999 resultados para Amorphous-Alloys


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An isothermal section of the phase diagram for (silver + rhodium + oxygen) at T = 1173 K has been established by equilibration of samples representing twelve different compositions, and phase identification after quenching by optical and scanning electron microscopy (s.e.m.), X-ray diffraction (x.r.d.), and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (e.d.x.), Only one ternary oxide, AgRhO2, was found to be stable and a three phase region involving Ag, AgRhO2 and Rh2O3 was identified. The thermodynamic properties of AgRhO2 were measured using a galvanic cell in the temperature range 980 K to 1320 K. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa was used as the reference electrode. The Gibbs free energy of formation of the ternary oxide from the elements, ΔfGo (AgRhO2), can be represented by two linear equations that join at the melting temperature of silver. In the temperature range 980 K to 1235 K, ΔfGo(AgRhO2)/(J . mol-1) = -249080 + 179.08 T/K (±120). Above the melting temperature of silver, in the temperature range 1235 K to 1320 K, ΔfGo(AgRhO2)/(J . mol-1) = -260400 + 188.24 T/K (±95). The thermodynamic properties of AgRhO2 at T = 298.15 K were evaluated from the high temperature data. The chemical potential diagram for (silver + rhodium + oxygen) at T = 1200 K was also computed on the basis of the results of this study.


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he thermodynamic acitivity of chromium in liquid Cu-Cr alloys is measured in the temperature range from 1473 to 1873 K using the solid state cell: Pt, W, Cr + Cr2O3 |(Y2O3) ThO2|Cu - Cr + Cr2O3, Pt The activity of copper and the Gibbs energy of mixing of the liquid alloy are derived. Activities exhibit large positive deviations from Raoult's law. The mixing properties can be represented by a pseudo-subregular solution model in which the excess entropy has the same type of functional dependence on composition as the enthalpy of mixing: ΔGE = XCr(1 - XCr)[60880 - 18750 XCr)-- T(16.25 - 7.55 XCr)]J mol-1 Pure liquid Cu and Cr are taken as the reference states. The results predict a liquid-liquid metastable miscibility gap, with TC = 1787 (±3) K and XCr = 0.436 (±0.02), lying below the liquidus. The results obtained in this study are in general agreement with experimental information reported in the literature, but provide further refinement of the thermodynamic parameters.


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An attempt has been made to describe the glass forming ability (GFA) of liquid alloys, using the concepts of the short range order (SRO) and middle range order (MRO) characterizing the liquid structure.A new approach to obtain good GFA of liquid alloys is based on the following four main factors: (1) formation of new SRO and competitive correlation with two or more kinds of SROs for crystallization, (2) stabilization of dense random packing by interaction between different types of SRO, (3) formation of stable cluster (SC) or middle range order (MRO) by harmonious coupling of SROs, and (4) difference between SRO characterizing the liquid structure and the near-neighbor environment in the corresponding equilibrium crystalline phases. The atomic volume mismatch estimated from the cube of the atomic radius was found to be a close relation with the minimum solute concentration for glass formation. This empirical guideline enables us to provide the optimum solute concentration for good GFA in some ternary alloys. Model structures, denoted by Bernal type and the Chemical Order type, were again tested in the novel description for the glass structure as a function of solute concentration. We illustrated the related energetics of the completion between crystal embryo and different types of SRO. Recent systematic measurements also provide that thermal diffusivity of alloys in the liquid state may be a good indicator of their GFA.


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We present the synthesis and properties of iodine incorporated amorphous carbon films. Optical studies depict a decrease in band gap with variation in iodine content and pyrolysis temperature. Tuning of the metal-insulator transition is achieved by varying the pyrolysis temperature and iodine concentration. Appreciable decrease in magnetoresistance is observed with iodine incorporation, but negative magnetoresistance typical behavior of metallic samples is not witnessed.


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The experimentally determined apparent vacancy formation energy values in dilute aluminium—silver alloys showed a divergence from calculated values at higher solute fractions. This is explained in terms of a solute—solute interaction energy of the order of 0.10 ev which exists when the binding energy between a vacancy and a solute atom pair is reduced to zero.


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Electron diffraction and high-resolution electron microscopy have been employed to differentiate among icosahedral, decagonal and crystalline particles that occur in as-cast and rapidly solidified Al-Mn-Cu alloys. The resemblance between decagonal quasicrystals and crystals in their electron diffraction patterns is striking. The crystalline structure is based on the orthorhombic ‘Al3Mn’ structure, but also a new monoclinic phase called ‘X’ has been discovered and described here. The present observations are also closely related to the orthorhombic structures in Al60Mn11Ni4. The occurrence of fine-scale twinning and fragmentation into domains explains the complex diffraction effects.


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Abstract | Non-crystalline or glassy semiconductors are of great research interest for the fabrication of large area electronic systems such as displays and image sensors. Good uniformity over large areas, low temperature fabrication and the promise of low cost electronics on large area mechanically flexible and rigid substrates are some attractive features of these technologies. The article focusses on amorphous hydrogenated silicon thin film transistors, and reviews the problems, solutions and applications of these devices.


