980 resultados para Animal Welfare


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Beef constitutes a main component of the American diet and still represent the principal source of protein in many parts of the world. Currently, the meat market is experiencing an important transformation; consumers are increasingly switching from consuming traditional beef to grass-fed beef. People recognized products obtained from grass-fed animals as more natural and healthy. However, the true variations between these two production systems regarding various aspects remain unclear. This dissertation provides information from closely genetically related animals, in order to decrease confounding factors, to explain several confused divergences between grain-fed and grass-fed beef. First, we examined the growth curve, important economic traits and quality carcass characteristics over four consecutive years in grain-fed and grass-fed animals, generating valuable information for management decisions and economic evaluation for grass-fed cattle operations. Second, we performed the first integrated transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis in grass-fed beef, detecting alterations in glucose metabolism, divergences in free fatty acids and carnitine conjugated lipid levels, and altered β-oxidation. Results suggest that grass finished beef could possibly benefit consumer health from having lower total fat content and better lipid profile than grain-fed beef. Regarding animal welfare, grass-fed animals may experience less stress than grain-fed individuals as well. Finally, we contrasted the genome-wide DNA methylation of grass-fed beef against grain-fed beef using the methyl-CpG binding domain sequencing (MBD-Seq) method, identifying 60 differentially methylated regions (DMRs). Most of DMRs were located inside or upstream of genes and displayed increased levels of methylation in grass-fed individuals, implying a global DNA methylation increment in this group. Interestingly, chromosome 14, which has been associated with large effects on ADG, marbling, back fat, ribeye area and hot carcass weight in beef cattle, allocated the largest number of DMRs (12/60). The pathway analysis identified skeletal and muscular system as the preeminent physiological system and function, and recognized carbohydrates metabolism, lipid metabolism and tissue morphology among the highest ranked networks. Therefore, although we recognize some limitations and assume that additional examination is still required, this project provides the first integrative genomic, epigenetic and metabolomics characterization of beef produced under grass-fed regimen.


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Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar o tempo gasto em pastejo por novilhas Girolando em área de integração Lavoura-Pecuária (iLP) e integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (iLPF). Oito novilhas ¾ Holandês x Gir com média de 25 meses de idade e 268 kg de peso vivo foram distribuídas em delineamento cross-over 2x2 (dois sistemas x dois períodos de avaliação) para coleta de dados de bioacústica por 48 horas utilizando gravadores MP3 fixados em cabrestos. Esses dados foram analisados pelo software Audacity®. As médias dos tempos (em minutos) gastos com a atividade de pastejo em cada tratamento (iLP e iLPF) nos períodos diurno e noturno foram comparadas pelo Teste de Tuckey a 5% de probabilidade. Os animais pastejaram mais tempo no período diurno em relação ao noturno (509,11 vs. 233,03 minutos, respectivamente). Houve diferença significativa entre os sistemas durante o período diurno, em que as novilhas no sistema iLPF pastejaram por maior tempo que as do iLP (581,35 vs. 433,88 minutos, respectivamente). Observou-se também que a atividade de pastejo ao longo de todo o dia foi maior no iLPF do que no iLP (333,44 vs. 409,71 minutos, respectivamente). Novilhas Girolando gastam mais tempo pastejando durante o dia e em pastagens com componente arbóreo.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, 2016.


