863 resultados para Animal attack
Newsletter produced by Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship about the animal industry in Iowa.
Newsletter produced by Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship about the animal industry in Iowa.
Newsletter produced by Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship about the animal industry in Iowa.
Newsletter produced by Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship about the animal industry in Iowa.
Antibióticos têm sido utilizados em grandes quantidades nas criações animais. Muitas dessas moléculas não são totalmente metabolizadas no organismo animal e seus resíduos têm sido detectados em amostras de solo, água superficial e subterrânea. A ocorrência desses resíduos no ambiente pode favorecer a resistência de microrganismos aos agentes antibióticos, além de causar problemas de ordem toxicológica a determinados organismos vivos. Os antibióticos de uso veterinário são, no geral, representados por moléculas anfóteras, com vários grupos funcionais ionizáveis (diferentes valores de pKa), massas molares bastante variáveis (172 a 916 g mol-1) e baixos potenciais de volatilização (pressão de vapor < 1,1 x 10-11 mm Hg). Em relação aos pesticidas, esses compostos apresentam maiores valores de solubilidade em água e menores valores de coeficiente de partição n-octanol-água (log Kow), provavelmente devido à presença de muitos grupos funcionais ionizáveis, o que sugere menor potencial de bioacumulação e maior mobilidade no solo. No presente trabalho avaliam-se o uso de antibióticos e a importância da produção animal no Brasil, aspectos do seu comportamento ambiental em condições de clima temperado e, por fim, enfatiza-se a necessidade de conduzir investigações sobre sua ocorrência e comportamento em solos muito intemperizados, predominantes nos ambientes tropicais.
PURPOSE: The combination of embolic beads with a multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor that inhibits tumor vessel growth is suggested as an alternative and improvement to the current standard doxorubicin-eluting beads for use in transarterial chemoembolization. This study demonstrates the in vitro loading and release kinetics of sunitinib using commercially available embolization microspheres and evaluates the in vitro biologic efficacy on cell cultures and the resulting in vivo pharmacokinetics profiles in an animal model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DC Bead microspheres, 70-150 µm and 100-300 µm (Biocompatibles Ltd., Farnham, United Kingdom), were loaded by immersion in sunitinib solution. Drug release was measured in saline in a USP-approved flow-through apparatus and quantified by spectrophotometry. Activity after release was confirmed in cell culture. For pharmacokinetics and in vivo toxicity evaluation, New Zealand white rabbits received sunitinib either by intraarterial injection of 100-300 µm sized beads or per os. Plasma and liver tissue drug concentrations were assessed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy. RESULTS: Sunitinib loading on beads was close to complete and homogeneous. A total release of 80% in saline was measured, with similar fast-release profiles for both sphere sizes. After embolization, drug plasma levels remained below the therapeutic threshold (< 50 ng/mL), but high concentrations at 6 hours (14.9 µg/g) and 24 hours (3.4 µg/g) were found in the liver tissue. CONCLUSIONS: DC Bead microspheres of two sizes were efficiently loaded with sunitinib and displayed a fast and almost complete release in saline. High liver drug concentrations and low systemic levels indicated the potential of sunitinib-eluting beads for use in embolization.
The structural stability and restructuring ability of a soil are related to the methods of crop management and soil preparation. A recommended strategy to reduce the effects of soil preparation is to use crop rotation and cover crops that help conserve and restore the soil structure. The aim of this study was to evaluate and quantify the homogeneous morphological units in soil under conventional mechanized tillage and animal traction, as well as to assess the effect on the soil structure of intercropping with jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis L.). Profiles were analyzed in April of 2006, in five counties in the Southern-Central region of Paraná State (Brazil), on family farms producing maize (Zea mays L.), sometimes intercropped with jack bean. The current structures in the crop profile were analyzed using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and subsequently principal component analysis (PCA) to generate statistics. Morphostructural soil analysis showed a predominance of compact units in areas of high-intensity cultivation under mechanized traction. The cover crop did not improve the structure of the soil with low porosity and compact units that hamper the root system growth. In areas exposed to animal traction, a predominance of cracked units was observed, where roots grew around the clods and along the gaps between them.
