963 resultados para Apple - Harvesting


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DNA can serve as a versatile scaffold for chromophore assemblies. For example, light-harvesting antennae have been realized by incorporating phenanthrene and pyrene building blocks into DNA strands. It was shown that by exciting at 320 nm (absorption of phenanthrene), an emission at 450 nm is observed which corresponds to a phenanthrene-pyrene exciplex. The more phenanthrenes are added into the DNA duplex, the higher is the fluorescence intensity with no significant change in quantum yield. This shows that phenanthrene acts as a donor and efficiently transfers the excitation energy to the pyrene. Up to now, the mechanism of this energy transfer and exciplex formation is not known. Therefore, we first aim at studying the photo-cycle of such DNA assemblies through transient absorption spectroscopy. Based on the results, we will explore ways to manipulate the energy transfer by application of intense THz fields. Ground as well as excited state Stark effect dynamics will be investigated.


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We report discovery of a new efficient and robust antenna composite for light harvesting. The organic dye hostasol red (HR) is strongly luminescent in aprotic solvents but only weakly luminescent in potassium zeolite L (ZL) at ambient conditions. We observed a dramatic increase of the luminescence quantum yield of HR–ZL composites if some or all exchangeable potassium cations of ZL are substituted by an organic imidazolium cation (IMZ+) and if the acceptor HR is embedded in the middle part of the channels, so that it is fully protected by the environment of the perylene dye tb-DXP. This led to the discovery of a highly efficient donor,acceptor-ZL antenna material where tb-DXP acts as donor and HR acts as acceptor. The material has a donor-to-acceptor (D/A) absorption ratio of more than 100:1 and a nearly quantitative FRET efficiency. Synthesis of this host–guest material is reported. We describe a successful procedure for achieving full sealing of the ZL channel entrances such that the guests cannot escape. This new material is of great interest for applications in luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) devices because the efficiency killing self-absorption is very low.


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Maternal thromboembolism and a spectrum of placenta-mediated complications including the pre-eclampsia syndromes, fetal growth restriction, fetal loss, and abruption manifest a shared etiopathogenesis and predisposing risk factors. Furthermore, these maternal and fetal complications are often linked to subsequent maternal health consequences that comprise the metabolic syndrome, namely, thromboembolism, chronic hypertension, and type II diabetes. Traditionally, several lines of evidence have linked vasoconstriction, excessive thrombosis and inflammation, and impaired trophoblast invasion at the uteroplacental interface as hallmark features of the placental complications. "Omic" technologies and biomarker development have been largely based upon advances in vascular biology, improved understanding of the molecular basis and biochemical pathways responsible for the clinically relevant diseases, and increasingly robust large cohort and/or registry based studies. Advances in understanding of innate and adaptive immunity appear to play an important role in several pregnancy complications. Strategies aimed at improving prediction of these pregnancy complications are often incorporating hemodynamic blood flow data using non-invasive imaging technologies of the utero-placental and maternal circulations early in pregnancy. Some evidence suggests that a multiple marker approach will yield the best performing prediction tools, which may then in turn offer the possibility of early intervention to prevent or ameliorate these pregnancy complications. Prediction of maternal cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular consequences following pregnancy represents an important area of future research, which may have significant public health consequences not only for cardiovascular disease, but also for a variety of other disorders, such as autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases.