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A study is made to bring out the effect of alloying with Cr, Ti or Mn on the creep behaviour of Fe3Al. Impression creep experiments have been carried out in the DO3 phase field. In all the alloys, power law creep behaviour is observed in the stress range covered. The stress exponent for steady state creep rate and the activation energy for creep indicate that the creep rate is controlled by the dislocation climb process. Among the alloying elements studied, addition of Ti is most effective in improving the creep resistance.


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Densification characteristics of amorphous ZrO2-40 mol% Al2O3 powder with 3 to 15 mu m nominal particle size range, produced by spray pyrolysis, have been studied by conducting hot pressing experiments at 573, 723 and 873 K with uniaxial pressures of 250, 500 and 750 MPa. Most of the increase in relative density from the starting value of similar to 40% occurred during loading up to the desired pressure. The increments in density during 1 hour constant pressure dwells were less than 4% at all temperatures and pressure. Inter-particle bonding was not observed at 573 K. Correlation between the results with a viscous sintering model for hot pressing is not satisfactory for describing the behavior as normal viscous sintering.


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Rapid solidification, mechanical alloying and devitrificaiton of precursor metallic glasses are all possible routes for the synthesis of nanocrystals and nanocomposites, though their efficacy is system dependent. In a comprehensive study of alloys across the Ti-Ni phase diagram, nanocrystals of Ti and Ni and nanocomposites of alpha -Ti and Ti sub 2 Ni, Ti sub 2 Ni and TiNi and beta -Ti and glass have been produced. By the addition of Al, devitrification of metallic glasses created by mechanical alloying led to nanocrystalline intermetallic compounds. The evolution of these nanocrystalline microstructures has been rationalized on the basis of thermodynamic and kinetic considerations involving the metastable phase diagram for this system.


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Thin films of Sb40Se20S40 with thickness 1000 nm were prepared by thermal evaporation technique. The amorphous nature of the thin films was verified by X-ray diffractometer. The chemical composition of the deposited thin films was examined by energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX). The changes in optical properties due to the influence of laser radiation on amorphous thin films of Sb40Se20S40 glassy alloy were calculated from absorbance spectra as a function of photon energy in the wavelength region 450-900 nm. Analysis of the optical absorption data shows that the rule of non-direct transitions predominates. It has been observed that laser-irradiation of the films leads to a decrease in optical band gap while increase in absorption coefficient. The decrease in the optical band gap is explained on the basis of change in nature of films due to disorderness. The optical changes are supported by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrical switching behavior of amorphous GexSe35-xTe65 thin film samples has been studied in sandwich geometry of electrodes. It is found that these samples exhibit memory switching behavior, which is similar to that of bulk Ge-Se-Te glasses. As expected, the switching voltages of GexSe35-xTe65 thin film samples are lower compared to those of bulk samples. In both thin film amorphous and bulk glassy samples, the switching voltages are found to increase with the increase in Ge concentration, which is consistent with the increase in network connectivity with the addition of higher coordinated Ge atoms. A sharp increase is seen in the composition dependence of the switching fields of amorphous GexSe35-xTe65 films above x = 21, which can be associated with the stiffness transition. Further, the optical band gap of a-GexSe35-x Te-65 thin film samples, calculated from the absorption spectra, is found to show an increasing trend with the increase in Ge concentration, which is consistent with the variation of switching fields with composition. The increase in structural cross-linking with progressive addition of 4-fold coordinated Ge atoms is one of the main reasons for the observed increase in switching fields as well as band gaps of GexSe35-xTe65 samples. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The composites consisting of amorphous matrix reinforced with crystalline dendrites offer extraordinary combinations of strength, stiffness, and toughness and can be processed in bulk. Hence, they have been receiving intense research interest, with a primary focus to study their mechanical properties. In this paper, the temperature and strain rate effects on the uniaxial compression response of a tailored bulk metallic glass (BMG) composite has been investigated. Experimental results show that at temperatures ranging between ambient to 500 K and at all strain rates; the onset of plastic deformation in the composite is controlled by that in the dendrites. As the temperature is increased to the glass transition temperature of the matrix and beyond, flow in the amorphous matrix occurs readily and hence it dictates the composite's response. The role of the constituent phases in controlling the deformation mechanism of the composite has been verified by assessing the strain rate sensitivity and the activation volume for deformation. The composite is rate sensitive at room temperature with values of strain rate sensitivity and activation volume being similar to that of the dendrites. At test temperatures near to the glass transition temperature, the composite however becomes rate-insensitive corresponding to that of the matrix phase. At low strain rates, serrated flow akin to that of dynamic strain ageing in crystalline alloys was observed and the serration magnitude decreases with increasing temperature. Initiation of the shear bands at the dendrite/matrix interface and propagation of them through the matrix ligaments until their arrest at another interface is the responsible mechanism for this. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.