936 resultados para Aplicações de enzimas


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Este experimento foi realizado para avaliar os efeitos da suplementação de enzimas exógenas (pancreatina suína) em microdietas sobre o crescimento, a sobrevivência e as alterações morfológicas do trato digestório de larvas de pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. Foram testados oito programas alimentares: alimentação exclusiva com náuplios de Artemia (AV); alimentação exclusiva com dieta microparticulada com (DMP) ou sem (DM) suplementação enzimática; substituição, aos cinco dias, dos náuplios de Artemia por dietas inertes com (AV5DMP) ou sem (AV5DM) suplementação; e substituição dos náuplios aos dez dias por dietas com (AV10DMP) ou sem (AV10DM) suplementação. O experimento teve duração de 28 dias. Larvas que receberam o alimento vivo durante todo o período experimental apresentaram maiores médias de peso. O efeito negativo da supressão do alimento vivo sobre o crescimento das larvas foi verificado tanto na substituição aos cinco dias como aos dez dias. No entanto, nas avaliações biométricas subseqüentes, observaram-se efeitos positivos da suplementação enzimática; a partir do 20º dia de experimento, as larvas que receberam a dieta suplementada com enzima exógena apresentaram peso médio estatisticamente superior ao daquelas alimentadas com a dieta sem suplementação. As diferenças morfológicas mais evidentes proporcionadas pela suplementação enzimática foram observadas nas larvas que receberam substituição alimentar aos cinco dias. As diferenças foram relativas à quantidade de grânulos de zimogênio no pâncreas e às inclusões supranucleares no intestino. As larvas submetidas à transição alimentar aos dez dias de experimento já apresentavam diferenciação morfológica do sistema digestório mais avançada, assemelhando-se muito às larvas do tratamento com alimento vivo. Os resultados deste experimento indicam que a suplementação com pancreatina proporcionou efeitos positivos sobre o crescimento e a sobrevivência das larvas de pacu.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Phosphines are well known to chemists. The ligands themselves are widely used in organic synthesis (e.g. The Wittig reaction) and transition metal phosphine complexes have been studied extensively primarily for their applications as hydrogenation catalysts (e.g. Wilkinson's catalyst). In this article attention is focused on the biological properties of phosphines and metal phosphine complexes since the triethylphosphine Au(I) complex, auranofin, has been used as antiarthritic drug for clinical use. This fact has provided a stimulus for exploration of the biological chemistry of phosphines and their metal complexes. Metal phosphine complexes also offer potential as heart-imaging agents and anticancer drugs.


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Ovarian transplantation constitutes a technique in which one ovary or part of this is transferred from a donor to recipients that may be the same individual, other recipient of the same specie or no, near or far from the original anatomical site. This review covers important concepts for the elucidation of the main events of folliculogenesis and follicular maturation as well as the applications of ovarian transplantation and prospects of this technique in the breeding of domestic animals, wildlife and humans. Other studies are still necessary to better understanding of the events regarding to the ovarian development, interactions between donor and receptor tissues, their site of transplantation as well as individuals and involved species.


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The aim of this article was to compare, through the distillation method, the incorporated amount of fluoride and the reduction of solubility in the enamel of both deciduous and young permanent teeth, following topical application of a 2% neutral sodium fluoride solution, according to the Knutson's technique and a 1.23% of acidulated solution, according to the Wellock & Brudevold's technique. The greatest fluoride incorporation was observed in the deciduous teeth after the usage of the 2% neutral solution. The amount of calcium and phosphorus liberation by the acid solution was greatest in the control group, followed by the group of teeth treated in acidulated solution and, finally, by those treated in 2% sodium fluoride solution.