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Nos últimos anos um grande número de estudos utilizando a análise de imagens termográficas de animais na faixa do infravermelho vem sendo realizado. Além dos avanços tecnológicos que tornaram os sensores mais acessíveis, a preocupação com o bem estar e ambiência das instalações animais tem fomentado a utilização desse método não invasivo e de fácil execução. Neste trabalho foram utilizados 20 bovinos das raças Nelore e Pantaneiro. Após tricotomia de uma área sobre o músculo Longissimus dorsi próximo da 13ª costela, seguida de repouso por 24 horas, os animais foram avaliados por três dias consecutivos, seis vezes por dia. Foram aferidas as temperaturas em áreas com e sem pelos com uso de câmera termográfica. O experimento foi realizado em um Delineamento Inteiramente Casualizado (DIC), considerando o efeito de raça. As variáveis temperatura sem pelo (TSP) e a diferença de temperatura entre áreas com e sem pelo (DIF) não apresentaram efeito significativo para raça. Por outro lado, para a temperatura em áreas com pelos(TCP) o efeito de raça foi significativo, com os pantaneiros apresentando as maiores médias. Animais de ambas as raças encontravam-se em condições de conforto térmico durante o experimento. Os resultados mostram a necessidade de se olhar com cautela para trabalhos envolvendo imagens termográficas capturadas em superfícies recobertas por pelos em animais. Como as avaliações foram feitas na sombra e só houve diferença significativa entre áreas com pelos, é possível que as temperaturas registradas com termografia infra vermelha na superfície da pelagem dos animais representem, pelo menos em parte, características termofísicas dos pelos que as compõem (como a capacidade térmica, por exemplo), sendo tais temperaturas pouco representativas para a superfície do corpo dos indivíduos propriamente, como é comum se considerar.


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The purpose of this bibliography review was to approach the thermal comfort rates on milk production of goats from Alpine and Saanen breeds in Brazil. The caloric stress caused by weather changes to which the animals are submitted, influence on the mechanisms of normal physiological processes of the body. Thus, the effect on the lactation process in goats can be mentioned, where it decreases the amount of water in the body with the consequent decrease in synthesis and milk ejection interfering in the production of hormone prolactin and growth hormone. The animal?s interaction with the environment must be considered when the aim in livestock farming is welfare, because the different responses of the animal to the peculiarities of each region are crucial for the success of the animal adaptation. So, the correct identification of the factors that influence the productive life of the animal, such as the stress caused by the seasonal fluctuations of the environment, allow production systems management, making it possible to make them sustainable and viable. The maintenance of these parameters in normal levels is very important, to the point of being used in the evaluation of climate adaptability of breeds to a certain environmental condition. In this way, the concerns about animal welfare and environmental comfort are due to the climatic variables and the behavioral, physiological and productive responses are prevailing when implementing the suitability of certain production systems.


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Questo elaborato contiene studi riguardanti il benessere del suino pesante italiano ed in particolare si sofferma su alcuni aspetti particolarmente significativi per il miglioramento del benessere. Gli aspetti in esame hanno riguardato la percezione da parte del consumatore italiano del benessere in azienda; inoltre sono stati studiati gli effetti sul benessere di alcune caratteristiche dell'allevamento e di aspetti multifattoriali riguardanti il trasporto al macello. Alla luce dei lavori contenuti in questo lavoro, emerge come una revisione della normativa, anche considerando la categoria dei suini pesanti, possa migliorare notevolmente le loro condizioni di benessere. I consumatori italiani, infatti, hanno confermato di essere attenti e interessati al benessere animale, oltre che disposti a spendere di più per gli animali derivanti da pratiche innovative e più rispettose del benessere, come l'immunocastrazione. Un altro criterio importante, soprattutto in questa categoria di prodotti, è la disponibilità di spazio. Le nostre evidenze sperimentali dimostrano che garantire a questa categoria di suini requisiti di spazio superiori a quelli richiesti dalla normativa migliora il comportamento degli animali e i parametri di produzione. Infine, in termini di trasporto, lo studio da noi condotto ha permesso di identificare parametri da utilizzare come indicatori del livello di stress degli animali, risultando in una buona correlazione con i parametri di stress ematobiochimico. A conclusione di queste variegate esperienze di ricerca, si evidenzia quindi come investire in ulteriori impegni da parte del settore suinicolo, perseguendo l'obiettivo di ridurre al minimo gli stress a cui sono sottoposti i suini pesanti nel corso della loro vita, dall'adozione di tecniche di castrazione meno invasive, il miglioramento delle condizioni di allevamento e di trasporto, dovrebbe essere l'obiettivo comune di tutti i protagonisti della filiera, anche con l’obiettivo di ottenere un prodotto finale con un valore etico che soddisfi le aspettative implicite del consumatore.


