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The new numerical algorithms in SUPER/CESE and their applications in explosion mechanics are studied. The researched algorithms and models include an improved CE/SE (space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element) method, a local hybrid particle level set method, three chemical reaction models and a two-fluid model. Problems of shock wave reflection over wedges, explosive welding, cellular structure of gaseous detonations and two-phase detonations in the gas-droplet system are simulated by using the above-mentioned algorithms and models. The numerical results reveal that the adopted algorithms have many advantages such as high numerical accuracy, wide application field and good compatibility. The numerical algorithms presented in this paper may be applied to the numerical research of explosion mechanics.
[EU]Hiru dimentsioko inprimaketa etorkizun handiko teknologia bezala azaltzen zaigu gaur egun. Esate baterako, biomedikuntza arloan aukera berritzaileak ekar ditzake, baina baita hezkuntza, heziketa eta ikerketa munduetan ere. Teknologia berri honen abantailarik nagusiena prototipatze azkarrean datza, eta honi esker, mikro- eta makro- egitura definituak dituzten objektuak diseinatu eta fabrikatu daitezke modu lehiakorrean. Lan honen helburua 3D inprimagailu baten bitartez inprimaturiko polimero biobateragarri eta biodegradagarrietan oinarrituriko ereduen garapen eta fabrikazioan datza. Hala ere, lehenik eta behin, lehengaiak bai fisikoki eta bai termikoki karakterizatu behar dira, ondoren, 3D inprimagailuaren parametroen arteko erlazioa ezarri, eta azkenik, produktu finalaren egitura propietateak eta kalitatea aztertu. Aipaturiko lana aurrera eramateko erabili den materiala polilaktida (PLA) izan da, zeinen erabilera oso zabaldua dagoen medikuntza arloan inplante (torloju, iltze, plaka eta abar) moduan eta ehun ingeniaritzaren munduan.
Although there is a growing awareness of the value of temporary ponds in Europe, there is still remarkably little information available to help guide their conservation and management. General principles which can be used to guide the management of temporary ponds as a whole have yet to be established. The aim of this article, therefore, is to give a broader overview of the main principles of temporary pond conservation, particularly by building on a number of general principles for managing ponds previously described by Biggs et al. (1994) and Williams et al. The authors emphasise the importance of surveys in order to get data on which to base management strategies. The main principles of temporary pond management are described, and examples of three case studies of ponds in England are given.
Since the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC, its use as a probe to search for beyond the standard model physics, such as supersymmetry, has become important, as seen in a recent search by the CMS experiment using razor variables in the diphoton final state. Motivated by this search, this thesis examines the LHC discovery potential of a SUSY scenario involving bottom squark pair production with a Higgs boson in the final state. We design and implement a software-based trigger using the razor variables for the CMS experiment to record events with a bottom quark-antiquark pair from a Higgs boson. We characterize the full range of signatures at the LHC from this Higgs-aware SUSY scenario and demonstrate the sensitivity of the CMS data to this model.
Fishpen culture is a possible means to increase fish production in Casamance, Senegal and to develop aquaculture without negative environmental effects. To study this possibility, a fishpen study was conducted in two dammed valleys, Guidir and Balobar in the area. Wild Sarotherodon melanotheron from 7.7 to 25.4 g and Tilapia guineensis from 7.7 to 35.0 g were stocked at densities ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 individuals/ super(m). Results are summarized in this article.