Three case studies are presented to investigate the possibility of evaluating memory and cognitive capacities of severe intellectual disability with attention given to the ecological environment. Two 22-year-old male patients and a 27-year-old male patient, all three with severe intellectual disability with no verbal communication skills, were evaluated with a new and original paradigm adapted to study cognition in humans from experimental paradigms. We developed a test based on animal models to complement the "home" scale of the Adolescent and Adult Psychoeducational Profile (AAPEP), an assessment instrument designed for adolescents and adults with severe developmental disabilities. Results show that the new instrument is helpful, not only to staff members who can better understand the poor performances of their patients in daily life activities but also in the elaboration of individual acquisition plans. These preliminary results demonstrate the interest in developing a larger controlled study and in publishing our procedure.
Selostus: Eläinmalliin perustuvien hiehojen odotusarvojen luotettavuus jalostusarvon ennusteena
Newsletter produced by Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship about the animal industry in Iowa. Previously titled Animal Industry News.
RÉSUME Les techniques de résection muqueuse endoscopique utilisées actuellement ne permettent pas d'effectuer une résection circonférentielle d'un long segment de muqueuse oesophagienne. Une telle résection permettrait le traitement de foyers multicentriques de dysplasies de haut grade (HGIN) ou d'adénocarcinomes précoces (AC) développés sur oesophage de Barrett. Sachant que la prévalence des métastases ganglionnaires régionales est d'environ 7 % pour les adénocarcinomes intra-muqueux (Tis,T1a), les méthodes de traitement non-chirurgicales et moins invasives sont actuellement préférées à une oesophagectomie, dont la morbidité et la mortalité restent élevées en comparaison avec les mucosectomies endoscopiques. Un oesophagoscope rigide modifié a été développé à Lausanne en collaboration avec la maison Karl Storz GmbH, de façon à permettre des résections muqueuses étendues dans l'oesophage. Cette étude animale pilote a investigué la faisabilité et la fiabilité des résections muqueuses circonférentielles de différentes longueurs dans l'oesophage du mouton. Des résections circonférentielles de 2,2 cm (n=6), 3,3 cm (n=6), 4,4 cm (n=7) et 5,5 cm (n=5) de longueur ont été effectuées dans l'oesophage de 24 moutons. Elles consistaient en 2 mucosectomies hémi-circonférentielles opposées. Les animaux ont été suivis par des examens endoscopiques à une semaine puis chaque mois pendant 6 mois ou jusqu'à réépithélialisation complète sans sténose. Au cours du processus de guérison, les sténoses cicatricielles ont été traitées par une ou plusieurs dilatations avec les bougies de Savary. Des résections circonférentielles de 2,2 à 5,5 cm de longueur ont été réalisées avec succès dans 23/24 des cas. Une seule perforation, secondaire à une erreur de manipulation, est survenue directement après la mucosectomie. A l'analyse histologique, une profondeur de résection précise à travers la sousmuq Tyrp1ueuse a été obtenue dans 85% des specimens. Les sténoses cicatricielles ont été contrôlées dans 95% des cas par dilatations avec les bougies de Savary. L'oesophagoscope rigide modifié a permis de réaliser des résections muqueuses circonférentielles et étendues en une seule séance endoscopique d'une durée de moins d'une demi-heure. L'utilisation de ce résectoscope chez l'homme devrait permettre l'éradication complète de l'oesophage de Barrett avec HGIN et/ou AC précoce dans un avenir très proche.
Peptide toxins synthesized by venomous animals have been extensively studied in the last decades. To be useful to the scientific community, this knowledge has been stored, annotated and made easy to retrieve by several databases. The aim of this article is to present what type of information users can access from each database. ArachnoServer and ConoServer focus on spider toxins and cone snail toxins, respectively. UniProtKB, a generalist protein knowledgebase, has an animal toxin-dedicated annotation program that includes toxins from all venomous animals. Finally, the ATDB metadatabase compiles data and annotations from other databases and provides toxin ontology.