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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic progressive disease with no curative pharmacological treatment. Animal models play an essential role in revealing molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. Bleomycin (BLM)-induced lung fibrosis is the most widely used and characterized model for anti-fibrotic drugs screening. However, several issues have been reported, such as the identification of an optimal BLM dose and administration scheme as well as gender-specificity. Moreover, the balance between disease resolution, an appropriate time window for therapeutic intervention and animal welfare remains critical aspects yet to be fully elucidated. In this thesis, Micro CT imaging has been used as a tool to identify the ideal BLM dose regimen to induce sustained lung fibrosis in mice as well as to assess the anti-fibrotic effect of Nintedanib (NINT) treatment upon this BLM administration regimen. In order to select the optimal BLM dose scheme, C57bl/6 male mice were treated with BLM via oropharyngeal aspiration (OA), following either double or triple BLM administration. The triple BLM administration resulted in the most promising scheme, able to balance disease resolution, appropriate time-window for therapeutic intervention and animal welfare. The fibrosis progression was longitudinally assessed by micro-CT every 7 days for 5 weeks after BLM administration and 5 animals were sacrificed at each timepoint for the BALF and histological evaluation. The antifibrotic effect of NINT was assessed following different treatment regimens in this model. Herein, we have developed an optimized mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis, enabling three weeks of the therapeutic window to screen putative anti-fibrotic drugs. micro-CT scanning, allowed us to monitor the progression of lung fibrosis and the therapeutical response longitudinally in the same subject, drastically reducing the number of animals involved in the experiment.


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In recent years, dairy farmers have observed a substantial decrease in cows’ survival, with a direct negative consequence on the profitability. Shorter lifespan raises questions about animal welfare and farming conditions at which cows are exposed to. However, the length of productive life depends also on voluntary culling due to low productivity and, in dual-purpose breed, to low price of carcasses (meat). The general aim of the thesis was to investigate the genetic and phenotypic relationship of functional longevity with morphological features like muscularity and body condition score (BCS) and productive traits within Italian Simmental dual-purpose dairy cattle raised in Emilia-Romagna herds.


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Existing data on animal health and welfare in organic livestock production systems in the European Community countries are reviewed in the light of the demands and challenges of the recently implemented EU regulation on organic livestock production. The main conclusions and recommendations of a three-year networking project on organic livestock production are summarised and the future challenges to organic livestock production in terms of welfare and health management are discussed. The authors conclude that, whilst the available data are limited and the implementation of the EC regulation is relatively recent, there is little evidence to suggest that organic livestock management causes major threats to animal health and welfare in comparison with conventional systems. There are, however, some well-identified areas, like parasite control and balanced ration formulation, where efforts are needed to find solutions that meet with organic standard requirements and guarantee high levels of health and welfare. It is suggested that, whilst organic standards offer an implicit framework for animal health and welfare management, there is a need to solve apparent conflicts between the organic farming objectives in regard to environment, public health, farmer income and animal health and welfare. The key challenges for the future of organic livestock production in Europe are related to the feasibility of implementing improved husbandry inputs and the development of evidence-based decision support systems for health and feeding management.


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The commercial use of animal cloning for breeding food producing animals has been limited so far by biological and technical constraints such as adverse effects on the health and welfare of animals, especially high perinatal and postnatal disease and mortality of clones. However, the improvement of the technique may overcome those problems in future and contribute to the spread of cloning in agricultural production, which raises concern not only on health and welfare aspects but also on food safety and ethics. This may cause conflict in international trade. The present article reviews these topics on the basis of up-to-date scientific opinions.