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For over 3 centuries, diameter-limit harvesting has been a predominant logging method in the northeastern United States. Silvicultural theory asserts that such intensively selective harvesting can lead to genetic degradation. A decrease in softwood productivity has recently been reported in Maine - has a long history of dysgenic selection degraded the genetic resources of Maine softwoods, contributing to a decrease in growth and productivity? This study examines two aspects of potential implications of diameter-limit harvesting: effects on residual phenotypes of red spruce and impacts on genetic diversity of white pine. Radial growth of residual red spruce trees in stands experiencing 50 years of fixed diameter-limit harvesting was measured using annual increment rings and compared with residual red spruce trees in positive selection stands. Trees remaiaing after several rounds of diameter-limit harvesting exhibited sigdicantl y smaller radial sizes throughout their lives, and displayed significantly slower growth rates for the first 80 years of measured growth. These results strongly suggest that the largest and fastest-growing genotypes and their respective gene complexes determining good radial growth have been removed from the diameter-limit stand. Dysgenic selection can be observed in fixed diarneter-limit stands, resulting in a diminished genetic resource and decreased residual stand value. To examine more direct genetic implications of long-term diameter-limit harvesting, microsatellite DNA markers were implemented to study genetic diversity of eastern white pine in Maine. Three age groups of trees were studied: mature trees older than 200 years, juvenile trees 5-30 years old, and embryos. Trees were genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Overall genetic diversity levels of eastern white pine in Maine were extremely high, with an average observed heterozygosity of 0.762. Genetic differentiation was minimal among and between all three age groups, although an excess of heterozygotes was shown in the mature and juvenile groups that was not reflected in the embryo group, which actually had a slight heterozygote deficiency. Allele frequencies did not differ significantly between age groups, but did reveal more rare and low frequency alleles in the embryo groups than in the mature group. Overall, low frequency alleles comprise the largest portion of alleles in the sample population, with no common alleles evident overall. These results suggest that significant genetic degradation has either not occurred for white pine, or that the results of dysgenic selection have not yet emerged. It is clear, however, that selective harvesting could result in a loss of low frequency alleles, which are a primary reserve of evolutionary potential in a species. Implications of these studies affect industrial forestry, regional economics, and ecological concerns for the northeast. Long-term diameter-limit harvesting can lead to a degradation of residual phenotypes, and an overall decrease in stand quality. Potentially, a loss of low frequency, locally adapted alleles could result in a decrease of allelic richness and degradation of the regidnal genetic resource. Decreased genetic variation can lead to seriously limited evolutionary potential of species and ecosystems, particularly in rapidly changing environments. Based on these findings, I recommend a reassessment of any harvesting prescription that includes fixed diameter-limit removals, particularly for species that have low natural genetic diversity levels or a limited natural range, such as red spruce. Maintenance of a healthy genetic reserve can avoid effects of dysgenic harvesting.


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In a period of increasing concern about food safety, food poisoning outbreaks where unpasterurized apple cider or apple juice was found contaminated with Escherichia coli 0157:H7 reinforces the need for using the best technologies in apple cider production. Most apple cider is sold as an unpasteurized raw product. Because of their acidity, it was believed that juice products do not usually contain microorganisms such as E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella, and Crytosporidium. Yet all of these foodborne pathogens are capable of being transmitted in unpasteurized juices. It is known that these pathogens can survive for several weeks in a variety of acidic juices. Although heat pasteurization is probably the best method to eliminate these pathogens, it is not the most desirable method as it changes sensory properties and also is very costly for small to mid-sized apple cider processors. Pasteurization of apple cider with Ultraviolet Irradiation (UV) is a potential alternative to heat pasteurization. Germicidal W irradiation is effective in inactivating microorganisms without producing undesirable by-products and changing sensory properties. Unpasteurized raw apple cider from a small local processor was purchased for this study. The effects of physical parameters, exposure time and dosage on the W treatment efficacy were examined as well as the effects of the UV light on apple cider quality. W light with principal energy at a wavelength of 254.7 nm, was effective in reducing bacteria (E .coli, ATCC 25922) inoculated apple cider. The W dosage absorbed by the apple cider was mathematically calculated. A radiation dose of 8,777 μW-s/cm2 reduced bacteria an average of 2.20 logs and in multiple passes, the FDA mandated 5-log reduction was achieved. Sensory analysis showed there was no significant difference between the W treated and non-treated cider. Experiments with W treated apple cider indicated a significant (p < 0.01) extension of product shelf life through inhibition of yeast and mold growth. The extension of the researched performed is applicable to other fruit juice processing operations.


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Sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) is a mid- to late-season disease of apple. SBFS fungi show up as dark smudges and clusters of black dots on the fruit surface. Since blemished fruit are downgraded, crop losses can exceed 90 percent of the fresh market value.


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To evaluate the adaptability and performance of new and promising apple rootstocks in the dwarfing size-control category, a NC-140 regional rootstock trial was established in 2010 at 12 sites in the United States (CO, IA, IL, IN, MA, MI, MN, NJ, NY, OH, UT, WI), two sites in Canada (BC, NS), and one site in Mexico (CHIH) with Honeycrisp serving as the test cultivar. The Iowa planting, located at the ISU Horticulture Research Station, includes 31 rootstocks with new selections from the Cornell-Geneva breeding program (G, CG.), Russia (Bud), Germany (PiAu), and Japan (Supp), with M.26, M.9 Pajam 2, and M.9 T337 serving as industry standards. Tissue cultured propagated (TC) rootstocks of G.41, G.202, and G.935 were included for comparison with normal (N) stool bed propagated rootstocks. This report summarizes the tree-growth characteristics of the Iowa planting during the 2011 growing season.


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Fil: Marano, María Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Marano, María Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Marano, María Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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