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A plantation of Eucalyptus urophylla, established in 1984 on a Quartzpsamment Soil, at Altinopolis, São Paulo State, presented in 1989 an medium increment of the cylindrical volume of the trees of 13.97 m 3/ha/year and also showed deficiency symptoms of potassium, calcium and magnesium. At 4.33 years after planting were applied two doses of nitrogen (0 and 10 g/tree of N), potassium (0 and 20 g/tree of K 2O) and of dolomitic lime (0 and 500 g/tree), combined in a randomized block design arranged in a factorial way (2 × 2 × 2), with four replications, in order to study the recuperation of the tree growth rate. Evaluations of the trees growth were performed at 4.33, 5.67, 6.75 and at 7.58 years when cutting the plantation was done. The soil fertility and leaf concentrations of N, K, Ca and Mg were analyzed before and after the application of the treatments. The accumulation and distribution of biomass and of these nutrients in the tree components and in the litter, and the economic studies referring to the volumes of wood were also evaluated 7.58 years after planting. Potassium fertilization increased the mass of potassium in stemwood, stembark, foliage, fruits and litter, but the increase was greater in foliage and in the stembark. Liming increased the mass of magnesium in stemwood, stembark, foliage and litter, but the increase was greater in the litter. There was no isolated effect of nitrogen fertilization. The growth rate of trees was recovered with the potassium application, which increased the mean annual increment (MAI) of cylindrical volume from 13.85 m 3/ha/year without fertilizer to 16.82 m 3/ha/year. At 7.58 years after planting, there was observed an effect of the N x K x dolomitic lime interaction in the wood production. In the absence of nitrogen and dolomitic lime, the application of potassium increased the real volume of 43% and there was a gain of US$ 86.79/ha.


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Soil samples collected in the campus, UNESP, Araraquara, SP, were employed to isolate and characterize fungi strains with potential pectinolytic enzymes. These enzymes have arisen great interest due to its increasing application in the food industry. Two hundred forty six strains were isolated based on the appearance of colony on PDA medium, morphology (septate mycelia, nonseptate conidiophore, black conidia, and clublike spore-bearing head), after 48 h of growth at 30°C. Strains were selected in solid medium containing pectin citrus as sole carbon source and 0.5% rutenium red. The characterization of pectinolytic production was performed in solid culture and batch fermentation medium containing pectin citrus. The enzyme pectinolytic production was evaluated at 30°C, without agitation in 100 mL of medium containing 2% pectin citrus, 0.2% ammonium sulphate, 0.2% magnesium sulphate, and 0.05% potassium phosphate. The maximum pectinolytic activity (15U/mL) was observed in the medium after Aspergillus sp CFCF-0492 growth, while Aspergillus sp CFCF-CC1 showed the higher level of the final biomass. The pectinolytic activity is more preserved when the fungi-spores were maintained in agar-Czapeck medium.


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Depending on formula composition, microemulsions may be used as a vehicle for drug administration. In this work the main applicable parameters used in the development of pharmaceutical microemulsions (ME) are analyzed. The conceptual description of the system, theoretical parameters related to formation of internal phases and some aspects of ME stability are described. The pseudo ternary phase diagram is used to characterize ME boundaries and to describe different structures in several regions of the diagram. Some applications of ME as drug delivery systems for different administration routes are also analyzed. ME offer advantages as drug delivery systems, because they favor drug absorption, being in most cases faster and more efficient than other methods in delivering the same amount of drug.


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This paper proposes and describes a high power factor AC-AC converter for naval applications using Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG). The three-phase output voltages of the PMG vary from 260 Vrms (220 Hz) to 380 Vrms (360 Hz), depending on load conditions. The proposed converter consists of a Y-/ΔY power transformer, which provides electrical isolation between the PMG and remaining stages, and a twelve-pulse uncontrolled rectifier stage directly connected to a single-phase inverter stage, without the use of an intermediary DC-DC topology. This proposal results in more simplicity for the overall circuitry, assuring robustness, reliability and reduced costs. Furthermore, the multipulse rectifier stage is capable to provide high power factor and low total harmonic distortion for the input currents of the converter. The single-phase inverter stage was designed to operate with wide range of DC bus voltage, maintaining 120 Vrms, 60 Hz output. The control philosophy, implemented in a digital signal processor (DSP) which also contains protection routines, alows series connections between two identical converters, achieving 240 Vrms, 60 Hz total output voltage. Measured total harmonic distortion for the AC output voltage is lower than 2% and the input power factor is 0.93 at 3.6kW nominal load. © 2010 IEEE.


