoughts, 4. Living with rejection and social isolation, 5. Living with uncertainty, and 6. Transcending difficult times through being resilient. Conclusion: For the participants of this study, the lived world of Taiwanese sole mothers was replete with daily difficulties marked by isolation, loneliness, social disapproval and rejection. Feelings of sadness and dejection were their daily companions. However, amid their myriad hardships, the participants found strength and solace in their children and close friends. Rather than succumb to the pressures of being a sole mother, the participants forged new paths spurred on by their own hopes and dreams for a better future. The findings of this study have the potential to make significant contributions to extant knowledge concerning the lived experiences of sole mothers in Taiwan.