999 resultados para Alta tensió
Six Brazilian commercial mangoes were analysed by HRGC-O-AEDA-MS, viz., Carlota, Haden, Espada, Coração de boi, Rubi and Tommy Atkins. All them showed ethyl butanoate as the main aroma character impact compound by AEDA evaluation. The ethyl esters of 2 and 3-methylbutanoic acids are also important, the main contribution in Carlota variety being 2(S) enantiomer. In Rubi variety, both 2(R) enantiomer and 3-methyl isomer contributes to the caprylic fruity note observed. In four varieties, viz., Haden, Espada, Rubi and Tommy Atkins, d-3-carene showed to be the second impact aroma compound presented. In Tommy Atkins variety, a-pinene also has a significant contribution, mainly due to its (1R,5R)(+)-enantiomer.
The developments in stationary phase synthesis and capillary column technology, have opened new perspectives in analysis of high molecular mass compounds (³600 daltons) and thermolabile organic compounds by High Temperature High Resolution Gas Chromatography (HT-HRGC). HT-HRGC is a new analytical borderline and its application to the analysis of high molecular mass compounds is still in its infancy. The apolar and medium polar gum phases can now be operated at temperatures up to 400-480ºC, being used for the analysis of n-alcanes up to C-100, lipids, oligosaccharides, industrial resins, polyglycerols, cyclodextrins, porphyrins, etc. This technique should play a leading role as a powerful tool, for many different analysis types, in multidisciplinary fields of Science.
This article describes the combination of low- and high-pressure flow systems for the determination of Magnesium, Calcium and Strontium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). In the low-pressure system a short C-18 RP column (length 0,5 cm) was utilized for the preconcentration/matrix separation step, xylenol orange was used as chelating agent and tetrabutylamonium acetate for ion pair formation. The hydraulic high pressure nebulization (HHPN) was used for sample transport and sample introduction in the high pressure system. The repeatabilities and detection limits for Mg, Ca and Sr were determined and compared with those obtained by pneumatic nebulization (PN). The results show that the detection limits obtained using the HHPN for Mg, Ca and Sr are between 1.5 to 2 times better than those obtained by PN when the signal transient was measured in area. The system presented a sampling frequency of 130 h-1 for direct determination of Mg, Ca or Sr in samples of saturated sodium chloride used in the production of chlorine and sodium hydroxide.
El PFC tracta la implantació d‘una indústria de fabricació de pellets de fusta partint de la localització del recurs biomassa (comarca del Pallars Sobirà), tot definint el producte a fabricar a partir dels tipus de matèria prima, determinant localització òptima, determinació i dimensionat del procés de fabricació, determinació de les instal•lacions necessàries, projecte d’enginyeria d’aquestes, (càlcul estructural, antiincendis, instal•lació elèctrica de Alta i Baixa Tensió), anàlisi del mercat existent i potencial del producte i anàlisi de la inversió a realitzar per tal de dur a terme el projecte, sota tres escenaris diferents.
Este trabajo de investigación abarca el estudio, implementación y evaluación de diferentes herramientas, metodologías y procesos para la producción de software libre en el campo del desarrollo rápido de aplicaciones (RAD, precursor de metodologías ágiles como Scrum).
Particles of porous silica or other solvent resistent inorganic oxides can be functionalized by aliphatic (e.g., C-8 or C-18) or other groups to give stationary phases for use in reversed phase HPLC. The functionalization can be done by bonding of individual groups to the surface of the support particles, by producing an organic polymeric film from pre-polymers, or by adsorbing/immobilizing pre-formed polymers on the surfaces. These three types of functionalization are reviewed.
Introducción: el tratamiento de la hemorragia digestiva alta por rotura de varices esofágicas y/o gástricas en pacientes con cirrosis hepática debe estar dirigido al control inicial de la hemorragia sin alterar más una función hepática ya deteriorada , y a la prevención de la recidiva hemorrágica precoz. Métodos endoscópicos, farmacológicos y quirúrgicos forman el conjunto de alternativas terapéuticas. Material y métodos: estudio prospectivo de los resultados obtenidos tras el seguimiento de 90 episodios hemorrágicos de un total de 54 pacientes, 35 hombres y 19 mujeres, con una edad media de 58 años (32-77), sobre los que se aplicó un protocolo terapéutico de la hemorragia aguda secundaria a la hipertensión portal, durante un periodo de 22 meses. La clasificación según Child-Pugh al ingreso fue 57% Child A, 34% Child B y 9% Child C. Resultados: la estancia media hospitalaria fue de 9 días (2-50). De los 90 episodios hemorrágicos, se registraron 15 recidivas hemorrágicas precoces (16,7%). Murieron 12 pacientes (mortalidad del 22,2% por pacientes y del 13,4% por episodios hemorrágicos). Se realizaron 12 intervenciones de urgencias por persistencia de la hemorragia. El 41% de los pacientes reingresaron por recidiva de la hemorragia al menos una vez durante el periodo de seguimiento. Conclusiones: el tratamiento de la hemorragia digestiva alta por varices esófago-gástricas con cirrosis hepática, requiere un conjunto de diferentes tratamientos para obtener la máxima eficacia en el episodio hemorrágico agudo y poder abarcar todas las posibles repercusiones a posteriori; dicho tratamiento debería ser realizado en un centro hospitalario que disponga de material y personal especializado en esta patología. En nuestra experiencia, la cirugía de urgencias, como tratamiento de rescate de la hemorragia persistente o recidivante a corto plazo, sólo tendría lugar en algunos pacientes con una buena función hepática dada su alta morbi/mortalidad
The effects of 60Co ionizing radiations in doses of 0, 75, 100, 150, 200 and 250Gy on garlic, upon the alpha-tocopherol concentration were studied. The alpha-tocopherol contents were established by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), after direct hexane extraction from the garlic samples. The alpha-tocopherol was determined through normal-phase column, and mobile phase was composed by hexane: iso-propyl alcohol (99:01 v/v), with 2mL/min flow rate and fluorescence detector. It is statistically shown that an irradiation dose of up to 150 Gy does not affect the garlic alpha-tocopherol content.