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This paper presents a new methodology for the operation and control of a single-phase current-source (CS) Boost Inverter, considering that the conventional current-source inverter (CSI) has a right-half-plane (RHP) zero in its control-to-output transfer function, and this RHP zero causes the known non-minimum-phase effects. In this context, a special design with low boost inductance and a multi-loop control is developed in order to assure stable and very fast dynamics. Furthermore, the Inverter presents output voltage with very low total harmonic distortion (THD), reduced components and high power density. Therefore, this paper presents the inverter operation, the proposed control technique, and main simulation and experimental results in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal. © 2010 IEEE.


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Ecologists usually estimate means, but devote much less attention to variation. The study of variation is a key aspect to understand natural systems and to make predictions regarding them. In community ecology, most studies focus on local species diversity (alpha diversity), but only in recent decades have ecologists devoted proper attention to variation in community composition among sites (beta diversity). This is in spite of the fact that the first attempts to estimate beta diversity date back to the pioneering work by Koch and Whittaker in the 1950s. Progress in the last decade has been made in the development both of methods and of hypotheses about the origin and maintenance of variation in community composition. For instance, methods are available to partition total diversity in a region (gamma diversity), in a local component (alpha), and several beta diversities, each corresponding to one scale in a hierarchy. The popularization of the so-called raw-data approach (based on partial constrained ordination techniques) and the distance-based approach (based on correlation of dissimilarity/distance matrices) have allowed many ecologists to address current hypotheses about beta diversity patterns. Overall, these hypotheses are based on niche and neutral theory, accounting for the relative roles of environmental and spatial processes (or a combination of them) in shaping metacommunities. Recent studies have addressed these issues on a variety of spatial and temporal scales, habitats and taxonomic groups. Moreover, life history and functional traits of species such as dispersal abilities and rarity have begun to be considered in studies of beta diversity. In this article we briefly review some of these new tools and approaches developed in recent years, and illustrate them by using case studies in aquatic ecosystems.


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It was evaluated the effect of the addition of glutamine, polyunsaturated fatty acids or cellular wall of yeast to the diet of weaned pigs on the activity of the pancreatic enzymes (lipase, amylase and trypsin) and the intestinal mucous membrane (dipeptidase, sucrase and maltase) and on the performance. Forty-five weaned pigs were used and distributed in a randomized block design, in factorial outline, with four diets (T1 - basal diet (BD); T2 - BR + 1% glutamine; T3 - BD + 0,2% cellular wall of yeast; T4 - BD + 5% fish oil) and two slaughter ages (seven and 14 days post weaning). The performance was measured in the first two weeks post-weaning. The addition of 1% glutamine in the diet of pigs increased the specific and total activity of the amylase, and total activity of the trypsin in the second week post weaning. The others supplements not change the activity of the digestive enzymes in the pigs. Also an increase was observed in the total activity of the lipase, and specific activity of the trypsin and maltase in function of the age post-weaning. In general, the activities of the digestive enzymes were correlated positively, except for the dipeptidase that was not correlated with any other enzyme. Positive correlation was observed between weight gain and activity of the lipase and of the amylase. The supplements included in the diet not influence the performance of weaned pigs.


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The agricultural use of sewage sludge as organic fertilizer is considered nowadays as on alternative of disposal, in the end of the residue in addition to possible environmental problems, it's using can decrease the mineral fertilizers and avoid provide organic matter to the soil. The objective of this study it was to evaluate the parameters of soil fertility under different managements and doses of sewage sludge after the third application of the residue. The experiment was carried out in São Manuel - SP, with the cultivation of sunflower in two consecutives cycles, followed by wheat and triticale without application of the residual, and in the following year with the application of sewage sludge and cultivated the black oats. It was adopted a randomized complete block design, consisting of six treatments and five repetitions defined as follows: T0 - without fertilization; T1 - mineral fertilizer nitrogen according to crop need, T2 - 50% of N from sewage sludge and 50% in mineral form, T3 - 100% of N from sewage sludge, T4 - 150% of N from sewage sludge, T5 - 200% of N derived from sewage sludge. Soil samples were collected in the end of the trial of oats. There were an increase in the levels of P, H + Al, CEC and OM, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn as a function of increasing dose of sewage sludge. To V% and pH were decreased the values in the proportional soil to the increase of sludge dose until 24 and 22 t ha-1, respectively and after increasing the pH and V%.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)