968 resultados para Alsea Indians


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Este estudio analiza los mecanismos desarrollados en el siglo XVI por el grupo Pipil de la región de los Izalcos que les permitieron mantener, aunque no en su totalidad, los aspectos esenciales de su organización socio-política prehispánica. Las autoridades tradicionales (caciques y principales) desempeñaron un papel fundamental en la adecuación de dicho sistema al modelo castellano impuesto, el cabildo indígena. También se demuestra cómo dicha institución, a pesar de ser totalmente ajena al orden prehispánico, constituyó una pieza clave para la supervivencia de su organización socio-política tradicional.


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El Aymara es un pueblo andino milenario dedicado al pastoreo y a la agricultura, que tiene su origen alrededor del lagoTiticaca, comprendiendo lo que en la actualidad es parte de Bolivia y Perú, norte de Chile y norte de Argentina. Todo lorelevante al orden Aymara se vincula con sus creencias que se manifiestan en ritos y ceremonias. En el mundo andino, elconcepto de salud no se restringe sólo al bienestar físico y psíquico, sino que incluye el equilibrio y bienestar social y económico de la persona, su relación armoniosa en su familia y comunidad, con sus difuntos, sus espíritus protectores, la Madre Tierra y en su convivencia correcta y afectuosa con lachacra y el ganado, con la casa y la naturaleza. En este artículo se revisan algunos aspectos del pensamiento Aymara, sucosmovisión, ética y praxis. Se comenta como la salud, la enfermedad y los procedimientos terapéuticos están mediatizados por la cultura. Se expone como ejemplo el "ProyectoDe Salud Intercultural Desde Una Maternidad" en un hospital de Chile, donde mujeres Aymaras tienen derecho a un parto integrador.


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El Aymara es un pueblo andino milenario dedicado al pastoreo y a la agricultura, que tiene su origen alrededor del lagoTiticaca, comprendiendo lo que en la actualidad es parte de Bolivia y Perú, norte de Chile y norte de Argentina. Todo lorelevante al orden Aymara se vincula con sus creencias que se manifiestan en ritos y ceremonias. En el mundo andino, elconcepto de salud no se restringe sólo al bienestar físico y psíquico, sino que incluye el equilibrio y bienestar social y económico de la persona, su relación armoniosa en su familia y comunidad, con sus difuntos, sus espíritus protectores, la Madre Tierra y en su convivencia correcta y afectuosa con lachacra y el ganado, con la casa y la naturaleza. En este artículo se revisan algunos aspectos del pensamiento Aymara, sucosmovisión, ética y praxis. Se comenta como la salud, la enfermedad y los procedimientos terapéuticos están mediatizados por la cultura. Se expone como ejemplo el "ProyectoDe Salud Intercultural Desde Una Maternidad" en un hospital de Chile, donde mujeres Aymaras tienen derecho a un parto integrador.


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There is evidence that high altitude populations may be better protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension than low altitude natives, but the underlying mechanism is incompletely understood. In Tibetans, increased pulmonary respiratory NO synthesis attenuates hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. It has been speculated that this mechanism may represent a generalized high altitude adaptation pattern, but direct evidence for this speculation is lacking. We therefore measured systolic pulmonary-artery pressure (Doppler chocardiography) and exhaled nitric oxide (NO) in 34 healthy, middle-aged Bolivian high altitude natives and in 34 age- and sex-matched, well-acclimatized Caucasian low altitude natives living at high altitude (3600 m). The mean+/-SD systolic right ventricular to right atrial pressure gradient (24.3+/-5.9 vs. 24.7+/-4.9 mmHg) and exhaled NO (19.2+/-7.2 vs. 22.5+/-9.5 ppb) were similar in Bolivians and Caucasians. There was no relationship between pulmonary-artery pressure and respiratory NO in the two groups. These findings provide no evidence that Bolivian high altitude natives are better protected from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension than Caucasian low altitude natives and suggest that attenuation of pulmonary hypertension by increased respiratory NO synthesis may not represent a universal adaptation pattern in highaltitude populations.


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The Iowa Department of Human Services in consultation with the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska submits the following recommendations as directed by 2008 Iowa Acts, Chapter 1187, Section 5.


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About 30 million people live above 2500 m in the Andean Mountains of South America. Among them are 5.5 million Aymaras, an ethnic group with its own language, living on the altiplano of Bolivia, Peru, and northern Chile at altitudes of up to 4400 m. In this high altitude region traces of human population go back for more than 2000 years with constant evolutionary pressure on its residents for genetic adaptation to high altitude. Aymaras as the assumed direct descendents of the ancient cultures living in this region were the focus of much research interest during the last decades and several distinctive adaptation patterns to life at high altitude have been described in this ethnic group. The aim of this article was to review the physiology and pathophysiology of circulatory adaptation and maladaptation to longtime altitude exposure in Aymaras and Caucasians.


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Abstract: Transformations and invisible linkages : birth-related restrictions among the Yine of Eastern Peru


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The 2014 Iowa Tribal Summit on Cultural Preservation and Transportation was a three day event held in Ames, Iowa, where Tribal officials, transportation officials, and preservation partners sat down to discuss various topics of interest related to consultation under the National Historical Preservation Act. The goal of this Summit was for these groups to discuss and develop effective project consultation. These proceeding provide a summary of the event, as well as recommendations for how to approach similar events in the future. In sum, 13 tribal officials, 16 transportation officials, 10 preservation partners, and two moderators attended all parts of the Summit. The 2014 Summit was a successful event when assessed in terms of group participation and attendee feedback. However, all attendees agree that events such as this Summit are most effective when they occur on a somewhat regular basis, where consulting parties can have regular dialog and interaction regarding all aspects of consultation under the National Historical Preservation Act. Recommendations offered herein can be applied to various consultation situations. -- Summary, page iii


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.