The fractIons of dichloromethane extracts of leaves from andiroba (Carapa guianensis - Meliaceae), caapi (Banisteriopsis caapi - Malpighiaceae), cocoa (Theobroma cacao - Sterculiaceae), Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa - Lecytidaceae), cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum - Sterculiaceae), marupá (Simaruba amara - Simaroubaceae) and rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis - Euphorbiaceae), were analyzed by HT-HRGC and HT-HRGC-MS. Esters of homologous series of fatty acids and long chain alcohols, phytol, amyrines and tocopherols were characterized. The characterization of the compounds was based mainly in mass spectra data and in addition by usual spectrometric data (¹H and 13C NMR, IR).
Synthetic dyes were determined by high performance liquid chromatography in 76 samples of regular jelly and diet jelly powders, of several flavors produced by seven different manufacturers. Three sample of each product, from different batches, were analyzed. The same qualitative composition was observed for products of the same flavor from different manufacturers, but the quantitative composition varied markedly from one manufacturer to the other. There were no or few significant differences between batches from a given manufacturer, demonstrating good quality control in the use of these additives by the food industry. None of the samples exceeded the limit stipulated by Brazilian legislation.
Quantitative GC-FID was evaluated for analysis of methylated copaiba oils, using trans-(-)-caryophyllene or methyl copalate as external standards. Analytical curves showed good linearity and reproducibility in terms of correlation coefficients (0.9992 and 0.996, respectively) and relative standard deviation (< 3%). Quantification of sesquiterpenes and diterpenic acids were performed with each standard, separately. When compared with the integrator response normalization, the standardization was statistically similar for the case of methyl copalate, but the response of trans-(-)-caryophyllene was statistically (P < 0.05) different. This method showed to be suitable for classification and quality control of commercial samples of the oils.
The present work reviews recent advances in the preparation of new reversed phase packing materials such as sterically protected, bidentate, hybrid organic-inorganic and monolithic phases and phases containing embedded polar groups. The bonding chemistry involved in the preparation of these phases as well as their advantages over conventional C8 and C18 reversed phases are discussed. Understanding the reasons behind the development of these newer column packings helps analysts select the best stationary phase for a given application.
The violence derived from crimes involving firearms represents one of the main concerns of society. For this reason modern techniques have emerged in forensic science to identify suspects at crime scenes. This work describes a methodology to identify residues present in the hands of suspect by using a high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and collection procedure based on ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution as a complexing agent in moistened swabs. In order to distinguish real gunshot residues from others types of residues present in the hand of suspect, ternary ratio per cent diagrams were developed for antimony (Sb), barium (Ba) and lead (Pb) detected on the hands of volunteers, before and immediately after shooting tests, revealing a remarkable difference in both situations.
Fuel cells are attracting much interest as efficient and clean energy conversion devices. The main components of low temperature fuel cells are the electrocatalysts used to promote the anodic and cathodic reactions, which are based on platinum and platinum alloys. These electrocatalysts are normally prepared in the form of metal nanoparticles supported on a conductive material, usually high surface area carbon, to improve catalyst utilization and reduce cost. This work presents and comments some methods used presently to produce these electrocatalysts. The performances of the produced electrocatalysts are compared to that of state-of-the-art commercial E-TEK electrocatalysts.
The demand for analytical methods suitable for accurate and reproducible determination of drug enantiomers has increased significantly in the last years. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using chiral stationary phases and capillary electrophoresis (CE) are the most important techniques used for this purpose. In this paper, the fundamental aspects of chiral separations using both techniques are presented. Some important aspects for the development of enantioselective methods, particularly for the analysis of drugs and metabolites in biological samples, are also discussed.